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Accepting the Sacred Order of Lord Caitanya 

                (Sat-sangi, or Sraddhavan)

Qualifications: Accepting the instructions or sacred order of Lord Caitanya to chant Hare Krsna (minimum one round per day), to worship Lord Krsna (to visit the temple or otherwise cultivate devotional service as far as possible), and to read the teachings of Lord Krsna (Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and other books of Srila Prabhupada). [Note: Since this broadly correlates with sraddha or sat-sanga stages of devotion, they can generally be called as "Sat-sangi" or "Sraddhavan".]  Krsna (or Gauranga) Sevaka

Qualifications: Chanting a minimum of four rounds of Hare Krsna japa per day, refraining from meat-eating, believing in Lord Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, possessing a devotional attitude, and avoiding of grossly immoral acts (drugs, prostitution, etc.)  Krsna (or Gauranga) Sadhaka

Qualifications: Chanting a minimum of eight rounds of Hare Krsna japa per day, refraining from intoxication, meat-eating, gambling, and extra-marital sex, offering of bhoga to pictures, establishing an altar at home, and generally accepting the process of sadhana-bhakti.  Srila Prabhupada Asraya

Qualifications: Practicing the minimum standard of Krsna consciousness for ISKCON members as given by Srila Prabhupada, namely chanting of minimum sixteen rounds of Hare Krsna japa per day, refraining from intoxication, meat-eating, gambling, and illicit sex, and generally showing a strong conviction in Krsna consciousness.  Sri Guru Carana Asraya

Qualifications: Same as Srila Prabhupada Asraya, with additional faith and surrender in an authorized spiritual master coming in the disciplic succession. Must have been practicing Srila Prabhupada Asraya standard for a minimum of six months. They should pass the exam provided for in ISKCON Law.

5. Women’s Participation : (2000 )

A. All ISKCON temples are to allow all qualified devotees, regardless of gender, to speak on Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita etc. during the regular temple class.


B. All ISKCON temples designate half of the temple room area divided in the center from the alter for the ladies.


C. If the management in a particular temple feels it is unable to implement these proposals, the Executive Committee will appoint a small team of senior devotees, including women, to sensitively review the particular local situation.

Annual Doubling of the Congregation

ISKCON temples should try to annually double their congregation by training and empowering the congregation through small local nama-hatta Bhakti-vrksa Branch Groups (known also as Krsna conscious "cell" groups, bhakti-sangas, etc.)

ISKCON Leaders' Duties In Regard to

          Congregational Preaching

GBC Zonal Secretary

1. Each GBC Zonal Secretary shall allocate the responsibility for preaching to the congregation in the different geographic areas of his zone to temples or Congregational Preaching Directorates to insure maximum effectiveness in congregational preaching and development.

2. If a nama-hatta center upgrades to become an ISKCON temple or otherwise a temple is established in a Congregational Preaching Directorate area, then naturally the GBC Zonal Secretary will make new arrangements to re-allocate the respective geographic responsibilities for preaching to the congregation in the affected areas.(93)

For those geographic areas which fall beyond the capacity or desire of ISKCON temples to supervise, promote, and expand the congregational preaching, the local GBC Zonal Secretary(s) and the Zonal Council (if any) can appoint a responsible devotee in good standing to be a "Director" of a "Congregational Preaching Directorate" or "Branch" of ISKCON who can lead a team of preachers to systematically cultivate, preach to, and expand the congregational preaching in a specified area.

3. To oversee that every temple maintains a program of sending a monthly letter from a devotee to his parents, if his parents are at least approachable.(77)


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