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Xxx/74xx register allocation

Register offset Name Minimum value Maximum value Scaling factor Units Bits/ Sign
0-1 Current time since 1/1/70 0 4.29 x109 1 Seconds 32
2-3 Time to next maintenance -2.14 x109 2.14 x109 1 Seconds 32S
4-5 Time of next maintenance since 1/1/70 0 4.29 x109 1 Seconds 32
6-7 Engine run time 0 4.29 x109 1 Seconds 32
8-9 Generator positive KW hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KW hour 32
10-11 Generator negative KW hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KW hour 32
12-13 Generator KVA hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KVA hour 32
14-15 Generator KVAr hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KVAr hour 32
16-17 Number of starts 0 99999     32
18-19 Mains positive KW hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KW hour 32
20-21 Mains negative KW hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KW hour 32
22-23 Mains KVA hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KVA hour 32
24-25 Mains KVAr hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KVAr hour 32
26-27 Bus positive KW hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KW hour 32
28-29 Bus negative KW hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KW hour 32
30-31 Bus KVA hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KVA hour 32
32-33 Bus KVAr hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KVAr hour 32
34-35 Fuel used 0 4.29 x109 1 Litre 32
36-37 Maximum positive mains R.O.C.O.F. 0 10.00 0.01 Hz/s 32
38-39 Maximum negative mains R.O.C.O.F. 0 10.00 0.01 Hz/s 32
40-41 Maximum positive mains vector shift 0 360.0 0.1 Degrees 32
42-43 Maximum negative mains vector shift 0 360.0 0.1 Degrees 32
44-45 Time to next maintenance alarm 1 -2.14 x109 2.14 x109 1 Seconds 32S
46-47 Time of next maintenance alarm 1 since 1/1/70 0 4.29 x109 1 Seconds 32
48-49 Time to next maintenance alarm 2 -2.14 x109 2.14 x109 1 Seconds 32S
50-51 Time of next maintenance alarm 2 since 1/1/70 0 4.29 x109 1 Seconds 32
52-53 Time to next maintenance alarm 3 -2.14 x109 2.14 x109 1 Seconds 32S
54-55 Time of next maintenance alarm 3 since 1/1/70 0 4.29 x109 1 Seconds 32
56-255 Reserved          


Xx register allocation

Register offset Name Minimum value Maximum value Scaling factor Units Bits/ Sign
0-1 Current time since 1/1/70 0 4.29 x109 1 Seconds 32
2-7 Unimplemented (Reserved for future use)         32
8-9 S2 positive KW hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KW hour 32
10-11 Unimplemented (Reserved for future use)         32
12-13 S2 KVA hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KVA hour 32
14-15 S2 KVAr hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KVAr hour 32
16-17 Unimplemented (Reserved for future use)         23
18-19 S1 positive KW hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KW hour 32
20-21 Unimplemented (Reserved for future use)         23
22-23 S1 KVA hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KVA hour 32
24-25 S1 KVAr hours 0 4.29 x109 0.1 KVAr hour 32
26-55 Unimplemented (Reserved for future use)         32
56-255 Reserved          


Page 8 - Alarm Conditions


1. These are read only registers.

2. This is the old alarm system, for 72x/73xx and 8xxx/74xx families page 154 should be used instead.

3. Each alarm can be in one of 15 conditions as shown in the table below.

4. Registers 1-32 contain the status of named, internally generated, alarms and indications. These may be extended by future versions of GenComm and any software that reads them must be able to cope with such extensions. This is possible because register 0 specifies the number of pre-defined internal alarm conditions that are implemented on a slave device, the software should read and process the specified number. The software does not need to know the definitions of any new alarms since it can read the alarms strings and display them as specified by the alarm condition. All unimplemented pre-defined alarms return the unimplemented value 15, not an exception.

5. Registers 129-160 contain the status of unnamed digital inputs. Register 128 specifies the number of unnamed digital inputs and any software that reads them must be able to cope with all 128 in the same way as for the pre-defined alarms. All unimplemented digital inputs up to 128 will return the unimplemented value 15, not an exception.

6. Each alarm has 2 strings in pages 32-95 which can be displayed on a PC for example, the alarm code specifies which string it is appropriate to display.

7. The contents of alarm strings will never change while the slave device is operating so a copy can be held by the master to minimise traffic.


Register offset Name Minimum value Maximum value Bits/ Sign
0 Number of named alarms 97 128 16
1 Emergency stop 0 15 13/16-16/16
  Low oil pressure 0 15 9/16-12/16
  High coolant temperature 0 15 5/16-8/16
  High oil temperature 0 15 1/16-4/16
2 Under speed 0 15 13/16-16/16
  Over speed 0 15 9/16-12/16
  Fail to start 0 15 5/16-8/16
  Fail to come to rest 0 15 1/16-4/16
3 Loss of speed sensing 0 15 13/16-16/16
  Generator low voltage 0 15 9/16-12/16
  Generator high voltage 0 15 5/16-8/16
  Generator low frequency 0 15 1/16-4/16
4 Generator high frequency 0 15 13/16-16/16
  Generator high current 0 15 9/16-12/16
  Generator earth fault 0 15 5/16-8/16
  Generator reverse power 0 15 1/16-4/16
5 Air flap 0 15 13/16-16/16
  Oil pressure sender fault 0 15 9/16-12/16
  Coolant temperature sender fault 0 15 5/16-8/16
  Oil temperature sender fault 0 15 1/16-4/16
6 Fuel level sender fault 0 15 13/16-16/16
  Magnetic pickup fault 0 15 9/16-12/16
  Loss of AC speed signal 0 15 5/16-8/16
  Charge alternator failure 0 15 1/16-4/16
7 Low battery voltage 0 15 13/16-16/16
  High battery voltage 0 15 9/16-12/16
  Low fuel level 0 15 5/16-8/16
  High fuel level 0 15 1/16-4/16




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