Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Regarding Awards and Recognition

1. A monthly newsletter shall be sent out to all temples listing all zones and temples in order, giving details of all book sales and including interesting articles concerning developments of preaching fields in various zones.

2. Annual awards shall be presented during Mayapur Gaura-purnima annual festival for outstanding services in the field of sankirtana in the following areas:

a. Most successful country

b. Most improved country

c. Most successful temples (maha-large, large, medium, and small)

d. Most improved temples (maha-large, large, medium, small and maha-small)

e. Top individual sankirtana devotees.

3. Award winners shall be determined each year by the Sankirtana Newsletter staff.

4. A BBT Newsletter may provide financial information.(80)

5. The scoring system for the Sankirtana Newsletter is changed to include the following:

a. For the "Regular" category:

i. To count only literature which is actually sold and given into the hands of the receivers personally, and

ii. Literature distributed by accepting post dated checks shall only be counted when the minimum BBT price has been received.

b. A new category named "Subsidized" for the following methods of distribution:

i. Devotees working in teams of two or more and recording their total group effort as one score,

ii. Subsidized books which are sold at BBT price or less, and

iii. Sponsored books given to people who can value them (i.e.: VIPs, libraries, schools, prisons, etc.).

The above methods of book distribution must be specified when reporting scores to the newsletter.

c. Distribution by individuals and temples who give out literature free of cost shall not be counted in the newsletter.(97-103)

Regarding Book Distribution Techniques

1. Illegal techniques shall not be used on book distribution. Such illegal methods include: misrepresenting one's physical health, claiming falsely that contributions go for welfare projects and claiming falsely to be affiliated with a charity.(77)

2. "If costumes are used on sankirtana it must be done legally with permits from local authority".(77)

3. Each GBC Zonal Secretary man will go out in the field in each of his temples during the year to observe the same [to know how his devotees are implementing the resolution, "no illegal techniques".](77)

14.2.3   Regarding Traveling Sankirtana

No GBC member shall allow the sankirtana parties of his zone to carry out sankirtana activities outside of his zone without having received the express written permission of the host GBC Zonal Secretary or the Temple President concerned.(80)

Regarding Srila Prabhupada Marathon

1. The Christmas marathon shall be officially titled the "Srila Prabhupada Marathon".

2. Only legal and ethical techniques shall be used on book distribution and other techniques are not to be used. The standard of approved sankirtana techniques can be obtained from the GBC Minister for book distribution.(77)

Seminars Conducted by the Ministry for Book Distribution

1. The five-day seminar course established by the Global Book Distribution Minister is accepted as the official training course for all ISKCON book distributors. This course is to be taken by all:

a. New regular book distributors within the first twelve months of their book distributing career, and

b. Regular book distributors by Gaura-purnima 1998, and

c. Part time book distributors are encouraged to take this course.

2. The Global Book Distribution Minister is responsible to supervise the standard and content of the Book Distribution Graduate Course, promote it, and ensure that the requirements of this resolution are met.


1. The Temple Presidents should give an absolute minimum of twenty five percent(25%) of the Temples income for book distribution.(81)

2. Each temple may give books to ISKCON centers in third-world countries like India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Africa and Latin America for establishing Krsna conscious reading rooms. The temple contributing should receive sankirtana points for those books according to the Book Distribution Ministry approved system. In such a case the recipients will not receive points.(79)



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