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Menus store and organize files and folders in the computer


Hardware and Software are components of


 105. Technical means - it is


Is defined as a named collection of data


Which of this graphical operating system


The archiver is intended for compression of files


Operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer


Multi-user, Multiprocessing, Multitasking are classification of


Some important functions of an OS


Give definition to Human-computer interaction (HCI).


Specify a user interface?


Give definition to Command line interface (CLI).


Definition of graphical user interface (GU


Pictures, graphics and icons are elements of


What does mean interaction between the user and a computer?


Window are known as WYSIWYG this stands for


Show the interaction between computer and human.


Give definition to Menu.


Show the definition of desktop.


Show the other name of utilities.


Human-computer interaction has three compo


124. A graphical user interface (GUI) is also known as a WIMP interface:


Windows, Button, Icons, Menu elements of


Match evolution of Windows OS

Windows 1.0 1985
Windows 10 2015
Windows 98 1998
Windows XP 2001



Match these OS with devices

Windows OS Personal Computer
Android OS For mobile device
Mac OS Apple Macintosh
Lunix Server



Specify the types of WINDOWS Operating System


The most important program that runs on a computer


Graphical user interface (GUI), Command line interface (CLI) are types of


What is Windows XP?


Specify main function of Start-up butto


 133. Show the other name of service programs


134. Windows OS. The command " to insert" is executed through…


135.Windows OS. The command Ctrl+P means


Menu is the list of commands displayed on the screen


Desktop is manage your data from hard disk


Give definition to database.


139. Show the definition of Database management system (DBMS) :


140. ………………… is software package for creation and managing databases


Specify correct definition of Microsoft Access


Give definition to Table in Microsoft Access.


Give definition to Query in Microsoft Access.


Give definition to Form in Microsoft Access.


Give definition to Report in Microsoft Access.


146. MS Access. Tables consist of:


147. Specify data type Text in MS Access.


148.Specify data type Memo in MS Access.



149.Specify data type Number in MS Access.


150.Specify data type Currency in MS Access.


151. Specify data type Date/Time in MS Access.


152.Specify definition of a Primary Key in Microsoft Access.


153. ………………… is display information from one or more tables based on a selection criteria


154.  ………………… is an arrangement of data in a fields and records.


155. ………………… is used to customize formats for adding, editing, deleting or displaying data.


156 ………………… is contain data from one or more tables and databases that can be printed.


MS Access. What data type of the field allows insert a picture or video clip?


158. Main objects in Access:


Match the types of data in Access:


Date/Time field used to store dates and times
Currency used to store currency values
Memo field used to large blocks of text up to 65536 characters
Number field used to store numeric information



Main objects in MS Access:


Table - store your data in your database (store your data in your spreadsheet/store your data in your presentation)

Query - ask questions about information stored in your tables (allow you to print data based on tables/used to store currency values)

Form- allow you to view data stored in your tables (allow you to sort records in a table/ask a question of data stored in a table)



  161.Data type Number is used to enter numeric data.
  162. MS Access. Extension of the document MS Access.
  163. MS Access. Filtering means

Microsoft Access is a powerful program to create and manage databases

Вопрос 165. Table is display information from one or more tables based on a selection criteria

My SQL, File Maker, MS Access examples of

Show correct definition following examples.

......... is a powerful program to create and manage databases


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