Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
WORD FORMATION: Academic English
Read the texts of the unit again and fill the table. Use a dictionary when necessary. Table 7
MIND YOUR PRONUNCIATION 5. In which words is letter h not pronounced? 1. hour 2. honor 3. dishonest 4. homogeneity 5. hemisphere CONFUSABLES Translate the following words that are often confused and use them to write your own sentences. 1. close − to close − 2. complexity − complication − 3. namely − literally − 4. furthermore − further on − 5. confusion − embarrassment − 6. mean − means − 7. principle − principal − 8. sequences − consequences − 9. decide − solve − 10. case − occasion − 11. accident − incident − 12. occurrence − happening− GRAMMAR PRACTICE: For-to-Infinitive Construction (GR-12 p. 202) 7. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences.
1. If rationality were the criterion for things…, the world would be one gigantic field of soya beans. 2. Among other consequences, the discovery of radioactivity unlocked puzzle that had been tormenting Charles Darwin in the last decades of his life: the age of the Earth, inferred from the fossil record, vastly exceeded the calculated time required for earth … from its temperature (that of the Sun) when formed. 3. It’s possible for a camel … without drinking water for up to two weeks. 4. For mathematics… you actually need new ideas and plenty of room for creativity. 5. By the end of the 19th century many wise people believed that there was nothing much left for science …. 6. It took twenty years for physicists… a theory explaining atoms – namely, quantum mechanics, – and another 30 years for physicist Erwin Mueller to make the first microscopic images of them. 7. Rusting represents the natural tendency for iron … from the unstable condition 8. A slow molecule is a nearly stationary target for other molecules …. VOCABULARY STUDY Fill in the gaps with suitable words. Complexity and Scientific Laws
Modern research based on … (1) information shows that some mathematical facts cannot be compressed into theory because they are too … (2). The relationship between complexity and scientific laws goes … (3) to the 17th century when G.W. Leibniz in his Discourse on Metaphysics … (4) that one could … (5) between facts that can be described by some laws and those that are … (6), irregular facts. Leibniz states that theory has to be simpler than the data it explains, … (7) it does not describe anything. The concept of a law becomes vacuous if … (8) high mathematical complexity is permitted, because then one can always construct a law no matter how … (9) and patternless the data really are. … (10), if the only law that describes some data is an extremely complicated one, then the data are actually lawless. Today the … (11) of complexity and simplicity are put in precise … (12) terms by a modern branch of mathematics called algorithmic information theory.
LISTENING COMPREHENSION How Science Develops Listen to the professor giving a talk about the advance in science. a) Write a summary of the talk you have heard. Use the key expressions: Newtonian century Newtonian synthesis opponents to Newtonian ideas replacement of Aristotelian ideas extend to other fields chemical and electrical attraction unified theory of everything attraction and separation god as a geometer order and symmetry
b) In what connection were the following names mentioned in the lecture? Decartes Plato Galileo Aristotle Bacon
1. Read the text and arrange the paragraphs in the correct order: |
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