Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Find equivalents of the following.
Судейская скамья, Председатель Верховного суда США, секретарь суда, стенограф суда, судебный пристав, барьер, истец, ответчик, адвокат(3), скамья присяжный, суд присяжных, присяжный судья, сотрудники суда, стороны дела, оспаривать дело в суде, cвидетели, состязательные суды, аппеляционные суды, заслушивать показания, ложа свидетельских показаний, здание суда, расположение, заявитель, обвинение в предвзятом отношении, представить доказательства, председательствующий мировой судья, по обе стороны которого находятся, герб Сити, судебное разбирательство, работа с документами судопроизводства, места адвокатов в шотландском суде, полукруглый стол, прокурор в шотландском суде, скамья подсудимых обвиняемый, допрашивать свидетеля, показания свидетеля, заносить в протокол ход рассмотрения дела, записывать на пленку
Study the meaning of the names for legal professions. The word lawyer is a general term and can mean anyone who gives legal advice or believes himself learned in one or more areas of law - it is often used to describe solicitors, barristers, legal executives and others - more often than not it is used to describe the whole legal profession The traditional legal profession is however divided into solicitors and barristers.
Attorney is American English word for a British English lawyer. The D.A. or District Attorney is a lawyer in the U.S. who works for the state and prosecutes people on behalf of it. There are also, of course, defense attorneys in America who act on behalf of their clients. Consider the following:
(Note that in British English defence is spelt ‘defence’ and not ‘defense’.) We also speak about the prosecution counsel or the defence counsel when referring to the team of lawyers who are operating on behalf of either the state or a client: 'The counsel for the defence argued that the case should never have been brought to court as it relied only on circumstantial evidence.' However, please note that we do not use the term counsellor in the legal sense at all! A counsellor can be any person whose job it is to give advice, care and support to those who need it. Consider the following: 'This hospital employs 15 counsellors whose job it is to deal with patients suffering from severe depression.' Now speak about the difference in the meaning and the responsibilities of: lawyer/attorney, solicitors, prosecution/defence counsel, district/defence attorney Fill in the gaps. Translate Part 1 1) the Bench 2) Chief Justice 3) court clerk 4) court reporter 5) bailiff 6) plaintiff
1) After much public pressure, the ________________ and other judges of the Supreme Court of India have declared their assets. 2) Justice of the Peace had requested that his current ___________, who officially is divided between his own and court clerk duties, become a full-time onу and create a new court clerk position. 3) The Chief Justice told me that this policy of the Australian stops him from nominating credible, well qualified individuals to serve on _____________. 4) A Haverhill woman still insists that she was arrested for what she says is a ________________________ 's mistake. 5) Meanwhile, a representative of the ___________ asked for some time to examine the documents presented by the defence lawyer. 6) The ___________ _________is a dying breed. Generation X and the Millenials are not getting their information in the same manner as people used to. Part 2 1) witness stand/box 2) advocate 3) the dock 4) the accused 5) testimony (n) 6) guilty (adj) 7) innocent (adj)
1) We'll believe you are _______________when you show us your receipt for the items in the bag. 2) You will be considered innocent until you are proven __________. 3) We will announce at a later date further hearings for the purpose of receiving __________________from governmental witnesses. 4) Do not assume that cautions or unpalatable advice reflects a lack of competence on the part of your ____________________. 5)But while one is sitting in the dock, the other will be called to take the______________________________. 6) __________________enjoys the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury. 7) Among the some 20 people in _____________in the revolutionary court in Tehran were a former minister and a number of other top political figures.
Text 2 Disorder in Court Below you will find excerpts from court proceedings. Comment on the misunderstandings, hidden in them. What do you think each of the speakers intended to say? Most language is spoken language, and most words, once they are uttered, vanish forever into the air. But such is not the case with language spoken during the courtroom trials, for there exists an army of court reporters whose job is to take down and preserve the very statement made during the proceedings.
Q. Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated? A. By death. Q. And by whose death was it terminated? Q. Mrs. Smith, you do believe that you are emotionally unstable? A. I used to be. Q. How many times have you committed suicide? A. Four times. Q. Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people? A. All my autopsies were on dead people. Q. Were you acquainted with the decedent? A. Yes, sir. Q. Before or after he died? Q. What happened then? A. He told me, “I have to kill you because you can identify me.” Q. Did he kill you? A. No. Q. Mrs. Jones, is your appearance this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney? A. No. This is how I dress when I go to work. Judge: Well, gentlemen of the jury, are you unanimous? Foreman: Yes, your Honor, we’re all alike - temporarily insane. The Court: Now, as we begin, I must ask you to banish all present information and prejudice from your minds, if you have any. Judge: I rarely do so, but for whatever purpose it may serve, I will indicate for the record that I approached this case with a completely open mind. Q. At the time you first saw Dr. McCarty, had you ever seen him prior to that time? Q. I understand you’re Bernie Davis’s mother. A. Yes. Q. How long have you known him? Q. Now I’m going to show you what has been marked as State’s Exhibit No. 2 and ask you to recognize the picture. A. John Fletcher. Q. That’s you? A. Yes, sir. Q. And you were present when the picture was taken, right? Q. As an officer of the Dodge City police department, did you stop an automobile bearing Kansas license plates SCR446? A. Yes, sir. Q. Was the vehicle occupied at that time? Q. Please state the location of your right foot immediately prior to the impact. A. Immediately prior to the impact, my right foot was located at the immediate end of my right leg. Q. Just what did you do to prevent the accident? A. I closed my eyes and screamed as loud as I could. Q. What can you tell us about the truthfulness and veracity of this defendant? A. Oh, she’ll tell you the truth. She said she was going to kill the son of a gun - and she did. TEXT TRANSLATION В ЗАЛЕ СУДА Судья обычно сидит на высокой скамье известной как «судейское место». За его спиной обычно находится изображение печати соответствующего федерального округа и флаг штата, в котором происходит судопроизводство. Судьи обычно одеты в простую черную мантию. Рядом с судейской скамьей находится место дачи свидетельская трибуна (место дачи свидетельских показаний). Зал суда разделен на 2 части барьером, который может иметь перегородки или быть воображаемым. У одной из стен обычно стоит судебный пристав, который поддерживает порядок в зале суда. По одну сторону судейской скамьи находятся столы истца и ответчика, за которыми они сидят со своими адвокатами. Напротив, них находится скамьи для присяжных судей, где эти судьи находятся во время слушания дела. Сотрудники суда и присяжные обычно заходят в зал заседаний в разные двери. В отличие от сторон судебного спора и присяжных, только юристы могут переходить «барьер». Обычно в зале находится небольшое возвышение, на которое защитники поднимаются и оспаривают свои дела перед судьей. По другую сторону находятся места для публики, людей, которые приходят послушать, что происходит в суде. Места для публики, как правило, имеют форму церковных скамеек. В отличие от состязательных судов в апелляционных судах не имеется, ни скамьи присяжных, ни свидетельской трибуны. Судейская скамья, напротив, гораздо больше, так как должна вмещать большее количество судей. Как правило, стены в зале суда покрыты деревянными панелями, но это скорее традиция, так современные суды часто выглядят иным образом. В здании суда может находиться большое количество залов судебных заседаний.
UNIT 7 Crime
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