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Write your abstract according to the requirements. COTTEIR ' 99 First International Conference on Transport, Environment & The information Revolution Presented by CTC September 1999 Bath, UK Many countries face similar problems of excessive demand on their transportation infrastructure with out dated, inefficient road and insufficient road and rail networks failing to meet the requirements of the users. The associated problems of congestion, pollution and traffic accidents have increased beyond acceptable levels, all of which have a tangible economic effect upon trade as well as upon the quality of life of most transportation network users- commuters, pedestrians, cyclists, travellers and drivers. Many see that there are two simple answers to the current problems · Build greater networks- unfortunately, this answer is nether cost effective nor desirable as the relationship between capacity and travelling times is not one. · Reduce the number of vehicles- the road vehicle, especially the car, has' become an intrinsic part of modern society in many countries. However, the socio-political forces acting against even minor restrictions in freedom cultivate great hostility in those affected. Another solution is to improve the efficiency of present networks. This will not only reduce the pressure on planners and politicians for action, allowing them time to consider the long term alternatives, but will also enable future networks to be designed with high levels of efficiency in mind, a quality that must be exploited in all developments in order to achieve maximum economic viability. The Conference and Technology Centre (CTC) is pleased to present its first International Conference on transportation issues. The Conference will provide an ideal opportunity to bring together exciting and novel ideas, state-of-the-art research and fundamental information to enable the challenging issues being faced to be discussed and fundamental information to enable the challenging issues being faced to be discussed and reviewed in depth. The result of such meeting can only be the focussing of research goals toward achievable and acceptable solutions to he growing public concern for the urban environment. Call for Papers. An abstract of no more than 500 words (3 pages) should be submitted to the Conference Administrator before 15 February 1999. lease ensure that the abstract title, the author's affiliation and up to four keywords are included with each submission. All abstracts and subsequent final papers will be subject to review by the Conference Advisory Committee. Reviewed and accepted papers being presented at the Conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings. For further information on this Conference please contact: The Conference & Technology Centre, 2 Moorland Close, Dibden Purlieu, Hants, SO45 SSH, UK Tel: 44(0) 1703 841551 Fax: 44(0) 1703 841478 Email: CTCentre@tcp.co.uk Replyform Title__________________ Initials_________________Surname______________ Organisation_______________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Telephone_______________________ Fax: ______________________ Email __________________________________ The Conference Topics Include: The Future of Transport
The Impact of the Information Age
Transport Management
Social Aspects |
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