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Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld. Weapons/Armour: the Barbarian is armed with a dagger, two-handed sword and wears a fur cloak (Act the same as a wolfcloak)

Barbarian 4 4 2 5 3 2 3 3 6

Weapons/Armour: the Barbarian is armed with a dagger, two-handed sword and wears a fur cloak (Act the same as a wolfcloak)

Skills: The Barbarian may choose from Combat, Strength and Speed when he gains a new skill.

Special Rules

Strongman: the barbarian starts with Strongman skill. See the Strength Skills section of the rulebook for more details.


Black Orc

From the Nemesis Crown

Black Orcs are more independent than ordinary greenskins. They were originally bred by the Chaos Dwarfs to eliminate the annoying animosity which plagues their Orc and Goblin cousins. Unfortunately the independence also made them difficult to control and many left the land of the Chaos Dwarfs to pursue a life of carnage of their own. Many join Orc waaghs where their strength and skill is much admired. A few however wander alone and will sell themselves for the opportunity to fight.

60 Gold Crowns +25 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Black Orc may be hired by any Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic warbands except for undead.

Rating: The Black Orc increases a warband's rating by 15 points plus 1 point for each Experience point the Black Orc has.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

Black Orc 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 7*

Weapons/Armour: The Black Orc wears Heavy armour and has helmet. He may choose between two axes or a great Axe.

Skills: The Black Orc may choose from Combat & Strength when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Black Orc may choose from the Orc Special Skill list.

Special Rules

I said 'shut it'! (Only applicable for greenskin): Whilst the Boss has this ferocious warrior in the warband the greenskins are reluctant to make trouble. Any orcs or goblins within 6” of the Black Orc do not suffer from the effects of Animosity. The rest of the warband tests as normal.

Who's Da Boss!: If any Goblin leader is taken OOA during the battle, the Black Orc HS steps up to replace him. For the duration of the battle he gains the "Leader" ability. If the Goblin leader gets the "Killed" result after the battle, then the Black Orc decides to fill the new vacant position permanently. The Black Orc becomes the new warband leader, but he keeps his upkeep cost (hey, a Black Orc can't live on mushrooms and fungus alone). The Black Orc does not count towards the warband size when selling treasure.

Whose Da Man? (Only applicable for greenskin): A Black Orc counts as a second leader in any warband he joins, and relays orders (much nastier) to the other warriors. Warriors within 6” of him may test off of their true leader’s Leadership minus 1 if the leader is still on the table, or at the Black Orc’s Leadership if he is not or if the Black Orc’s Leadership is higher than their leader’s Leadership-1.

Independent: The Black Orc is fierce independence means that they do not have to take All Alone tests.



Bounty Hunter

By Nick Kyme

Villains and outlaws are rife in the Old World. In Mordheim they are as ubiquitous as the ruins that litter the streets. It is the false perception of some outlaws that the depravity and chaos within the city's walls can offer some anonymity from those men who would seek to bring them to justice and claim the price on their heads. Not so, for Bounty Hunters are determined and resourceful men who will often hire themselves out as mercenaries to roaming warbands in the hope of getting closer to their mark. Their mission is to capture at all costs and a little thing like a cursed city isn't even going to slow their stride...

40 Gold Crowns +15 Gold Crowns upkeep

May be Hired: The Bounty Hunter may be hired by any Lawful, Lawful / Neutral and Neutral warbands.

Rating: A Bounty Hunter increases a warband's rating by 20 points plus 1 point for each Experience point the Bounty Hunter has.


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