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Exercise 5. Describe the examples of how electronics help man.

Exercise 6. Define the application spheres of automation.


Exercise 7. Prove that automation is considered to be the highest stage in the development of technology.


Exercise 8. Discuss the text according to the points:

1. Our Age is the Age of Automation.

2. Automation is the highest stage in science and technology progress.

3. Automatic machines help people in their work, life, study.



1. rolled stock production – виробництво прокату;

2. envelope – конверт.







1. Here are some facts about a new automatic plant in Kyiv. The new plant is truly an enterprise of tomorrow – a factory where men and women are free from manual labour, where machines do all the hard work.

2. In the high, light and clean halls hundreds of mechanical devices act with unprecedented precision and timing. The machines assembly transforms metal into complex machine parts without human intervention.

3. A few people walk quietly round the machines and check their operation. These are operators. They operate separate machines. They keep them working at just the right speed. Every operator is a very skilled technician with a wide knowledge of machines. He knows machines so well that he can feel the pulse of each machine. If any trouble arises, the operator determines the damage and repairs it quickly, in seconds. He changes tools and starts the device again. But to repair damage is only a part of his job. To prevent stoppages is even much more important.

4. The operators are well-trained people. A controller sits at a desk. He merely watches the illuminated glass panel on which he sees the entire machine assembly in graphic form. As he knows the connection between the various working processes, he directs various sections and shops of the plant.

5. Machines are used not only to produce high-precision parts. They inspect the quality of work. If any stoppage takes place an automatic device immediately sends a signal. At every stage of its journey through the plant, the part goes through accurate mechanical inspection. A mechanical device inspects and checks the weight of the part, precision of its diameter, solidity of metal. Another mechanical inspector not only checks the precision of the complex parts but sorts them out in different sizes.

6. The plant of today is a factory, which looks more like a first-class laboratory than a plant.


Exercise 1 . Find the synonyms in the text to the following words:

1). accuracy (2)                                                                                                                                                 

2). hardness (5)                                                                                                                                         

3). to control operation (3)

4). installation ( apparatus) (2)

5). trained people (4)

6). velocity (3)

7). problem (3)


Exercise 2. Say if these statements are true or false :

1. The new plant in Kyiv is an enterprise where people do all manual work.

2. Hundreds of mechanical deviсes act with precision and timing.

3. To repair damage is even much more important than to prevent stoppages.

4. A few people inspect the quality of work.

5. The factory looks more like a shop or laboratory than a plant.


Exercise 3. Complete the sentences choosing the right variant :

1. The machine assembly transforms metal into complex machine parts without:

а). human manual labour;     

b) human-being;      

c) human intervention.


2. If any trouble arises , the operator…

а). watches the illuminated glass panel;  

b) determines the damage and repairs it;

c) checks the machine operation.


3. As the operator knows the connection between the various working processes he…

а). inspects the quality;     

b). directs sections and shops; 

c). changes tools.


4. If any stoppage takes place an automatic device…

а). sends a signal;   

b). keeps working;   

c). goes out of work.


5. Today’s plant is like…

а). a shop;          

b) a factory;       

c) а laboratory.


Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

1. How does the up-to- date plant look like?

2. What are the operator’s functions at the plant?

3. What operations do the machines perform?


Exercise 5. Describe the modern plant.


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