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Improving negotiation process

Research done by Feniosky Pe -Mora and Tadatsugu Tamaki show that the issue of the project structure and delivery system is an important driver of negotiation, because they define the temporary formal and informal relationships among the different parties in a project and subsequently, they define the framework of conflict negotiations within that project. Therefore, it is expected that different delivery systems can be more or less effective in terms of dispute prevention or dispute resolution, depending on the project in which they are applied. Understanding of such relations can help participants to plan and prepare for negotiations on conflicts that they may take part in. Their research indicates that keeping change-order record and index of negotiation effectiveness would provide information on the characteristics of the negotiation process, disadvantages of different delivery systems and help project participants to plan and form contracts in the future.


Computer based improvements for negotiation process

Inefficiency has been widely recognized as a common problem in negotiation. Currently the main trend in improving negotiation processes is to develop an efficient computer based system that will speed up negotiation. There are two types of negotiation support systems used or being developed: expert and decision analysis systems, and multiagent systems. First provide suggestions to human negotiators, which may help to in negotiation process and reduce time.

However, it does not really solve the main problems of negotiation, like: different goals of participants and getting them to an agreement. Second directly negotiate with each other about negotiation items to reach an agreement within a specified time frame. In this system autonomous agents is acting on behalf of project participants and can directly negotiate with each other to resolve construction claims.

In 1998 Pe -Mora and Wang proposed a collaborative negotiation methodology and a computer agent named CONVINCER to facilitate/mediate the negotiation process in large-scale infrastructure projects. By obtaining the interpretation of negotiation characteristics in architecture/ engineering/construction (A/E/C) industry, the methodology has integrated the concepts of game theory with the concept of negotiation theory to help guide negotiations toward sustainable outcomes. He pointed out five major characteristics in the A/E/C industry that have to be considered in a negotiation: collaborative-competitive nature, domain dependent barrier, strategy-influenced outcome, project delivery system, and globalization trend.

SpaceSolver is an Internet-based software package that uses new algorithms developed at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, for solving multidimensional nonlinear inequality constraints on continuous variables. Solution spaces are proposed, instead of single solutions only, to support collaborative tasks during design and construction. Currently, partners involved in construction projects typically assign single values for subsets of variables and then proceed, often after tedious negotiations with other partners, to integrate these partial solutions into more complete project descriptions. It also contains many features that are useful in collaboration, such as data management and protection tasks for shared and private data for collaborative projects.



Since building construction involves so many people from different fields, negotiation occurs very often and has a big influence on construction processes, like change in costs or deadlines. So it is important to try to improve commonly used techniques of negotiations. Both computer based software and more intensive analysis and records of past negotiations may dramatically improve and speed up negotiation process.


History of construction

The History of construction overlaps many other fields like structural engineering and relies on other branches of science like archaeology, history and architecture to investigate how the builders lived and recorded their accomplishments. Those fields allow us to analyse constructed buildings and other structures built since prehistory, the tools used and the different uses of building materials.

History of building is evolving by different trends in time, marked by few key principles : durability of the materials used, the increasing of height and span, the degree of control exercised over the interior environment and finally the energy available to the construction process.



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