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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Task 18 . Review the text.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine assembles for its first session no later than on the thirtieth day after the official announcement of the election results. The first meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is opened by the eldest National Deputy of Ukraine.

Meetings of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are conducted openly. A closed meeting is conducted on the decision of the majority of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Decisions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are adopted exclusively at its plenary meetings by voting. Voting at the meetings of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is performed by a National Deputy of Ukraine in person.

Regular sessions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine commence on the first Tuesday of February and on the first Tuesday of September each year. Special sessions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, with the stipulation of their agenda, are convoked by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, on the demand of no fewer National Deputies of Ukraine than one-third of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, or on the demand of the President of Ukraine.

Regular elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine take place on the last Sunday of March of the fourth year of the term of authority of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Special elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are designated by the President of Ukraine and are held within sixty days from the day of the publication of the decision on the pre-term termination of authority of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Task 19. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Право законодавчої ініціативи у Верховній Раді України належить Президентові України, народним депутатам України та Кабінету Міністрів України.

2. Законопроекти, визначені Президентом України як невідкладні, розглядаються Верховною Радою України позачергово.

3. Закон підписує Голова Верховної Ради України і невідкладно направляє його Президентові України.

4. Президент України протягом п'ятнадцяти днів після отримання закону підписує його, беручи до виконання, та офіційно оприлюднює його або повертає закон зі своїми вмотивованими і сформульованими пропозиціями до Верховної Ради України для повторного розгляду.

5. У разі якщо Президент України протягом встановленого строку не повернув закон для повторного розгляду, закон вважається схваленим Президентом України і має бути підписаний та офіційно оприлюднений.

6. Якщо під час повторного розгляду закон буде знову прийнятий Верховною Радою України не менш як двома третинами від її конституційного складу, Президент України зобов'язаний його підписати та офіційно оприлюднити протягом десяти днів.

7. У разі якщо Президент України не підписав такий закон, він невідкладно офіційно оприлюднюється Головою Верховної Ради України і опубліковується за його підписом.

8. Закон набирає чинності через десять днів з дня його офіційного оприлюднення, якщо інше не передбачено самим законом,але не раніше дня його опублікування.


Task 1 . Read & translate the text.

The authority of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine comprises:

1) introducing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine within the limits and by the procedure envisaged by Chapter XIII of this Constitution;

2) designating an All-Ukrainian referendum on issues determined by Article 73 of this Constitution;

3) adopting laws;

4) approving the State Budget of Ukraine and introducing amendments to it; controlling the implementation of the State Budget of Ukraine and adopting decisions in regard to the report on its implementation;

5) determining the principles of domestic and foreign policy;

6) approving national programmes of economic, scientific and technical, social, national and cultural development, and the protection of the environment;

7) designating elections of the President of Ukraine within the terms envisaged by this Constitution;

8) hearing annual and special messages of the President of Ukraine on the domestic and foreign situation of Ukraine;

9) declaring war upon the submission of the President of Ukraine and concluding peace, approving the decision of the President of Ukraine on the use of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations in the event of armed aggression against Ukraine and so on.


Task 2. Read & comprehend the text.

The authority of a National Deputy of Ukraine terminates prior to the expiration of the term in the event of:

1) his or her resignation through a personal statement;

2) a guilty verdict against him or her entering into legal force;

3) a court declaring him or her incompetent or missing;

4) termination of his or her citizenship or his or her departure from Ukraine for permanent residence abroad;

5) his or her death.

The decision about the pre-term termination of authority of a National Deputy of Ukraine is adopted by the majority of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The authority of National Deputies of Ukraine terminates simultaneously with the termination of authority of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


Task 3. Read & translate the text.

A citizen of Ukraine who has attained the age of twenty-one on the day of elections, has the right to vote, and has resided on the territory of Ukraine for the past five years, may be a National Deputy of Ukraine. A citizen who has a criminal record for committing an intentional crime shall not be elected to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine if the record is not cancelled and erased by the procedure established by law.

National Deputies of Ukraine exercise their authority on a permanent basis. National Deputies of Ukraine shall not have another representative mandate or be in the civil service. Requirements concerning the incompatibility of the mandate of the deputy with other types of activity are established by law.


Task 4. Read & translate the text.

A citizen of Ukraine who has attained the age of thirty-five, has the right to vote, has resided in Ukraine for the past ten years prior to the day of elections, and has command of the state language, may be elected as the President of Ukraine.

One and the same person shall not be the President of Ukraine for more than two consecutive terms. The President of Ukraine shall not have another representative mandate, hold office in bodies of state power or in associations of citizens, and also perform any other paid or entrepreneurial activity, or be a member of an administrative body or board of supervisors of an enterprise that is aimed at making profit. The newly-elected President of Ukraine assumes office no later than in thirty days after the official announcement of the election results, from the moment of taking the oath to the people at a ceremonial meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Task 5. Review the text.

The President of Ukraine issues decrees and directives that are mandatory for execution on the territory of Ukraine. The powers of the President of Ukraine terminate prior to the expiration of term in cases of:

1) resignation;

2) inability to exercise his or her powers for reasons of health;

3) removal from office by the procedure of impeachment;

4) death.

In the event of the pre-term termination of authority of the President of Ukraine the execution of duties of the President is vested in the Prime Minister of Ukraine.

The President of Ukraine:     

- ensures state independence, national security and the legal succession of the state;

- addresses the people with messages on the domestic and foreign situation of Ukraine;

- represents the state in international relations, administers the foreign political activity of the State, conducts negotiations and concludes international treaties of Ukraine;

- terminates the authority of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

- appoints the Prime Minister of Ukraine with the consent of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; terminates his authority and adopts a decision on his resignation;

- appoints to office and dismisses from office the Procurator General of Ukraine

- appoints one-half of the composition of the Council of the National Bank and of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting;

- revokes acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and acts of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;

- is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

- adopts the decision on the declaration of a state of war, on the use of the Armed Forces in the event of armed aggression against Ukraine;

- appoints one-third of the composition to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine;

- adopts decisions on the acceptance for citizenship of Ukraine and its termination, and on the granting of asylum in Ukraine;

- signs laws adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and so on.

Task 7. Read & translate the text.

The Prime Minister of Ukraine, other members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, have the right to announce their resignation to the President of Ukraine. Members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine do not have the right to combine their official activity with other work, except teaching, scholarly and creative activity outside of working hours, or to be members of an administrative body or board of supervisors of an enterprise that is aimed at making profit.

Task 8. Review the text.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:

- ensures the state sovereignty and economic independence of Ukraine, the implementation of domestic and foreign policy of the State, the execution of the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, and the acts of the President of Ukraine;

- takes measures to ensure human and citizens' rights and freedoms;

- ensures the implementation of financial, pricing, investment and taxation policy; the policy in the spheres of labour and employment of the population, social security, education, science and culture, environmental protection, ecological safety and the utilization of nature;

- elaborates and implements national programmes of economic, scientific and technical, and social and cultural development of Ukraine;

- ensures equal conditions of development of all forms of ownership;

-elaborates the draft law on the State Budget of Ukraine and ensures the implementation of the State Budget of Ukraine approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

- takes measures to ensure the defence capability and national security of Ukraine, public order and to combat crime;

- organises and ensures the implementation of the foreign economic activity of Ukraine, and the operation of customs and so on.


Task 9. Read & comprehend the text.

The Procuracy of Ukraine constitutes a unified system that is entrusted with:

1) prosecution in court on behalf of the State;

2) representation of the interests of a citizen or of the State in court in cases determined by law;

3) supervision of the observance of laws by bodies that conduct detective and search activity, inquiry and pre-trial investigation;

4) supervision of the observance of laws in the execution of judicial decisions in criminal cases, and also in the application of other measures of coercion related to the restraint of personal liberty of citizens.

The Procuracy of Ukraine is headed by the Procurator General of Ukraine, who is appointed to office with the consent of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and dismissed from office by the President of Ukraine. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine may express no confidence in the Procurator General of Ukraine that results in his or her resignation from office. The term of authority of the Procurator General of Ukraine is five years. The organisation and operational procedure for the bodies of the Procuracy of Ukraine are determined by law.

Justice is administered by professional judges and, in cases determined by law, people's assessors and jurors.

Professional judges shall not belong to political parties and trade unions, take part in any political activity, hold a representative mandate, occupy any other paid positions, perform other remunerated work except scholarly, teaching and creative activity.

A citizen of Ukraine, not younger than the age of twenty-five, who has a higher legal education and has work experience in the sphere of law for no less than three years, has resided in Ukraine for no less than ten years and has command of the state language, may be recommended for the office of judge by the Qualification Commission of Judges.

Persons with professional training in issues of jurisdiction of specialized courts may be judges of these courts. These judges administer justice only as members of a collegium of judges.

Additional requirements for certain categories of judges in terms of experience, age and their professional level are established by law.

Protection of the professional interests of judges is exercised by the procedure established by law.

The first appointment of a professional judge to office for a five-year term is made by the President of Ukraine. All other judges, except the judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, are elected by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for permanent terms by the procedure established by law.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Ukraine is elected to office and dismissed from office by the Plenary Assembly of the Supreme Court of Ukraine by secret ballot, by the procedure established by law.

The High Council of Justice operates in Ukraine, whose competence comprises:

1) forwarding submissions on the appointment of judges to office or on their dismissal from office;

2) adopting decisions in regard to the violation by judges and procurators of the requirements concerning incompatibility;

3) exercising disciplinary procedure in regard to judges of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and judges of high specialized courts, and the consideration of complaints regarding decisions on bringing to disciplinary liability judges of courts of appeal an d local courts, and also procurators.

The High Council of Justice consists of twenty members. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, the Congress of Judges of Ukraine, the Congress of Advocates of Ukraine, and the Congress of Representatives of Higher Legal Educational Establishments and Scientific Institutions, each appoint three members to the High Council of Justice, and the All-Ukrainian Conference of Employees of the Procuracy — two members of the High Council of Justice.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, the Minister of Justice of Ukraine and the Procurator General of Ukraine are ex officio members of the High Council of Justice.

Task 10. Read & translate the text.

The independence and immunity of judges are guaranteed by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine.

Influencing judges in any manner is prohibited.

A judge shall not be detained or arrested without the consent of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, until a verdict of guilty is rendered by a court.

Judges hold office for permanent terms, except judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, and judges appointed to the office of judge for the first time.

A judge is dismissed from office by the body that elected or appointed him or her in the event of:

1) the expiration of the term for which he or she was elected or appointed;

2) the judge's attainment of the age of sixty-five;

3) the impossibility to exercise his or her authority for reasons of health;

4) the violation by the judge of requirements concerning incompatibility;

5) the breach of oath by the judge;

6) the entry into legal force of a verdict of guilty against him or her;

7) the termination of his or her citizenship;

8) the declaration that he or she is missing, or the pronouncement that he or she is dead;

9) the submission by the judge of a statement of resignation or of voluntary dismissal from office.

The authority of the judge terminates in the event of his or her death.

The State ensures the personal security of judges and their families.


Task 11. Read & translate the text.

In the administration of justice, judges are independent and subject only to the law.

Judicial proceedings are conducted by a single judge, by a panel of judges, or by a court of the jury.

The main principles of judicial proceedings are:

1) legality;

2) equality before the law and the court of all participants in a trial;

3) ensuring that the guilt is proved;

4) adversarial procedure and freedom of the parties to present their evidence to the court and to prove the weight of evidence before the court;

5) prosecution by the procurator in court on behalf of the State;

6) ensuring the right of an accused person to a defence;

7) openness of a trial and its complete recording by technical means;

8) ensuring complaint of a court decision by appeal and cassation, except in cases established by law;

9) the mandatory nature of court decisions.

The law may also determine other principles of judicial proceedings in courts of specific judicial jurisdiction.

Persons guilty of contempt of court or of showing disrespect toward the judge are brought to legal liability.(Article 130)

The State ensures funding and proper conditions for the operation of courts and the activity of judges. Expenditures for the maintenance of courts are allocated separately in the State Budget of Ukraine.

Judges' self-management operates to resolve issues of the internal affairs of courts.






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