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Section 6. Experiencing GOLD 2.0.

We offer several ways of covering the training materials. In all groups, we recommend that they have an experienced youth leader or adult club member present to provide advice, support and encouragement.

The modules have been designed to be covered in several different ways and the material is easily adapted for all levels of the organization and for different settings.

Option 1. By self study or in a Peer Partnership with 2-3 others. This approach is useful where members are isolated and/or have time constraints that require them to work on their own schedule. Mentors and an encouraging club are essential to success.

Option #2.  In areas where meeting opportunities are rare and there is limited internet connection, youth or new members may close enough to come together occasionally for District or Regional events. There the GOLD program could be offered in small workshops led by experienced youth leaders. Between these events, reading and assignments can be carried out online or through social media, the use of phones and texting.   

Option 3. In an urban area, small groups of at least six persons can meet regularly at a central location over a period of several weeks to cover each module. Assignments and worksheets can be completed between sessions. Such times should also include some food, fun and fellowship.

 Option 4. An online group of 6 or more can use the “Go To Meeting” program.  Ideally each group would have members from 2-3 Regions or Areas in the same general Time Zone and a mentor who is an experienced trainer.

Animation of the group can be shared in rotation so that everyone gains this experience. There would be regular online meetings set up in a schedule that accommodates the group members. A secure reliable internet connection is required to make best use of the video conferencing program. Participants can make arrangements with their local YMCA, college or a business to use a computer and internet when available.

Instructions for using Go To Meeting are available in the document MAN-7.


Option 5. The curriculum is easily adapted for use in workshop events with 6 people or more. The workshop animator(s) or leader(s) can study the material on their own or in an online group and then earn more credits by leading formal workshops. Youth convocations and District or Regional gatherings are excellent events where a lot of training could be carried out as part of the program. These can be organized around a full day or weekend with themes such as Communication or Facilitation. Over a period of 3-5 years every module could be covered. MAN-12 outlines some possible themed workshops or full workshops that cover all aspects of the GOLD curriculum.

Option 6. Even clubs can take certain sections and use them as part of the regular club meeting programs. A subject such as Communication, can be covered over a period of several weeks with 20 minutes at each meeting. Over a year, the club could commit to cover sections that are feel important by their members.

Section 7. Program Resources.

Access to resources:

Major documents are posted on the official web site and a passport protected portion of the current international web site could be used for the actual curriculum materials.

Flash drives shall be available with the resources required to carry out training at the club or Regional level.

Additional Resources:

A list of appropriate videos will be developed, from sources like You Tube or from youth members themselves.

TED Talks on topics related to the curriculum topics will also be flagged. There may be some simulation games suitable for online use.

GOLD participants and supporters are encouraged to suggest or share resources that could be incorporated into the program. New ideas for activities are welcome.

Participant support.

In the implementation of the GOLD training, we recommend that the youth and new members in Level GOLD 2.1, have an experienced member with good knowledge of the GOLD program, to act as an animator and another experienced adult member as a mentor.


The role of animator can be to make sure the learning happens, assignments are completed and resources are made available. He/she can make sure that everyone involved in group sessions is able to take on the animator role as part of the learning process.

A number of Animator Guides have been developed for the Level 2.1 modules, for online use or in workshops. These are found in the document MAN-10.


The mentor is there to respond to questions for advice, information or assistance from the participants. There will also be a need for encouragement to continue and complete the work and provide recognition and assurance in the face of difficulties that arise.


We recommend that participants adopt the practice of keeping a journal for a variety of reasons.     


- Storage of material for future reference, especially the Appendices and other tip sheets..

- Keeping copies of activities for future use as a trainer.

- Keeping a record of units and modules completed.

- Personal notes about completed assignments and projects of the whole group.

- Material to be shared with other club members



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