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The Forms of the Infinitive. The infinitive has the following forms: Active Passive Present (to) give (to) be given Continuous (to) be giving
Study the following information. The infinitive has the following forms:
Active forms are used: · Present infinitive: the action expressed by the infinitive is simultaneous to the action expressed by the verb-predicate, or refers to the future. E.g. I am glad to see you. I was glad to see you. I will be glad to see you. I want to take a postgraduate course next year. · Continuous infinitive: the action expressed by the infinitive is in the progress. E.g. He is believed to be hiding somewhere in the mountains. · Perfect infinitive: expresses the action prior to the action of the verb-predicate. E.g. She claims to have met Richard Gere. (First she met Richard Gere, then she claimed that she had met him.) · Perfect Continuous: emphasizes the duration of the action of the infinitive, which lasted before the action of the verb-predicate. E.g. She claims to have been working hard lately. (We emphasize what she has been doing lately.) Passive forms are used: · Present infinitive: (to) be + past participle E.g. He hopes to be given a pay rise soon. · Perfect infinitive: (to) have been + past participle E.g. He is said to have been injured in a car accident. The verbs tenses corresponding to the tenses of the infinitive are as follows:
1. Rewrite the sentences using the verb in brackets. Mind the form of the infinitive. 1. She has grown taller. (seem) ________________ 2. She was accepted to work in the Ministry. (appear) ______________________________ 3. They have been working in the garden all morning. (seem) _____________________ 4. He is drawing a picture. (appear) _____________________ 5. They make friends easily. (appear) ____________________ 6. You are studying hard this term. (seem) _________________________ 7. She found the solution to the problem. (claim) __________________ 8. She is reading the new novel at the moment. (seem) _____________________________ 9. She doesn’t know the answer. (pretend) _____________________ 10. Sally tells lies. (tend) __________________________ 2. Fill in the correct form of the infinitive. 1. I think he left. He must have left. 2. I think they will come. They must __________. 3. I think she is studying. She must ____________. 4. I think it will be delivered. It must _____________. 5. I think he was fired. He must ________________. 6. I think they were arguing. They must __________________. 7. I think he is lying. He must ______________. 8. I think they had been waiting for her. They must __________________. 9. I think she has typed it. She must _____________. 10. I thought she had written it. She must _____________. 11. I think they will be studying. They must _____________. 3. Fill in the correct form of the infinitive. 1. The weather seems ___________ (improve). Let’s go out. 2. She appears _________ (work) on the composition for hours. 3. She has decided _________ (accept) my offer. 4. I’m hoping __________ (leave) by then so I won’t be able to come with you. 5. The report is inaccurate. It needs _________ (review) as soon as possible. 6. The waste from the power station is said __________ (pollute) the atmosphere for months. 7. It will be much too hot _________ (wear) a coat today. 8. You must have been thirsty ________ (drink) all that water. 9. He appears _______ (injure) as a result of the fight. 10. You’re not expected _______ (pay) the whole amount today. 11. The report was supposed ________ (finish) two hours ago. 12. It was very cold today, but it seems _________ (warm up) now. 13. He claims _________ (discover) a cure for the common cold. 14. Can I trust you _________ (keep) this a secret? 15. She seems _______ (work) too hard these days.
THE COMPLEX SUBJECT Study the following information. The Complex Subject is a construction in which the infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the nominative case. The peculiarity of the construction is that it doesn’t serve as one part of the sentence: one of its component parts has the function of the subject, the other forms part of a compound verbal predicate. E.g. Michael is said to be a good student. The Complex Subject is used with the following groups of verbs in the Passive: · with verbs denoting sense perception: to see, to hear, etc. E.g. The robber was seen to run out of the bank. Note. If a process is expressed, Present Participle Active (V-ing) is used. E.g. The robber was seen running out of the bank at that moment. · with the verbs denoting mental activity: to think, to consider, to know, to expect, to believe, to suppose. E.g. He was thought to be honest. The manuscript is believed to have been written in the 15th century. · with the verb to make. E.g. He was made to review his decision. · with the verbs to say, to report, to allege, to suppose. E.g. He is said to have been suspected of a crime. · with the word-groups to be sure, to be certain, to be likely, to be unlikely. E.g. He is sure to lose the case. Note the difference between: He is sure to come. – Він напевне /обов’язково прийде. He is sure of coming. – Він певен, що прийде. 6) with the following pairs of synonyms (that are used in the Active): to seem / to appear (здаватися), to happen / to chance (the latter is literal – трапилось так, випадково), to prove / to turn out (виявлятися, з’ясуватися) . E.g. They seem to have forgotten their promise. We happened to see them yesterday. The investigation proved to be a failure. 1. Complete the sentences as in the examples. E.g. People know that she works hard. – She is known to work hard. It is thought that he left the country. – He is thought to have left the country. 1. It is expected that he will win the election. – He __________________________ 2. It is thought that the queen is the richest woman in the world. The queen ______________________ 3. It is said that she speaks seven languages. She _____________________________ 4. It is believed that the stolen jewellery has been found. The stolen jewellery _____________________ 5. It is said that he is a prominent statesman. He ______________________ 6. It is expected that the Prime Minister will form the new government. The Prime Minister ______________________ 7. It is alleged that he has stolen the money. He _______________________ 8. It is reported that the world leaders have already reached an agreement. The world leaders ______________________ 9. It is reported that the criminals have escaped from prison. The criminals ___________________ 10. It is expected that the treaty will be signed. The treaty ____________________ 11. People say that the Prime Minister is in favour of the new law. The Prime Minister ________________________ 12. They say that the party in power will lose the election. The party in power ________________________ 13. The newspapers report that two people were injured in the accident. Two people ______________________ 14. People say that three men were arrested after the explosion. Three men ________________________ 15. They believe that the thieves got in through the kitchen window. The thieves __________________ 16. They believe that the wanted man is living in New York. The wanted man __________________ 17. They said the novel had been published. The novel ___________________ 18. They know that he was wrongly accused. He _____________________ 19. They believe she was taking drugs. She _____________________ 20. The police report that some papers have been stolen. Some papers___________________________ 2. Translate into English . 1. Бачили, що він переходив вулицю. 2. Відомо, що він скоїв цей злочин. 3. Дітей примусили припинити розмови. 4. Кажуть, що він відомий юрист. 5. Здається, вони обговорюють новий фільм. 6. Він, схоже, досягне успіху. 7. Його примусили повторити правило. 8. Бачили, що вони сперечалися про щось. 9. Вони повернулись один до одного і, здавалось, що вони розмовляють. 10. Ви випадково не знаєте його адреси? 11. Він, напевне, не знав цього раніше. 12. Вони, з’ясувалося, уже написали курсову роботу. 13. Повідомляється, що контрабандисти (smugglers) заарештовані. 14. Відомо, що Карл І (Charles I) був страчений (execute) за державну зраду (state treason). 15. Несхоже, що завтра буде сніг. 16. Гадають, що в’язні втекли з тюрми. 17. Здається, що детективи розслідують убивство вже два тижні. 18. Кажуть, що він приїде завтра після обіду. 19. Повідомляють, що товари були доставлені. 20. Виявляється, що в Англії є два суди першої інстанції. 21. Схоже, вашу проблему незабаром вирішать. 22. Він випадково глянув в той бік і побачив, що злодій (burglar) вибігає з будинку.
3. Choose the correct form of the word that best completes the sentence. 1. He heard somebody … his name. a) to call; b) call; c) calls; d) called 2. I hate him … like that. a) to talk; b) talk; c) talks; d) talked 3. They made him … every day. a) to practice; b) practice; c) practices; d) practiced 4. He was seen … the house. a) to break into; b) break into; c) breaks into; d) broke into 5. She advised me … the truth. a) to tell; b) tell; c) tells; d) telling 6. I … to see him yesterday. a) happen; b) to happen; c) happened; d) was happened 7. She seems … for a long time. a) to wait; b) to be waiting; c) to have waited; d) to have been waiting 8. She … to be a famous scientist. a) expects; b) expected; c) is expecting; d) is expected 9. He is sure … about it. a) asks; b) to be asked; c) ask; d) asked 10. This document is known … last week. a) to sign; b) to be signed; c) to have been signed; d) to have been signing
THE GERUND The forms of the Gerund are:
The Gerund is used:
But: would like / would love / would prefer + to-infinitive to express specific preference. E.g. I would like to paint your portrait.
1. Choose the correct preposition and fill in the gaps with the gerund of the verb in brackets. 1. He is ill. He is complaining with / about …. (have) a headache. 2. Marcus went out instead for / of …. (do) his work. 3. Tracy was very excited with / about …. (go) to the party. 4. I hope you have a good excuse of/about … (be) so late. 5. Sam is interested in / for… (take up) English lessons. 6. You can’t stop him to / from ….. (take) the job if he wants to. 7. Susie ran because she was worried about / of … (miss) the bus. 8. Thank you to / for …. ( help) me with my homework. 9. She felt tired because she wasn’t used to /with …. (work) so hard. 10. His boss blamed him for / of …. (lose) the deal. 11. I am in charge in / of …. (make) the Christmas deliveries. 12. We are thinking of / on ….. (buy) a new car next month. 13. Sandra apologized for / about …. (ruin) the performance. 14. Ian was talking with / about ….. (open) a shop in York.
2. Write the correct preposition and put the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1. After a long time we eventually succeeded ……………. a flat. (find) 2. I’ve been thinking ………… for a new job. (look) 3. His parents don’t approve ………….. out so late. (stay) 4. I wonder what prevented him …………….. to the party. (come) 5. I’m getting hungry. I’m looking forward …………. dinner. (have) 6. I don’t feel ……………. today. (study) 7. Forgive me ………….. you but I must ask you a question. (interrupt) 8. The arrested man was suspected …………. into a house. (break) 9. Have you ever thought ………….. married? (get) 10. I’ve always dreamed ………… on a small island in the Pacific. (live) 11. The cold water didn’t stop them ………. a swim. (have) 12. Have you ever been accused …………… a crime? (commit) 13. She apologized …………. so rude to me. (be) 14. We have decided ………… a new car. (buy) 3. Replace the Ukrainian phrases by suitable English equivalent in the correct form. 1. I hate (коли на мене чекають). 2. I remember (що йому показували цей документ). 3. She doesn’t like (коли їй читають). 4. They don’t mind (щоб їм допомогли). 5. He is never tired of (коли йому розповідають про пригоди). 6. He can’t stand (коли йому нагадають про це). 7. She is busy (їй перекладають зараз дуже важливий документ). 8. I insist on (щоб мені розповіли все). 9. She thanked for (що її проінформували). 10. He is used to (коли йому все пояснюють).
4. Change direct speech into reported speech. Begin each sentence in the way shown. 1. ‘I’ll drive you to the station. I insist,’ Tom said to Ann. Tom insisted ………………………. 2. ‘I hear you passed your examinations. Congratulations!’ Jim said to you. Jim congratulated …………………. 3. ‘It was nice of you to visit me. Thank you,’ Mrs. Dent said to Sue. Mrs. Dent thanked ………………… 4. ‘Don’t stay at the hotel near the airport,’ I said to Jack. I warned ……………………….. . 5. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier,’ Mary said to you. Mary apologized ……… not ……………… 6. ‘You didn’t pay attention to what I said,’ the teacher said to the boy. The teacher accused ……………… 7. ‘You’re always late,’ Ann said to me. Ann complained ……………………. 8. ‘I didn’t take the money,’ she said. She denied …………………… . 9. ‘ Let’s visit Jane,’ Kate said to us. Kate suggested …………… . 10. ‘I’m the cleverest of all,’ Nick said. Nick boasted ……………….. . 11. ‘Yes, I lied to her,’ Helen said. Helen admitted …………….. .
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. 1. Nothing could prevent her …. buying it on the spot. 2. Are you thinking ….. leaving already? 3. I’m responsible …. bringing you back safe and sound. 4. They insisted … visiting all the rooms. 5. At last I succeeded …. parking my car in the parking place. 6. What are your reasons to accuse her …. taking the papers? 7. Everything depends …. being on the spot. 8. I thanked him …. lending me the car. 9. Much depends …. getting him to listen to us. 10. She was engaged …. sorting out apples. 11. She only succeeded …. entirely blocking the way to the entrance to the bus. 12. She showed no intention …. leaving. 13. There seemed to be no point …. staying. 14. He saw no harm …. having a drink or two from time to time. 15.You can do harm …. interfering. 16. He didn’t object …. being examined and the doctor went all over him …. finding any trace of injuries. 17. We suspected her … not telling us all she knew but we could not very well accuse her …. hiding facts knowing ourselves what those facts were. 18. I was not used … driving a big car through crowded streets. 19. She got the invitation …. meeting Ann at a party and …. talking about books. 20. He could find out everything …. phoning.
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