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SHOMEN-NI-REI The Referee extends his arms palms to the front. OTAGAI-NI-REI The Referee motions to the contestants to bow to each other. SHOBU HAJIME “Start the Match” After the announcement, the Referee takes a step back. YAME “Stop” Interruption or end of a match or bout. As he makes the announcement, the Referee makes a downward chopping motion with his hand. TSUZUKETE HAJIME “Resume fighting—Begin” As he says “Tsuzukete”, and standing in a forward stance, the Referee extends his arms outward with his palms facing the contestants. As he says “Hajime” he turns the palms and brings them rapidly towards one another at the same time stepping back. YUKO (One point) The Referee extends his arm downward at 45 degrees on the side of the scorer. WAZA-ARI (Two Points) The Referee extends his arm at shoulder level on the side of the scorer. IPPON (Three Points) The Referee extends his arm upward at 45 degrees on the side of the scorer. CANCEL LAST DECISION When an award or penalty has been given in error the Referee turns towards the contestant, announces “AKA” or “AO”, crosses his arms, then makes a cutting motion, palms downward, to indicate that the last decision has been cancelled. NO KACHI (Win) At the end of the match or bout, announcing “AKA (or AO) No Kachi” the Referee extends his arm upward at 45 degrees on the side of the winner. KIKEN “Renunciation” The Referee points with the index finger towards the renouncing contestant's line then announces a win to the opponent. SHIKKAKU “Disqualification, Leave the Area”. The Referee points first upwards at 45 degrees in the direction of the offender then motions out and behind with the announcement “AKA (AO) SHIKKAKU! ” He then announces a win for the opponent. HIKIWAKE “Draw” (Only applicable to team matches). When time is up and scores are equal, or no scores have been awarded. The Referee crosses his arms then extends them with the palms showing to the front. CATEGORY 1 OFFENCE (used without further signal for CHUKOKU) The Referee crosses his open hands with the edge of one wrist on the edge of the other at chest level. CATEGORY 2 OFFENCE (used without further signal for CHUKOKU) The Referee points with a bent arm at the face of the offender. KEIKOKU “Warning”. The Referee indicates a Category 1 or 2 offence then points with his index finger downwards at 45 degrees in the direction of the offender. HANSOKU CHUI “Warning of disqualification”. The Referee indicates a Category 1 or 2 offence then points with his index finger horizontally in the direction of the offender. HANSOKU “Disqualification” The Referee indicates a Category 1 or 2 offence then points with his index finger upwards at 45 degrees in the direction of the offender, and awards a win to the opponent. PASSIVITY The Referee rotates his fist around each other in front of his chest to indicate a Category 2 offence. TORIMASEN “No score, warning or penalty” The Referee crosses his arms then makes a cutting motion, palms downward. TECHNIQUE BLOCKED OR OFF TARGET The Referee places an open hand over the other arm to indicate to the Judges that the technique was blocked or hit a non-scoring area. TECHNIQUE MISSED The Referee moves the clenched fist across the body to indicate to the Judges that the technique missed or glanced off the scoring area. EXCESSIVE CONTACT The Referee indicates to the Judges that there has been excessive contact or other Category 1 offence. FEIGNING OR EXAGGERATING INJURY The Referee holds both hands to his face to indicate to the Judges a Category 2 offence. JOGAI “Exit from the Match Area” The Referee indicates an exit to the Judges, by pointing with the index finger to the match area boundary on the side of the offender. MUBOBI (Self Endangerment) The Referee touches his face then turning the hand edge forward, moves it back and forth to indicate to the Judges that the contestant has endangered himself. AVOIDING COMBAT The Referee makes a circling motion with the down turned index finger to indicate to the Judges a Category 2 offence. Популярное:
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