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Advances in Space ResearchСтр 1 из 8Следующая ⇒
Модуль 6 Advances in Space Research Topic: Advances in Space Research Grammar: Modal Verbs Essential Vocabulary: gravity, weightlessness, raw materials, advent, improve, sustain, dedicate, process, although, vital, impurity, eliminate, allow, precisely
Speaking Summarize the information above. Use these questions to help you prepare your summary. 1. How many people have been in space so far? 2. What are the biggest challenges astronauts have to put up with? 3. What is zero gravity or weightlessness? What negative effects does it have on people? How can this be prevented? 5. How are astronauts prepared to walk in space? 6. Why do they need to go through survival training? 7. What scientific experiments are conducted in space? Grammar Part 1. Modal verbs. Ability, obligation, necessity, permission, prohibition, giving advice. Which of the meanings of modal verbs (ability, obligation, necessity, permission, prohibition, giving advice) do these sentences refer to? e.g. Need I answer this question? (necessity) 1.The astronauts mustn`t stay in space for too long. 2.Any type of space exploration should be postponed. 3.Trainee astronauts have to do a whole range of activities. 4.We can literally hear the Universe speaking to us. 5.You ought to help your friend. He is in trouble. 6.The doctor said, “You can take long walks every morning.” Lesson 2 Before learning about production of materials on space stations try to answer the following questions. How many of them can you answer?
1. How interested are you in space? 2. What advances in space research do you know? 3. What have you read or seen about production in space? 4. What physical phenomena govern the process onboard the spaceship? 5. What influence does gravity have on the final product 6. How can we use the acquired knowledge and data to improve industrial processes on Earth?
16 Look at the adjective form of nouns. A. Noun (существительное) + ful = Adjective (прилагательное) e.g. use (польза) – useful (полезный), skill (умение, навык) – skillful (умелый, профессиональный) Form adjectives from the following nouns.
B. Noun (существительное) + less = Adjective (прилагательное) e.g. use (польза) – useless (бесполезный) Form adjectives from the following nouns.
C. Adjective (прилагательное) + ness= Abstract noun (абстрактное существительное) e.g. weightless (невесомый) – weightlessness (невесомость) Form nouns from the following adjectives.
Read and translate the following international words from the text “ Creating Materials in a Weightless Environment ”. product |ˈ prɒ dʌ kt|, experiment |ɪ kˈ spɛ rɪ m(ə )nt|, defect |ˈ diː fɛ kt|, processing |ˈ prə ʊ sesɪ ŋ |, theorize |ˈ θ ɪ ə rʌ ɪ z|, temperature |ˈ tɛ mp(ə )rə tʃ ə |, ceramics |sɪ ˈ ræ mɪ ks|, component |kə mˈ pə ʊ nə nt|, gallium |ˈ ɡ alɪ ə m|, zinc |zɪ ŋ k|, oxide |ˈ ɒ ksʌ ɪ d|, zirconium |zə ː ˈ kə ʊ nɪ ə m|, barium |ˈ bɛ ː rɪ ə m|, lanthanum |ˈ lanθ ə nə m|, aluminum |ə ˈ luː mɪ nə m|, effect |ɪ ˈ fɛ kt|.
Read and learn pronunciation of the words from the text “Creating Materials in a Weightless Environment”. alloy |ˈ æ lɔ ɪ |, although |ɔ ː lˈ ð ə ʊ |, advent|ˈ adv(ə )nt|, variety |və ˈ rʌ ɪ ə ti|, mold |mə ʊ ld|, thoroughly |ˈ θ ʌ rə li|, partially |ˈ pɑ ː ʃ (ə )li|, certain |ˈ sə ː t(ə )n|, vital |ˈ vʌ ɪ t(ə )l|, microsurgery |mʌ ɪ krə (ʊ )ˈ sə ː dʒ (ə )ri|, impurity |ɪ mˈ pjʊ ə rɪ ti|, Earth |ə ː θ |, sample |ˈ sɑ ː mp(ə )l|, researcher |rɪ ˈ sɜ ː tʃ ə |, precisely |prɪ ˈ sʌ ɪ sli|.
Lesson 3 Grammar Useful notes
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) - мышечная дистрофия Дюшенна incurable genetic disorder – неизлечимая генетическая болезнь adolescence | adə ˈ lɛ s(ə )ns| – юность, молодость 1 What is this video about? Earth/application/ISS research 2 What are the growing conditions of high quality crystals? they/grow/ microgravity 3 What is the investigation of protein crystals in space helping treat? treat/ DMD/affect/muscles/young boys 4 Why couldn’t scientists grow a crystal on Earth? gravity/impact (влиять )/quality/crystal 5 How many experiments have been conducted since 2003? there/conduct/more/sixteen/ 6 What is the result of the experiments? are able/to slow/by half/ 7 What are scientists going to do in the future? determine/ thousands of proteins/structures/ 8 Who are they doing this research for? not only/ourselves/generation/to come
Phrases due to, thanks to, because of and no longer 33. Translate into Russian the following sentences with the phrase prepositions due to, thanks to, because of 1. Ships could communicate over long distances thanks to the invention of radio. 2. Because of the earth's rotation there are days and nights on the earth. 4. Perhaps the blue color of water and ice is due to the light and air they contain. 5. Thanks to the development of radio telescopes radio astronomy has made great achievements. 6. Our century can be called “Space Age” because of the development of a new branch of science and technology - cosmonautics. 7. Many well-known processes go on differently due to the absence of weight.
34. Complete the sentences using due to, thanks to, because of A.
B. Change the sentences following the rule in Remember section. 1. He was able to go to university because his uncle helped him. 2. Because I was unhappy, I didn't want to see anybody. 3. Ann arrived late because there was a problem at the airport. 4. We couldn`t play match because the weather was bad. 5. I couldn't understand them because they had an accent. 6. We had to drink a lot because it was hot. 7. I couldn't go away last weekend because I worked. 8. I couldn't understand her because I was tired.
35. Change the following negative sentences using negation no longer in accordance with the model e.g. It isn`t possible to put off the solution of ecological problems any longer. - It is no longer possible to put off the solution of ecological problems.
1. People don`t think of radio and television as something fantastic any longer. 2. In space the Archimedes principal is not valid any more. 3. Now, with these food delivered by the space shuttle a few times a year, you don`t have to take special pills any longer. 4. When we are not able to change a situation any longer, we are challenged to change ourselves. 5. We have a small two-door wardrobe we do not need any more. 6. He was told he didn`t have a job any more. 7. Due to understanding of the protein’s shape this genetic disorder isn`t hopeless any longer. Discussion Space research is a waste of money. vs. Space research is money well spent. Lesson 4 STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B) 1. What springs to mind when you hear the word 'space'? 2. How interested are you in space? 3. What do you think about what you read about gravitational waves? 4. What do you know about Einstein? 5. What do you know about Einstein's General Theory of Relativity? 6. What do you want to know about space? 7. Do you think there is life on other planets?
STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)
42 Read the title of the article and answer the questions: A. 1. What is the topic of the article? 2. What kind of person would be interested in this article? Andrew Nikonov (a BMSTU graduate) has decided to write a letter of application to the Cosmonauts Training Center. He is required to write letters both in Russian and in English to demonstrate a good command of English. Speaking 45. Debate these fun arguments for just two minutes each. Student A agrees with the first argument, Student B, with the second. Use the following expressions: In my opinion, ….. From my point of view….. I believe…… In the future, I think…. I don`t agree with you… I don`t really think… I`m afraid I can`t agree with that idea… a. b. Weightlessness would be wonderful. vs. Weightlessness would be boring. c. Being on Earth is more beautiful. vs. Looking at the earth is more beautiful. d. An astronaut is the best job in the world. vs. There are better jobs. e. Living in space is bad for your health. vs. Living on Earth is bad for your health. f. A holiday in space would be exciting. vs. A holiday in space would be stressful. g. We will have to live in space one day. vs. We will always be able to live on Earth. h. China will be the leader in space exploration. vs. Russia will always be first. i. Space research is a waste of money. vs. Space research is money well spent. 4 6 Make presentations on the topic “Advances in Space Research”. (Use the texts “ Creating Materials in a Weightless Environment” and “Gravitational Waves Detected, Einstein Is Right”, and your own findings). The following websites might be helpful: http: //www.nasa.gov National Aeronautics and Space Administration http: //www.esa.int - European Space Agency http: //www.federalspace.ru/ Russian Space Agency http: //space.skyrocket.de/ http: //www.planet4589.org/space/ http: //www.spacefacts.de http: //www.space.com http: //spaceflight.nasa.gov http: //www.spacelist.org http: //www.russianspaceweb.com/
Consolidation Module 6 Test V.0
I. Translate into Russian 2 points
1. Complex materials fiber-optic cables are made of can be improved in the weightless environment. 2. New technologies should be used in space research and cosmonauts will be able to research gravity. 3. Microgravity allows researchers to remove impurities from the most materials. 4 Some people believe we needn’t waste money on too expensive space research.
II. Translate into English paying attention to the underlined words (Active vocabulary) and/or Grammar of the Module (Modal verbs) 2 points
1. Улучшенные благодаря невесомости свойства материалов могут привести к созданию ценных медицинских препаратов. 2. Производство в космосе должно помочь устранить мелкие недостатки, из-за которых ухудшается сигнал оптоволоконного кабеля.
III. Complete the sentences using a modal verb or its equivalent in the correct form. Points 1. In the near future China ___________ become the leader in space exploration. (возможно) 2. In accordance with the space programme cosmonauts ________ study the properties of materials in space. (должны в силу запланированности ) 3. The astronaut profession _____________called one of the riskiest in the world. (может быть названа) 4. Engineers _________ carry out complex tasks to apply new technologies. (могли)
IV. Unjumble the words and write two or three more sentences on the given topic. 4 (2+2) points Scientists are trying to get humans to Mars. Researchers are currently trying to find out what kind of plants (1) in could on the red grow soil Mars. They hope that astronauts (2) to willgrowing able be start their own food on the Red Planet. The journey to Mars (3) take could to two-and-a-half up years. The astronauts (4) with will of take a need to lot food them just to last for the journey.
[1] Could you be an astronaut? URL: http: //www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/6-minute-english/ep-160526 [2] http: //learningenglish.voanews.com/media/video/everyday-grammar-tv/3137097.html? z=0& zp=1 (file 2) [3] April 27, 2016 by Sabrina Gaertner, The Open University, The Conversation https: //phys.org/news/2016-04-microgravity.html [4] По материалам http: //www.scienceclarified.com/scitech/Space-Stations/Research-and-Experiments.html#ixzz40M3Pi5Z7
[5] http: //learningenglish.voanews.com/content/everyday-grammar-may-might-must-modals-certainty/2887387.html (file 3) [6] http: //learningenglish.voanews.com/content/eistein-is-proven-right/3188629.html (file 4.1 or 4.2) Модуль 6 Advances in Space Research Topic: Advances in Space Research Grammar: Modal Verbs Essential Vocabulary: gravity, weightlessness, raw materials, advent, improve, sustain, dedicate, process, although, vital, impurity, eliminate, allow, precisely
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