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Match the words with the definitions. Use Glossary (p. 298)

1 judge (n) a. a decision by a court or other tribunal that resolves a controversy and determines the rights and obligations of the parties
2 judgement (n) b. the branch of government that has the authority to interpret and apply the law, resolve legal disputes, and administer justice
3 judicial (adj) c. the area over which legal authority extends
4 judiciary (n) d. relating to the courts or belonging to the office of a judge
5 jurisdiction (n) e. a public official who hears and decides cases brought before a court of law

2. Complete the text using the words in the box:

jurisdiction judge judicial judiciary judgement jurisdiction


The federal __________ and the state _____________ systems are each organized in three tiers, like a pyramid. At the bottom of both systems there are trial courts (district courts), i.e. courts which examine cases and bring in sentences or _________. They are courts of general ___________ (they hear cases involving criminal and civil matters). At the intermediate level there are courts of appeals. At the top of the pyramid structure is the court of the last resort. At the federal level it is the U.S. Supreme Court consisting of some __________, and at the state level it is the supreme court of the state, which has the authority to interpret the law of that ____________.

3. Study the following terms and fill in the gaps:

Judicial - судебный, судейский, беспристрастный, законный, правовой, юридический

judicial authority - судебная инстанция

judicial power - юридические полномочия

judicial review – судебный надзор

judicial branch - судебная ветвь власти

judicial inquiry - судебное следствие

judicial murder - убийство по суду (вынесенный по закону, но несправедливый смертный приговор)

judicial precedent - судебный прецедент

judicial immunity - юридическая неприкосновенность, судебный иммунитет

1) _______________ is granted to judges and other court officers for tortious acts and omissions done within their jurisdiction or authority.

2) The President’s primary _______________ are to appoint federal court

judges, pardon people convicted of federal crimes, and reduce a person's jail sentence or fine.

3) The concept of _______________ is based on the principle that similar cases should be treated alike.

4) Russian _______________ is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, and district courts.

5) The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation is the highest _______________ in settling economic and other disputes within the jurisdiction of the courts of arbitration.

6) The power of courts of law to review the actions of the executive and legislative branches is called _______________.

7) _______________ is the unjustified execution of death penalty.

8) Some companies face ______________ after a number of suicides among employees.



Choose the definition that matches the word.

Federal court

a. The lowest federal court of general jurisdiction.

b. A legal document ordering a lower court to send a case to the Supreme Court for review.

c. A court of a federal government, especially one established under the Constitution of the United States.


a. A place where justice is administered.

b. A judgment, as one formally pronounced by a court.

c. Pertaining to judgment in courts of justice or to the administration of justice.

District and specialized courts

a. A court of a federal government, especially one established under the Constitution of the United States.

b. The lowest federal court of general jurisdiction.

c. A court holding sessions at various intervals in different sections of a judicial district.

Supreme Court

a. A place where justice is administered.

b. A legal document ordering a lower court to send a case to the Supreme Court for review.

c. The highest federal court of the U.S.


a. The lowest federal court of general jurisdiction.

b. A judgment, as one formally pronounced by a court.

c. The formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.

State court

a. The rule for selecting cases for the Supreme Court. If four justices want to hear a case, the Court will accept it.

b. Any of the courts of appeals in the U.S. federal judicial system before 1948.

c. Courts of state law; 95% of cases in the US take place in state courts.

Circuit court

a. A court holding sessions at various intervals in different sections of a judicial district.

b. A legal document ordering a lower court to send a case to the Supreme Court for review.

c. A judgment, as one formally pronounced by a court.


a. A court holding sessions at various intervals in different sections of a judicial district.

b. The highest federal court of the U.S.

c. Pertaining to judgment in courts of justice or to the administration of justice.


a. Any of the courts of appeals in the U.S. federal judicial system before 1948.

b. Pertaining to the judicial branch or system or to judges

c. The lowest federal court of general jurisdiction.


a. The formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.

b. A legal document ordering a lower court to send a case to the Supreme Court for review.

c. The highest federal court of the U.S.



SPEAKING. Study the following chart and tell your classmates about the U.S. court system. You may go for help to:

http: //www.iitcr.com/resources/us-court-structure




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