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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

The United States of America


The United States of America







Alabama                 (AL)                              Алабама

Alaska                    (AK)                              Аляска

Arizona                  (AZ)                              Аризона

Arkansas                (AR)                              Арканзас

California               (CA)                              Калифорния

Colorado                (CO)                              Колорадо

Columbia                (D.C.)                            Колумбия

Connecticut            (CT)                          Коннектикут

Delaware                (DE)                              Делавэр

Florida                    (FL)                               Флорида

Georgia                  (GA)                              Джорджия

Hawaii                    (HI)                               Гавайи

Idaho                      (ID)                               Айдахо

Illinois                    (IL)                                Иллинойс

Indiana                   (IN)                               Индиана

Iowa                       (IA)                               Айова

Kansas                    (KS)                              Канзас

Kentucky               (KY)                              Кентукки

Louisiana                (LA)                              Луизиана

Maine                     (ME)                              Мэн

Maryland                (MD)                             Мэриленд

Massachusetts        (MA)                             Массачусетс

Minnesota              (MN)                             Миннесота

Mississippi              (MS)                              Миссисипи

Missouri                 (MO)                             Миссури

Michigan                (MI)                               Мичиган

Montana                 (MT)                              Монтана

Nebraska                (NE)                              Небраска

Nevada                   (NV)                              Невада

New Hampshire     (NH)                              Нью-Гемпшир

New Jersey             (NJ)                               Нью-Джерси

New Mexico          (NM)                             Нью-Мексико

New York              (NY)                              Нью-Йорк

North Carolina       (NC)                              Северная Каролина

North Dakota         (ND)                              Северная Дакота

Ohio                       (OH)                              Огайо

Oklahoma               (OK)                              Оклахома

Oregon                   (OR)                              Орегон

Pennsylvania          (PA)                              Пенсильвания

Rhode Island         (RI)                               Род-Айленд

South Carolina       (SC)                               Южная Каролина

South Dakota         (SD)                              Южная Дакота

Tennessee               (TN)                              Теннесси

Texas                      (TX)                              Техас

Utah                       (UT)                              Юта

Vermont                 (VT)                              Вермонт

Virginia                  (VA)                              Виргиния

Washington            (WA)                             Вашингтон

West Virginia         (WV)                             Западная Виргиния

Wisconsin               (WI)                              Висконсин

Wyoming               (WY)                             Вайоминг



The 13 original British-American colonies:

 1. New Hampshire

 2. Massachusetts

 3. Rhode Island

 4. Connecticut - the first to adopt Constitution 7 dec.1787

 5. New York

 6. New Jersey

 7. Pennsylvania

 8. Delaware

 9. Virginia - the first English settlement

10. North Carolina

11. South Carolina

12. Georgia

13. Maryland




I. Learn to pronounce the georgaphical names.


Aleutan Islands

Appalachian Mountains


Atlantic Ocean















New York



Pacific Ocean

Rocky Mountains

Sierra Nevada


United States of America



II. Read and translate the text.


VI. Study the following phrases. Recall the sentences in which they are used in the text.Use them in sentences of your own.

An area of, to range from ... to,humid climate,a tributary, a large group of lakes, inside the country, to be situated.


VII. Insert prepositions where necessary. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The Mississippi flows ... its northern headwaters ... the Rocky Mountains ... the Gulf of


2. The United States has many thousands ... streams.

3. The Great Lakes make ... the largest group ... lakes ... the country.

4. Lake Michigan lies entirely ... the United States.

5. The present territory ... the USA consists ... three separate parts.

6. The nation occupies nearly half ... a continent.

7. The weather varies ... winterless climate in Arizona and Florida ... cold winters in Dakota and 


8. In 1776 American colonies declared their independence ... Great Britain.

9. The District of Columbia is not a part ... any state.

10. The thirty-seven other states were admitted ... the nation as they gained enough population.


VIII. Complete the sentences using the text.

1. The thirty-seven other states ...

2. The seat of the Federal Government ...

3. The size of the territory ...

4. They constitute the state of the Hawaiian Islands ...

5. Hawaii actually came into US power ...

6. No general statement can be made about the weather ...

7. The weather ranges from the warm, wet conditions ...

8. Most of the area between the Sierra Nevada ...

9. Some of these are mighty rivers ...

10. One of its folk names ...

11. Its rivers seem to go nowhere ...

12. The Great Lakes make up the largest group of lakes ...


IX. Translate into English.

1. Мексика расположена в южной части северо-американского континента.

2. По величине территории наша страна стоит на первом месте в мире.

3. Британские острова состоят из двух основных островов.

4. Швейцария расположена в центральной части Западной Европы.

5. В прибалтийских странах климат влажный.

6. Луара с ее притоками самая большая река во Франции.

7. Хребты Кэмбрийских гор занимают большую часть Уэльса.

X. Answer the questions.

1. How many states were there when the United States were formed?

2. Where are the United States of America situated?

3. What are the main parts of the USA?

4. What state occupies the north-western projection of North America?

5. When was Hawaii annexed to the USA?

6. The USA is a country of great diversity, isnt'it?

7. Why has the United States many kinds of climate?

8. What part of the USA has a humid climate?

9. Are there many rivers in the United States?

10. What is the main river in the USA?

11. What is the folk name of the Mississippi? Why do people call it so?

12. What are the tributaries of the Mississippi river?

13. Why is a large area in southwestern US known as the Great Basin?

14. What lakes comprise the Great Lakes?

15. Does Lake Ontario or Lake Michigan lie entirely inside the country?

16. What are the highest mountain chains in the USA?


XI. Say what you have learnt about:

1. the geographical position of the USA;

2. the climate of the USA;

3. lakes and rivers of the USA.


XII. Give a summary of the text "The United States of America"





I. Read and translate the text.


The US Government

    The form of the US Government is based on the Constitution of September 17,1787, adopted after the War of Independence and put into force on March 4, 1789.

    The philosophy of government inherent in the Constitution was the assumption that private property was the backbone of liberty.The rich plantation owner from Virginia, James Madison, who formulated this principal, is regarded as the " father of the Constitution" precisely for this reason. The government of the USA is divided into three branches: legislative (the US Congress),executive (the President and his administration) and judicial (the US Supreme Court).

    The US Congress is made up mainly of representatives of big business: bankers, industrialists and their lawyers.Workers and poor farmers are not represented at all.

    The Congress of the United States is composed of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate represents the states and the House represents the population accor-ding to its distribution among the states.

    The Senate of the United States is composed of one hundred members,two being elected from each state.Senators are chosen for six years, one-third retiring or seeking re-election every two years. Two senators from the same state never finish their terms at the same time, one of them is called "Senior Senator" and the other - "Junior Senator".Theoretically all citizens of both sexes over 18 years of age have the right to vote, but in fact this is not so. Millions of people are deprived of voting.

The election laws vary from state to state.

   Through its power over the purse, the US Congress can control much that relates to foreign policy.The Congress plays an important role in appropriating funds and conducting investigations. The role of the US Congress inside the country is even more important. The US Congress is the governmental body that determines taxation.

The most important of the Senate committees are Appropriations, Foreign Relations, Finance, Armed Services, Judiciary, Agriculture and Forestry, and Interstate and Foreign Commerce.

In the House of Representatives the most important committees are Rules, Appropriations, Ways and Means,Armed Services, Judiciary,Agriculture,Interstate and Foreign Commerce,ForeignAffairs, and Government Operations. There are also a numbers of joint committees of both houses. The chairmen of the standing committees are considered the real rulers of the Senate and the House.

    The US President is both head of state and of government. The Presidency means not only a man: it means an institution - the "executive branch" of the government. And this branch is precisely named: it is meant "to execute" - translating purposes into programs and programs into actions. The executive power belongs to the President of the United States, who holds office for four years and is elected together with the Vice-President chosen for the same term,by electors from each state. Presidential elections are held every leap year on first Tuesday after first Monday in November. The President may be re-elected and serve two terms (eight years altogether) but not longer than that. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected for a third and fourth terms, but since then the Twenty – Second Amendment to the Constitution was adopted (1951) limiting the President's term in office).

    After the presidential elections in November,the "President-elect" (one who has been elected President, but has not taken office) is busy choosing candidates for his Administration.

"Administration" is a popular term to identify the executive branch, especially that of the federal government.The Administration includes the President,the Vice-President and his policy-making appointees,or even the whole body of executive officials.

    In January the President-elect becomes the US President.The formal act of installing the President of the United States or the governor of the state in office is called "inauguration". Inauguration Day on January 20 is usually the occasion for extensive ceremonies,the central point of which is the taking of an oath by the chief executive officer.

    Among the duties and powers of the Presidency listed by the Constitution are these: "the President shall be Commander -in-Chief of the Army and Navy", he shall "make Treaties providing

two-thirds of the Senators present concur" and appoint ambassadors and other officers of the United States,he is charged with the responsibility for taking care that "the laws be faithfully executed".

    The President is required by law to submit two annual messages to the Congress,the Economic Report and the Budget Message. The Economic Report of the President is an annual message from the President to the Congress which must be submitted by January 20.This report contains detailed information about the condition of the American economy.

    The US President influences the US Congress through his right of veto. In vetoing a bill, the President returns it to the Congress without his signature, usually accompanied by a statement of his objections.

    The President is responsible for relations between the United States and other powers.With the Senate approval,he names the major officers of the State Department, as well as ambassadors. He receives diplomats accredited to the United States, and communicates directly with the heads of foreign governments. The President has the power to recognize or withhold recognition from foreign countries.

    The President is supposed to inform the nation of his plans and intentions through presidential press conferences. Originally presidential press conferences were rather confidential,

"off the record" meetings, and reports were not allowed to quote the President directly.Now they are "on the record",and what the President says is immediately reported.

    In describing the executive branch of government,little mention is made of the Vice-Presidency, a fact quite revealing in in itself.The Vice-President of the United States is humorously

called "His Superfluous Excellency", a title suggested in 1789 because of his lack of power. The Vice-President has tended to be the forgotten man of American politics despite the fact that at any moment he may inherit the Presidency. The Vice-President is also called "Acting President" when,according to the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the Constitution he is discharging presiden-

tial powers and duties.

    The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country and the head of the judicial branch of the US government.The federal and state courts have the power of "judicial review". The courts have authority to declare legislative acts unconstitutional, that is, in violation of the Constitution.

    Each state has its own judicial system.This means that the United States has a dual court structure and two distinct system of law, state and federal. As a matter of fact,the nation has fifty-one sets of courts (in fifty states and District of Columbia), fifty-one systems of law,and fifty-one collections of judicial presidents for magistrates to follow.The result is that the United States has the most complex judicial system in the world. The Supreme Court of the United States is composed of eight associate justices and the Chief Justice, all of whom are appointed by the President for life, and the appointment must be approved by the Senate. Hence the nickname - the "nine old men" is used contemptuously,because of the advanced age of the justices.

    These are about ninety district courts in different parts of the United States. Each state has at least one district court.

    Each of the fifty -one states of the USA has a constitution patterned after the federal onstitution,with its divisions of power:legislative,executive and judicial.The head of each state is the governor, elected for four or two years. The governor is assisted by secretaries.

    There are two main political parties in the USA:the Democratic (symbolized by a "donkey") and the Republican ( its symbol is an "elephant").They both are parties of monopoly capitalists and the American people do not see much difference between them.


II. Choose Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

to put into force, to be composed of, the right to vote, governmental body,head of state,for the same term,duties and powers, with the Senate approval,to inherit the Presidency, to discharge duties, judicial, governor, legislative, Supreme Court.


   юридический, право голосовать, унаследовать президентство, правительственное учреждение, вводить в действие, быть составленным из, верховный суд, выполнять обязанности, с одобрения сената, законодательный, глава государства, обязанности и полномочия, на такой же срок.


III. Find in the text the sentences containing the following phrases and translate them into Russian.


Private property, retiring or seeking re-election, that relates to foreign policy, the real rulers of the Senate, head of state, executive power, the whole body of executive officials, to submit annual messages, the condition of American economy, right of veto, to withhold recognition, to inform the nation, the forgotten man of American politics, judicial branch, dual court structure, chief Justice, divisions of power, main political parties.


IV. Complete sentences using the text.

1. The form of the USA Government is based on ...

2. The Senate of the United States is composed of ...

3. Millions of people ...

4. Through its power over the purse

5. The most important of the Senate committees are ...

6. The executive power belongs ...

7. The administration includes ...

8. Among the duties and powers of the Presidency ...

9. The President is required by law ...

10. The US President influences the US Congress ...

11. The President has the power ...

12. The Vice-President is also called ...

13. The Supreme Court of the United States is composed of ...

14. Each of the fifty one states of the USA ...

15. There are two main political parties in the USA ...


V. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The Government of the USA is divided into three ... : legislative, executive and judicial.

2. ... of the United States is composed of two houses: the Senate and the House of epresentatives.

3. The election laws ... from state to state.

4. ... means an institution - the "executive branch" of the Government.

5. The President may serve two ... but not longer than that.

6. After the presidential ..., the President ... candidates for his Administration.

7. The formal act of installing the President of the United States is called ...

 8. The President ... to take care that "the Laws be faithfully executed".

9. In vetoing a ..., the President returns it to the Congress without his ...

10. The President communicates directly with the ... of foreign governments.

11. Originally presidential press conferences were ...

12. The Vice-President may ... the Presidency at any moment.

13. The courts have ... to declare legislative acts unconstitutional.

14. The Chief Justice and associate justices ... by the President for life.

15. The head of each state is the ... inauguration, confidential, governor, branches, to be

   charged, to vary, to inherit, terms, authority, bill, the Congress, heads, the Presidency,    

   signature, elections, to be appointed, to choose.


VI. React upon the following statements using the expressions:

you are quite right, it is true to the text, you are mistaken, you are not quite right, as we know from the text


1. The US Congress is made up of bankers, industrialists and poor farmers.

2. All citizens over 18 years of age have the right to vote.

3. The election laws are the same in all states.

4. The executive power belongs to the Vice-President chosen for the same term as the President.

5. The President may be re-elected several times.

6. The Administration includes the President, the Vice-President and the whole body of executive 


7. The 20-th of January is Inauguration Day.

8. Every month the President is required to submit messages to the Congress.

9. The President names the major officers of the State Department.

10. The Vice-President receives diplomats accredited to the United States.

11. Presidential press conferences have been "on the record" all the time.

12. The federal and state courts don't have authority to declare legislative acts unconstitutional.

13. The United States have a national judicial system.

14. The Chief Justice and associate justices are appointed by the President every year.

15. The head of each state is the governor.


VII. Find in the text answers to the following questions.

1. When was the Constitution of the USA adopted?

2. What is the backbone of liberty in the USA?

3. How many branches does the government of the USA consist of? Name them.

4. Is the Congress of the USA composed of two houses? What are they?

5. How many members are there in the Senate of the USA?

6. Does every person in the USA have the right to vote?

7. What is the role of the US Congress?

  8. Who are the real rulers of the Senate and of the House?

9. The President is both the head of state and of government, isn't he?

10. For how many years does the President of the United States hold office?

11. How often are presidential elections held?

12. When does the President choose candidates for his Administration?

13. What is called "inauguration"?

14. What are the powers and duties of the President?

15. What messages does the President submit to the Congress?

16. How does the President influence the US Congress?

17. Does the President inform the nation of his plans?

18. Who and why is called "Acting President"?

19. The Supreme Court is the head of the judicial branch of the US government,isn't it?

20. Why does the US have the most complex judicial system in the world?

21. Why is the nickname of the Supreme Court "the nine of old men"?

22. Does each state have its own constitution?

23. Who is the head of each state?

24. How many political parties are there in the USA? What are they?


VIII. Say what is said in the text about (use the chart).

1. the Congress of the United States;

2. executive branch of the government;

3. presidential elections;

4. the Supreme Court of the US;

5. political parties.


Supreme Court
President / Vice-President



House of representatives




I. Read and translate the text.



    The United States has large reserves of all the more widely used minerals except tin. These minerals include coal, petroleum, nuclear fuels, natural gas, iron, copper, bauxite, lead, zinc, stone, and many others. The country produces enough of some minerals to supply all its own needs and to ship to other countries as well. The country lacks a sufficient supply of some of the minerals required for modern industries.These must be shipped into the United States. They include tin,nickel, manganese, chrome, cobalt, industrial diamonds.

    Most of the petroleum and natural gas deposits are located in the sedimentary basins on the flanks of the Cordillera, in California on the western side,on the High Plains; the principal coalfields are in the eastern United States, the main producing areas being in the Appalachian Plateau region. Hydroelectric power has been developed on the Tennessee River, on rivers such as the Columbia, Sacramento, and Colorado,at Niagara Falls, on the River St.Lawrence. Uranium is produced in Colorado and several other Mountain States, and thorium in southern California and South Carolina.

    The principal seat of iron deposits in the United States is the "ranges" located in the ancient rocks of the Canadian Shield close to Lake Superior and Lake Michigan.

    The main supplies of the other metallic minerals are drawn either from the Mountain States or from the Ozarks. The outstanding contributors are Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and Idaho, but all the western states except Oregon are of importance.

    Non-metallic minerals are especially important in the Gulf States, which yield not only petroleum and natural gas, but also sulphur, salt and helium. Tennessee and Florida account for most of the phosphates,New Mexico and California for the bulk of the potash. Both these minerals are important sources of agriculture fertilizer.



    In agricultural resources the United States has throughout most of the Middle Atlantic, outhern, and Midwestern states an abundant supply of fertile soil, adequate rainfall, and a growing season long enough for the production of most major crops. A considerable increase in farm output was achieved by the use of farm machinery and scientific farming methods.Other factors in the increased production include improved fertilizers, diseaseresistant varieties of plants, better methods of crop rotation,and scientific breeding and feeding of livestock.

    Farmers raise crops on about a sixth of the land of the United States.They use almost half of the land for pasture and grazing. Crops and farming methods have been adapted to the different climates and soil in various parts of the country.

    The most important crop in the US is corn. Other crops in the approximate order of their value include cotton,hay,wheat, tobacco, and oats.



    Manufacturing industry is the largest sector in the country's economy.

    The range of manufacturing activity throughout the country is immense.It includes the manufacture of transportation equipment, highlighted by the automobile industry of the Detroitconurbation, but also that of aircraft, ships and railway ordnance;a varied metal-working industry which includes such products as farm, mining, and household machinery as well as ma-chine tools,strongly represented in the East North Central and New England sectors; the electrical industry concerned with a wide range of products, prominent in all the highly industrialized areas. The chemical industry, the textile industry with factories sprinkled all over the South so far as cotton is concerned, but including, both here and elsewhere, woolen, rayon and synthetic fibres;the clothing industry; the pulp and paper industry, now concentrated in the South but present also innorth-eastern and north-central areas; and a vast range of others, such as printing and publishing, rubber and leather, pottery and glass, furniture and wood working, instruments and related products. Not least in all of these is the manufacture of foodstuffs.

    The bulk of the manufacturing activity was concentrated in the Middle Atlantic States and the eastern North Central States, where it had been for over one hundred years. In recent years, however, there has been a gradual shift toward other areas of the country and the pinch of competition from the South,South-West, and Far West.


The distribution of industries

    The Middle Atlantic Region stretches along the Atlantic coast from New York to Baltimore. As a "funnel" for many of the United States' imports and exports,this well-established area attracts a major share of the nation's processing,with a full range of industries from the heaviest to the lightest.

    The Northern Appalachians.In the valleys round Scranton and Wilkes-Barre there is a small industrial area, located on the Pensylvania anthracite field. Suffering today from problems of accessibility and from the decline in anthracite production, this old industrial area faces an unpromising future.

    Southern New England. In the three states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, where manufacturing is wide-spread, lies the country's oldest industrial area. Textile and leather goods industries are developed there.Boston is the largest manufacturing centre and the commercial hub of this region.

    The Mohawl Valley, a linear industrial belt stretching from Albany to Rochester, N.Y. A number of manufacturing towns has grown up there, each with its own specialities.

    The Industrial Eastern Interior. Throughout a wide region that includes the Ohio Valleys,the eastern Corn Belt and south-western Ontario, industry has everywhere penetrated into what is still basically an agricultural section and has created such large industrial centres as Toronto and Cincinnati,while industry's original business in this area was the supply of farm requirements and the processing of farm products.

    The Pittsburgh-Lake Erie Region, stretching along the coal and iron routes of the Great Lakes and Appalachian area from Toledo to Buffalo,and southward into Ohio and western Pennsyl-

vania. This is the core area of American heavy industry.

    The Chicago-Lake Michigan Region. This has many of the characteristics of the Lake Erie steel area. but it also fulfils the supply and processing functions typical of the Eastern Interior as a whole.In both roles Chicago dominates the Interior, with more than 5 per cent of United States industrial employment.

    Michigan. The state's manufacturing is dominated by the automobile industry.Nearly 30 per cent of Michigan's industrial workers are associated directly with it,and in Detroit this figure rises to over 30 per cent. Branches of the industry are to be found scattered widely throughout the state.

    The Cities of the Western Interior,among which the most important are Winnipeg, Minneapolis-St.Paul, Kansas City and St. Louis. These cities and scores of lesser centres, perform in nearly every case the same double function. They serve as regional supply points, and they participate in the Mid-West's basic industries - meat packing,flour milling,and the production of agricultural machinery.

    The South-Eastern Region,a wide horseshoe round the southern end of the Appalachians. It has been the scene of much recent development, powered by hydro-electricity and Southern petro-leum,and specializations in cotton textiles,tobacco,chemicals and plastics.

    The Texas and Gulf Coast Region. This industrial area is of recent growth,and its resources and facilities have already attracted a wide variety of plants to the coast and to the island oilfield regions.

     The Pacific Coast. As another new industrial area,the Coast has developed a wide range of products for both local and national markets. Three types of industries are developed there: food processing, lumber manufacturing,and transport equipment.


II. Find in the text English equivalents for these word-combinations:

   Большие запасы полезных ископаемых, удовлетворить свои нужды, важные источники, основные сельскохозяйственные культуры, был достигнут благодаря использованию, ценность, брабатывающая промышленность, месторождения природного газа, огромный запас, испытывать недостаток, значительное увеличение сельскохозяйственной продукции, разведение домашнего скота, разбросанные по всему югу, производство продуктов питания, чувствовать тиски конкуренции,страдать от снижения производства, производство сельскохозяйственных продуктов.


III. Say what is the Russian for the following words and phrases. Use the text.

    On the flanks of the Cordillera, the principal seat of iron deposits, Florida accounts for most of the phosphates, important sources of agricultural fertilizer,a considrable increase in farm output,better methods of crop rotation, fertile soil, to adapt to different climates, synthetic fibres, a gradual shift toward other areas, commercial hub of this region, created large industrial area, local and national market.


IV. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given below the sentences.

   1. The country produces enough of some minerals ... all of its needs.

2. Most of the petroleum deposits ... in California.

3. Tennessee and Florida ... most of the phosphates.

4. A considerable increase in farm ... was achieved by the the use of farm machinery and 

   scientific farming methods.

5. They use almost half of the land for ... .

6. The most important ... in the US is corn.

7. In recent years there has been ... toward other areas of the country.

8. These minerals are important ... of agricultural fertilizer.

9. This old industrial area ... an important future.

10. In the three states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, where manufacturing is ...

    lies the country's oldest industrial area.

11. Boston is the commercial ... of this region.

12. Industry's original business in this area was the processing of ... .

13. The state's manufacturing ... by the automobile industry.

14. They serve as regional supply points, and they ... in the Mid-West's basic industries.

15. The Coast has developed a wide range of products for ...

16. ... of the industry are to be found scattered widely throughout the state.

17. In both roles Chicago dominates the Interior, with more than ... of the United States industrial

   employment. A large shift, to participate, output, to supply, 5 percent, hub, to be located, local 

   and national markets, to face, farm products, branches, crop, to account for, sources, to be

   dominated, pasture and grazing, widespread.


V. Insert prepositions where necessary.Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. The United States has large reserves ... all the more widely used minerals except tin.

2. The country produces enough of some minerals to ship ... to other countries.

3. Most of the petroleum and natural gas are located ... the sedimentary basins ... the flanks of the


4. Hydro-electric power has been developed ... the Tennessee River.

5. The main supplies of the other metallic minerals are drawn either ... the Mountain States or ...

   the Ozarks.

6. Tennessee and Florida account ... most of the phosphates.

7. A considerable increase in farm output was achieved ...the use of farm machinery.

8. Other crops ... the approximate order ... their value include cotton, hay, wheat, tobacco and 


9. The electrical industry concerned ... a wide range ... products.

10. In recent years there has been gradual shift ... toward other areas ... the country.

11. The Middle Atlantic Region stretches ... the Atlantic Ocean.

12. This old industrial areas faces ... an unpromising future.

13. Throughout a wide region that includes ... the Ohio Valleys and the eastern Corn Belt, industry 

   has everywhere penetrated ... what is still basically an agricultural section.

14. This has many ... the characteristics ... the Lake Erie steel area.

15. The state's manufacturing is dominated ... the automobile industry.

16. The country lacks a sufficient supply of some of the mirals required ... modern industries.


VI. Complete the sentences using the text.

1. The United States has large reserves ...

2. The country lacks a sufficient supply ...

3. Uranium is produced in Colorado and several other Mountain States, ...

4. The main supplies of the other metallic minerals ...

5. Both these minerals are important sources ...

6. A considerable increase in farm output was achieved ...

7. Crops and farming methods have been adapted ...

8. Other crops in the approximate order of their value include ...

9. The range of manufacturing activity ...

10. The bulk of manufacturing activity was concentrated ...

11. As a "funnel" for many of the United States' imports and exports, ...

12. Suffering today from problems of accessibility and from the decline in anthracite 

    production, ...

13. Boston is the largest manufacturing centre ...

14. There is a number of manufacturing towns have grown up,...

15. Nearly 30 per cent of Michigan's industrial workers are associated directly with it, ...

16. These cities and scores of lesser centres, ...

17. This industrial area is of recent growth, and its resources and facilities ...

18. Three types of industries are developed there ...


VII. Answer the following questions.

1. Does the United States have large reserves of all minerals?   

2. What does the United States do with surplus of minerals?

3. What minerals required for modern industries does the United States lack?

4. Where are most of the petroleum and natural gas deposits located?

5. What minerals is produced in Colorado?

6. What is the region located close to Lake Superior and Lake Michigan famous for?

7. Do the Gulf States or the Mountain States yield salt, helium and sulphur?

8. What states account for the bulk of the potash?

9. What minerals are important sources of agricultural fertilizer?

10. What states have an abundant supply of fertile soil?

11. Was a considerable increase in farm output achieved by the use of farm machinery or by the

    use of scientific farming methods?

12. What other methods helped to increase farm output?

13. Almost half of the land is used for pasture and grazing, isnt't it?

14. What is the most important crop in the US?

15. The range of manufacturing activity throughout the country is immense, isn't it?

16. Where is the pulp and paper industry concentrated?

17. Why have the older industrial areas begun to feel the pinch of competition and from what


18. Where does the Middle Atlantic Region stretch?

19. What industry is wide-spread in Southern New England? What other industries are developed


20. What is the centre of American heavy industry?

21. In what area is the automobile industry developed?

22. What cities are the most important in the Western Interior?

23. What industries are developed in the Mid-West?

24. What cities serve as regional supply points?

25. What industrial area has developed a wide range of products for both local and national 



VIII. Say what you have learnt about:

1. deposits of minerals located on the territory of the USA;

2. agriculture of the US;

3. manufacturing industry;

4. Southern New England area;

5. the core area of American heavy industry;

6. automobile industry;

7. Pacific Coast area.








The Passive Voice

Table 1

Indefinite Tenses

Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite
  I am asked   He She        is asked It   We You      are asked They     I was asked   He She       was asked It   We You       were asked they   I shall be asked   He She  will be asked It   We   shall be asked You They will be asked


                                                           Continuous Tenses


Present Continuous Past Continuous
  I am being asked   He She   is being asked It   We You  are being asked They     I was being asked   He She    was being asked It   We You   were being asked They    


Future Continuous в пассивной форме не употребляется.


Perfect Tenses


Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect
  I have been asked   We She     has been asked It   We You    have been asked They   I   We She It               Had been asked We You They   I, we – shall have been asked   We She It          Will have been asked You they



Ex.1 Give three forms of the verbs:


to go,to take,to find,to stop,to swim,to come,to speak, to stand,to build,to get,to leave,to iscuss,to have, to put,to hear,to see,to think.


Ex.2 Give negative and interrogative forms:


1. This work will be finished tomorrow.

2. The delegation was met at the station.

3. The article has been translated into Russian.

4. Comrade Petrov is wanted on the phone.

5. New building of our Institute is being built now.


Ex.3 Change the following sentences of actions into Passive:


a) 1.I am making the bed.

2. He is opening the window.

3.She is dusting the room.

4.We are cleaning our dresses.

5.They are translating an English text.

b) 1.Mary has written a letter to her friends.

2.I have placed the bread-basket in the middle of the table.

           3.My brother has cut the bread.

            4. Mother has brought in the soup.

c) 1.Ann prepared here home-work.

2.She translated two exercises into English.

3.They learnt the dialogue by heart.

d)  1. Columbus discovered America in 1492.

   2. They will some the problem in the near future.

    3. They started the company a hundred years ago.

    4. Have you changed anything?

    5. How soon will they repeat that TV programme?

    6. We haven't solved the problem yet.

    7. A discussion will follow the lecture.

    8. They are interviewing the delegates.

    9. He has translated this book from English into Russian.

   10. We keep all the documents in perfect order.


Ex.4 Read the sentences, state their voice and translate them.


  1.They showed me the way to the post-office.

2.The way to the post-office was shown to me by them.

3. The students asked a lot of questions at the last lesson.

4.The pupils were asked a lot of questions at the last lesson.

5.He will bring the magazine tomorrow.

6.The magazine will be brought tomorrow.

7.They gave me that book a few days ago.

  8.The book was given to me yesterday.

9.This article is much spoken about.

10.They spoke very much about this article.

11.A new school is being built now in our street.

  12.This book is being translated into Russian.

13.The exercises have not been done yet.

14.They are always laughed at.

15.The doctor will be sent for in a minute.

16. They were seen at the theatre last week.


Ex.5 Use the prepositions 1by 0 or 1with 0:


  1.The sky is covered ... clouds.

2.This note is written ... a very bad pen, that's why you can't read it.

3.This book has been written ... three authors.

4.Trams are set in motion ... electricity.

5.The new school building will be surrounded ... a garden.

6.This room is heated ... a stove.


Ex.6 Translate from English into Russian:


  1. We were told about his success.

  2. He was offered help but he refused.

  3. They were offered goods at a low price.

  4. Each of the boys was given a dictionary.

  5. They are very well paid for their work.

  6. We were told this news last night.

  7. This rule will be revised at the next lesson.

   8. The telegram was followed by a letter.

  9. This letter will be answered tomorrow.

   10. Letters must be answered immediately.

   11. These books are needed by our students.

   12. Your advise is needed.

   13. The lecture was followed by a discussion.

   14. We were helped by our friends.

   15. The children were helped by their father to construct a boat.


Ex.7 Open the brackets using the necessary tense and voice of the given verbs:


1.My sister (to invite) many friends to her birthday party yesterday.

2.My sister (to invite) to the birthday party by her friend yesterday.

3.My report (to discuss) tomorrow.

  4.We (to open) the window after every lesson.

5.We (to finish) our experiment in a week.

6.This question not (to discuss) at the conference.

7.I (to answer) my brother's letter last week.

8.When the radio (to invent)?

9.Tchaikovsky (to use) folk songs in his compositions.

10.The letter (to send) yesterday?

11.Chemically pure water never (to meet) in everyday life.


Ex.8 Make sentences of your own with the following verbs in the Passive Voice.


1.to ask (Present Ind.),

2.to translate (Present Continuous),

3.to promise (Present Perfect),

4.to allow (Past Indefinite),

5.to show (Past Perfect),

6.to cook (Past Continuous),

7.to tell (Future Indefinite),

8.to write (Future Perfect).


Ex.9 Translate into English:


  1. Мне рассказали вчера интересную историю.

  2. Ей предложили чашку чая.

  3. Ему платят два раза в месяц.

  4. Нам покажут завтра несколько новых книг.

  5. Ему показали дорогу на вокзал.

  6. Нам говорили об этом несколько дней тому назад.

  7. Мне предложили билет на концерт.

  8. Я боюсь, что его не будут слушать с интересом.

  9. На его книгу часто ссылаются.

   10. На нее посмотрели с интересом, когда она вошла.

   11. Я не думаю, что на этом будут настаивать.

   12. Когда за ним послали? - За ним послали час тому назад.


Ex.10 Read the text below and then do the following:


a) point out all the verbs in the Passive Voice. State their form. Translate the sentences into    


b) Retell the text using the verbs in the Passive Voice.




    Cambridge is the second oldest university city in Britain. (Oxford is the first). It lies on the river Cam and takes its name from this river. Cambridge was founded in 1284 when the first college,Peterhouse, was built. Now there are twenty-two colleges in Cambridge, but only three of them are women's colleges. The first women's college was opened in 1869.

    The ancient buildings,chapels,libraries and colleges are in the centre of the city. There are many museums in the old university city. Its population consists of teachers and students. All students have to live in the college during their course.

    In the old times the students life was very strict. They were not allowed to play games, to sing, to hunt, to fish or even to dance.

    They wore special dark clothers which they continue to wear in our days. In the streets of Cambridge you can see young men wearing dark blue or black clothes and the "squares" - the aca-

demic year.

    Many great men have studied at Cambridge,among them Cromwell, Newton,Byron, Darwin. Now Cambridge is known all over the world as a great centre of science, where many famous scientists have worked: Rutherford, Kapitza and others.


The Infinitive

Table 2

Forms of the Infinitive

  Active Passive

Выражают действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом - сказуемым

Indefinite To write To ask To be written To be asked
Continuous To be writing To be asking ------------------
Perfect To have written To have asked To have been written To have been asked

Выражают действие, предшествовавшее действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым

Perfect Continuous To have been writing To have been asked  



Ex. Read infinitives and state their forms:


to deal, to have started, to have been rubbed, to be opera-

ting, to have been accompanied, to have been decreasing,to

satisfy, to be reducing, to have been operating, to appear,

to be considered, to be measuring, to have valued.


Table 3

Функция и место в аглийском предложении Пример Перевод на русский язык
1. Подлежащее стоит перед сказуемым   To walk is useful. To master this speciality is not an easy thing Гулять полезно. Овладеть этой специальностью – нелегкое дело
2. Смысловая часть составного сказуемого – стоит после глагола – связки Our aim is to master English.   To live is to learn. Наша цель – овладеть английским языком. Жить – значит учиться.
3.Дополнение стоит после сказуемого She likes to sing. He forgot to translate this text yesterday. Она любит петь. Он забыл перевести этот текст вчера.
4. Определение – стоит полсе определяемого существительного The method to be used is not new.   He was the first to prove it. Метод, который должен будет использоваться, не нов. Он был первым, кто доказал это.
5. Обстоятельство – стоит в начале или в конце предложения He went there to study. (In order) to know English well you have to work hard.   This problem is too difficult to be solved at once. Он поехал туда учиться. Для того, чтобы знать английский язык хорошо, вы должны усердно работать. Эта проблема слишком трудная, чтобы решить её сразу.


I. Define forms of the infinitive.


to have bought, to be producing, to have been finished,

to have been working, to have been carried out, to divide,

to be given, to be reading, to have made, to be moving,

to have been adopted, to be written, to be studying, to

be examined.


II. Give the forms of the following verbs.


_Perfect Active:           to make, to reach, to find, to stop, to

                                      help, to write.


_Continuous Active:    to walk, to move, to go, to study, to

                                      divide, to sell.


_Perfect Passive:          to understand, to set up, to consider,

                                      to say, to suppose, to believe.


III. Make all possible forms of the infinitive.


to study, to read, to know, to speak, to get, to meet,

to help, to receive, to support, to finish, to begin.


IV. Comment on the forms of the infinitive.


1. I want to know how long we are expected to wait.

2. He seemed to be weighing something in his mind.

3. You know how I hate to interfere in other people's business.

4. First I considered myself to be standing high and lean, very fair, with a straight wide mouth.

5. Was the object attached to anything? No wires or anything? I mean, someone couldn't have

1. been having a joke or something?

6. He seemed to have taken his defeat quietly.

2. 7.I rang the bell of the dependable family, and the man answered with remarkable promptness; 

3. he seemed to have been waiting for it to ring.

7. You must be careful with Dinny.

8. You must have noticed her there.

9. The whole thing must have been going on under her eyes.


V. Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to the functions of the infinitive.


a) the subject

1. To read English books is useful.

2. To live is to learn.

3. To see him was pleasant.

4. It is important to learn foreign languages.

5. It is difficult to translate this text without a dictionary.

6. It is necessary to help your friends.


b) the part of the predicate

1. You must improve your methods of work.

2. We are to study the main laws of market.

3. Our aim is to fulfil this work in time.

4. His work is to design machines.

5. All you have to do is to attend lessons.


c) the object

1. We hope to get new data in a week or two.

2. He wants to become an economist.

3. They plan to increase the output of consumer goods.

4. She liked to read books aloud.

5. I wanted to see this film.


d) the attribute

1. The man to deliver this lecture is our dean.

2. There are many problems to be solved.

3. Leonov was the first to step out into the open space.

4. He is always the first to come.

5. She was the last to join the group.

6. Automation is one of the ways to increase production.


e) the adverbial modifier

1. To fulfil the task the students must work hard.

2. In order to translate this text I need a dictionary.

3. This problem is too difficult to be solved at once.

4. The workers of that plant work much to finish the task in time.

5. He is experienced enough to settle the problem.


VI. Translate the sentences into Russian, using the infinitive from the following list as:


a) the subject: to repair, to hear, to speak, to wait, to search

1. He went off ... for him now was a fortune.

2. It was impossible ... the bicycle.

3. It took us twelve days ... the island.

4. At this moment, ... required more effort than she could make.

5. It is such a comfort ... you say so, doctor.


b) the part of a predicate: to go on, to try, to tell, to return, to keep.

1. My next plan was ... to the house, avoiding Wells if possible.

2. My advice to you is ... a coach tour.

3. The only thing she could do was ... the truth.

4. The greatest thing is ... our heads up.

5. There was no water nearby and the only thing was ... to find it somewhere.

c) the object: to air, to see, to show, to join, to be surprised

1. He promised ... us all of the island.

2. I must tell Ellen ... the drawing-room very well tomorrow.

3. I was so relieved that I forgot ... by her speaking.

4. He asked me ... his party.

5. Philip was not sorry ... him off.


d) the attribute: to do,to say,to waste,to make,to arrive

1. There's nothing else ... .

2. They had very little ... .

3. There were no objections ... that you could put your finger on.

4. He was nearly the last ... .

5. You see I have no time ... .


e) adverbial modifier of result: to give, to believe, to go, to shut, to waste.

1. You are too young ... to the door on life.

2. She was well enough ... to visit Henry in the sanatorium.

3. It's too good a story ...

4. You are too good ... me

5. He was stingy enough ... her money.


f) adverbial modifier of purpose: to spend, to see, to keep, to fetch, to have

1. Gennie had driven off next day ... the twins from a swimming-pool near by.

2. "Hallo,Marjie,I said. "Have you come ... me company?"

3. I arrived on Saturday afternoon ... a week there.

4. He invited them to the flat one evening ... coffee.

5. Sometimes people came from London especially ... the Black Madonna.


VII. Insert the infinitive with the particle "to" before it where necessary.

1. She began (to talk) of Moscow.

2. It was a command from her mother,and there was nothing for her (to do) but (to obey) it.

3. You must (to take) care not (to offend) her.

4. I'd rather not (to do) home that way.

5. "I think we'd better (to go) and (to get) dry", he said.

6. It heartened Mary (to hear) him (to speak) so lightly.

7. I want (to begin) (to earn) my corn.

8. "Do you want (to write)?" - "Of course". - "Then why not (to write) it?"

9. Could you (to ask) him (to come) as soon as he can?

10. Well, I think we ought (to be) starting?


VIII. Compose sentences using the given words.


1. To play, like, I, tennis.

2. to be, he, the,to take part,glad,is,excursion,invited.

3. he, lesson, sorry, the, is, missed, to have.

4. serve, let, party, the, him.

5. my, felt, hand, shoulder, his, touch.

6. necessary, the, time, it, to be, is,in, Institute, in


IX. Use the required form of the infinitive in brackets. Translate the sentences.


1. I want (to go) to the Far East.

2. That was the last thing she expected (to hear) him (to say).

3. She could not let herself (to cry).

4. He seemed (to think) over what he wanted (to say).

5. He wants (to congratulate) you in person.

6. The question is, what had I better (to do) with this house.

7. Wrap up my lunch, child. I must (to go) now.

8. I don't like (to see) men (to cry). I don't even like (to see) women or babies (to cry).

9. They do nothing but (to talk) it all day long.

10. Let's (to go) and (to find) him, he's sure (to be) in front of his picture.

11. Some important decisions must (to make) soon.

12. But there is something else (to do).

13. There was nothing (to do) but (to knit) all day long.

14. I decided (to make) a fuss, and went (to look) for him.

15. We walked to the door and I saw her (to go) in and down the hall.



X. Define forms amd functions of the infinitive. Translate the sentences.


1. It is difficult to follow you.

2. His next step was to learn the truth.

3. He hate to hurt somebody's feelings.

4. She has got a family to be proud of.

5. He will have to work hard to catch up with the group.

6. Popov was the first to invent the radio.

7. It is late to give advice.

8. My job was to let her know how things are

9. He is too young to walk there.

10. She had nothing to help her with her work.

11. It was not easy to explain his behaviour.

12. They are glad to have obtained such results.

13. Our plan was to get information about it.

14. He left for Kiev to enter the University.

15. It was hard to believe his words.




The United States of America





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