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Exercise 1.Translate the following word combinations:

an experienced manager; formal communication; every educated person; all necessary relevant and accurate facts; a job applicant; the recipient of the letter; from this point of view; desired response; relevant facts; the layout of the letter; to spell correctly; accurate facts






Writing an effective business letter is an important skill for every educated person who wants to be successful in formal communication. Formal letters are normally sent to people in an official position or people you don’t know well (e.g. Director of Studies, Personnel Manager, etc.) They are written in a formal style with a polite, impersonal tone.

Remember "Golden Rules" for writing business letters:

1. Give your letter a heading if it helps the reader to see at a glance what you are writing   about.

2. Decide what you are going to say before you start to write.

3. Use short sentences.

4. Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph.

5. Use short words that everyone can understand.

6. Think about your reader. Your reader…

…must be able to see exactly what you mean: your letters should be clear;

…must be given all necessary information: your letters should be complete;

…is a busy person with no time to waste: your letters should be concise;

…must be addressed to in a polite tone: your letters should be courteous;

…may get a bad impression if there are mistakes in grammar: your letters should be correct.

Hence there are five main steps considered in creating an effective business letter:

1. Identify your aims

Establish what you want to achieve from the letter. Create your letter based on your aims.

2. Establish the facts

Make sure you have all necessary relevant and accurate facts. For example, if you are a job applicant, you might include some resume facts, interview impressions or references.

3. Know the recipient of the letter

It works better if you write in the language of your recipient. Try to imagine yourself in the place of your recipient. Read tour letter from this point of view. It will help you to get your desired response.

4. Create a sample copy

Having established your aims and thought of the relevant facts with a view of the recipient – write down the main part of your letter.

5. Decide on the layout of the letter

The physical appearance of a letter consists of the paper and the envelope. It is essential that the name and address should be spelt correctly. Design your letter following the formal elements of business letters.


Task 4. Match the steps and their functions.

1) Identifying the aims means… A. thinking of the meaningful facts combined together
2) Establishing the facts means… B. knowing his/her language, interests, knowledge
3) Knowing the recipient means… C. thinking of the envelope and letter style design
4) Creating a sample copy means… D. writing the main elements of the letter  
5) Deciding on the physical layout of the letter means… E. realizing what you want to get from the letter

A business letter has a specific format. It should consist of:

a) A formal greeting (e.g. Dear Sir/Madam – when you do not know the person’s name; Dear Ms Smith – when you know the person’s name);

b) An introduction in which you write your opening remarks and mention your reason(s) for writing e.g. I am writing to apply for the position of …);

c) A main body in which you write about the main subject(s) of the letter in detail, starting a new paragraph for each topic;

d) A conclusion in which you write your closing remarks e.g. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible…;

e) A formal ending (Yours faithfully – when you do not know the person’s name; Yours sincerely – when you know the person’s name; + your full name).


Task 5. Analyze the structure of the business letter.

GIMBEL& CO Ltd 21 High Street, Blackheath, London SE3B 5HY Tel: 01-564-8843 7th May 2002 The address of the firm sending the letter (the letterhead) is often printed on the paper The date
M.Lawson Esq, Manager, Filbury & Johns, 20 Shaftsbury Avenue, London W1A 4WW   The name, position, firm and address of the addressee
Our ref: DM/SK   Dear Mr Lawson, The reference (the initials of the person writing the letter and the person who types it)
Thank you for your letter of 4th May enquiring about our range of office equipment. The first paragraph says why you are writing
I enclose an up-to-date price list and our latest catalogue which I hope includes something of interest to you. You will notice that we offer very favourable terms of payment. The second paragraph says what you want or what you are doing (the real reason for writing the letter)
I look forward to hearing from you again. The final paragraph is a polite ending
Yours sincerely You write 'Yours sincerely", if you know the name of the addressee and 'Yours faithfully" if you don't
David Jones Sales Manager The signature The person writing the letter His position in the firm
Encs Here the enclosures are the catalogue and price list


The formal style of business letters is usually considered in four aspects:

1. Format:

There are three main formats, accepted in formal written communication:

a) blocked – all the elements of a letter are left oriented;

b) modified blocked – the parts are left oriented except the date and closing which are placed in the center;

c) semi-blocked – looks like the modified blocked style, only each paragraph is indented.

2. Prose:

Clarity of communication is the primary goal. Don’t use any jargon or slang if your recipient doesn’t understand or share it. Short sentences are preferable, because they are easier to understand and interpret in the right way. Don’t ramble, dive precise and relevant information.

3. Manner:

Personalize your letters, be polite and friendly in all cases, whatever the subject of your writing is. Your letter should leave an impression that much effort and thought has been put into writing it.

4. Accuracy:

The final copy of your letter is to be polished and checked for spelling and punctuation.


Task 6. Identify the functions ticking the right columns.

  format prose manner accuracy
Spelling and punctuation checking          
Using short, laconic sentences          
Using modified blocks          
Personalizing the letter          
Using semi-blocks          
Polishing the grammar and vocabulary of the letter        
Using proper vocabulary          
Being precise, avoiding non-meaningful phrases        
Trying to be friendly in all cases          
Using blocks          
Giving impressions of hard and meaningful work over the letter        
Checking sentences for their relevance          


The formal style is characterized by the use of:

• advanced vocabulary

e.g. I am writing to enquire whether ... (not: / want-to know if)

• linking words/phrases (consequently, however, therefore, for this reason)

e.g. I have worked as a primary school teacher for ten years and therefore have experience working with children.

• passive voice

e.g. I can be contacted... (not: You can contact me...)

• polite forms without contractions

e.g. I would be grateful if ..., I would appreciate it if you could ..., I would like to apply

Colloquial expressions, phrasal verbs, idioms and short forms are not used in formal style


Task 7. Translate the following text using definitions of the words in bold type.

Letter Layout


A business letter style usually consists of

the following elements:

  1. Letterhead (1)                                                    1. the name and address of a person,

It includes your name, address, telephone number,                   company or organization printed at

fax number, e-mail address, web address.                      the top of the writing paper

  1. Dateline
  2. Name and address of the recipient

You can also add job title if necessary. Doublecheck (2) 2. check for a second time or with

that you have the correct spelling of the recipient’s       great care


  1. Salutations (3)                                                    3. the words that are used in a letter

The type of salutation depends on your relationship      to address the person you are

with the recipient. Try to personalize your letter,           writing to, for example “Dear Sir”

avoid (4) the “dear sir/madam” salutation.                     4. try not to do something

  1. Communication

A number of paragraphs, where you give the reason of

your writing, all those facts and information which

represent the matter of your writing. Each paragraph

deals with one point only.

  1. Closing

It’s a polite way to finish your letter using standard and

formal phrases. Don’t use familiar (5) closing if your   5. very informal, sometimes in a

reader doesn’t know you well.                                       way that is unpleasant

  1. Signature

The signature should be clear and legible (6), it shows 6. clear enough to read

You are interested in the letter and the recipient.

It should also be followed by your name printed.

  1. Enclosures (7)                                                    7. other documents that are placed

If you attach (8) other material to the letter, put the     in an envelope with a letter

words “Enclosure”, “enc.”, or “encl.”, two lines            8. fasten or join

below your signature.



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