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The main types of organizational conflicts

For correct understanding and interpretation of conflicts, their essence, features, functions and consequences, typology is important, i.e. identifying the main types of conflicts based on identifying similarities and differences, reliable ways to identify conflicts with a community of essential features and differences.

In order to choose an adequate method of influence and control the corresponding conflict, it is advisable to carry out a classification depending on the main features: the method of solution; spheres of manifestation; impact patterns; severity; the number of participants; broken needs.

Based on the classification determine the types and types of conflicts. The type of conflict is a variant of the conflict interaction, highlighted by a certain attribute.

The way of resolving conflicts involves their division into antagonistic (violent) conflicts and compromise (non-violent).

Violent ( antagonistic ) conflicts are ways to resolve contradictions by destroying the structures of all the conflicting parties or refusing all but one of the parties to participate in the conflict. This side wins. For example: the complete defeat of the enemy in a dispute (election of government, etc.).

Compromise conflicts allow for several options to solve them at the expense of mutual changes in the goals of the parties to the conflict, terms, conditions of interaction. For example: the supplier does not send the ordered raw materials to the manufacturer within the specified period. The manufacturer has the right to demand the fulfillment of the delivery schedule, but the delivery time for the goods has changed due to the lack of funds for transportation due to non-payment. By mutual interest, it is possible to reach a compromise by negotiating, changing the delivery schedule.

Spheres of conflict are extremely diverse: politics, economics, social relations, attitudes and beliefs of people. There are political, social, economic, organizational conflicts.

Political conflicts - the clash over the distribution of power, a form of struggle for power.

Social conflict is a contradiction in the system of relations between people (groups), which are characterized by the strengthening of opposing interests, tendencies of social communities and individuals. A variety of social conflicts are considered labor and social labor conflicts, i.e. in the field of employment. This is a large group of conflicts, which arise very often in the form of strikes, pickets, speeches of large groups of workers.

Economic conflicts are a wide range of conflicts, which are based on the contradictions between the economic interests of individuals, groups. This is a struggle for certain resources, benefits, areas of economic influence, the distribution of property, etc. These types of conflicts are common in different levels of government.

Organizational conflicts are the result of hierarchical relations, regulation of human activities, the use of distribution relations in an organization: the use of job descriptions, the functional assignment of rights and duties to an employee; introducing formal governance structures; the presence of provisions for the payment and evaluation of labor, employee bonuses.

According to the direction of impact emit vertical and horizontal conflicts. A characteristic feature of them is the distribution of the volume of power that is in the opponents at the time of the start of conflict interactions.

In vertical conflicts, the volume of power decreases vertically from top to bottom, which determines different starting conditions for the conflict participants: the head is a subordinate, the highest organization is an enterprise, the founder is a small enterprise.

In horizontal conflicts, there is an interaction of subjects of equal power or hierarchical level: leaders of the same level, specialists among themselves, suppliers - consumers.

Severity of the conflict confrontation involves the identification of hidden and open conflicts.

Clear conflicts are characterized by a pronounced collision of opponents: quarrels, disputes, clashes. The interaction is governed by the rules corresponding to the situation and the status of the parties to the conflict.

In the case of a hidden conflict, there are no external aggressive actions between the conflicting parties, but they use indirect methods of influence. This happens on the condition that one of the participants in the conflict interaction is afraid of the other, or he does not have enough power and strength for open struggle.

Number of participants in a conflict interaction allows them to be divided into intrapersonal, interpersonal, and intergroup ones.

Intra-personal conflicts - represent a clash within a person of equal strength, but oppositely directed motives, needs, interests. The peculiarity of this type of conflict is the choice between desire and capabilities, between the need to fulfill and compliance with the necessary norms.

A person can spend a lot of time and effort to choose the right decision in the case of an intrapersonal conflict, and consequently, emotional intensity rises rapidly, stress can arise, and before making a decision, personal behavior can become uncontrollable. Examples are the “plus-plus”, “plus-minus”, or “minus-minus” conflicts.

“Plus-plus” conflicts suggest the choice of one of two favorable options. For example, where to go to relax or what to buy (some brand of car).

It should be noted: the choice comes from two favorable options, but the need to choose can be so difficult and painful that it will be accompanied by stressful situations.

“Plus or minus” conflicts are conflicts of attraction and repulsion, making decisions when each of the options can have both positive and negative consequences, and you have to choose one, taking into account the decision of the common task.

For example: in a conflict between a manager and a subordinate, the dismissal of a subordinate appears to the manager as an alternative: the release of an unprofitable subordinate (positive aspect) and the need to find a new employee, employee to complete the task (negative aspect). In this case, it is necessary to calculate a number of options, the necessary emotional and material costs for the realization of the goal. If you leave a good, but unfavorable employee, make him work on the task, then the consequences of such a decision may soon have a negative impact on the results, then the conflict with the intrapersonal will grow into a conflict with the subordinate, i.e. in interpersonal.

Another type of intrapersonal conflict is role conflict, when it is necessary for one person to simultaneously fulfill their various roles, which, moreover, contradict each other. There is a question of what to do.

For example: the master of the production site was instructed to increase production by the head of the workshop, and the head of the quality department insists on improving the quality of products by slowing down the production process. The master gave conflicting instructions, and at the same time. As a result, this conflict can be reduced to a “minus-minusconflict, since the master is faced with the problem of choice: what to do, whose direction to carry out, and how to do it.

Intra-personal conflict can also arise as a result of the fact that production requirements do not coincide with personal needs or values.

For example: a woman leader had long planned on Saturday to go with her husband and children to rest outside the city, besides a lot of attention to work began to have a bad effect on family relationships. On Friday evening, her immediate superior had problems regarding the fulfillment of an urgent task, and he insisted that she undertake to solve these problems at the weekend and even went to work on Saturday. Otherwise, the contract would be extremely lucrative for the company, for which the division of this particular woman is responsible, would be in jeopardy.

The complexity of resolving intrapersonal conflicts lies in the fact that sometimes there is a clash of three components necessary to achieve the goal: desire (“want”), opportunity (“I can”), necessity (“necessary”).

Intergroup conflicts - conflicts between different groups, divisions, in which the interests of people united in a period of conflict into a single cohesive community are affected.

It should be noted that this cohesion may disappear immediately after the termination of the conflict, but at the time of defending common interests, the unity of the group can be quite significant.

Interpersonal conflicts are a clash of individuals with a group, among themselves, the struggle for the interests of each of the parties. This is one of the most common types of conflict.


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