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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Task 16. Guess what types of business letters are taken into consideration.

1. There are several situations that require a _______ after an employment interview: when someone gives you job search assistance and after a company visit or other career exploration activity.

2. The reasons for writing a _______ can be various: to obtain information, to make reservations (at hotels, restaurants, theatres), to ask for special favours (permission, assistance, financial support, appointment), to receive booklets, catalogues, price lists, sample products etc.

3. The occasions for _______ are numerous: promotions, appointments, and elections; achievements, awards and honours; marriages and births; holidays, anniversaries and retirements.

4. Formal events, such as receptions, banquets, and other formal social gatherings usually require _______, and they should be cordial and sincere, designed as a usual letter; a formal one is less personal, centred, written in the third person.


Task 17. Imagine that you are a young scientist. You have been studying abroad for several years and now you have returned to Ukraine. Write a letter of request to your scientific supervisor and ask him / her about the changes occurred and the current state in your sphere of science. Mind the useful language given below.

Useful language for letters of request

Opening remarks

Formal Informal
I am writing to inquire about / in connection with / could you possibly / I would be grateful if you could / would it possible for you / I would appreciate some information about / another matter I need / I wondered if you could possibly do me a favour / I would be most grateful if you could I want you to tell me / can you let me know / can you also find out / could you do something for me
Closing remarks I look forward to receiving / I would appreciate it if you could inform me as soon as possible / I hope it is not so much trouble / thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter Please let me know / tell me soon / I hope you can help me out

Task 18. Choose one of the following situations a) or b) to write a letter of apology. Mind the useful language given below.

a) Imagine that you are a young scientist. You conduct a scientific experiment with a senior colleague, your scientific adviser, who asked you to process the results of the experiment to present them at the international conference. You were terribly short of time and interpreted some data incorrectly. You discovered your mistake when your boss had already left for the conference. Write a letter of apology to him.

b) Imagine that you are a member of international research team. You have a detailed plan of work, but due to some reason you can’t complete your part of the work in time. Write a letter of apology to the manager of the project explaining the reason for being behind the schedule and negotiate a new deadline.


Useful language for letters of apology

Opening remarks

Formal Informal
I am writing to apology for / I must apology for / please accept my sincerest apologies for / how can I apology enough for / I must apologise profusely for I hope you will understand when I say that / what can I say, except I’m sorry that / I’m sorry for / I owe you an apology / I’m sorry if I upset you in any way / I can’t describe how sorry I am and how guilty I feel
Closing remarks Once again, my sincerest apologies for / I hope you will accept my apologies / I hope my apologies will be / are accepted I hope you believe me when I say how sorry I am / I can’t tell you how sorry I am / I beg you to forgive me for / there is no excuse for… and I hope you’ll forgive me


Outline Introduction Paragraph 1 Relationship to the applicant Main body Paragraphs 2-5 Qualities of the applicant Conclusion Final paragraph Closing remarks and additional comments Full name
Task 19. Imagine you’re a personnel manager. One of your best employees has moved to another city. Write a letter of recommendation for him in which you should make a general assessment of the qualities, characteristics, and capabilities of the person, or confirms details about his situation or circumstances. Follow the business letter format and include your phone number and/or e-mail so the reader can contact you with any questions. Mind the outline on the right.


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