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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

What is the meaning of CPU?


 43. Show the physical parts of the computer:


In an octal numeral system the following numbers are used:


Integrated circuits are the element base of


46. A volatile memory is...


The scanner is output device of computer


Transistors are the element base of first generation of computers


RAM and ROM are the primary memory


 50. The base of a hexacademical number system is


 51. Show the memory:


 52. Show the types of pointing devices:


The basic parts of computer consist of:


Show the element base of 5th generation of computers:


55. Show the generations of computer in accordance with their element base:



Printer which forms the image on the page by spraying tiny droplets of ink from the print head:


What of devices belongs to peripherals of the personal computer?


Number to decimal number


Where is BIOS located?


Show the appointment of CD-RW:


61. The principle of open architecture of the COMPUTER belongs to…


Specify portable computers:


External (secondary) memory of the computer:


Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data?


A wireless mouse communicates with the computer using:


 66. In an hexadecimal number system the following numbers are used:


In an decimal numeral system the following numbers are used:


 68.  Memory in the processor of small capacity with high speed:


The base of binary number system is


The base of octal number system is


Show the storage device:


The element base of 1 generation of computers:


The element base of 2 generation of computers:


The element base of 3 generation of computers:


The element base of 4 generation of computers


76. Windows, OS X and Linux are examples of _________________


Software are referred to as


 78. What are computer shortcuts?


What is Android?


Which is the first program run on a computer when the computer boots up?


Which of the following Operating System does not implement multitasking truly?


82. The " desktop" of a computer refers to:


83. Windows. The command " print" is executed through…


What is the folder?


85. Windows. What is the archiving?  

 86. Windows. Specify programs archives  

87. The archiver is intended fo  

88. Command of archiving the file  

89. Command of extraction the file from archive  

90. Windows. The command " copy" is executed through…  

91. Graphical Operating System  

92. You can keep your personal files / folders in –  

93. The two broad categories of software are–  

94. Which of this definition of file?  

 95. Which of this definition of folder?  

96. What is file name extension?  

97. Match the classification of operating system  

Milti-user A multi-user operating system allows two or more users to run programs at the same time
Multuprocessing An operating system capable of supporting and utilizing more than one computer processor
Multitasking An operating system that is capable of allowing multiple applications (programms) to run at the same time
Real-time Real-time operating systems are used to control machinery, scientific instruments and industrial systems. All tasks in that system must execute on time



 98. Evolution of operating system

Time-shared operating system the processing of various tasks on a single computer and that too concurrently
Batch operating system do not interact with the computer directly
Distributed Operating System is distributed among various independent computers in such a way that they can easily communicate with each other and with the host computer too
Network Operating System runs on a server and provides the server the capability to manage data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions



Tailor-made software, General purpose software, Application Package software examples of


Ms Word Processor examples of


An operating system for smartphones and tablets


Android is operating system for smartphones and tablets


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