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Management of human resources: the concept, essence, goals and objectives

Human resource management is a specific management function. Recently, this function has become increasingly important, since the effectiveness of an organization, its competitive advantages depend on the effectiveness of the use of its main resource - a person. In connection with this, the requirements for an employee increase, the importance of a creative attitude to work, a high level of professionalism increases. The function of human resources management is becoming more complex, the role and place of the head of the organization’s personnel services is changing. He becomes one of its main leaders.

The content of the management function of the Czech Republic changed along with changes in production conditions and management objectives. So, at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries. and up to the 20th of XX centuries. Actions in the field of HR management were limited to the creation of disciplinary systems, training and incentives for personnel, since the main management concern during this period was the task of increasing the labor productivity of an individual worker and production efficiency in general.

In the 50-60s of the XX century. The main concern of management is the creation of “human relations” in an organization, therefore the main actions in the field of HR management are creating a favorable climate in the team, establishing group collaboration, and for this, managers are trained in terms of sensitivity, sensitivity, tact.

In the 60-70-ies. the problem of " participation" comes to the fore. Therefore, special attention is paid to participatory management, tools for employee involvement in the decision-making process. The problem of " participation" required highly skilled workers, which led to the development of training programs, retraining and development of personnel.

In the 70-80-ies. The main task of managing the CR is to challenge subordinates who need complex creative work. During this period, programs are being developed to enrich labor, create specialized and venture teams.

In the 80-90-ies. there is a problem of reducing jobs, crowding out workers as a result of economic downturns, technological shifts, international competition. It took measures to mitigate the stress associated with the loss of the workplace: various compensations, special seminars for dismissed workers, “early retirement”, as well as the development of retraining programs, orientation of workers in new areas of the economy.

In 1990–2000 the main problem is changes in the labor force and its deficits. At the forefront are such management functions as strategic management of the Czech Republic, the implementation of employee rights, their development, flexible work schedules and benefits, as well as computerization.

In Russia, the function of personnel management throughout the history of the socialist state was carried out by employment agencies and personnel services of enterprises. They were engaged in solving a single state task — providing the branches of the national economy with the necessary personnel, as well as realizing the right of citizens to work. The activity of the personnel services of many organizations to this day is limited mainly to the solution of issues of admission and dismissal of employees, execution of personnel documentation. Therefore, these services do not meet the new requirements of personnel policy, new functions of the management of the Czech Republic. There is no unified management system of the Czech Republic, first of all, a system of scientifically based study of abilities and aptitudes, professional and career advancement of workers in accordance with their business and personal qualities.

An urgent task of most enterprises is the restructuring and increasing the role of personnel services, the creation of HR management departments, which is caused by changes in the economic and social conditions of enterprises.


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