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Exercise III. Choose the appropriate Russian equivalents for the following English phrases and sentences.

1. He worked in a local factory.

a) Он работал на маленькой фабрике.

b) Он работал на местной фабрике.

c) Он работал на локальной фабрике.

2. Не wore the same old clothes.

a) Он носил одну и ту же старую одежду.

b) Он был в той же старой одежде.

c) Он ходил в старой одежде.

3. Never changing his purchases from one week to the next.

a) Никогда не изменяя свои покупки каждую неделю.

b) Покупая одни и те же продукты каждую неделю.

c) Никогда не изменяя своим привычкам покупать продукты каждую неделю.

4. Не was not just a rich man.

a) Он был только не богат.

b) Он был не просто богатым человеком.

c) Он не был по праву богатым человеком.

5.... local people were astonished to learn.

a) Местные жители были ошеломлены, узнав.

b) Местным жителям пришлось узнать.

c) Местные жители неожиданно узнали.

6. The bank clerks took just as long to count all the money.

a) Банковские клерки взяли посчитать большую сумму денег.

b) У банковских служащих ушло ровно столько же времени, чтобы посчитать все деньги.

c) Банковские служащие забрали все деньги, чтобы посчитать.


The classrooms were dull. They smelt of sand, disinfectant, and chalky blackboard dusters. There was a sour chill in the cloakrooms. The walls of some of the classrooms were made of varnished partitions through which you could hear the class next door slodging through the alphabet or the Lord's Prayer or " Thirty Days hath September". On the walls hung religious pictures, maps of the Empire, photographs from Child Education, a large calendar, and the alphabet. On the window-sills were bulb vases of dark green glass, and a saucer or two with carrot tops growing in them. There was nothing of the gaiety and freedom and liveliness of an infant's class today, but I think the class as a whole was a happy one for we liked our jolly teacher, though I don't believe she taught us very much. I learned to write, painfully gripping the thin ribbed shank of a new school pen, by copying out dozens of times set phrases like " Virtue is its Own Reward". Those capital Rs were a trial. I remember the funny little exercise books we had to do our writing in, with two very widely-spaced lines to every small page: it was the devil of a job to hold it down when your steel nib was pressing and pricking the paper. The teacher would walk round, her fat arms comfortably folded over her bust, and tell us to make all our letters slope the same way. This was something I could never do, and it always amazed me when she extended my down and up strokes with her blue pencil, to see how far from parallel they were. I thought she went out of her way to make my handwriting look worse than it really was.


Read the text carefully and do the exercises that follow.

Exercise I. Mark the statements below as " true" or " false".

1. The classrooms looked inviting.

2. There were a few landscape paintings on the walls.

3. There were some flower-pots on the window-sills.

4. The class didn't look at all like an infant's class today.

5. The children of the class were quite happy.

6. The teacher was thin and shy with a very soft voice.

7. Tbe teacher corrected the boy's handwriting by extending his strokes with her red pencil.

8. The boy didn't believe his handwriting was as bad as his teacher made it look.

Exercise II. Write questions for these answers.

1. The classrooms were dull. (Alternative)

2. The walls of some of the classrooms were made of varnished partitions. (What...? ).

3. The boy learned to write by copying out dozens of times set phrases like " Virtue is its own Reward". (How...? )

4. The boy remembers the funny little exercise books they had to do their writing in. (What...? )

5. The class as a whole was a happy one. (Disjunctive)

6. No, this was something the boy could never do. (General) 1. Those capital Rs were a trial. (What...? )


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