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Who’s Who Among American Teachers

Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Fellow

Courses Taught:

       Columbia College Chicago

Entertainment Marketing

International Arts Management

Marketing Strategy

Planning and Policy Making (Graduate)

Arts, Entertainment & Media Management Seminar (Graduate)

Fund Raising (Graduate/Undergraduate)

Grant Proposals: Planning and Writing (Graduate/Undergraduate)

Marketing Principles (Graduate)

Applied Marketing: The Performing Arts (Graduate)

American Cultural Policy (Graduate/Undergraduate)

Comparative Cultural Policy (Graduate/Undergraduate)

University of Illinois-Chicago

American Theatre History (Graduate)

Theatre History (Undergraduate)

       Dramatic Theory and Criticism (Graduate)

       Arts Management Seminar (Graduate)

Introduction to Theatre (Undergraduate)

Directing I (Undergraduate)


University of Wisconsin

Introduction to Theatre (Undergraduate)

Elements of Dramatic Production (Undergraduate)

Northern Illinois University

Oral Interpretation (Undergraduate)

Contemporary Theatre (Undergraduate)

Introduction to the Theatre (Undergraduate)

Creative Dramatics (Undergraduate)



I have directed productions in a variety of settings including:

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Edward Albee

The Physicists, Friederich Dürrenmatt

The Chairs, Eugene Ionesco

The Slave, LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka)

Enrico IV, Luigi Pirandello

Indians, Arthur Kopit

The Three Penny Opera, Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weil

Hughie, Eugene O’Neill

The Time of Your Life, William Saroyan


Representative College Service:

At Columbia College Chicago

08/12-Present Coordinator, Entertainment Marketing Faculty and Fundraising Faculty.

03/14 -07/14 Chair, Procedural Review Committee

06/07-06/08 Chair, Columbia College Chicago College Council

10/06-09/08 Member, Provost’s Task Force on Faculty Rank

09/04-06/05 Member, All College Tenure Committee.

9/03-Present  Pension Plan Trustee

9/02-6/04       Member, Academic Affairs Committee

9/01-05/03     Member, Task Force on Governance

9/01-6/01       Member, President’s Task Force on Safety and Security

9/00-2002      Chairperson, Graduate Policy Council

6/00-2001      Task Force on the Role of Chairpersons in the Post Tenure Process

2/00-6/01       Freshman Seminar Advisory Committee

1/00-06/03     Member, College Marketing Task Force

10/99-10/01   Chair, Chairpersons’ Council

5/99-6/2002   Member, International Faculty Development Grant Selection Committee

10/99-4/2000 Participant, Knight Collaborative Roundtable of Columbia College

10/99-6/02     Budget and Priorities Committee

6/99-6/01       Scholarship Task Force

9/98-6/01       Search Committee–Chairman, Department of Art and Design

9/98-6/00       Board–College Liaison Committee

9/98-6/00       External Facilities Task Force

9/98-9/99       Strategic Planning Committee

6/97-9/99       Faculty Development and Sabbatical Committee

6/97-9/98       Executive Committee, College Council

2/96-6/97       Chairman, College Council – Columbia College

9/95-6/97       Curriculum Committee

9/95-1/96       Search Committee - Chairman, Fiction Writing Department

1994-1997 President’s Committee on Strategic Planning

1994-1997  Student Retention Committee

9/94-2/96       Chairman, Institutional Policy Committee (predecessor to College       Council)

1993-1995 Enrollment Committee

1993-1994 Vice-Chairman, Institutional Policy Committee

1993-1994     Board - College Liaison Committee

1993-1994     Search Committee - Academic Dean

1993-1994 Graduate Curriculum Review Committee

1992-1994 Freshman Seminar Committee

1993-1994     General Studies Committee

1991-2008     Graduate Policy Council

At the University of Illinois-Chicago

1978-1980  Communication and Theatre Department Executive Committee

1978-1980  Student Activities Funding Committee

1977-1980  Teaching Evaluation Committee

1976-1980  Graduate Committee

1976-1980  Production Committee (liaison with the professional community)

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison

1974-1975 Founding Member of the Theatre and Drama Graduate Student Organization

1974-1976 1974-1975  MFA Review Committee, Department of Theatre and Drama

1974-1975  Production Committee


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