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A potential Polish client is talking to an English solicitor. Complete the solicitor's statements (1-3). There is more than one possibility for one of the answers.




2. Ana Garcia is talking about her career. Complete what she says with appropriate words. There is more than one possibility for one of the answers.





Sylvia Garrison, a practising barrister, is describing the training and organisation of the profession.

“There are currently around 9, 000 barristers in practice in England and Wales. Unlike solicitors, barristers can't form partnerships but must act as sole traders with unlimited liability. Some barristers are in employed practice and may only represent their employer, for example as in-house counsel or in government departments like the Crown Prosecution Service. Man independently in self-employed practice in groups called chambers or sets and practise at the Bar as a barrister.

Chambers are traditionally located in the four Inns of Court in London – Cray's Inn, Lincoln's Inn, Middle Temple, and Inner Temple - and are also located in the UK regions, known as circuits. The Inns are principally non-academic societies which provide collegiate arid educational resources for barristers and trainees. Members of chambers, known as tenants, share common expenses and support services, which are administered by an administrative manager known as the Clerk, along with ancillary staff such as secretaries.

A barrister's main work is to provide representation in the courts, where they are referred to as counsel, to draft documents associated with court procedure, and to give opinions, that is, specialist legal advice. They are normally instructed by solicitors or other recognised professionals, such as patent agents or Legal Advice Centres, on behalf of lay clients. As the law has become more complex, barristers increasingly specialise in particular areas, such as personal injury, crime, family or commercial law. A number of Specialist Bar Associations, also known as SBAs, support and represent members. Barristers are governed by the General Council of the Bar, known as the Bar Council, and the Inns of Court ”.


Training and qualifications of practising barristers

“Intending barristers need a qualifying law degree, for example a Bachelor of Laws, also known as an LLB. However, many students graduate in anon-law subject and undertake a one year conversion course known as a postgraduate Diploma in Law, or GDI. The student barrister then applies to join one of the Inns of Court to study for the Bar Vocational Course, or BVC. It's also mandatory for students tokeep terms, which means dining at their Inn a fixed number of times, before they can be called to the Bar, that is, qualify as a barrister.

Then the new barrister faces intense competition to obtain a funded pupillage in chambers for twelve months in order to get practical training. All applicants are advised first to do a mini-pupillage of one or two weeks to get some insight into what being a pupil is like. Pupillage, known as devilling in Scotland, is divided into two parts - a non-practising six months when pupil shadow their pupil master, an experienced barrister, by observing professional activities, and the second, practising six months: when pupils, with their supervisor's permission, can undertake to supply legal services and exercise rights of audience, in other words, speak in court.

To gain aFull Qualification Certificate pupils must learn the rules of conduct and etiquette at the Bar, learn to prepare and present a case competently, learn to draft pleadings and opinions., have advocacy training, and pass a forensic accountancy course which covers the use of financial information in litigation. If successful at the endof the twelve months, the qualified barrister applies for a tenancy in chambers. When a junior barrister has practised at the bar for 10 to 15 years, ifs possible to apply to become a senior barrister, or Queen's Counsel (QC), whose work concentrates on court appearances, advocacy, and opinions.”


Match the two parts of the definitions.

1. Someone who works for his or herself is a) provide representation.
2. If you speak on behalf of clients in court, you b) lay clients.
3. Non-professional clients are known as c) self-employed / a sole trader.
4. Barristers working solely for a company arc called d) practise at the Bar.
5. The governing authorities of barristers are e) instructed.
6. When a solicitor gives a barrister the details of a case, the barrister is f) in-house counsel.
7. When you work as a barrister you g) the Баr Council and the Inns of Court.



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