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Differentiating the safety settings on ECDIS
Now let us see how the ECDIS screen will look like with all these settings. So let us say vessel’s draft is 9 meters and we set the following safety settings: Shallow contour: 9 meters Safety depth: 14 meters Safety Contour: 15 meters Deep Contour: 50 meters
In the ECDIS, this is how a ECDIS screen would display these settings in a fours colour display.
If you notice, for safety contour ECDIS has taken the 20 meter contour because 15 meter contour is not available.
There is another option in the ECDIS to use two colors to show these areas. When this option is selected, following will happen: Ø Safety contour and deep contour will merge Ø Shallow contour and safety contour will merge
Or we can say that light blue and blue color will merge and become blue. Same way, grey and white color will merge and become white. So there will be only two colors. One to show the shallow waters and other to show the navigable water. Even in the two color display, it is not that we cannot navigate in the shallow waters. This is because it is showing the contour and not the depth. In our example, the dividing line will be the 15 meters contour. The area below this contour will show as shallow waters (blue color). But as the safety depth is 11 meters (which will be below 15 meters contour), we can navigate in the shallow waters provided the depth is above 14 meters
Safety frame/zone/look ahead: The Master must set these values based on the requirement and the prevailing conditions.
S afety Frame:
The safety frame is intended for setting the size of the frame which will be used for the chart data analysis and for the generation of the anti-grounding alarms, alert areas and navigational alarms.
Ahead – window for the input of advance time for alarm / warning generation. This would need to be determined by the master and is depending on the ship’s speed, traffic situation, geographical limitations and manoeuvrability.
Port and Starboard corridor width – This also would need to be determined by the master as it is depending on expected traffic situation, ship particulars and geographical limitations (channels, fairways, etc).
------- -- Loo k-ahead range ----
Safe channe l w i d th 1
T he safety parameters as required by the master’s orders must not be changed by the watch officer. Under no circumstances are these to be altered without the express order of the master. Should the safety parameters stipulated by the master in the passage plan be amended during the voyage on the master’s request, then this must be recorded in the deck log book.
1.11 Crossing the Safety Contour: If the vessel does require to cross the safety contour, one of the below methods may be used after taking into account the hazards associated with each method, the prevailing conditions, vessel condition, the capabilities of the ECDIS equipment onboard and
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