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Nico is a chef and has his own restaurant, the Blue Jar. He lives in Chile with his wife and her three children, aged 16, 12, and 9.Стр 1 из 10Следующая ⇒
The students of KSMU The Karaganda state medical University was founded in 1950. As in all medical universities of our Republic the course of studies is six years. During this period the students master the basis of theoretical and practical medicine. For two years the students learn the so- called pre-clinical subjects, such as Chemistry, human anatomy, Biology, Histology and others. The students work much in class, at the University laboratories and libraries. The students have clinical subjects from the third to the fifth year. During this period the students learn to diagnose different diseases, to carry out laboratory analyses and to treat patients for these diseases. In the sixth year the students gain more experience in one of the main clinical subjects: Therapy, Surgery or Obstetrics. These subjects are very necessary for future doctors. Some students join students’ scientific societies. There they work on those subjects which they care for. It may be Biology, Chemistry or Anatomy and others. In the Anatomy scientific society the subject of the students work may be the study of the heart or other organs of the body. In the second year some students join the Physiology scientific society where they study the functions of the organs. The work in the scientific societies will help the students to gain more experience and increase the knowledge in the field of medicine. Father & Daughter – whose day is more stressful? Astana ALMATY. In 1854 Russia spreading its economic and political interest to the south founded a military fortification “Zailiyskoe” there. Soon it got the name “Vernoe”, and in 1867 it became a city. In 1921 “Vernoe” was renamed into Alma-Ata. And in 1929 Alma-Ata became the capital of Kazakhstan. When Kazakhstan gained its independence, the city got its historical name Almaty. A lot of unique buildings and constructions were erected in Almaty. Mountain ice sport centre “Medeu”, mountain-skiing centre “Chimbulak”, museums, and theatres are here, too. There is the National Academy of sciences, a number of universities and institutes in Almaty. As the capital was transferred to Astana, Almaty got a special status: it became the political, financial, scientific and social-cultural centre of the state.Today Almaty is the main transport centre with two railway lines, five highways; there is an international airport here. The chief industry is machinery engineering and food one.Thanks to its unique location – among emerald-blue snow-covered tops of the Alatau Mountains – Almaty is really a pearl of Kazakhstan. ASTANA. After Kazakhstan had gained its independence, the city got its former name – Akmola. But in 1998, when the capital was transferred from Almaty, the city got a symbolic name – Astana. The decision (to transfer the capital) depended on some economic, ecological and geographical factors. The main arguments in choosing the place for the new capital were the general condition of the city, its territory, and well-developed transport system. Besides, it stimulates the prosperity of the northern, central and eastern regions. For the last few years Astana has changed. It became a beautiful city of Kazakhstan. The city centre impresses especially. The grand buildings of the Government and the Parliament Houses, other administrative establishments meet all modern requirements. Music College, Opera House, the Central Square are marked by magnificent architectural composition. Republic Avenue is wonderful at night. Citizens and guests of Astana like walking along the embankment of the Ishim with attractions, parks and cafes working half the night. London London is the capital of Great Britain and one of the oldest British cities. When Julius Caesar came to Britain in the year 55 B.C., he founded a small settlement on the bank of the Thames. As years passed by, this small settlement grew into a large town and in 1066 became the capital of the country. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange. Westminster is the most important part of the capital. It's the administrative centre. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. It's a very beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big bell, known as "Big Ben". Big Ben is really the bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey. It's a very beautiful church built over 900 years ago. The tombs of many great statesmen, scientists and writers are there. Westminster is the governmental part of London. Nearly all English kings and queens have been crowned in Westminster Abbey. Many outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers, poets, and painters are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Chaucer, Dickens, Tennyson, Kipling, etc. Across the road from Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, the seat of the British Parliament. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen. The Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was named in memory of Admiral Nelson's victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson's Column stands in the middle of the square. On the north side of the Trafalgar Square is the National Portrait Gallery. Not far away is the British Museum — the biggest museum in London. It contains a priceless collection of ancient manuscripts, coins, sculptures, etc., and is also famous for its library. Modern London is a very large city. It is one of the largest cities in the world and a large industrial, cultural, scientific, educational and art centre. The historical centre of the capital is the City of London. It is the business centre of London. The Royal Exchange, the Bank of England, most of London’s other banks and offices are situated there, and in the daytime it is a very busy part of the capital. In the evening and night hours, however, the City is almost empty, because the offices and banks are closed, and very few people live in the City. The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. It is a district of rich shops, fine houses and palaces, gardens and parks, theatres, concert halls and restaurants. The East End is the industrial part of London, the district of factories and docks. London is famous for its architecture. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament with Big Ben, the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge over the Thames have a world-wide fame. There are many other places of interest in London, such as the British Museum, Trafalgar Square with the Nelson Column, the National Gallery, Piccadilly Circus, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace and many others. Washington D.C. The beautiful city of Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States and the centre of its government. The capital was named after the first president George Washington and was founded in 1790. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. Washington is not the largest city in the USA. It has a population only 9000,000. Washington D.C. has nothing characteristically American in it, as its conception is purely French. It has long wide avenues, gardens, beautiful parks and no skyscrapers at all. Washington is the residence of the President and the Congress of the USA. The White House is the President’s residence, the Capitol – the seat of the American Congress. The largest and the highest among the buildings is the Capitol with its great House of Representatives and Senate Chamber. There are no skyscrapers because no other building must be higher than the Capitol. All American presidents except George Washington (the White House was not yet built in his time) have lived in the White House. It was built in 1799. Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre, where there are many research institutes, five universities, the National Academy of Science and the Library of Congress. There is one more well-known building in Washington – Pentagon, the residence of the US Military department. It is situated in the suburbs to the south of the Potomac. Washington is one-industry town. That industry is government. It does not produce anything except very much scrap paper. Every day 25 railway cars leave Washington loaded with scrap paper. Washington has many historical places. Not far from the Capitol is the Washington Monument, which looks like a very big pencil. It rises 160 meters. A special lift brings visitors to the top in 70 seconds from where they can enjoy a wonderful view of the whole city. The Jefferson Memorial was built in memory of the third President of the USA, Thomas Jefferson, who was also the author of the Declaration of Independence. The memorial is surrounded by cherry-trees. The Lincoln Memorial is devoted to the memory of the 16th President of the US, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in America. Stonehenge The great stone monument of Stonehenge is the best known and most remarkable of prehistoric remains in Britain. It has stood on Salisbury Plain for about 4,000 years. No written records exist of its origin, and it has always been surrounded by mystery. There have been many different theories, but still nobody knows why it was built. 1. One theory is that it was a place from where stars and planets could be observed. It was discovered that the position of some stones was related to the movements of the sun and moon, so that the stones could be used as a calendar to predict such things as eclipses. 2. At one time people thought that Stonehenge was a Druid temple. The Druids were a Celtic religious group before the Norman Conquest. Some people believe that the Druids were a group of priests who practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism. 3. Another theory is that the great stone circle was used to store terrestrial energy which was then generated across the country through the so-called ley lines, which are invisible channels for a special kind of power. 4. Besides the theories of scientists, there are local legends. One of them tells that Stonehenge was built by the devil in a single night. He flew forwards and backwards between Ireland and Salisbury Plain carrying huge stones one by one and setting them in place. As he worked, he laughed to himself. "That will make people think. They will never know how the stones came here!" But a friar was hiding in a ditch nearby. The devil saw the friar and threw a stone at him which hit the friar on the heel. The stone which the devil threw is known as the heel stone, and people will show it to you lying by the side of the road. Easter Easter is a religious holiday, but many follow old traditions during the holiday such as dyeing hard-boiled eggs, and making presents of chocolate eggs, rabbits and chicks. Many parents organize Easter egg hunts, in which children look for dyed eggs hidden around the house or in the garden. Christmas Christmas is a very great religious holiday. On this day many go to Church services to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. There are many Christmas traditions, for example to give presents to the children with the help of Santa Claus, to exchange presents and Christmas greeting cards, to decorate a Christmas tree with toys and small lights. New Year It is not such important holiday in England as Christmas. Some people don’t celebrate it at all. Many people have New Year parties. At midnight the people listen to the chimes of Big Ben, drink a toast to the New Year. In London crowds usually gather round the statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus and welcome the New Year. St. Valentine’s Day For centuries it (February 14th) has been a day for choosing sweethearts and exchanging Valentine cards. On this day, people show their friends, relatives and loved ones that they care. People send candy or flowers to those whom they love. There are several legends about St. Valentine’s Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was an Italian bishop. He was put into prison, because he secretly married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman empire. He was beheaded on February 14th. May Spring Festival It is celebrated on the 1st of May mostly by children and young people. It is celebrated with garlands of flowers, dancing and games on the village green, where they erect a maypole – a tall pole decorated with flowers and ribbons. The most beautiful girl is crowned with a garland of flowers as the May Queen. Spring Bank Holiday It is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It is an official holiday, when all the offices are closed and people don’t go to work. Many people go to the country on this day and have picnics. Late Summer Bank Holiday It is an official holiday, and it is celebrated on the last Monday in August. During the August Bank Holiday townsfolk usually go to the country and to the seacoast. The August Bank Holiday is also a time for big sports meetings at large stadiums. And most traditionally, there are large fairs with swings, shows and every kind of other entertainments. Guy Fawkes Night It commemorates the discovery of the so-called Gunpowder Plot. The story says that there was a plot to destroy the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I during the ceremony of opening Parliament on November 5th, 1605. The plot was organized by a group of Roman Catholics. But the gunpowder was found together with Guy Fawkes, who was to set off the explosion. He was hanged later. This day is traditionally celebrated with fireworks and a bonfire, on which the figure of a man called Guy is burnt. Holiday in the USA The population of the United States is made up of people of very many nationalities. Their predecessors came to America from different countries, and they brought their native celebrations with them. They all became Americans, but they kept many traditions of those countries they had come from. That is why the number of holidays in different states of America is various. But the most important holidays are marked throughout the United States. One of the greatest holidays is Independence Day. It was on July 4, 1776, that the Declaration of Independence was signed, proclaiming independence of thirteen British colonies from Great Britain. July 4 has became the greatest holiday since. In the past this day was marked with big parades and fireworks, but now it is celebrated more quietly. Cities and towns are decorated with flags on that day, there are parades in some places, but most people just go on picnics to the countryside. Another great holiday is New Year's Day. People see the old year off and the New Year in. Most people stay up all night, even children. At midnight many people go outside and shout "Happy New Year!" Some people set off fireworks and blow automobile horns which are heard everywhere. Everybody exchanges presents and good wishes. Offices, factories, banks and stores do not work on this day. Christmas is a religious holiday which symbolized the birth of Jesus Christ. By this day people set fir trees in their houses and decorate them with toys and candies. Children wait for Santa Claus who comes to every house and brings them presents. Before going to bed, children leave their shoes to find in them what they want most of all the next morning. Some people, especially young people, like to celebrate in good companies, in restaurants and cafes, but most people prefer to stay at home with the whole family on this day. Thanksgiving Day is kind of religious holiday too. It falls on the fourth Thursday in November. On this day people thank God for his goodness; besides, it marks the end of the harvest season on farms. It is a long-standing tradition to fry a large turkey for a festive meal on this day. Thanksgiving has been celebrated since the first harvest festival in America in the autumn of 1621. KSMU Karaganda State Medical University today is one of the leading medical educational establishments of the Republic of Kazakhstan: according to the facts of the National Accreditation Centre’s rating in 2008 year, KSMU has occupied the 8th place among 60 Kazakhstan educational establishments and now it is the leading medical school in republic. National Certification Commission (2007) marked the high achievements in the University of teaching, research and education and was encouraged to «establish a school of excellence based on KSMU not only for medical universities in Kazakhstan, but in Central Asian republics and CIS countries ». KSMU is the first medical institution in the CIS, has successfully held in mid-2005, ratification in accordance with the requirements of all activities of management quality ISO 9001-2000 certification body NQA - Russia - the Russian Mission of the British authority in certification systems management, NQA - UK Global Assurance. KSMU has a license for teaching in the master's degree, postgraduate, doctorate. The Dissertation Council of dependence doctoral thesis and works in the specialty "Clinical pharmacology, pharmacology; the internal medicine" works actively, as well as two Dissertation Councils in conjunction with the high school in capital. There is a teaching stuff of high qualified teachers in our University: about 200 of them have a doctorate degree and Ph.D. All of them are actively involved in the International and Republican conferences and workshops: there were 336 trips in 2008 year. The amount of teachers trained overseas has increased by more than 5 times compared with 2006. KSMU has close international links with universities and research centres in countries near and far abroad, has a strong scientific base, where the SIC, which has successfully carried out research on contemporary applied and basic on-board medical science. The University is collaborating with the Association of medical education in Europe (AMEE), Great Britain, World Federation of medical education in improving the quality of medical education. On the basis of our high school regularly hosts international and national conferences and seminars. For 59 years, 32,742 doctors had graduated from the Karaganda State Medical University. Our graduates are successfully employed both in Kazakhstan and in foreign countries. High qualification of training for practitioners health care, active participation in the implementation of priority areas for development KSMU based on the main provisions of health reform and the President’s message of the Republic of Kazakhstan we can be sure in our future. Education in Karaganda State Medical University is a guarantee of a stable future. At the University College life is a thing which you can hardly forget. This is the time when you become an adult, a more sensible person with the sober views on life. First of all, to pass entrance exams and enter the university is a real challenge for a young person. It takes a lot of time, knowledge, patience and nerves. Besides, there is an avalanche of work expecting you. A student ought to get accustomed to a new timetable, new subjects which are much more complicated than at school. Very often it is difficult to cope with the work load of college or university. You have to be a serious, attentive and responsible person concentrated on studying. Some new students soon understand that studying at university is hard work which takes a lot of time and strength, so they immediately start missing classes. This is not so good for them, because it is so difficult to catch up with the program later. Besides, such students usually have a great number of debts before the beginning of examination session. Another point is the relationships within a group and between students and teachers. It is not a secret that relationships play an important role in student’s life. You spend a lot of time at the university communicating with your group mates and trying to make a contact with other students. It is wonderful if you find a like-minded person who can become a real friend for all 5 or 6 years of studying or you just meet interesting people who are easy in communication. Sometimes an opposite thing may happen. When you see your group mates for the first time, it may seem to you that they have nothing in common with you. Then the atmosphere within the group is just unbearable. Things get worse and it becomes difficult to find even a topic for conversation. Different things happen during your college life. Anyway, it is extremely important to have good relationships with your group mates and teachers and to show the best qualities and features of character. In conclusion, it should be mentioned that students come across a lot of events during their studying in college or university. Some of them may disappoint you, some bring a lot of joy and even make you feel happy. That is why a lot of people say that their college or university years were the greatest and the happiest time in their life. They also say, that if they could go back in time, they would have taken a music band and joined choir, learned harder another language besides the English language, and improve the relationships between teachers who they have no special liking. They got in love for the first time in university, they went to party, got lots of joy and positive emotions, got in different competitions, and etc., but anyway, they think that the college life is the happiest time in their life. I am a student too, and I think that my university life I can hardly forget. For me, it is time when I become an adult, a more sensible person with the sober views on life. Also I think that never forget to study and you can be a student for all the time. Revision and exam skills This Study Guide tackles the topic of revision for exams. Many of the ideas it contains are from discussions with students who have come for study consultations provided by Learning Development. Love at Exit 19 He was a tollbooth operator, she was a soprano who sang in Carnegie Hall. Their eyes met at Exit 19 of the New York State Thruway, when he charged her 37 ¢. The romance that followed was even less likely than the plot of an opera! Sonya Baker was a frequent commuter from her home in the suburbs to New York City. One day, when she was driving to an audition. She came off the Thruway and stopped at the tollbooth where Michael Fazio was working. She chatted to him as she paid to go through, and thought he was cute. For the next three months, they used to exchange a few words as she handed him the money, and he raised the barrier to let her pass. It was mostly «What are you doing today? Where are you going?» she said. They learned more about each other, for example that Sonya loved Puccini and Verdi, while Michael's love was the New York Yankees. But their conversations suddenly came to an end when Michael changed his working hours. «He used to work during the day» said Sonya, «but he changed to night shifts». Although Michael still looked out for Sonya's white Toyota Corolla, he did not see her again for six months. When Michael's working hours changed back to the day shift, he decided to put a traffic cone in front of his lane. He thought, «It will be like putting a candle in a window». Sonya saw it, and their romance started up again. I almost crashed my car on various occasions, she said, trying to cross several lanes to get to his exit. Finally, she found the courage to give Michael a piece of paper with her phone number as she passed through the toll. Michael called her and for their first date they went to see the film Cool Runnings, and then later went to an opera, La Boheme, and to a Yankees game. They are now married and living in Kentucky, where Sonya is a voice and music professor at Murray State College and Michael runs an activity centre at a nursing home. It turned out that she had given him her number just in time. A short while later she moved to New Jersey and stopped using the New York State Thruway. «I might never have seen him again», she said. TCHAIKOVSKY'S HOUSE In 1885 Tchaikovsky wrote to a friend, «These days I dream of settling in a village not far from Moscow where I can feel at home.» First he rented a small house in the village of Maidanovo. But Maidanovo was too full of tourists in the summer and Tchaikovsky had too many visitors, when what he wanted was peace and quiet. Eventually he found the perfect house, in the small town of Klin. It was 85 kilometres northwest of Moscow and he lived there until his death on 6 November 1893. It is the place where he wrote his last major work, his 6th Symphony, or the Pathetique as it is sometimes called. It's a grey wooden house with a green roof. Tchaikovsky's servant Alexei lived on the ground floor, and the kitchen and dining room were on the first floor. Tchaikovsky himself lived on the second floor. The sitting room and study, where his piano is located, is the largest room in the house and there is a fireplace and a bookcase with his music books. His writing desk, where he wrote letters every morning after breakfast, is at the end of the room. But the place where he composed music was in his bedroom, on a plain, unpainted table overlooking the garden. In his final years, Tchaikovsky's great love was his garden. It was not a tidy English – style garden, but more like a forest. He adored flowers, particularly lilies of the valley, and after his death, his brother Modest, who had decided to turn the house into a museum, planted thousands of lilies of the valley around the garden. In 1971, after the Bolshevik revolution, an anarchist named Doroshenko lived there with his family. People say that he fired shots at the portrait of Pope Innocent hanging in one of the bedrooms. He was finally arrested in April, and the house became the property of the state. Since 1958, the winners of the annual International Tchaikovsky Competition have all been invited to come to Klin to play his piano, and there is a tradition that each musician plants a tree in his garden in the hope that, like his music, it will remain beautiful forever TOP GEAR CHALLENGE Top airports in the world For many people airports are a nightmare – long queues when you check in and go through security and an even longer wait if your flight is delayed. But there are some airports where you can actually enjoy yourself. All good airports have excellent facilities for business people and children, free Wi-fi, restaurants, cafes, and shops. But the best airports have much more…. SINGAPORE AIRPORT is paradise for flower lovers, as it has an indoor orchid garden! It also has a rooftop swimming pool and a free sight-seeing tour for people who have at least five hours to wait for their connecting flight. If you like computer games, you will never be bored at HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT – there are dozens of free Playstations all over the terminals! It is also good for people with no sense of direction – there are “Airport Ambassadors” in red coats, who help you to get from one place to another. SEOUL AIRPORT is the place to relax. You can go to the hairdresser and have beauty treatments or a massage. Sports fans can also play golf at their 72-hole golf course! MUNICH AIRPORT helps to keep passengers entertained with a 60-seat cinema and non-stop films. There is also free coffee and tea near all the seating areas, and lots of free magazines and newspapers. If you worry about your health and like to be near medical services at all times, OSAKA AIRPORT in Japan is the perfect place to wait, as it has a dentist and doctor’s surgery. And for people with animals, there is even a pet hotel! If you have a long wait between flights at ZURICH AIRPORT in Switzerland, you can rent day rooms with their own bathroom and kitchen and wake-up call service. So you can have a shower and then sleep peacefully until you have to board your flight THE PLACE IS PERFECT, THE WEATHER IS WONDERFUL, but if you are with the wrong person, a holiday can be a disaster…. “You don’t know a person until you travel with them” Joe 28, a flight attendant Last October I went on holiday to Thailand for two weeks with my girlfriend, Mia. The holiday began well. We spent two days in Bangkok and saw the Floating Market and the Royal Palace. But things went wrong when we left Bangkok. I wanted to stay in hotels, which were basic but clean, but Mia said they were too uncomfortable and so we stayed in quite expensive hotels. I wanted to experience the local atmosphere but Mia just wanted to go shopping. I thought I knew Mia very well, but you don’t know the person until you travel with them. It was awful! We argued about everything. For our last four days we went to Ko Chang, a beautiful island. It was like being a paradise. The weather was lovely and the beaches were wonderful, but we sunbathed without speaking. We spent our last night back in Bangkok and we went for a drink with some Australians. They were really friendly and Mia started flirting with one of the boys. That was the end. When we arrived at Heathrow airport the next day we decided to break up. I took hundreds of photos, but when I got home I didn’t show them to anyone. Laura 26, a nurse “I’d love to go back to Venice one day….. but without Linda” Last spring my best friend Isabelle and I booked a holiday in Venice. We rented a small apartment for a week with a fantastic view of the canals. At the last moment another friend, Linda, asked if she could come too. We felt sorry for her because she had problems with her boyfriend, so we said yes. Venice was magical and the weather was perfect, but the holiday was a disaster for one simple reason: Linda was so mean! She has a good job so she’s not poor, but she just didn’t want to go to any museums or galleries that cost money. When we went on a gondola she complained that it was very expensive. When we went to have lunch or dinner she always wanted to go to cheap restaurants or she bought pizzas and ate them in the flat. But the night I invited her and Isabelle out on my birthday she chose the most expensive things on the menu! The worst thing was that although Isabelle and I paid for the apartment, Linda never once bought us a coffee or a drink. I’d love to go back to Venice one day….. but without Linda. In the Dragons’ Den
What they do A hacker doesn’t usually have permission to enter a company’s computer system. But an ethical hacker is actually employed by a company to look after the system. Ethical hackers have to protect a company’s IT network from real hackers. Their job is to stop professional criminals from entering the company’s system to steal confidential information. How to get a job After taking a degree in IT, you have to work in computers for a few years until you have enough experience in programming. After that, you need to get a special qualification called the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certificate, which lets you work as an ethical hacker. Salaries start between $ 100,000, depending on your experience and where you work. Golf-ball diver What they do Not all of the golf balls on a golf course end up in the hole on the green. In fact, golfers hit a surprisingly high number of them into the lake. Golf-ball divers do exactly what the job title suggests: they dive into the lake to collect the balls. Professional divers only work during the day. They have to wear special diving equipment, as well as a pair of thick waterproof gloves to stop their hands getting cold. How to get a job To be golf-ball diver, you need an advanced certificate in scuba diving. Once you have the right qualifications, you can choose to work for a company or to work for yourself. If you work for a company, the company will organize your schedule for you, whereas if you’re self-employed, you have to contact the golf courses yourself. Golf-ball divers are paid between seven and 12 cents per ball, and on an average day, they can collect about 4,000 balls. If you work from 7 a.m. to midday four days a week, you can earn up to $ 100,000 per year.
What they do Forensic dentists spend most of their time identifying dead bodies. When a body is found, the dentist looks at the teeth and checks the records of other dentists to try and discover who the person was. If they don’t find any information to match the dead person’s teeth, the forensic dentist has to build up a profile about them. This profile contains information such as their sex, age, height, weight, and diet. Forensic dentists often work closely with the police and they sometimes have to give evidence in court. How to get a job First, you need to do a degree in dentistry and after that, you can do a postgraduate course to become a forensic dentist, You have to work in a laboratory for many years until you are promoted to Head of department. The starting salary is between $ 69,000 to $ 146, 000 per year, but forensic dentists who go to court can earn up to $ 180,000. Healthy life style It is a pleasure to look at a strong, athletic man and slim beautiful lady. Now it is preferable not to smoke in public places. This bad habit may cause serious problems in men’s and women’s health. Do morning exercises, try to eat “healthy” food .The health of a person is the main value in the life. It cannot be bought with any money! There is no price for it. Being the sick person, you cannot realize all your dreams and be successful in the modern world. But how to be healthy, when there are a lot of fatal temptations around us? Don`t begin! Don`t make the first cigar inhalation, the first sip of alcohol! Everything begins so simply, but comes to the end with a trouble. It was said so much about the harm of smoking. For a long time it has been proved, that smoking is not only reflected on the budget of a family, pollutes air, but also ruins our health. But, in spite of all that the number of smoking people is not diminished. And what is more grievous, not only the teens but also the junior schoolboys begin to smoke. It was proved, that there is no such organ which would not suffer from smoking. Smoking is not a harmless pastime which can be given up without efforts. It is necessary to have the will - power to stop smoking. In addition to smoking, we can name the other fatal habit: the drinking of alcohol. Unfortunately, very often they combine with each other. Alcohol is a poison! A great man said that drinking alcohol is a voluntary mad. Under the influence of alcohol the person can make absolutely rash actions. The matter is that alcoholis the drug, and drugs influence the brains of the person. Especially alcohol is very dangerous for the young because their organism is exposed to the influence of harmful substances more easily. Even a single sip of alcohol causes a poisoning which can lead to death. And the usage of drugs … They ruin all human organs, so the drug addicts die young. Few of them live longer than several years after they have started taking drugs. So there is no place to these habits in our life. Health: Sport and fitness For maximum realization of human potential, interplay between health, wellness, and fitness is essential. Health refers to a state of complete mental, physical, and social well-being, and not just in absence of infirmity or diseases. Wellness refers to condition of physical and mental health. Fitness refers to a quality that enables someone to carry out a certain role or task. Physical health refers to the state the body is in regarding its compositions, functions, development, and maintenance. The intellectual dimension is the ability to come up with skills and knowledge essential in enhancing our life. The emotional dimension means one’s ability in accepting and coping with their situation, and the feelings of others. Social dimension refers to the ability in building and maintaining relationships that satisfy our needs naturally. This is vital because we are social beings. Spiritual dimension refers to our ability to search for the purpose, and meaning of life. Factors influencing our health include the economic and social environment, our individual behaviors and characteristics, and the physical environment. The economic factors affect our choices regarding health. The rich can easily access vital services that can help transform health status. Issues explored regarding the physical environment include clean water and air, healthy work environments, good roads, and safe houses with favorable neighborhoods. The individual behaviors for instance social networks are associated with good health. The genetic aspect, as well as the gender aspect are associated with our making, and are essential in determining our health. Accessibility to health services also influences our health in the sense that information and services regarding our health are readily available. Physical fitness refers to being in good physical condition sometimes referred to as being in condition or in shape. The health related factors to physical fitness include muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Muscular strength is the ability of our muscles to exert maximal force in a given motion range. Muscular endurance is the ability of muscles to exert sub maximal force through a certain range of motion, or at a certain point over a specified period of time. Cardiovascular endurance refers to the ability to go on with training of the system over a longer period of time. The ability of a joint to move through full motion range is called flexibility. Body composition is the ratio of lean mass of body to the fat body mass. The skills related factors to physical fitness include speed, agility, power, coordination, balance, and reaction times. It is of crucial importance that we maintain our bodies healthy, well, and fit. Measures in maintaining our bodies healthy, well, and fit include engagement in aerobic exercise daily. The exercises increase our stamina and heart health. Another measure is choosing nutritious foods that offer minerals, vitamins, and elements to the body for optimal running. Lifting weight also offers us a way of trimming fat, increasing muscle mass, and boosting the immune system. Reducing stress is also an important option in shaping the health of our minds. Stress leads us to eat for comfort, overeat, sink onto depression, and avoid exercise. These attributes are not favorable to good health. It is vital for us to meet with friends or join community groups in order to maintain good health. For maximum realization of human potential, interplay between health, wellness, and fitness is essential. Several factors as explored here above are important in determining health, wellness, and fitness in our lives. There seems to be a closer relation between wellness and health, as well as the factors that affect the components. There is also an enormous value in maintaining fitness in regards to the health status attained. Stress needs to be avoided for attainment of highest level of wellness, health, and physical activity. Sound sleep Healthy sleep habits can make a big difference in your quality of life. Having healthy sleep habits is often referred to as having good “sleep hygiene.” Try to keep the following sleep practices on a consistent basis: Stick to a sleep schedule of the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the weekends. This helps to regulate your body's clock and could help you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night. Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual. A relaxing, routine activity right before bedtime conducted away from bright lights helps separate your sleep time from activities that can cause excitement, stress or anxiety which can make it more difficult to fall asleep, get sound and deep sleep or remain asleep. If you have trouble sleeping, avoid naps, especially in the afternoon. Power napping may help you get through the day, but if you find that you can't fall asleep at bedtime, eliminating even short catnaps may help. Exercise daily. Vigorous exercise is best, but even light exercise is better than no activity. Exercise at any time of day, but not at the expense of your sleep. Evaluate your room. Design your sleep environment to establish the conditions you need for sleep. Your bedroom should be cool – between 60 and 67 degrees. Your bedroom should also be free from any noise that can disturb your sleep. Finally, your bedroom should be free from any light. Check your room for noises or other distractions. This includes a bed partner's sleep disruptions such as snoring. Consider using blackout curtains, eye shades, ear plugs, "white noise" machines, humidifiers, fans and other devices. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows. Make sure your mattress is comfortable and supportive. The one you have been using for years may have exceeded its life expectancy – about 9 or 10 years for most good quality mattresses. Have comfortable pillows and make the room attractive and inviting for sleep but also free of allergens that might affect you and objects that might cause you to slip or fall if you have to get up during the night. Use bright light to help manage your circadian rhythms. Avoid bright light in the evening and expose yourself to sunlight in the morning. This will keep your circadian rhythms in check. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and heavy meals in the evening. Alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine can disrupt sleep. Eating big or spicy meals can cause discomfort from indigestion that can make it hard to sleep. If you can, avoid eating large meals for two to three hours before bedtime. Try a light snack 45 minutes before bed if you’re still hungry. Wind down. Your body needs time to shift into sleep mode, so spend the last hour before bed doing a calming activity such as reading. For some people, using an electronic device such as a laptop can make it hard to fall asleep, because the particular type of light emanating from the screens of these devices is activating to the brain. If you have trouble sleeping, avoid electronics before bed or in the middle of the night. If you can't sleep, go into another room and do something relaxing until you feel tired. It is best to take work materials, computers and televisions out of the sleeping environment. Use your bed only for sleep to strengthen the association between bed and sleep. If you associate a particular activity or item with anxiety about sleeping, omit it from your bedtime routine. What is healthy thinking? Healthy thinking can teach you to know what thoughts of yours- both helpful and not helpful-affect problems or feelings that trouble you. With practice, you can learn to use accurate thoughts that encourage you instead of negative thoughts that discourage you. If you stop negative thoughts, you may be more able to care for yourself and handle life's challenges. You will feel better. And you may be more able to avoid or cope with stress, anxiety, sleep problems, unwanted weight gain, or depression. Healthy thinking also involves calming your mind and body. You can use one or more techniques. These may include meditation, yoga, muscle relaxation, or guided imagery. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, also called CBT, is a therapy that is often used to help people think in a healthy way. It focuses on thought (cognitive) and action (behavioral). Many people work with a therapist or a counselor to learn CBT. But you also can practice healthy thinking on your own. How does CBT help you think in a healthy way? CBT involves techniques that you can practice every day so that healthy thinking comes naturally. For example: Maybe you're upset about a job review at work. Your boss praised several things about your work. But you're feeling down because she had one small criticism. You might even think, "I'm no good at my job." or "She doesn't like me. I must be bad." Focusing on only the bad is an example of negative or distorted thinking. You can teach yourself to watch for negative thinking. You can ask yourself how true or helpful your thoughts were. "What did my boss say exactly?" "Were there positive comments?" "Why do I focus only on one criticism?" You can learn to see that the harsh things you say to yourself may keep you from noticing the positive parts of your life and work. With time and practice, you can learn to tell yourself more accurate and helpful statements. You might say, "I've done a lot of good work this year, and my boss noticed it. She thought there was one area I can improve. So I'll think of some things I can do to get stronger in that area." Going green In Britain today, more 18-24-year olds vote in TV shows like Pop Idol than in general elections. All political parties are trying to encourage more young people to get involved in politics. This means talking about the issues that are important to them. The first political party to make the environment an important issue was the Green Party. The party has existed in the UK for about 30 years. (For the first ten years, it was called the Ecology Party.) The Greens do not have any seats in the House of Commons because in general elections most people vote for the three main parties: Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. However, they have several MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) and many local councillors across Britain. They campaign on many issues, including: · animal right: they want to ban scientific experiments on animals and improve conditions for animals on farms; · transport: they want to reduce the amount of traffic and pollution by making buses and trains cheaper, and by encouraging people to walk and cycle more; · green energy: they want to invest in clean, renewable sources of energy – wind farms, wave and solar power; · food and farming: they are against GM (genetically modified) food and the use of chemicals in farming. Twenty years ago, politicians who weren’t in the Green Party hardly ever talked about ‘green’ issues like recycling, renewable energy and climate change. But today, all political parties have ‘green’ policies. People are realizing that earth is in danger. If we don’t change our way of life, the results will be disastrous for our planet. Culture and art Art is defined in encyclopaedias as the process and result of making material works, which reflect beauty or reality. The 'creative arts' denote a number of disciplines whose purpose is to create material things which reflect a message, mood, and symbols for the viewer to interpret. Art includes various forms such as prose writing, poetry, dance, acting, sculpture, painting, music, etc. The term 'arts' often means 'fine arts' — painting, sculpture, drawing, engraving. Installation art, furniture, industrial design, graphic design and others are included in applied arts. There are a variety of arts, including visual arts and design, decorative arts, plastic arts, and the performing arts. Artistic expression may take many forms: painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, music and architecture. New forms include photography, film, video art, conceptual art, performance art, land art, fashion, comics, computer art. Within each form, a wide range of genres may exist. Of all the forms of art, a lot of people prefer painting and music. There are several reasons why. Firstly, it is one of the oldest forms of art. Humans have been painting for about 6 times as long as they have been writing. The oldest painting found is over 32,000 years old. Painting is a form of art which is believed by many to express feelings and ideas in the visual form. Using visual images — colours, light and shade, forms and shape, a painter makes us understand his concept of life, share his feelings and enjoy the beauty of the world. Secondly, painting offers you a wide choice of styles; it allows us to be as specific or abstract as we please. From the wide range of various art schools and styles (realism, impressionism, cubism, fauvism, surrealism, modernism, pop art, etc.) you can choose one to your liking. The second form of art people really keen on is music. The term 'music' is difficult to define. It can be explained, for example, as the art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. The music that composers make can be heard through several media; the most traditional way is to hear it live, in the presence of performers. Live music can also be broadcast over the radio, television or the internet. Firstly, music helps to relax and relieve stress. Stress melts away as people are taken in by the beauty of the music. It can help them feel calm and deeply relaxed. Secondly, music affects human’s emotions. Each type of music sets distinct mood. In doing so, it appeals both to the mind and to the subconscious. Whether someone is feeling sad, frustrated or confused, he listens to merry or tender music, and his mood shifts. There are many divisions and groupings of music. Among the larger genres are classical music, popular music or commercial music, country music and folk music. Classical music is sophisticated and refined, but it is a universal form of communication, it historically was the music of the upper strata of society. Popular music is music belonging to any of a number of musical styles that are accessible to the general public; it is mostly distributed commercially. It is sometimes abbreviated to pop music, although pop music is more often used for a narrower branch of popular music. Pop music is usually memorable, with voices, lyrics, instruments creating catchy tunes. Pop music attracts listeners through easy sound images. Famous people Failure: the first step towards success Many people who have found success started out by failing. Below are four of the most famous.
A Some people consider this man to be the greatest scientist that has ever lived. However, his early life was nothing special. He was very small as a child and he was a very poor student. When he was twelve, his mother took him out of school so that he could learn how to run the family farm. Unfortunately, he wasn’t very good at that either, so in the end he was sent back to school. After eventually passing his exams, he went to Cambridge University there he became a brilliant scholar. Later, he developed his law of gravity. B This man is one of the most famous inventors of all time. Which is incredible when you think he only went to school for three months. After his teacher lost patience with him, his mother taught him from home and he learnt many important lessons from reading books. His working life started as badly as his schooling had, and he was fired from his first two jobs. However, this gave him more time to experiment – by the end of his life he had invented over a thousand devices. His most famous invention was a certain type of light bulb. C Ask anyone to name the most famous film director in Hollywood and many of them will say this man’s name. However, his career in cinema started badly, as he was rejected three times from film school. He eventually started his studies at a different school, but he dropped out to become a director before he had finished. Since then he has won the Oscar for Best Director twice and three of his films have broken box office records. He went back to school in 2002 to finish his studies and earn his BA degree. D Although he is one of the most successful businessmen and computer programmers of all time, this man didn’t actually finish university. He was very bright at school and went to Harvard University, but he spent most of his time using the university’s computers for his own projects and didn’t do much studying. After dropping out, he decided to start his own company with a friend. This company failed, but he persisted and won a contract with IBM which eventually resulted in his company becoming one of the most powerful and recognized brands in the world today. The students of KSMU The Karaganda state medical University was founded in 1950. As in all medical universities of our Republic the course of studies is six years. During this period the students master the basis of theoretical and practical medicine. For two years the students learn the so- called pre-clinical subjects, such as Chemistry, human anatomy, Biology, Histology and others. The students work much in class, at the University laboratories and libraries. The students have clinical subjects from the third to the fifth year. During this period the students learn to diagnose different diseases, to carry out laboratory analyses and to treat patients for these diseases. In the sixth year the students gain more experience in one of the main clinical subjects: Therapy, Surgery or Obstetrics. These subjects are very necessary for future doctors. Some students join students’ scientific societies. There they work on those subjects which they care for. It may be Biology, Chemistry or Anatomy and others. In the Anatomy scientific society the subject of the students work may be the study of the heart or other organs of the body. In the second year some students join the Physiology scientific society where they study the functions of the organs. The work in the scientific societies will help the students to gain more experience and increase the knowledge in the field of medicine. Father & Daughter – whose day is more stressful? Nico is a chef and has his own restaurant, the Blue Jar. He lives in Chile with his wife and her three children, aged 16, 12, and 9. 06:30 I get up and make breakfast for the children. Then I have breakfast –a coffee and cereal –and I read the sports section of the paper. 07:15 I go to the market to buy fruit and vegetables for the restaurant. 08:45 When I get to the restaurant I check the reservations and my emails, and plan the special menu of the day. I have my second cup of coffee. 10:30 I start cooking. The radio is on, and we are busy with breakfast orders, but we also have to prepare the food for lunch. 12:00 I check the tables, and have my third coffee. 13:30 Suddenly everyone arrives at the same time and the restaurant is full (on a good day). I start to shout instructions at the chefs and waiters. We make lunch for 85 people in about an hour and a half. 14:45 I come into the restaurant and talk to the customers, and ask if they are happy with the food. I’m really hungry now. 15:30 Finally I have lunch. I don’t enjoy it very much because I don’t have time to relax. 16:00 After lunch I go back to the kitchen and plan the food for the evening menu. 17:30 I go home to be with the family for a couple of hours. The children do their homework and I make their dinner. 19:30 I go back to the restaurant, which is full again, and I check everything is ok. 22:00 I go home and have a shower. Then I collapse on the sofa with a sandwich and a glass of wine. 23:00 I go to bed, ready to start again the next day. What did you really do at the weekend? The next time a friend or colleague tells you about their fantastic weekend, wait a moment before you start feeling jealous- maybe they are inventing it all! A survey of 5,000 adults in the UK has shown that one person in four invents details about their weekend because they want to impress their friends. When they are asked, Die you have a good weekend? They don’t like to say that they just stayed at home and watched TV, because it sounds boring. So they invent the details. The most common lie that people told was ‘l went out on Saturday night’, when really they didn’t go anywhere. Other common lies were ‘l had a romantic meal’, ‘l went to party’, and ‘l went away for the weekend’. In fact, in the survey, 30% of people who answered the questions said that they spent their weekend sleeping or resting because they were so tired at the end the week. Another 30% said that they needed to work or study at the weekend. Psychologist Corinne Sweet says that people often don’t tell the truth about their weekend ‘because we don’t want to feel that everyone else is having a better time than us, if we have had a boring weekend doing housework, paperwork, or just resting after a tiring week at work’, She also believes that networking sites as Facebook and Twitter may be encouraging us invent details about our social lives. People can create an illusion of who they want to be and the life they want to live‘, says Corinne, ‘and of course they want that life to seem exciting’. Astana ALMATY. In 1854 Russia spreading its economic and political interest to the south founded a military fortification “Zailiyskoe” there. Soon it got the name “Vernoe”, and in 1867 it became a city. In 1921 “Vernoe” was renamed into Alma-Ata. And in 1929 Alma-Ata became the capital of Kazakhstan. When Kazakhstan gained its independence, the city got its historical name Almaty. A lot of unique buildings and constructions were erected in Almaty. Mountain ice sport centre “Medeu”, mountain-skiing centre “Chimbulak”, museums, and theatres are here, too. There is the National Academy of sciences, a number of universities and institutes in Almaty. As the capital was transferred to Astana, Almaty got a special status: it became the political, financial, scientific and social-cultural centre of the state.Today Almaty is the main transport centre with two railway lines, five highways; there is an international airport here. The chief industry is machinery engineering and food one.Thanks to its unique location – among emerald-blue snow-covered tops of the Alatau Mountains – Almaty is really a pearl of Kazakhstan. ASTANA. After Kazakhstan had gained its independence, the city got its former name – Akmola. But in 1998, when the capital was transferred from Almaty, the city got a symbolic name – Astana. The decision (to transfer the capital) depended on some economic, ecological and geographical factors. The main arguments in choosing the place for the new capital were the general condition of the city, its territory, and well-developed transport system. Besides, it stimulates the prosperity of the northern, central and eastern regions. For the last few years Astana has changed. It became a beautiful city of Kazakhstan. The city centre impresses especially. The grand buildings of the Government and the Parliament Houses, other administrative establishments meet all modern requirements. Music College, Opera House, the Central Square are marked by magnificent architectural composition. Republic Avenue is wonderful at night. Citizens and guests of Astana like walking along the embankment of the Ishim with attractions, parks and cafes working half the night. London London is the capital of Great Britain and one of the oldest British cities. When Julius Caesar came to Britain in the year 55 B.C., he founded a small settlement on the bank of the Thames. As years passed by, this small settlement grew into a large town and in 1066 became the capital of the country. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange. Westminster is the most important part of the capital. It's the administrative centre. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. It's a very beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big bell, known as "Big Ben". Big Ben is really the bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey. It's a very beautiful church built over 900 years ago. The tombs of many great statesmen, scientists and writers are there. Westminster is the governmental part of London. Nearly all English kings and queens have been crowned in Westminster Abbey. Many outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers, poets, and painters are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Chaucer, Dickens, Tennyson, Kipling, etc. Across the road from Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, the seat of the British Parliament. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen. The Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. It was named in memory of Admiral Nelson's victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson's Column stands in the middle of the square. On the north side of the Trafalgar Square is the National Portrait Gallery. Not far away is the British Museum — the biggest museum in London. It contains a priceless collection of ancient manuscripts, coins, sculptures, etc., and is also famous for its library. Modern London is a very large city. It is one of the largest cities in the world and a large industrial, cultural, scientific, educational and art centre. The historical centre of the capital is the City of London. It is the business centre of London. The Royal Exchange, the Bank of England, most of London’s other banks and offices are situated there, and in the daytime it is a very busy part of the capital. In the evening and night hours, however, the City is almost empty, because the offices and banks are closed, and very few people live in the City. The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. It is a district of rich shops, fine houses and palaces, gardens and parks, theatres, concert halls and restaurants. The East End is the industrial part of London, the district of factories and docks. London is famous for its architecture. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament with Big Ben, the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge over the Thames have a world-wide fame. There are many other places of interest in London, such as the British Museum, Trafalgar Square with the Nelson Column, the National Gallery, Piccadilly Circus, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace and many others. Washington D.C. The beautiful city of Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States and the centre of its government. The capital was named after the first president George Washington and was founded in 1790. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. Washington is not the largest city in the USA. It has a population only 9000,000. Washington D.C. has nothing characteristically American in it, as its conception is purely French. It has long wide avenues, gardens, beautiful parks and no skyscrapers at all. Washington is the residence of the President and the Congress of the USA. The White House is the President’s residence, the Capitol – the seat of the American Congress. The largest and the highest among the buildings is the Capitol with its great House of Representatives and Senate Chamber. There are no skyscrapers because no other building must be higher than the Capitol. All American presidents except George Washington (the White House was not yet built in his time) have lived in the White House. It was built in 1799. Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre, where there are many research institutes, five universities, the National Academy of Science and the Library of Congress. There is one more well-known building in Washington – Pentagon, the residence of the US Military department. It is situated in the suburbs to the south of the Potomac. Washington is one-industry town. That industry is government. It does not produce anything except very much scrap paper. Every day 25 railway cars leave Washington loaded with scrap paper. Washington has many historical places. Not far from the Capitol is the Washington Monument, which looks like a very big pencil. It rises 160 meters. A special lift brings visitors to the top in 70 seconds from where they can enjoy a wonderful view of the whole city. The Jefferson Memorial was built in memory of the third President of the USA, Thomas Jefferson, who was also the author of the Declaration of Independence. The memorial is surrounded by cherry-trees. The Lincoln Memorial is devoted to the memory of the 16th President of the US, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in America. Stonehenge The great stone monument of Stonehenge is the best known and most remarkable of prehistoric remains in Britain. It has stood on Salisbury Plain for about 4,000 years. No written records exist of its origin, and it has always been surrounded by mystery. There have been many different theories, but still nobody knows why it was built. 1. One theory is that it was a place from where stars and planets could be observed. It was discovered that the position of some stones was related to the movements of the sun and moon, so that the stones could be used as a calendar to predict such things as eclipses. 2. At one time people thought that Stonehenge was a Druid temple. The Druids were a Celtic religious group before the Norman Conquest. Some people believe that the Druids were a group of priests who practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism. 3. Another theory is that the great stone circle was used to store terrestrial energy which was then generated across the country through the so-called ley lines, which are invisible channels for a special kind of power. 4. Besides the theories of scientists, there are local legends. One of them tells that Stonehenge was built by the devil in a single night. He flew forwards and backwards between Ireland and Salisbury Plain carrying huge stones one by one and setting them in place. As he worked, he laughed to himself. "That will make people think. They will never know how the stones came here!" But a friar was hiding in a ditch nearby. The devil saw the friar and threw a stone at him which hit the friar on the heel. The stone which the devil threw is known as the heel stone, and people will show it to you lying by the side of the road. |
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