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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Look at the underlined expressions in the sentences. Do they show that things are similar or different?

1. The “gluon”, the “photon, and the “W and Z bosons” are similar in that they are all force-carrier particles.

2. The quantum theory used to describe the microworld, on the other hand, the general theory of relativity used to describe the macroworld.

3. The “graviton” is different from the other force-carrier particles in that it has yet not been discovered.

4. Both quarks and leptons are elementary particles.

5. The lightest and most stable particles make up the first generation, whereas the heavier and less stable particles belong to the second and third generations.

6. Physicists have struggled to marry quantum mechanics with gravity for decades. In contrast, the other forces of nature have obediently fallen into line.

Write out the words and phrases which show a similarity or a difference in two columns.


Similar   Different  
similar in that they     on the other hand    

8. Complete the sentences with ideas from text " Standard Model".

1.Quarks and leptons are similar in that they…

2.Both particles and forces…

3.The Standard Model includes the electromagnetic, strong and weak forces. On the other hand, it…

4.The electromagnetic force is different from gravity in that it is …

5.The “gluon”, the “photon”, and the “W and Z bosons” have been already found, whereas…

Part III


Translate the following sentences.

1. Opening up the inside of a material for storage, rather than just using its surface, yields huge improvements in capacity.

2. A different type of supernova — the thermonuclear explosion of a star triggered by accretion, rather than by gravitational collapse — would still take place.

3. Because our ability to increase our horizons is expanding exponentially rather than linearly we can anticipate a dramatic century of accelerating change ahead.

4. The early quark soup phase probably holds the secret to why the Universe today contains mostly matter rather than both matter and antimatter.

5. The historical nature of macro evolutionary study involves inference from fossils and DNA rather than direct observation.

Make phrases and write sentences of your own with the resultant word combinations.


  increase by n%

Rather than

decrease by a factor of n
fall n-fold
  rise n-times

Read the paragraph.

Growth in information technology is particularly rapid: we're doubling its power, as measured by price-performance, bandwidth, capacity and many other measures, every year or so. That's a factor of a thousand in 10 years, a million in 20 years, and a billion in 30 years, although a slow, second level of exponential growth means that a billion-fold improvement takes only about a quarter of a century.

4. Write 2 sentences with the word combinations a factor of and a billion-fold.

5. Look up in a dictionary the meaning of:

  • like:

as a verb,

as an adjective;

  • likely,
  • unlike,
  • look like.

Translate the sentences.

1. It is quite possible that a wide range of other " weakless" universes exist that are habitable but look nothing like our own.

2. They were based on erroneous principles, like the perpetual motion machines that vex patent offices.

3. Personal computers looked like mere curiosities for hobbyists for many years.

4. These are identified as the arithmetic logic unit, the control unit, the memory, and the input-output devices that we see in the classical model of what a computer " looks like. "

5. Unlike digital gates that can only take 0s and 1s as input and output 0s and 1s, Lyric's gate circuits can take inputs that are between 0s and 1s such as 0.7 or 0.234.

6. The mind schema, or our psychological sense of self, coordinates the many independent neural networks that simultaneously work away at problems in daily living so that we feel like a single mind.

7. The survey found that men are almost twice as likely as women to pause or hesitate while speaking.

8. I think it’s highly likely that as a result of any climate intervention there will be winners and losers.

9. Although the liar is less likely to wave his hands about in the air, he is more likely to use them in other ways.

10. This loss of ozone looks like it might be more in springtime and more in northern latitudes.

Part IV

Writing a paper


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