Mark / Criterio n
Development and Fluency
| · Shows sustained ability to maintain a conversation and to make relevant contributions at some length.
· Produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation.
· Can respond to change in direction of the conversation.
· Pronunciation is intelligible*.
· Intonation is appropriate.
| · Produces error-free simple sentences.
· Attempts some complex grammatical forms, but may make errors, which rarely cause comprehension problems.
· Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on a growing range of general and curricular topics.
| · Responds relevantly and at length which makes frequent prompting unnecessary, resulting in a competent conversation.
· Produces mostly extended stretches of language despite some hesitation, although instances of using short phrases may be present.
· Can generally respond to change in direction of the conversation.
· Pronunciation is generally intelligible.
· Intonation is generally appropriate
| · Produces error-free simple sentences.
· Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about a range of general and curricular topics.
· Occasional mistakes do not cause comprehension problems.
| · Attempts to respond to questions and prompts.
· Produces responses which are extended beyond short phrases, despite hesitation.
· Effort will need to be made to develop the conversation; only partial success will be achieved.
· Pronunciation is mostly intelligible.
· May not follow English intonation patterns at times.
| · Frequently produces error-free simple sentences.
· Uses appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited range of general and curricular topics.
· Errors may cause comprehension problems.
| · Responses tend to be brief and are characterized by frequent hesitation.
· Has to be encouraged to go beyond short responses and struggles to develop a conversation.
· There is a lack of intelligibility of pronunciation, but it is unlikely
| · Produces basic sentence forms and some correct simple sentences.
· Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a limited range of general topics.
· Errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding.
| to impede communication.
· May not follow English intonation patterns frequently.
| · Responses are so brief that little is communicated.
· Barely engages in a conversation.
· Pronunciation may cause some communication difficulty.
· Does not follow English intonation patterns.
| · Attempts basic sentence forms, but with limited success.
· Heavily relies on apparently memorized utterances.
· Uses a limited range of appropriate vocabulary to talk about a very limited range of general topics.
· Makes numerous errors except in memorized expressions.
| · No communication possible.
· Pronunciation and intonation patterns cause difficulty for even the most sympathetic listener.
| · Cannot produce basic sentence forms.
· Can only produce isolated words and phrases or memorized utterances.
| · No attempt at the response.
· No rateable language.
*Speech deficiencies should not be considered as affecting intelligibility.
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