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Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Read the text and choose the correct word.
Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Research is the use of appropriate methods in attempting to discover new knowledge or to develop new applications of existing knowledge or to explore relationships between ideas or events. Scientific discoveries, technical/ technological (1) achievements and scholarly publications are all fruits of research. Every discipline develops tools and technology/techniques (2) appropriate to its subject mater, but whether undertaken by a scholar, technician/technologist (3) or a scientist, research always involves three basic steps: the formulation of the problem, the collection of relevant information and a concerted attempt to discover a solution or otherwise resolve the problem in a manner dictated by the available evidence. In the field of science and technology/techniques (4) fundamental (or properly scientific) research aims at enlarging man’s understanding of observable phenomena; the search is for general explanatory principles. Unlike applied or technological research fundamental research is not explicitly directed to the solution of a practical problem, although its results may, and usually do, suggest new technical /technological (5) possibilities. Knowledge of the atomic structure is a goal of fundamental research; possible applications of this knowledge − nuclear power plants and weapons − demand technological research and development. In practice, however, the distinction is less clear-cut: accidental scientific discoveries are often done by research workers pursuing a practical goal in industry and engineering.
Read the text and fill the gaps with the following verbs.
Newlands and Mendeleyev In March 1866, an English sugar refiner and amateur chemist named John Newlands presented a paper to the Chemical Society with his own idea for bringing order to the elements. He … (1) that when elements were arranged in order of increasing atomic weight, every eighth element was … (2) – or had properties similar to the first element in the group. Elements, he … (3), were multiples of 8, like notes in an octave. He therefore …(4) his system the ‘Law of Octaves’.
In 1870, Julius Lothar Meyer (1830-1895), a German chemist, who independently from Mendeleev drew up the periodic table, … (14) his version, showing the periodicity of chemical properties.
WORD FORMATION: Academic English Read the texts of the unit again and fill the table. Use a dictionary when necessary. Table 8
MIND YOUR PRONUNCIATION 5. In which words is letter p not pronounced? 1. pneumatic 2. psychology 3. phenomenon 4. pump 5. pneumonia GRAMMAR PRACTICE: Modal Verbs (GR-18 p. 205) |
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