Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Renting Space for other Groups' Religious Functions

It is permitted for other groups, at the discretion of the local ISKCON authorities, to rent space in ISKCON premises, outside the temple room, for their own ceremonies and functions, even for functions listed below (a-e), provided that the public understand clearly that the function is not being sponsored or conducted by ISKCON. However, no function on ISKCON property shall include any activity contrary to the four regulative principles. The GBC recommends that temples provide outside groups rental contracts clearly stipulating the above restrictions.(96)

The following activities are not allowed as part of ISKCON functions, whether conducted on ISKCON property or elsewhere:

a. Satya Narayana katha. (This is a concocted form of worship).

b. Garbha dance, when it is conducted in association with the worship of Durga. (Garbha dance is usually performed as part of Nava-ratri, a Durga festival. However, there are also Garbha dances in glorification of Krsna. Temple authorities permitting a Garbha dance must be confident that the performance is entirely Krsna-centered.)

c. The reading of Tulasidasa's Rama-carita-manasa. (Ramayana readings should be from Valmiki Ramayana, as Tulasidasa's work is tinged with impersonalism.)

d. Lectures advocating Mayavada or other offensive philosophies.

e. The singing of the Hindi arati song "om jaya jagadisa hare". (This is a prayer for material benedictions).

12.2.3                Sponsoring Professional Bhagavata-katha Reciters

The following guidelines should be followed:

i. If the speaker is not an ISKCON devotee, he should be a practicing vaisnava who can speak in public with enthusiasm about Lord Caitanya, ISKCON, and Srila Prabhupada.

ii. ISKCON should systematically cultivate such speakers as potential initiated devotees, so that at least their own standard of sadhana is enhanced. ISKCON will try to engage a few favorable outside reciters, rather than many, so that those few may become more immersed in ISKCON's mood.

iii. All kathas should showcase devotees in kirtana, prasadam distribution, as well as photos, paintings, and Deities from ISKCON temples or homes.

iv. The temples sponsoring such kathas shall be pledged to pursue vigorous follow-up programs among those who attended the kathas in order to cultivate them as temple members and practitioners of Krsna consciousness.

v. Distribution of full sets of Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavatam, in both Indian languages and in English, should be the main feature of these kathas.

vi. We should be confident that the speaker will not express any mayavada or sahajiya philosophy or sentiments.

vii. The speakers should represent the full Bhagavatam, and not just the Tenth Canto.

viii. The speakers should speak as a benefit for ISKCON, receiving only minimal compensation.

ix. The ISKCON speakers should always speak last in order to correct any errors in the other presentations.

x. If the speaker is not an ISKCON devotee, the event should be held in another name.

12.2.4                Sthapaka-sastra

It is advised as a guideline that all ISKCON temples with installed Deities may immediately begin and maintain a sthapaka-sastra using a long-lasting hard-bound book suitable for establishing a legacy. Each temple's historical events should be recorded in the sthapaka-sastra by the Temple President and Head pujari after due consideration and mutual agreement. The sthapaka-sastra should be maintained on the altar as the Deities' personal paraphernalia. Suggestions for entries are:

1. Formation of the temple.

2. Special lilas and instructions given by the Founder-Acarya, Srila Prabhupada.

3. Special history of the Deities e.g.: how They were named, how They came, Their standard of service, Their extraordinary lilas, etc.

4. Accomplishments of the devotees and temple e.g.: winners of Christmas marathons.

5. Temple's annual history.

6. The last words of retiring Temple Presidents.(95)

12.2.5                Regulations Regarding Vaisnava Calendar

1. ISKCON temples throughout the world shall follow the official calendar calculated according to the conclusions of this report, which are:

a. The calculations should be made based upon the local time of sunrise.

b. A computerized method of calculations is acceptable.

c. The length of a muhurta shall be calculated as a 15th part of the daytime and a 15th part of the nighttime.

d. Sunrise shall be defined as the time of calculated visibility of the upper limb of the sun at the horizon, and the time of sunset as the time of calculated disappearance of the upper limb of the sun at the horizon.

e. The calculations shall be based upon the positions of the heavenly bodies as determined according to modern scientific astronomical observations.(90)

2. The calendar generated by the program written by the Calendar Research Committee shall be the standard calendar to be followed by all ISKCON centers.(90)

3. Srila Prabhupada's Appearance Day be fixed as the calendar day after the observance of Janmastami, and the calendar program changed accordingly.

4. The official ISKCON calendar should include the significant dates in Srila Prabhupada's life, such as the day he took sannyasa, departed for America, arrived in America, founded ISKCON, etc.(92)

5. The disappearance day of H.H. Gaura Govinda Maharaja be observed on the ISKCON GBC and BBT calendar every year.(96)



The Ministry of Education is dissolved vide 1998 IGBCS Resolution. Hence, this Chapter has become redundant or non-operative. (1998)

Board Of Education


The ISKCON Board of Education is a GBC standing committee dealing with primary and secondary education in ISKCON, composed of GBC and non-GBC members. The Board will formulate and execute concrete plans which shall enable it to effectively insure the quality of Krsna conscious primary and secondary education throughout ISKCON. Each member of the ISKCON Board of Education shall have responsibility for specific duties and shall make specific commitments for which he shall be held accountable.


1. That all Board of Education resolutions are binding on ISKCON Educational Institutions, subject to review each year in Mayapur by the GBC.(89)


The ISKCON Board of Education shall continue to maintain the activities of the former Ministry of Education.

1. To establish and maintain a central administrative office.

2. To meet annually in Mayapur.

3. To plan international policies and strategies.

4. To interface with the GBC Body.

5. To resolve problems brought to it.(94)

6. To give Gurukula schools permission and guidance.(81)

7. To formulate and execute concrete plans which shall enable it to effectively improve and insure the quality of Krsna Conscious primary and secondary education throughout ISKCON.

8. To develop and print curriculums.

9. To establish standards for voluntary accreditation of gurukulas worldwide and manage the accreditation process.

10. To act as an advisory service for ISKCON leaders and devotees worldwide in all matters concerning elementary and secondary education and child protection. It is reaffirmed herein that the ultimate responsibility for education and child protection rests with the local GBC and temple authorities.

11. To maintain official ISKCON child abuse records.

12. To report to the ISKCON Education Office Liaison (described below) of any known discrepancies in local follow up of reports.

13. To maintain other records, files, mailing lists as appropriate.

14. To organize the Education Conference on COM.



Its membership, to be appointed by the GBC Body upon the Board's recommendation, shall be:

1. A Chairman / Secretary.

2. GBC members as Regional Representatives.

3. At-Large members who, while not representing a particular area, are experienced in education or have a specific contribution which enhances the composition of the Board.

The yearly GBC Chairman shall also serve as a member of the ISKCON Board of Education.

Duties of the different categories of members shall be initially as per the document entitled "Proposal to the GBC for Reorganizing the International Board of Education", dated February 14, 1991 and filed with the Corresponding Secretary, or as they may be modified by the Board of Education in the future and reported in writing to the GBC Body.


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