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Grammar: to be in the Past


1. Complete the following words from the text:

S_ien_e, gov________________________ nmet, r_spon_e, co_mi ion, des n,

m_di_ine, reg_la     on, ma_kel, inst_tut_, of _ici_l, p_tron,

di_cipl_ne, s__c__ety, div_si_n, labo_r, demo_ra_y.

2. Find all the sentences where the professional terminology is used, read and translate them. Write the professional terminology.

3. Find all the sentences where the dates are used, read them and translate. Write the dales in letters.

4. Write down all the nouns from the text in plural.

5. Put "was" or "were" in.


• The response of the architect to develop the new role of licensed professional on the model of licensed professions such as law and medicine.

• Concurrent with the rise of professionalism the development of government regulation, which took the form of detailed municipal and nation building codes specifying both
prescriptive and performance requirements for buildings.

• There a further division of labour in the design process.

• Societies representing the building design professions founded, including the Institute of Civil Engineers (1818) and the Royal Institute of British Architects (1834), both in London, and
the American Institute of Architects (1857).

• One of the first buildings for which the architect and engineer
separate persons the Granary (1811) in Paris.

• Official government licensing of architects and engineers, goal of these societies, not realized until much later, beginning with the Illinois Architects Act of 1897.

6. Translate from Russian into English:

Главные архитекторы Ренессанса находились под двойным контролем церкви и государства, от которых зависели их пол­номочия. В растущей индустриальной демократии, завися­щей от рынка, возрастало количество зданий, достойных вни­мания архитекторов, а заказчики требовали, чтобы диапазон новых зданий расширялся. Кроме того, с приходом науки о зданиях происходило дальнейшее разделение в дизайнерском процессе: структурное инженерное искусство появилось как разделение дисциплин, специализирующихся на приложении математических моделей в строительстве. Одним из первых зданий, для которых произошло разделение функций архи­тектора и инженера, было Granary в Париже.

Get talking

1. Discuss in pairs. Make up a dialogue about «A major change in the role of the architects», It should include 20 phrases.

2. Prepare reports about well-known large-scale buildings in the world. A report should include 2000-3000 words.



Lesson 11-12



Grammar: Noun

1. Write all the following nouns in plural:

An architect, a commission, a building, a client, a cost, a dimension, a price, a lender, a contract, a material, a period, a defect.

2. Write the following words in correct order to make sentences and translate them;

• An, meets, the, architect, his, requirements, and, client, discusses.

• The, draws, architect, plans, up, preliminary.

• The, takes, of, possession, the, building, full, client, the, building.

• The, occupies, contractor, and, completes, it, building, client, the.

• The, work, building, now, starts, on.

3. Find all the sentences from the text with the forms of the verb "to be". Copy them in your exercise-books.

4. Look at these drawings of the same building. Make up sentences
saying what the dimensions marked on the drawings are:

Example: The floor to ceiling height is 2 700 mm.

Get talking

1. Imagine you are a future skilled architect. Say some words about "A contract between the client and the contractor". Your talk should last a minute.


Lesson 13


Grammar: Participle I

1. Complete the following words from the text:

Ar_itect_ral, eng_ne_r_ng, te_nolo______ cal, te       ni_ue, t__min_ti_n, m_nag_me_t, p_bli_, min_mi_e, aco_sti_s, en_gy.


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