Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Research, Publications, and Presentations:
Rich, J. Dennis, “Cultural Entrepreneurship, Where We Are Now,” at XV Yufit Assembly, The Space of Cultural Policy, Fifth Saint Petersburg International Cultural Forum, Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 3, 2016. ____________, “Project Based Teaching and Experiential Learning for Film and Television in the United States,” at Fifth Saint Petersburg International Cultural Forum, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Cinema Section, December 2, 2016.
____________, “Marketing Culture and the Arts to Millennials,” at Fifth Saint Petersburg International Cultural Forum, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Cinema Section, December 1, 2016 Rich, J. Dennis, Ravanas, Phillippe & Roth, Steven, “What Are You Really Selling? Arts Marketing & the Patron Journey,”at Fueling Change, National Arts Marketing Project Conference 2016, Austin, Texas, November 13, 2016. Rich, J. Dennis, “Fundraising and Sponsorship in South Asian Cultural Organizations,” for ARThink South Asia, May 6, 7 & 9, 2016, New Delhi, India. Rich, J. Dennis and Shekova, Ekaterina L, “Arts Management in the US and in Russia: Pedagogical Aspects,” European Scientific Journal, May 2016/SPECIAL/edition, pp. 184-88. ___________, “The Effect of Crowd Sourcing and User Generated Content on Marketing Practice” at Management in Culture and Media Industries: Innovative Approaches and Technologies, International Conference sponsored by the Institute of Economics and Management, Saint Petersburg State University for Cinema and Television, Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 21, 2016. Rich, J. Dennis, “Fundraising for Producers and Media Managers,” for Institute of Economics and Management, Saint Petersburg State University for Cinema and Television, Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 22, 2016. __________, “Sponsorship for Educators,” at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 24, 2016. Rich, J. Dennis and Shekova, Ekaterina L.“Baumol’s Disease in America and Russia,” in What is Next? Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cultural Trajectories and Cultural Governance, Taipei, Taiwan, November 13-15, 2015. Rich, J. Dennis, “Fundraising and Sponsorship in Indian Cultural Organizations,” for ARThink South Asia, April 30 – May 2, 2015, New Delhi, India. Rich J. Dennis and Pooja Sood, “Marketing and Communication for Indian Cultural Organizations,” for ARThink South Asia, May 4, 2015, New Delhi, India. Rich, J. Dennis. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions,” Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki, Finland, December 14-19, 2014 ____________, “Project Management for Producers and Media Managers,” for Institute of Economics and Management, Saint Petersburg State University for Cinema and Television, Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 17, 2014. Rich, J. Dennis and. Shekova, Ekaterina L., “Baumol’s Disease in America and Russia,” at Association of Cultural Economics International Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 27, 2014. Rich, J. Dennis, “Fundraising and Sponsorship for the Performing Arts,” Vaganova Ballet Academy, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 2 -3, 2014, Rich, J. Dennis and Ekaterina L. Shekova, “Project Management for Culture Managers” for Project Center Creative - Moscow, Moscow, Russia, May 29-31, 2014. Rich, J. Dennis, “Fundraising: Principles and Practice,” Batumi Arts Teaching University,” Batumi, Georgia (Sponsored by the U. S. State Department) May 25-26, 2014. _____________, “Sponsorship for Arts Organizations: Principles and Practice,” Batumi Arts Teaching University,” Batumi, Georgia (Sponsored by the U. S. State Department) May 27, 2014 _____________, “Sponsorship for Arts Organizations: Principles and Practice” for the Arts Research Institute of Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia (Sponsored by the U.S. State Department) May 22, 2014. _____________, “Fundraising for Arts Organizations: Principles and Practice” for the Arts Research Institute of Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia (Sponsored by the U.S. State Department) May 21, 2014. _____________, “Individual Donors in 2014 and Beyond,” at Management in Culture and Media Industries: Innovative Approaches and Technologies, International Conference sponsored by the Institute of Economics and Management, Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 28, 2014. ___________, “Innovation and Its Impact in Media” at Management in Culture and Media Industries: Innovative Approaches and Technologies, International Conference sponsored by the Institute of Economics and Management, Saint Petersburg State University for Cinema and Television, Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 27, 2014. Published in conference proceedings, МАТЕРЛАЛЫ, 27-28 Магата 2014 года ___________, “Fundraising: Principles and Practice,” Saint Petersburg State University for Cinema and Television, Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 27, 2014. ___________, “The Impact of Shifting Cultural Policy on Arts Leadership,” at Yufit Assembly Conference, sponsored by InterStudio in cooperation with the St Petersburg Branch of the Theatre Union of Russia, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the St. Petersburg Committee for Culture, St. Petersburg, Russia, March 21, 2014. ____________, “Project Management for Culture and Media,” Lecture Series, Saint Petersburg State University for Cinema and Television, Saint Petersburg, Russia, ____________, “Sponsorship for Educators,” at Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Saint Petersburg, Russia, January 18, 2014. ____________, “Fundraising for Indian Cultural Organizations,” for ARThink South Asia, April 7, 2013, New Delhi, India Rich J. Dennis and Pooja Sood, “Marketing and Communication for Indian Cultural Organizations,” for ARThink South Asia, April 5-6, 2013, New Delhi, India _____________, Project Management, Marketing, and Funding Lecture Series for Saint Petersburg State University, Department of Environmental Design and Landscape Architecture, as Fulbright Specialist, October 7 – 18, 2013. ____________, “Universal Principles of Fundraising,” for Saint Petersburg State University for Cinema and Television, October 16, 2013. ____________, “Sponsorship Packages and Working with Sponsors,” at White nights of Fundraising, Sixth International Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 29, 2012. ____________, “Universal Principles of Fundraising,” at White nights of Fundraising, Sixth International Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 28, 2012. ____________, “Baumol’s Disease in America,” Megatrend Review, May/June 2012. Rich, J. Dennis and Dan J. Martin, “Is There a Crisis of Confidence about Arts Management Training, in The Boundaries of Cultural Management: Past, Present, and Future. C. DeVereaux (ed.) Humak University Press, forthcoming Rich, J. Dennis. “Building a Sustainable Fund Development Plan with a Special Focus on Marketing Strategies” for University of Illinois Chicago Great Cities Institute, February 24, 2012. _____________. “The Role of Individual Giving in Building a Sustainable Fund Development Plan,” for University of Illinois Chicago Great Cities Institute, February 3, 2012. ____________. “Cultural Industries, Creative Enterprise, and the Arts in the USA,” for the delegation from the Chinese Ministry of Culture at DePaul University, sponsored by the 21st. Century Institute, September 13, 2011. ____________. “Cultural Policy and Cultural Industries in the United States,” for the Zhuhai China Delegation at the University of Chicago, sponsored by The 21st Century Institute, July 27, 2011. _____________. “Project Management for Cultural Managers,” at St. Petersburg State University for Culture and the Arts, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 26, 2011. _____________. “Strategic Planning for Cultural Organizations,” St. Petersburg State University for Culture and the Arts, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 26, 2011. ____________. “Cultural Sponsorship Theory and Practice: the American Model,” at the Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and the Arts, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 12 and 13, 2011. ____________. “Fundraising for Culture and the Arts,” at the Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and the Arts, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 12 and 13, 201. _____________. “How American Performing Arts Managers See Art Management Education,” at Yufit Assembly Conference, sponsored by InterStudio in cooperation with the St Petersburg Branch of the Theatre Union of Russia, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the St. Petersburg Committee for Culture, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 8, 2011. _____________. “Fundraising Principles and Practice: How Might the American Experience Affect Russian Managers,” at the State University of St. Petersburg Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 4, and April 11, 2011. _____________. “Universal Principles in Fundraising and Their Application in Russia.” at the State University of Saint Petersburg Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg, Russia, December 14, 2010. Rich, J. Dennis and Martin, Dan J. "Reaching Audiences Now: Reflections from the Field,” at New Tech. Tools. Times Americans for the Arts National Arts Marketing Project Conference, San Jose, November 13, 2010. Colbert, François with the collaboration of Suzanne Bilodeau, Johanne Brunet, Jacques Nantel, and J. Dennis Rich, and with the participation of Philippe Ravanas and Yannik St. James Marketing U Kulturi I Umetnosti. Belgrade, Serbia, CLIO, 2010. Rich, J. Dennis. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland, September 13-17, 2010. ____________. “Is Fundraising for Theatre in Russia’s Future?” at the Theatre Arts Academy of St. Petersburg, Russia, September 11, 2010. Rich, J. Dennis and Dan J. Martin. “Voices from the Field: the Role of Arts Management Education in the Performing Arts,” at the Association of Arts Administration Educators Conference, Washington, D.C., June 5, 2010. Rich, J. Dennis. Cultural Management and the State of the Field. Invited Participant in this international symposium on cultural management pedagogy, at HUMAK University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland, May 19-21, 2010. ____________. “How Does the US Sustain a Vibrant Artistic Infrastructure with Minimal Government Support?” Arts Professional, #216, April 26, 2010. Rich, J. Dennis and Ekaterina L. Shekova. “Cultural Policy and Classical Dance in the United States and Russia”, at the 2010 Joint Conference the National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations, St. Louis, April 3, 2010. Rich, J. Dennis. “Respect the Actor and Love the Audience,” Keynote address for Yufit Assembly, Audience – Services’ Consumer or Strategic Partner of Cultural Institution? INTERSTUDIO and St. Petersburg Branch of the Theatre Union of Russia with support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia, March 19, 2010. ____________. “The Impact of Shifting Cultural Policy on Arts Leadership in the USA,” at the International Leadership Association Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, November 13, 2009. ____________. “Assessing the Role of Arts Management Education in Arts Management Leadership Development,” at City University of Hong Kong, Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, October 21, 2009. Bernadska, Anna and J. Dennis Rich, project managers and facilitators. Creative Entrepreneurship and Education in Cultural Life Conference. A joint project of the European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers and the Arts, Entertainment and Media Management Department at Columbia College Chicago, July 15-18, 2009.
Rich, J. Dennis and Dan J. Martin. “Assessing the Role of Formal Education in Arts Administration Leadership Development: Revisiting the Conditions 15 years later,” at AIMAC, the International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management. Southern Methodist University, Dallas, June 29, 2009. Rich, J. Dennis. “Creative Unions and Public Associations for the Arts in the USA,” at Yufit Assembly, InterStudio, St. Petersburg, Russia, March 21, 2009. ____________. “Cultural Fundraising, Sponsorships, and Partnerships in a Time of Economic Crisis,” Seminar at Yufit Assembly, InterStudio, St. Petersburg, Russia, March 22, 2009. ____________. “Loving Your Aging Audience: Embracing Boomers,” at Priming the Pump, National Arts Marketing Project Conference, Houston, November 10, 2008. Peeler, Julie and J. Dennis Rich, “Branding 101: The Mechanics of Magic,” at Priming the Pump, National Arts Marketing Project Conference, Houston, November 10, 2008. Rich, J. Dennis. “Planning for Fundraising and Sponsorship,” in Francois Colbert and Dan J. Martin, editors and Marketing Planning for Culture and the Arts: Fundamental Principles and Practices for Building an Effective Marketing Campaign. Montreal: Carmelle and Rémi Marcoux Chair in Arts Management, HEC Montreal, 2008 Rich, J. Dennis. “Marketing Culture and the Arts: the Special Nature of the Cultural Product” at Empressa, Humanism y Gestión Cultural, El Escorial, Spain, July 30, 2008. ____________. “El Mundo Cultural y el Mundo Empresarial: Razones de un Encuentro,” (in English) at Empressa, Humanism y Gestión Cultural, El Escorial, Spain, July 29, 2008. ____________. Lecture Series, “Cultural Fundraising and Sponsorship,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland, March 3-8, 2008. ____________. Lecture Series, “Integrating Cultural Marketing and Fundraising.” Salzburg Management Business School and International Centre for Culture and Management. Salzburg, October 14-16, 2007. ___________. “Fundraising, Sponsorship, and the Future of the Arts.” Studia Manageralia lecture series. Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland, September 11, 2007. Rich, J. Dennis and Philippe Ravanas. “An American Paradox: How Can The Arts Flourish in a Country with No Formal Arts Policy and Virtually No Public Funding for the Arts?” Presented at AIMAC, July 9, 2007, Valencia, Spain and published in Manuel Cuadrado, Editor, Proceedings: 9th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management. Valencia, Spain, Universidad de Valencia, Facultat d’Economia, 2007. Rich, J. Dennis. Lecture Series, “Marketing Principles and Planning for Culture and the Arts.” Salzburg Management Business School and Internationales Zentrum Für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, May 24-27, 2007. Rich, J. Dennis. “Russian Cultural Policy: Observations from the Outside.” Russian Cultural Policy: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Yufit Assembly, InterStudio, St. Petersburg, Russia, March 21, 2007. Rich, J. Dennis. “Fund Raising and Sponsorship Challenges.” UNESCO Chair for Cultural Management and Cultural Policy, Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania, March 1 – 3, 2007. ____________. “Cultural Fundraising and Sponsorship.” Riga Congress Center and the Latvian Academy for Culture, February 27, 2007, Riga, Latvia. Rich, J. Dennis, Anna Bernadska, Gerald Lidstone, and Svetlana Waradzinova. Curriculum Development for Cultural Management in Ukraine, January 29 – February 3, 2007, Kyiv, Ukraine. Colbert, François with the collaboration of Suzanne Bilodeau, Johanne Brunet, Jacques Nantel, and J. Dennis Rich, and with the participation of Philippe Ravanas and Yannik St. James Marketing Culture and the Arts. Montreal, Chair in Arts Management, HEC (third edition) 2007. Colbert, François avec la collaboration de Suzanne Bilodeau, Johanne Brunet, Jacques Nantel et J. Dennis Rich et la participation de Yannik St-James et Philippe Ravanas Le marketing des arts et de la culture. Quebec, Les Éditions de la Chenelière inc., 2007. Rich, J. Dennis. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions,” Moscow Theatre Academy, Management Department (GITIS). Moscow, Russia, December 4-8, 2006 ____________. Lecture Series: “Marketing Culture and the Arts,” Estonian Academy of Music (sponsored by the US Embassy in Estonia) October 30 – November 3, 2006. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fundraising and Sponsorship in Culture and the Arts,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. October 23 – October 27 2006. ____________. “Fundraising in the Context of Culture and the Arts,” presented to working cultural managers – Korjaamo Cultural Center, Helsinki, Finland – sponsored by the Embassy of the United States, Image Match Ltd., and the Sibelius Academy – October 23, 2006. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fundraising and Sponsorship in Culture and the Arts, Institute for Professional Development in Culture – State Institution for Continuing Education and Post-Graduate Education InterStudio, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 19 – October 22, 2006. ____________. Lecture Series, “Marketing Analysis and Marketing Strategy for Cultural Institutions,” – Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria. October 16 - 17, 2006. ____________. “You Don’t Have to Give It Away: Incentive Marketing Strategies in the Arts,” National Arts Marketing Project Conference, Los Angeles. April 30, 2006. _____________. “Baumol’s Disease: Does It Still Exist in the USA?” Fifth Annual Yufit Assembly, Economics of the Performing Arts: Fundamental Models and Contemporary Views, hosted by Federal Institute for the Professional Development in Culture in collaboration with the Theatre Union of the Russian Federation, with the support of the Federal Agency on Culture and Cinematography of the Russian Federation. St. Petersburg, Russia. March 17, 2006. _____________. Lecture Series: “Marketing for Cultural Institutions,” InterStudio, St. Petersburg, Russia. February 19 – 24, 2006. Colbert, François with Jacques Nantel, Suzanne Bilodeau and J. Dennis Rich, Marketing Culture and the Arts (Korean Translation and Adaptation of Le Marketing des arts ad de la culture), Taekhaksa Publishing House, Seoul, South Korea, 2005. Rich, J. Dennis. Lecture Series: “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Culture and the Arts,” Estonian Academy of Music (sponsored by the US Embassy in Estonia) November 13 – November18, 2005. ____________. Lecture Series, “Marketing for Cultural Institutions,” - Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. November 7 – November 11, 2005. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions,” Moscow Theatre Academy, Management Department (GITIS). Moscow, Russia, October 25 – October 28, 2005. ____________. Lecture Series: “Marketing Culture and the Arts,” Institute for Professional Development in Culture – State Institution for Continuing Education and Post-Graduate Education InterStudio, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 18 – October 22, 2005. ____________. Lecture Series: “Cultural Marketing” Institute for Professional Development in Culture – State Institution for Continuing Education and Post-Graduate Education InterStudio, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 18 – October 22, 2005. ____________. “Cultural Market Planning and Promotion” at the Salzburg Culture Forum, Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 28, 2005. _____________. “Fund Raising for Cultural Institutions,” at the Salzburg Culture Forum, Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 29, 2005. Rich, J. Dennis and Maria Naimark, “The Context for Cultural Policy – Old World and New World,” in Abstracts of the8th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management http://www.hec.ca/aimac2005/completeprogram.htm, presented at AIMAC, July 6, 2005, Montreal, Canada. Colbert, François with Jacques Nantel, Suzanne Bilodeau and J. Dennis Rich, Marketing Culture and the Arts (МАРКЕТИНГ У СФЕРІ КУЛЬТУРІ ТА МИСТЕЦТВ), Kyiv, Ukraine, 2005. Rich, J. Dennis. “Raising the Roof: Real Life Capital Campaigns” – presenter and facilitator – at One State Together Conference sponsored by the Illinois Arts Council and the Illinois Arts Alliance, Chicago, May 12, 2005. ____________. “Raising Funds for a Theatre,” in Мистецтво і Ринок (Art and the Market) by Igor Bezgin. Kyiv, Kompas, 2005. Dewey, Patricia, and J. Dennis Rich. “Developing Arts Management Skills in Transitional Democracies,” translated into Ukrainian by Natalya Partach in Arts Management Bulletin, #2, 2005, pp. 7-11. Rich, J. Dennis. Lecture Series, “Cultural Marketing” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management in collaboration with Salzburg Management Business School, Salzburg, Austria May 2-6, 2005. ___________. “Cultural Industries and the Artist in the US.” Presented at Creative Clusters in the Life of Culture and the Life of the City Conference hosted by the Federal Agency on Culture and Cinematography of the Russian Federation, the Theatre Union of Russian Federation St. Petersburg Branch, and by the State Educational Institution INTERSTUDIO with the support of Institute of Finland in St. Petersburg and ENCATC – European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers, March 18, 2005. _______________. “Fund Raising Techniques and Methods for Cultural Institutions,” sponsored by the US State Department, Amerika Haus, Frankfurt, Germany, March 16, 2005. _______________. “Fund Raising and Marketing the Arts and Culture” sponsored by the US State Department, German-American Institute, Heidelberg, Germany, March 15, 2005. _______________. “Fund Raising for Culture and the Arts,” sponsored by the US State Department, German-American Institute, Nürnberg, Germany, March 14, 2005. _______________. “Fund Raising – an American Dream? Are US Fund Raising Techniques and Methods Transferable to a European Setting?” at Marketing and Fundraising für Kunst und Kultur at the Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, Bad Boll, Germany, March 10, 2005. _______________. “Fund Raising and Marketing for the Arts and Culture, sponsored by the US State Department, Amerikazentrum Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, March 9, 2005. _______________. “Fund Raising Techniques and Methods for Cultural Institutions,” sponsored by the US State Department, Amerika Haus, Berlin, Germany, March 8, 2005. _______________. “Fund Raising an American Dream?” sponsored by the US State Department, US Consulate, Leipzig, Germany, March 7, 2005. _____________. Lecture Series: “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Culture and the Arts,” Institute for Professional Development in Culture – State Institution for Continuing Education and Post-Graduate Education InterStudio, St. Petersburg, Russia, December 15 – 18, 2004. _____________. Lecture Series: “Cultural Marketing” Estonian Academy of Music, Tallinn, Estonia (sponsored by the US Embassy in Estonia and the US State Department), October 11 – October 15, 2004. Luciano, Angelo and J. Dennis Rich, “Budget-Planning,” in Armin Klein, Editor, Kompendium Kulturmanagement: Handbuch für Studium und Praxis. Munich: Verlag Franz Vahlen, pp. 263-274. Rich, J. Dennis. “The Challenge of Marketing the Arts in the USA,” Symposium Markt Literarisch sponsored by Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany, October 2, 2004. _____________. “Fund Raising for Cultural Institutions,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 20, 2004. ____________. “Cultural Marketing,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 27, 2004. ____________. Contributor to Comparative Study of the Cultural Products and Services Industry EU-USA produced for the European Parliament by Euclid International, 2004. Colbert, François with Jacques Nantel, Suzanne Bilodeau and J. Dennis Rich, Marketing Culture and the Arts (Марkетинг κультуры и искусства ), Arts Press, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2004. Rich, J. Dennis and François Colbert, “Marketing Culture and the Arts” at Conference sponsored by the Institute for Professional Development in Culture - State Institution for Continuing Education and Post-Graduate Education InterStudio, St. Petersburg, Russia. March 18, 2004 Rich, J. Dennis, “Managing Public-Private Partnerships to Promote the Arts,” The American Center of the US Embassy, Sofia, March 11, 2004. ____________. Lecture Series. “Supporting Culture through Fund Raising, Marketing, and Sponsorship, organized by the University of Tirana, Albania and sponsored by the Soros Foundation. January 22-24, 2004. ____________. Lecture Series. “Cultural Marketing,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, December 18-21, 2003. ____________. Lecture Series: “Cultural Marketing,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. October 27 – October 31, 2003. ____________. Lecture Series: “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Culture and the Arts,” Estonian Academy of Music (sponsored by the US Embassy in Estonia and the US State Department), October 20 – October 24, 2003. ____________. “The Challenge of Marketing Culture and the Arts,” Tallinn Pedagogical University, Tallinn, Estonia, October 25, 2003. _____________. Zwischen Potsdam und Chicago: Studium Kultur-Management – Zwei Studiengänge im Vergleich – Professionelles Management als Bestandteil der Ausbildung,“ Potsdam Neueste Nachrichten, Seite III, October 14, 2003. _____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship,” International Salzburg Summer Academy for Arts and Management, Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 27 -August 9, 2003. Naimark, Maria and J. Dennis Rich. “The Artistic Decision Making Process: Who Influences and Who Decides,” at the AIMAC Conference, Milan Italy, June 30, 2003. Halonen, Katri, J. Dennis Rich, and Tereza Skorepove. “Professional Profiles Required by the Cultural Industries,” at the International Conference on Cultural Management, Education, and Training sponsored by ENCATC and AAAE, Turin, Italy – June 28, 2003. Colbert, François y Manuel Cuadrado con la colaboración de Jacques Nantel, Suzanne Bilodeau, J. Dennis Rich y Juan D. Montoro, Marketing de las Artes y la Cultura. Barcelona, Ariel, (1. a edición), marzo 2003 Rich, J. Dennis. “Rethinking Your Revenue – Fundraising Plans for Uncertain Times,” at One State Together in the Arts: Planning, Fundraising, Marketing, and Leadership Practices from Across the State – third biennial conference of non-profit arts organizations convened by the Illinois Arts Alliance Foundation and the Illinois Arts Council, May 15, 2003. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions,” Interstudio Institute for Professional Development in Culture (State Institution for Continuing Education and Post-Graduate Education), St. Petersburg, Russia, April 7-11, 2003. Dewey, Patricia, and J. Dennis Rich. “Developing Arts Management Skills in Transitional Democracies,” International Journal of Arts Management, Vol. 5, no. 2, Winter, 2003, pp. 15-28. Rich, J. Dennis. Lecture Series, “Marketing for Cultural Institutions,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management. Salzburg, Austria, January 10-12, 2003. ____________. “How Foundations Work in the USA,” at Funding the Future – The Role of Cultural Foundations, Funds and Endowments in the SEE Region, organized by BalkanKult and supported by European Cultural Foundation, Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro, December 7, 2002. ____________. “The American Cultural Policy Matrix,” for the University of the Arts, Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro, December 9, 2002. ____________. “American Arts Management Training,” for the University of the Arts, Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro, December 9, 2002. ____________. “Cultural Sponsorship and Fund Raising,” for the University of the Arts, Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro, December 10, 2002. ____________. Lecture Series, “Marketing, Fund Raising and Public Relations for Theatre Managers,” the State Institute for Innovative Professional Development in Culture. St. Petersburg, Russia, October 14-17, 2002. ____________. Lecture Series, “Marketing for Cultural Institutions,” Estonian Academy of Music (sponsored by the US Embassy in Estonia and the US State Department), October 7- October 11, 2002. ____________. Lecture Series: “Cultural Marketing, Sponsorship, and Fund Raising, Sponsored by the Department of Culture, City of Tartu, Estonia and the US State Department, October 2-October 5, 2002. ____________. Lecture Series, “Marketing, Fund Raising and Public Relations for Theatre Managers,” the State Institute for Innovative Professional Development in Culture. St. Petersburg, Russia, October 14-17, 2002. ____________. Lecture Series, “Marketing for Cultural Institutions,” Estonian Academy of Music (sponsored by the US Embassy in Estonia and the US State Department), October 7- October 11, 2002. ____________. Lecture Series: “Cultural Marketing, Sponsorship, and Fund Raising, Sponsored by the Department of Culture, City of Tartu, Estonia and the US State Department, October 2-October 5, 2002. ____________. “American Cultural Policy – Public or Private?” Sponsored by the Department of Culture, City of Tartu, Estonia and the US State Department, October 1, 2002. ____________. Lecture Series: “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Culture and the Arts,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. September 23 – September 30, 2002.
____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship,” International Salzburg Summer Academy for Arts and Management, Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 21-August 4, 2001 ____________. Lecture Series: “Cultural Marketing and Sponsorship,” Arts Management Summer School, Kyiv, Ukraine, July 1-3, 2002. ____________. Lecture Series: “Teaching Cultural Management Using the Case Study Method,” Arts Management Summer School, Kyiv, Ukraine, July 2 - 4, 2002. Rich, J. Dennis, and Natalia Lisun. Lecture Series: “Project Management,” Arts Management Summer School, Kyiv, Ukraine, July 2-3, 2002. Rich, J. Dennis. Arts Management Issues and Arts Management Training in the United States: Contemporary Trends.” Fachhochschule Potsdam, May 23, 2002. ____________. Lecture Series: “Understanding Cultural Marketing through the Case Study Method.” Fachhochschule Potsdam, May 22-24, 2002. Rich, J. Dennis. “Sales Promotion and the Arts,” National Arts Marketing Project, Arts & Business Council Inc., Advanced Training Program: From Mission to Money: Growth through Marketing, Chicago, April 13, 2002. ____________. “Is There Cultural Policy in the United States?” The American Center, Moscow, Russia, March 18, 2002. ____________. Lecture Series. “Fund Raising: the Experience of US Non-Profit Cultural Institutions.” Sponsored by the Moscow Theatre Academy, Management Department and the Moscow Art Theatre Studio School, Department of Management and Economics. Moscow, Russia, March 18-22, 2002. _____________. Lecture Series. “Cultural Fund Raising,” sponsored by the European University of St. Petersburg, Russia, the Open Society Institute, the British Council, CEC International Partners, PRO ARTE Institute, the Netherlands Institute of St. Petersburg, and InterStudio – the State Institute for Innovative Professional Development in Culture. St. Petersburg, Russia, March 13-16, 2002. _____________. Lecture Series, “Marketing for Cultural Institutions,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management. Salzburg, Austria, March 3-6, 2002. Rich, J. Dennis and Joseph S. Roberts in collaboration with Gary Ernst and Clarke Greene. “Arts Entrepreneurship: the Next Generation.” USASBE Conference, Reno, Nevada. January 18, 2002. Rich, J. Dennis. “Culture and the Quality of Life.” Background paper prepared for Strengthening Communities through Culture, Center for Arts and Culture – Art, Culture and the National Agenda Series. Washington, D.C., November 2001. _____________.“Museum Managers and Project Management.” National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kiev, October 7, 2001 _____________. Lecture Series. “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for the Performing Arts,” sponsored by the International Renaissance Foundation, Kiev and Democracy through Culture.” Cherkassy, Ukraine, October 9-11, 2001. _____________. “Project Management,” Kiev Fine Arts Academy, October 12, 2001. ______________. Lecture Series: “Cultural Marketing,”” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. September 10 – September 15, 2001. ____________. “Cultural Policies and Trends in the USA.” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. September 10, 2001. ____________. “Relationship Marketing and Relationship Fund Raising: An American Perspective,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. September 10, 2001. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising,” Salzburg Summer Academy for Culture, Media, and Management, Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 22-August 4, 2001. Radbourne, Jennifer, Maria Crealy, J. Dennis Rich and Dan J. Martin. “Arts Administration Training: A Comparative Study – the US and Australia,” Proceedings, AIMAC 2001, 6 th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management. Brisbane Australia, July 1-4, 2001. Jennifer Radbourne, Ed. Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology, 2001. Colbert, François with Jacques Nantel, Suzanne Bilodeau and J. Dennis Rich, Marketing Culture and the Arts. Montreal, Chair in Arts Management, HEC (second edition) 2001. (Also published in Chinese, Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2002) Rich, J. Dennis. “Fund Raising: Global Principles – Local Applications. Kiev Fine Arts Academy, May 14, 2001. ____________. “Building Awareness and Raising Funds through Museum Membership Programs.” National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kiev, May 12, 2001 ____________. Arts Policy and Arts Management in the United States: Contemporary Trends.” Fachhochschule Potsdam, May 7, 2001. ____________. Lecture Series: “Understanding Cultural Marketing through the Case Study Method.” Fachhochschule Potsdam, May 8-10, 2001. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions,” Interstudio Institute for Professional Development in Culture (State Institution for Continuing Education and Post-Graduate Education), St. Petersburg, Russia, May 2-5, 2001. Chandler, Karen, Phillip Dobard, Cecilia Fitzgibbon, John McCann, Gregory Poggi, Durand Pope, and J. Dennis Rich. “Training Arts Managers for the Field: What about the Future?” Presented by the Program in Arts Administration, Teachers College, Columbia University, April 13, 2001. Rich, J. Dennis. Lecture Series, “Marketing for Cultural Institutions,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management. Salzburg, Austria, March 11-14, 2001. Rich, J. Dennis and Maryann Price. “Sales Promotion.” Arts Marketing Center – Advanced Training Program, Arts and Business Council of Chicago, Loyola University Water Tower Campus, Chicago, February 23, 2001. Rich, J. Dennis. “The Challenge of Strategic Fund Raising for Museums,” Russian State Museum. St. Petersburg, Russia, January 19, 2001. Colbert, François avec la collaboration de Jacques Nantel, Suzanne Bilodeau et J. Dennis Rich. Le Marketing des arts et de la culture, 2e édition. Montréal, Paris: Gaétan Morin Éditeur, 2000. (Awarded the Médaille de l'Académie (1994) by the Académie des Sciences Commerciales de Paris.) Rich, J. Dennis. “Fund Raising for Cultural Institutions: Are There Universal Principles?” Nafrak Theatre Festival, Academy of the Performing. Prague, Czech Republic, November 24, 2000. ____________. “Market Research for the Arts.” Nafrak Theatre Festival, Academy of the Performing. Prague, Czech Republic, November 24, 2000. ____________. “Sponsorship for the Performing Arts.” Nafrak Theatre Festival, Academy of the Performing. Prague, Czech Republic, November 25, 2000. Colbert, François con la collaborazione di Jacques Nantel, Suzanne Bilodeau, J. Dennis Rich e Ugo Bacchella. Marketing delle arti e della cultura. Milan: Etas (prima edizione italiana), 2000. Rich, J. Dennis. “Arts Policy and Arts Management Training in Europe and the USA.” International Meeting of Cultural Management. Turin, Italy, November 10, 2000. ____________. “Training Arts Managers for an International Context,” International Meeting of Cultural Management. Turin, Italy, November 9, 2000. ____________. “Graduate Studies in Arts, Entertainment and Media Management,” International Graduate: the Magazine for Postgraduate Opportunities Worldwide. Vol. 1, no. 2 (Fall, 2000). Empire Publishing, London, England, pp. 75-76. Rich, J. Dennis and Maryann Price. “Designing the Right Promotion.” Arts Marketing Center, Arts and Business Council of Chicago, DePaul University Center, Chicago, October 18, 2000. Rich, J. Dennis. “Project Management,” Kino Kolo Foundation, Kiev, Ukraine – sponsored by the International Renaissance Foundation (Soros) and the British Council. October 15, 2000. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising,” Kino Kolo Foundation, Kiev, Ukraine – sponsored by the International Renaissance Foundation (Soros) and the British Council. October 13-14, 2000. ____________. “Preliminary Report on Marketing and Fund Raising in the Performing Arts in Austria.” WWW. Iccm.at:8080/ICCM/NEWS/Marketing and FundRaising/body_html, August, 2000. ____________. Contributor, “Art, Culture and the National Agenda Project,” Center for Arts and Culture, Washington, DC, January, 2001. ____________. “Contemporary Trends in Fund Raising and Sponsorship.” European Arts Management Forum, Salzburg, Austria, July 28, 2000. Colbert, François with Jacques Nantel, Suzanne Bilodeau and J. Dennis Rich, Marketing Culture and the Arts. Montreal, Paris, Casablanca, Morin. 2001. Rich, J. Dennis. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising,” European Summer Academy, Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 29-August 5, 2000. ____________. “Marketing for the Performing Arts: Case Studies from the U.S.” Kulturamt, Landeshauptstadt Potsdam, Germany. May 12, 2000. ____________. Lecture Series: “Understanding Cultural Marketing through the Case Study Method.” Fachhochschule Potsdam, May 8-11, 2000. ____________. “Culture and the Quality of Life.” Background paper prepared for the Center for Arts and Culture. Washington, D.C., 2000. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions,” St. Petersburg Theatre Academy, Management Department, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 4-6, 2000. ____________. Lecture Series, “Marketing for Cultural Institutions,” St. Petersburg Theatre Academy, Management Department. St. Petersburg Russia, May 2-3, 2000. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions,” Internationales Zentrum Für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, March 24-26, 2000 ____________. “Training Arts Managers for an International Context,” International Meeting of Cultural Management. Turin, Italy, November 9, 2000. ____________. Lecture Series: “Fund Raising for Cultural Institutions,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. January 31 – February 6, 2000. ____________. “Cultural Management Training in a Climate of Change.” Models of Innovative Management in European Heritage Conference, Turin, Italy. November 4-6, 1999. ____________. Lecture Series: “Marketing Culture and the Arts,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. September 13-17, 1999. Rich, J. Dennis with an advisory committee from the arts community. “Democratic Vistas: Public Policy and the Arts in America.” Current research funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. (This resulted in a series of public education presentations beginning in 1994/1995 and continuing through to the present and to the creation of the Chicago Center for Arts Policy.) Rich, J. Dennis. “The Preparation of Arts Management Case Studies and Teaching through the Case Study Method,” Conference on Establishing Arts Management Training in India sponsored by the Sanskriti Foundation for the Management of Cultural Institutions, New Delhi, India, December 2, 1998. Published in Sanskriti Institute of Management for Cultural Organisations. The Management of Cultural Organisations: Defining the Agenda. New Delhi, Sanskriti Pratishthan, 1999, p. 73-82. ____________. “Marketing and Fund Raising Practices in Austrian Performing Arts Organizations,” Marketing Forum for Cultural Institutions, Salzburg, Austria, July 24, 1999. _____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising,” European Summer Academy, Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 19-July 31, 1999. _____________. Lecture Series: “Understanding Cultural Marketing through the Case Study Method.” Fachhochschule Potsdam, June 25-26,1999. ____________. Lecture Series, “Cultural Marketing and Project Management,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, May 28-30, 1999. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions,” Moscow Theatre Academy, Management Department. Moscow, Russia, May 11-15, 1999. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Marketing for Cultural Institutions,” St. Petersburg Theatre Academy, Management Department. St. Petersburg Russia, May 6-10, 1999. ____________. “What Makes Arts Management Different?” sponsored by the United States Information Service, Mumbai, India, December 10, 1998. ______________. “Toward an Appropriate Arts Policy,” sponsored by the United States Information Service, Mumbai, India December 10, 1998 and Calcutta, December 8, 1998. ______________. “Arts Management Training – An American Perspective,” sponsored by the United States Information Service, Calcutta, India, December 8, 1998 _____________. “The Scope and Impact of Arts Management Training,” Delhi College of Art, Delhi, India, December 7, 1998 Rich, J. Dennis and Kalwant Ajimal, “Financial Management for Cultural Institutions,” Conference on Establishing Arts Management Training in India sponsored by the Sanskriti Foundation for the Management of Cultural Institutions, New Delhi, India, December 6, 1998. Rich, J. Dennis and Robert Ramdahnie, “Marketing Cultural Institutions,” Conference on Establishing Arts Management Training in India sponsored by the Sanskriti Foundation for the Management of Cultural Institutions, New Delhi, India, December 4, 1998. Rich, J. Dennis. “The Art of Business and the Business of Art: Marketing Culture and Fund Raising for the Arts.” Lecture Series, University of Guadalajara, Mexico, October 5-9, 1998. _____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 22-August 2, 1998. _____________. “Inaugural Fund Raising Efforts for European Cultural Managers,” Kulturamt, Landeshauptstadt Potsdam, Germany. June 27, 1998. _____________. “Acquiring New Donors by Direct Mail: A Case Study.” EU Consult Conference, Salzburg, Austria. June 6, 1998. ______________. Lecture Series: “Cultural Sponsorship,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. May 4-6, 1998. ______________. “Cultural Policies and Trends in the United States,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. May 7, 1998. ______________. “Cultural Marketing and Fund Raising in the United States,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. May 8, 1998. ______________. “Sponsorship and the Music Business,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. May 9, 1998. ______________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions,” St. Petersburg Theatre Academy, Management Department. St. Petersburg Russia, April 28-May 2, 1998. ______________. Lecture Series: “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria. April 24-26, 1998. ______________. Lecture Series: “Marketing Culture and the Arts,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria. April 17-20, 1998.
_____________. Lecture Series: “Marketing Culture and the Arts,” Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany, Sponsored by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, March 31, April 1, April 7-8, April 14-15, May 26-27, June 16-17, June 23-24, June 30-July 1, 1998. _____________. Lecture Series: “Fund Raising and Sponsorship for Cultural Institutions,” Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany, Sponsored by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, April 2, 9, 16, May 25-28, June 18,25, July 2, 1998. Rich, J. Dennis and Dan J. Martin. “Assessing the Role of Formal Education in Arts Administration Training.” The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 28, 1 (Spring, 1998), pp. 4-26 and reprinted (excerpt) in Martin, Dan J., editor. Guide to Arts Administration Training and Research, Pittsburgh, Association of Arts Administration Educators, 69-73. Rich, J. Dennis. “Arts Policy in the United States: A Rumination,” Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany, March 30 1998. ______________. “Market and Audience Research for the Arts,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, March 27, 1998. ______________. “Training Cultural Managers in American Universities,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. March 13, 1998. ______________. “The Sponsorship Process,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. March 13, 1998 ______________. Lecture Series: “Marketing Culture and the Arts,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. March 9-12, 1998. ______________. Lecture Series: “Fund Raising for Cultural Institutions,” Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. March 16-19, 1998. ______________. “A Perspective on Arts Policy in the United States,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, March 3, 1998. Rich, J. Dennis and Frederick Petrick. “Sales Promotion: Using Coupons, Contests, Samples & Premiums to Provide Incentives without Breaking the Bank.” The Arts Marketing Center, The Arts and Business Council of Chicago, November 19, 1997 Rich, J. Dennis. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 20-August 2, 1997. ______________ .. Lecture Series, “Arts Marketing” St. Petersburg Theatre Academy, Management Department. St. Petersburg Russia, May 4-8, 1997. ______________. “Preface,” Cultures, Communities & the Arts, edited by Fred L. Gardaphe, Chicago. Columbia College Chicago, 1997 ______________. “Arts Policy and Arts Management Training in the United States: the Role, the Strategies, and the Prospects in a Changing Economy.” Fachhochschule Potsdam, April 8, 1997. _____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising and Corporate Sponsorship.” The Executive Training Program. Internationales Zentrum für Kultur and Management, April 4,5,6, 1997. ____________. Contributor, “Creative America: A Report to the President,” the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities, Washington, D.C., February, 1997. ____________. Lecture Series, “The Case Study Method” and “How to Write Case Studies.” Train the Trainer Seminar. Lyon, France. Sponsored by European Network of Arts Administration Training Centres, Agence Rhône-Alpes de Services aux Enterprises Culturelles, and Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, January 31-February 1, 1997. ____________. Book Review, Don’t Applaud – Just Send Money! The most Successful Strategies for Funding and Marketing the Arts by Alvin Reiss. http://ispa-online.org/netforum/roundtables/a.cgi/3-6. September 26, 1996. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising,” Internationales Zentrum für Kultur und Management, Salzburg, Austria, July 21-August 3, 1996. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising,” St. Petersburg Theatre Academy, Management Department. St. Petersburg Russia, March 18-22, 1996. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising,” Hungarian Academy for Applied Arts and Design. Budapest, Hungary, March 23-24, 1996. ____________. Lecture Series, “Fund Raising,” Moscow Art Theatre Studio School, Department of Management and Economics. Moscow, Russia, March 26-30, 1996. ______________. “Preface,” Market the Arts!, compiled and edited by Joseph Melillo, revised edition, Patricia Lavender, ed. Brooklyn, NY: Arts Action Issues, 1995, reprinted and translated into Russian, 2001. Rich, J. Dennis and Martin, Dan J. “Assessing the Role of Formal Education in Arts Administration Training,” 3rd International Conference in Arts Management – Proceedings, Michael Quine, Ed. London, Department of Arts Policy and Management, City University, 1996. ____________. “Assessing the Role of Formal Education in Arts Administration Training: A Working Paper,” at the AIMAC Conference, London, July 5, 1995
____________ “Arts Administration Training for 2000 and Beyond,” at the AAAE conference, London, July 7, 1995. Rich, J. Dennis. “Arts Management Training – The American Model,” for the European Network of Cultural Administrators Training Centers, Berlin, Germany. May 1995 ___________. “Grant Writing,” Clinic for NSFRE Special Interest Group for the Arts, Culture and Humanities. Chicago, March 15, 1995. ___________. “Breaking Tradition: Sponsorship Opportunities for Park District Events,” for Illinois Park and Recreation Conference, Chicago, January 27, 1995. ___________. “Marketing Issues in Nonprofit Arts Organizations, or What Do I Do When There Isn’t Enough Money, Time, or People to Do the Job?” for Business Volunteers for the Arts, Chicago, Illinois, May 14, 1994. Rich, J. Dennis and Martin, Dan J. “Speaking to the Field: A Preliminary Survey of Arts Management Practitioners’ Employment Practices and Views on Arts Management Education,” for AAAE International Conference, Chicago, Illinois. May 6, 1994. Rich, J. Dennis. “Arts Management,” Graduate Studies, Vol. 3, no. 1 (Fall, 1993). ELS Communications, Inc., Fort Washington, PA. pp. 26-27. ___________. “Some Models of Arts Management Training: An International Perspective,” for AAAE International Conference/European Network of Cultural Administrators Training Centers -- Utrecht, Holland, June 28, 1993. ___________. “Fundraising in the American Arts World,” for AAAE International Conference/European Network of Cultural Administrators Training Centers, Utrecht, Holland, June 29, 1993. ___________. “Fund Raising Issues in Non-Profit Arts Organizations,” for Business Volunteers for the Arts --Chicago, Illinois, May 1, 1993 ___________. “If Not for Profit, for What?” for Business Volunteers for the Arts Program of the Arts and Business Council of Chicago, Illinois, April 1, 1992, October 14, 1992, November 3, 1993, October 5, 1994, September 15, 1995, September 19, 1996, March 20, 1997, September 24, 1998, September 22, 1999, March 29,2000, September 19, 2001, February 21, 2002. ___________. “Art Theatre in Chicago: Jane Addams and Laura Dainty Pelham.” In Women in American Theatre. Ed. Helen Krich Chinoy and Linda Walsh Jenkins. New York: Crown Publishers, 1981, 1987, 2006. ____ . “Exile without Remedy: The Late Plays of Eugene O'Neill.” In Eugene O'Neill: A World View. Ed. Virginia Floyd. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., Inc., 1979. ___________. “Search or Research: Dramatic Theory and Theatre Practice,” for the Illinois Theatre Association, with Stuart Vaughan, January, 1978. ___________. “Eugene O’Neill: Visions of the Absurd.” PhD diss., University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1976. Rich, J. Dennis and Kevin L. Seligman. “The New Theatre of Chicago, 1906-1907,” Theatre Journal, 21, 1 (March, 1974), 53-68. Rich, J. Dennis. “’O’Neill Is Obligatory’: A Perspective on Contemporary Criticism,” at the 1974 annual meeting of the American Theatre Association. ___________. “The Comic as Verfremdungseffekt in Bertolt Brecht's Caucasian Chalk Circle,” at the Illinois Theatre Association Annual Meeting, 1973. ____________. “Quote-Unquote: The Dinglefest Theatre Company,” Players, The Magazine of the American Theatre, 48, 4 (April-May, 1973), 154-59. ____________. “IHSA Judges Speak Out: Criteria for Judging High School Drama Festivals” at the 1973 annual meeting of the Illinois Theatre Association. ____________. “National Theatre of the Deaf,” Players, 47, 3 (Feb.-Mar., 1972), 114-119. ____________. “The Kuumba Workshop,” Players, 47, 2 (Dec.-Jan., 1972), 68-72. ____________. “The Asolo Theatre,” Players, 46, 6 (Aug.-Sept., 1971), 246-51, 280-82 ____________. “San Francisco Mime Troupe,” Players, 46, 2 (Dec.-Jan., 1971), 54-59, 86-88. ____________“Alternative Theatre” at the 1971 Annual Meeting of the Speech Communication Association. ____________Workshop in Theatre Games for Public School Teachers, DeKalb Public School System, DeKalb, Illinois 1970 & 1971 ____________. “The Goodman Theatre of Chicago,” Players, 46, 1 (Oct.-Nov., 1970), 6-11, 44-45. |
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