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A set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information is called

A set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information is called


A set of all programs used by computer, and also all sphere of activity on their creation and application is called


Main components of personal computer(PC) include:


Which was the first mainframe computer?


5. 2 Kb of memory consists of __________byte


What is the smallest and basic unit of information storage in computer?


Information technology includes


 8. Computer consists of ______________ and _______


A set of components for collecting, storing, processing data and also providing information is called


Give definition to information system


11.A processor's speed is measured in......


Arrange the units of information beginning from the smallest:


Information process include:


Standard related to processes, products and other aspects of a particular field of activity


Match the standards in ICT

International standard

a standard adopted by an international organization

National standard a standard adopted by a national authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Standardization  
Industry standard standard related to processes, products and other aspects of a particular field of activity    
Organization standard a standard developed and approved by the organization itself, based on the necessity of its use to improve production and quality  
Non-profit association standard a standard non-profit professional organization (union, association, etc.), designed for wide application by different stakeholders.  



В 16. Match the types of information

text recorded on paper by hand or using a typewriter and printing equipment and stored on paper (manuscripts, documents, books, newspapers, etc.;
graphics processed by a variety of means and methods of Fine (fine arts, photography) and stored in the form of paintings, drawings, sculptures, photo cards, etc medicines
sound processed by means of a tape recording and stored on magnetic tapes, records and audio CDs
video information  processed by means of film and video and stored on film and videotape



 17. Match information and technologies


Give definition to information


Electronic device that is programmed to accept data, process data into useful information and store it for later use is called


 20. Main metrics of productivity of computer systems


 21. Type of information that can be processed by means of a tape recording and stored on magnetic tapes, records and audio CDs


 22. First calculating device in premechanical period of ICT is


 23. The Analytical Engine was invented by


Match the evolution of ICT

Premechanical Period Oral communication, first alphabet, hieroglyphics, abacus
Mechanical Period First calculator, mechanical computer, difference engine
Electromechanical Period Telephone, Morse code, telegraph, radio
Electronic Period ENIAC, PC, social media, cell phones, Internet 





The carrier of information is


 26. Which of the following is the appropriate definition of Information Technology?


Which of the following is a processing device of computer?


What kind of information can be processed by means of film and video and stored on film and videotape


What kind of information can be recorded on paper by hand or using a typewriter and printing equipment and stored on paper?


 30. 4 Gigabytes =........ Megabytes 4096


31. 40 bits =..... byte


 32. The data about objects and the processes of environment, their parameters and properties is called


First calculator, mechanical computer, difference engine were created in


Telephone, Morse code, telegraph, radio were created in


 35. ENIAC, PC, social media, cell phones, Internet are devices and technology of


Abacus was created in


System unit, monitor, keyboard are main components of Personal Computer


What is the meaning of CPU?


 43. Show the physical parts of the computer:


Number to decimal number


Where is BIOS located?


Specify portable computers:


Show the storage device:


Software are referred to as


 78. What are computer shortcuts?


What is Android?


What is the folder?


85. Windows. What is the archiving?  

 86. Windows. Specify programs archives  

87. The archiver is intended fo  

88. Command of archiving the file  

89. Command of extraction the file from archive  

90. Windows. The command " copy" is executed through…  

91. Graphical Operating System  

92. You can keep your personal files / folders in –  

93. The two broad categories of software are–  

94. Which of this definition of file?  

 95. Which of this definition of folder?  

96. What is file name extension?  

97. Match the classification of operating system  

Milti-user A multi-user operating system allows two or more users to run programs at the same time
Multuprocessing An operating system capable of supporting and utilizing more than one computer processor
Multitasking An operating system that is capable of allowing multiple applications (programms) to run at the same time
Real-time Real-time operating systems are used to control machinery, scientific instruments and industrial systems. All tasks in that system must execute on time



 98. Evolution of operating system

Time-shared operating system the processing of various tasks on a single computer and that too concurrently
Batch operating system do not interact with the computer directly
Distributed Operating System is distributed among various independent computers in such a way that they can easily communicate with each other and with the host computer too
Network Operating System runs on a server and provides the server the capability to manage data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions



Specify a user interface?


Give definition to Menu.


Match these OS with devices

Windows OS Personal Computer
Android OS For mobile device
Mac OS Apple Macintosh
Lunix Server



What is Windows XP?


Main objects in MS Access:


Table - store your data in your database (store your data in your spreadsheet/store your data in your presentation)

Query - ask questions about information stored in your tables (allow you to print data based on tables/used to store currency values)

Form- allow you to view data stored in your tables (allow you to sort records in a table/ask a question of data stored in a table)



  161.Data type Number is used to enter numeric data.
  162. MS Access. Extension of the document MS Access.
  163. MS Access. Filtering means

Give definition to Web Page


Show the types of Security.


Major security threats


Match the C.I.A. triangle



availability data is available when and where you need
integrity information is correct and not changed over its entire life-cycle
confidentiality is the protection of information from unauthorized access



Some examples of multimedia


 393. What extensions have image files?


SMART goals should be:



Web designer

Computer operator


System analyst


Match elements of Internet


IP address an unique name that is used to identify a computer or device on network
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the internet protocol to send data in the form of message units between computers over the internet
Domain name a way to identify and locate computers connected to internet



Green technology includes:

Match Smart technologies


Big Data a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate to deal with them
Green Technology sometimes hard for people to get a hold on. The words themselves " Information and Communications Technology" sound weightless and futuristic, perhaps leading us to the misconception the ICT itself is inherently efficient and green
Smart services have the potential to impact global carbon emissions. Our industry is well positioned to make the world more sustainable by connecting sensor-based data with analytical capacity to improve people’s lives and increase resource efficiency in diverse areas such as smart homes, smart cities, smart energy or smart mobility
Telemedicine the remote delivery of healthcare services over the telecommunications infrastructure
Teleconference a telephone meeting among two or more participants involving technology more sophisticated than a simple two-way phone connection


Show smart devices

What is startup?


Definition of E-logistics?


477. Advanced forms of payment systems are financial procedures carried out via...


 478. An early stage of the life cycle of the enterprise on which the entrepreneur moves from the business idea to the fundraising, building the foundations of the business structure and the beginning of business activity?


What is payment system?


 489. A set of services, devices, other products of the same company, which are inextricably linked in a single network is called


What is accelerator?


What is payment terminal?


A set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information is called


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