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Translate the following sentences. 1. Late in the 21st century the Global Climate Commission began to alter the climate to reduce the difference in temperatures between the poles and the


Useful information

Mind the following:

- affect is verb

- effect is noun

1. Late in the 21st century the Global Climate Commission began to alter the climate to reduce the difference in temperatures between the poles and the equator to foster new types of economic activity in areas affected by the warmer climate.

2. We studied how learning to ask good questions can affect the quality of people’s scientific inquiry.

3. Those different isotopes of hydrogen have different masses and strongly affect how a molecule vibrates.

4. This potent pair of advances will most likely affect space research the way that the PC revolution changed computing—creating an access revolution.

5. Such shift in thinking has the potential to affect every facet of manufacturing — from prototype design to mass-produced product.

6. Before the moon spiraled out to its present orbital distance from our world, its enormous tidal effects on the early Earth could have played a vital role in the origin and flourishing of life.

7. Most people think that we understand this effect, but the proton is such a complicated system that we may have missed something.

8. The oceans absorb roughly 40 to 50 percent of the carbon dioxide that humans and nature emit into the atmosphere, slowing the greenhouse effect.

9. Quantum effects could bounce the Higgs field, which is in a so-called metastable state, into a lower energy state, annihilating the Universe in the process.

10. Instead of invoking supersymmetry to suppress virtual particle effects, a new idea is to embrace such effects to explain where mass comes from.

11. Conventional robots may be faster and stronger but soft robots powered by air pressure or electric currents could be more effective at manipulating a wider variety of items and more adaptable to moving in diverse settings.

12. The complexity arises because the stars are quickly moving—in contrast to the single-star system where the star is effectively stationary.

13. What brings power is big data plus the very most effective computers, which are generally the giant ones you do not own.

14. In the future, when whoever runs the most effective computers with the most personal data might be able to achieve a greater degree of prediction and manipulation of the whole population than anyone else in society, the consequences could be much darker.

15. Physicists have been struggling to determine what they call the “mass hierarchy” of neutrinos. In effect, they want to know if there are two heavy mass states plus one light state or one heavy and two light states.

Translate the sentences.


  1. Some sensors could enable a robot to manipulate an object with both strength and delicacy.
  2. The early quark soup phase probably holds the secret to why the Universe today contains mostly matter rather than both matter and antimatter.
  3. Prices of all forms of energy should reflect the real costs, which include both the immediate and the long-term environmental and health impacts of creating that energy.
  4. Both assumptions were reasonable. Both were wrong. It is possible to be both wrong and very productive.



  1. Researchers will have to convince either manufacturers or the government to pay for more studies.
  2. Electricity for transportation has to be loaded into cars and trucks either through batteries or perhaps as hydrogen.
  3. Either we don’t fully understand the proton, or we don’t understand the physics that goes into the precision measurements of the proton.
  4. The same atoms can bond to create either a diamond’s durability or the softness of graphite, which exfoliates so easily it forms words on paper.


  1. According to quantum mechanics one can arrange a pair of particles so that they are precisely two feet apart and yet neither particle on its own has a definite position.
  2. In quantum mechanics two particles might spin in opposite ways, yet with neither one definitely spinning clockwise, or exactly one of the particles might be excited, but neither is definitely the excited one.
  3. The two technologies could greatly extend the uranium supply. Neither is economical now, but both could be in the future if the price of uranium increases substantially.
  4. The company has neither a summary of current safety knowledge nor an adequate way to hear from industry, academia and consumer advocates.
  5. Clearly, for many kids, traditional education is neither relevant nor engaging.


  1. The early quark soup phase probably holds the secret to why the universe today contains mostly matter rather than both matter and antimatter.
  2. Because our ability to increase our horizons is expanding exponentially rather than linearly we can anticipate a dramatic century of accelerating change ahead.
  3. A different type of supernova – the thermonuclear explosion of a star triggered by accretion, rather than by gravitational collapse – would take place.
  4. Rather than peering at distant galaxies to study it, though, astronomers might want to look closer to home: dark matter could be exerting measurable effects in our own solar system.

Part IV

Writing a paper

Write a paragraph about:

  • some generally accepted facts which you haven’t checked yourself;

Ex: Matter is believed to consist of atoms.

· some facts/phenomena/ideas, etc., from your field of specialization that seem less certain today than they used to be in the past.


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