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Reading 2: Law firm culture and structure


 Pre-reading task. Read the words. Mind the stress. A):

'debtor                   re'port                              ,over'see

'creditor                 o'ccasion                ,para'legal

'average                 a'ssociate               co'mmission

'clerkship               de'partment           co'mmercial

'specialise               bou'tique                i'deal


B) Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.

law boutique [ ] невеличка юридична фірма, що надає мінімальну кількість спеціалізованих послуг
real property нерухоме майно, нерухомість
Debtor-Creditor [΄detə΄kreditə]   дебет-кредит (дебет – ліва сторінка прибутково-видаткової книги, куди вносяться всі отримувані цінності, а також всі борги та видатки; кредит – права сторінка книги, бухгалтерської книги, рахунки)
to oversee [ ] to oversee all the company’s advertising слідкувати, контролювати, спостерігати, стежити; стежити за всій рекламою компанії
to report (to) [ri΄po:t] Your job is to attend all the meetings and report back to the committee. доповідати, звітувати; Ваша робота – відвідувати всі засідання та звітувати про це комітету.
paralegal [,pærə΄li:g(ə)l] помічник юриста (людина з неповною юридичною освітою чи без юридичної освіти, яка допомагає професійному юристу)
occasion [ə΄keiЗ(ə)n] on occasion можливість, випадок, шанс; інколи, час від часу
associate [ə΄səusiət] / [ə΄səu∫iət] товариш, колега, партнер, компаньйон
clerical [΄klerik(ə)l] clerical work clerical aids офісний, канцелярський, конторський; канцелярська робота, діловодство; оргтехніка
clerkship [΄kla:k∫ip] посада секретаря, клерка, секретарська робота
average [΄æv(ə)ridЗ] on average середній, звичайний; в середньому 


1. Linus Walker has applied for a position at a law firm. Read his job interview and answer these questions.

1 What does Mr Nichols say about the atmosphere of the firm?

2 What does Linus say about the size of the firm?


Mr Nichols: So, at this point, I’d like to ask you if there’s anything you’d like to ask me? About the firm, for example.

Linus: Of course. I do have some questions. I guess I’d like to know what it’s like to work here. Um, I wonder if you could describe the firm’s culture for me?

Mr Nichols: Well, as you certainly know, we’re a relatively commercial firm. We’re what’s known as a law boutique, since we specialise in two areas of the law: Real Property and Debtor-Creditor. Since we’re specialists, we try to maintain high standards in our work. As for the firm's culture, I’d have to say we’re pretty traditional. People dress quite formally, in suits, and we don’t call partners by their first names. It’s a good place to work, definitely friendly, people are serious and work very hard.

Linus: That sounds good to me. Perhaps you could tell me something about the structure of the firm.

Mr Nichols: Well, the firm is headed by the two senior partners Mr Robertson and Mr Michaels. They founded the partnership 30 years ago. They’re still quite active, especially with the older clients, but the day-to-day affairs and the finances of the firm are managed by the full partners, that’s Ms Graham and myself. We also oversee two departments. But a salaried partner is in charge of each of them.

Linus: I see. And how are the departments structured?

Mr Nichols: Well, in the Real Property Department, there are three associates who report to the partner, and they’re assisted by two paralegals. In the Debtor-Creditor department, there are two associates and two paralegals. There’s also one secretary for each department who basically assists the partner who heads the department, but who does on occasion do work for the associates as well, since they’re responsible for all the clerical work that needs to be done. Of course, there are always summer associates or clerks working at the firm, on average four of them, just during the summer, but also during the term breaks. Right, I guess that’s all there is to say about the structure. How does that sound to you?

Linus: Very interesting. Actually, the size sounds ideal – quite as small as the firm I worked for in Cambridge, I did my summer clerkships, but not too big, either. A nowhere nearly as large as the European Commission where I worked last!

2. Match the words with their definitions.

1. associate a. immovable property, esp land and buildings, including proprietary rights over land
2. paralegal b. a person joined with another or others in an enterprise, business, etc.; partner; colleague
3. real property c. the job of a person who works in an office performing such tasks as keeping records, attending to correspondence, or filing.
4. clerkship d. to give an account or representation of in words
5. to oversee e. a person with specialized training who assists lawyers
6. to report f. to watch over and direct; supervise


3. Read through the dialogue again and complete this organigram of the firm using the words in the box.


Associate Full Partners Mr Robertson Paralegal Real Property Salaried Partner



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