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Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

Types of stock

“ The basis of good cooking is a good stock” is an old saying which is still true today, because a stock is the basis of many dishes, such as soups, sauces and gravies. A stock is a liquid made from raw meat and bones, vegetables such as carrots, celery and onion, and seasonings such as bay leaf, parsley stalks and peppercorns by long simmering. There are four basic types of stocks, which are used today:

1.  white meat stock, which is made with  chicken or veal bones to achieve a light colour and flavor and is used with white meat dishes.

2. Brown beef stock which is made with beef bones, well browned in the oven for a strong flavor and rich brown colour before the liquid is added. It is used for game and red meat dishes.

3. Fish stock which is made from the bones of fish, cooked for a shorter time than other stocks and used for fish dishes.

4. Vegetable stock, which is made without meat or bones, is usually prepared with vegetables such as celery, carrot and onion, and is used for soups and vegetarian dishes.

5. Other stocks, including stock cubes, are used for various purposes.

3. Перевод рецепта с русского языка  на английский:

Французский луковый суп


  • 675 г. лука;                                                                  
  • 75 г. сливочного масла;
  • 2 ч. л. сахара;                                                                             
  • 40г. просеянной муки
  • 1.7 литра куриного или говяжьего бульона
  • 1ч. л. соли
  • Молотый черный перец
  • 6 кусочков французского хлеба
  • 100г. сыра


1. Почистите и мелко нарежьте лук. Растопите половину масла в большой сковородке. Добавьте лук и сахар. Готовьте на медленном огне до коричневого цвета. Добавьте муку и готовьте, помешивая несколько минут. Добавить бульон, соль и перец довести до кипения, накройте крышкой и варите на медленном огне в течение 30 минут.

2. Кусочки французского хлеба намажьте сливочным маслом и посыпьте тёртым сыром.

3. Запеките хлеб в духовке до тех пор, пока сыр не растает.

4. Положите кусочки хлеба в тарелку и налейте готовый суп. Предварительно потертый сыр подавать в отдельной посуде.



Билет №7

1. Сообщение по теме: Описание ресторана  (местоположение, тип ресторана, описание,  виды работ, цех, впечатления).

2.  Чтение и перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста:

Types of cocktails.

1. Pre-dinner cocktails or aperitifs are usually served before eating. They stimulate the appetite. They are made with strong and clear spirits, such as whisky, gin or brandy. They have high alcohol content. They have no more than three ingredients and are not mixed with juice or cream.

2. Creamy cocktails are usually served after a meal as a dessert. They are made with ice cream, milk, sweet liqueurs, fruit, chocolate and coconut sprinkles. They can be made layered.

3. Long cocktails are usually served in a long glass with a straw. They are not so strong as other cocktails. They consist mainly of ice with a little spirit, fruit juice and sodas.

4. Sour cocktails are a combination of spirits and liqueurs with lemon juice and sugar syrup. They are good in hot weather because they are served with ice.

5. Shot cocktails are served in small glasses. They can be sipped or “shot”

6. Non-alcoholic cocktails are made of fruit juices and soda. They are served in large cocktail glasses with a straw. They can be decorated with fruit slices.


3. Перевод рецепта с русского языка  на английский:

Щи из свежей капусты


· Свинина или говядина -1 кг.

· Свежая капуста – 1кг.

· Репчатый лук – 150 гр.

· Свежие помидоры -2шт., или 1 ложка томатной пасты

· Корень сельдерея- 1шт.

· Корень петрушки -1шт.

· Лавровый лист, немного укропа, зелёный лук.

· Соль по вкусу



1. Отварите мясо до полуготовности (около 1-2 часов). Затем добавьте рубленную свежую капусту.

2. Обжарьте нарезанный кусочками лук, морковь, помидоры, корень сельдерея и петрушки в течении 20 минут в сковородке и добавить в кастрюлю.

3. Положите лавровый лист, а в конце приготовления вынуть.

4.. Щи подаются со сметаной, мелко рубленным зелёным луком и укропом.

5.  Время приготовления – 3 часа.


Билет № 8

1. Сообщение по теме:    Интервью с работодателем (опыт работы, способности, образование).

Чтение и перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста:



· Scottish - style egg in mince (boiled egg, wrapped in minced beef with mustard, coated in bread crumbs, fried in oil), served with sweet sauce

· Vienna - style salad (asparagus, boiled tongue, green peas, cream, dill), dressed with mayonnaise.

· Eggs “Benedict” (poached egg on fried slice of bread with bacon or  salmon), served with Holland sauce on the top (yolk, butter, lemon juice, water, salt, pepper).


· Milk soup with rice, served with butter (sugar).

· Beetroot soup(boiled beetroot, potatoes and egg, fresh cucumber, green onion, dill, parsley), served cold with sour - cream.

       Main dishes:

· Spicy potatoes with peas (green chili pepper, olive oil, cumin, ginger, potatoes, peas, chopped coriander).

· Baked mackerel stuffed (grated carrot, boiled potatoes, dry mustard, parsley, lemon), served with rice and marinated sweet pepper and hot chili pepper.

· Fried salmon with cucumber sauce (cucumber, dry white wine), served with lemon and dill.

· Horsemeat beefsteak with “Shasser” sauce (champignons, butter, tomato sauce, white dry wine, shallot), served with parsley.

· Spanish omelet with mushrooms (eggs, boiled potato, champignons, onion, tomato, bacon, butter), served with grated cheese and vegetables.


· Curd pancakes, served with honey or sour cream.


3. Перевод рецепта с русского языка на английский:



· Квас -1л.

· Свежие огурцы – 1шт, среднего размера

· Зелёный лук – 100 гр.

· Сваренные вкрутую яйца -2шт.

· Отварная говядина -100гр.

· Ветчина -50гр

1. Вымойте и мелко нарежте зелёный лук и огурец, отварную говядину и ветчину.

2. Нарежте крупно сваренные яйца. Положите всё в квас, посолить по вкусу.

3. Добавляется отварной картофель. Перед подачей охладите окрошку в холодильнике в течении 2х часов.

4. Окрошка подаётся с густой сметаной, рубленой петрушкой и укропом.

Билет № 9

1. Сообщение по теме: Восточная кухня  (особенности подачи, необычные блюда).

2.   Чтение и перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста:

French Cuisine

Nowadays French cuisine is the most popular in Europe. People all over the world know about specific French ingredients and traditional dishes, they are snails, frog legs, baguette, onion soup, famous cream brulee and plenty of various sauces with Provence herbs.

French like serving omelets and cheese soufflé with different spices and fillings: ham, mushrooms, herbs.

French considered the creators of sauces, you will not find anywhere equal to them in creating new recipes.

It is worth noticing about splendid desserts, in which, French, no doubt, are the best. They are: Cherry pie “Clafutti”, magnificent tarte tatin – flans with fruit and berries, and of course well known cream brulee – cream baked with caramel crust – the King of all desserts.

France is famous for its cheeses, there are more then 400 types of cheese. It was French cuisine that first presented such dish as clear soup.


3. Перевод рецепта с русского языка  на английский:

Французский луковый суп


  • 675 г. лука                                                   
  • 1.7 литра куриного или говяжьего бульона
  • 75 г. сливочного масла                              
  • 1ч. л. соли
  • 2 ч. л. сахара                                               
  • 40г. просеянной муки                           
  • Молотый черный перец                               
  • 6 кусочков французского хлеба
  • 100г. Сыра


1. Почистите и мелко нарежьте лук. Растопите половину масла в большой сковородке. Добавьте лук и сахар. Готовьте на медленном огне до коричневого цвета. Добавьте муку и готовьте, помешивая несколько минут. Добавить бульон, соль и перец довести до кипения, накройте крышкой и варите на медленном огне в течение 30 минут.

2. Кусочки французского хлеба намажьте сливочным маслом и посыпьте тёртым сыром.

3. Запеките хлеб в духовке до тех пор, пока сыр не растает.

4. Положите кусочки хлеба в тарелку и налейте готовый суп. Предварительно потертый сыр подавать в отдельной посуде.



Билет № 10

  1. Сообщение по теме: Славянская кухня  (особенности, традиционные блюда).
  2.  Чтение и перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста:

Italian cuisine

Italian cuisine has a great variety of different ingredients which are commonly used, ranging from fruits, vegetables, sauces, meats, etc. In the North of Italy, fish, potatoes, rice, maize, corn, sausages, pork, and different types of cheeses are the most common ingredients. Liguria ingredients are quite different, and include several types of fish and seafood dishes; basil, nuts and olive oil are very common. In Emilia-Romagna, common ingredients include ham, sausage, and different sorts of salami, truffles, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and tomatoes.

Traditional Central Italian cuisine uses ingredients such as tomatoes, all kinds of meat (except for horse meat), fish, and pecorino cheese. Finally, in Southern Italy, tomatoes – fresh or cooked into tomato sauce – peppers, olives and olive oil, garlic, artichokes, oranges, ricotta cheese, eggplants, zucchini, certain types of fish (anchovies, sardines and tuna), and capers are important components to the local cuisine. Italian cuisine is also well known for its use of a diverse variety of pasta. Pasta includes noodles in various lengths,   shapes, and varieties that are filled with other ingredients like ravioli and tortellini. It is usually served with sauce. Italian pasta is traditionally cooked al dente (Italian: " firm to the bite", meaning not too soft).


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