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To appoint, appointed, to have (make, keep, cancel) an


a) Practise aloud.

1. Have you an appointment at ten? 2. I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep the appointment. 3. Can I make an appointment with the doctor for Tuesday morning? 4. How do you like your new appointment? 5. He had to cancel the appointment at the last minute.

b) Use all possible tense-forms.

Comrade Nikitin was appointed head of the delegation.

c) Use a synonymous expression.

1. Doctor B. will not be engaged this afternoon. You can ring him up at the surgery and arrange to see him between 3 and 5 p. m. 2. You can rely on him. He is sure to come in time unless something unexpected holds him up. 3. I’ve made an appointment with Mr Smith, and I am looking forward to seeing him. 4. He’s been given the position of manager and it's really impossible to get hold of him on the phone now.

to arrange, arrangement, -

to make arrangements

a) Translate and practise aloud.

1. I’ll arrange everything myself. 2. I've arranged for you to see him Thursday morning. 3. We’ve made all the necessary arrangements for the trip. 4. Have you made arrangements about a room?

b) Make up sentences, using the same structures as in the models and translate them into Russian.

Model 1: I’ll arrange for you to come Tuesday afternoon.

Have you made arrangements for them to visit the museum?

to book tickets, not to be late, to stay with smb., to consider something straight away, to be shown round the place, to exchange opinions on.... to get in touch with some body, to visit the factory

Model 2: He made arrangements for the party.

We made arrangements about rooms at a hotel.

the meeting, the excursion, dinner, the bus, the luggage, the journey, the final match, our stay there

VI. Answer the following questions. Make up stories based on the information gained from the answers (to be done after each set).

a) 1. Were you trained to be an engineer?

2. Where did you get your training?

3. You’re interested in your work, aren’t you?

4. What kind of machinery do you deal with?

5. Are you in close touch with other offices or factories?

6. Your work is connected with the English language, isn't it? In what way?


b) I. What time do you come to your office?

2. You begin working straight away, don’t you?

3. What do you attend to first of all?

4. What are your usual daily engagements?


c) 1. Do you make business appointments in the morningor in the afternoon?

2. You always keep your appointments, don’t you?

3. Does anything ever make you cancel your appointments? What makes you do so?


d) I. What was your last business appointment?

2. Who did you meet?

3. Did you make the appointment on the phone or by letter? How do you usually prefer to do it?

4. What do you do if the person you’re phoning to is out?


e) 1. When are you going to call on your friend?

2. Will you call at his home or at his office?

3. You’ll phone to him before calling at his office, won’t you? Why?


f) I. Do you keep a diary? How long have you kept it?

2. Why do you find it useful?

3. Do you write things in it which you have to see to yourself or messages for other people too?


g) 1. Your work is connected with business trips, isn’t it?

2. Who usually makes all the arrangements for your business trip?

3. Is anyone appointed to do your work while you are away?


Unit IV

How to make airline reservation

Warm up

Do you like to travel?

What is your favorite means of transport? Why?

Do you think being an airport staff member is a good job? Why? Why not?

What airports do you know?

What can you see in the airport?

Travelling to far countries is always a thrilling and interesting adventure. Heading for the other end of the world, it’s impossible to go without such an aircraft as “a plane”. But before boarding a plane, one must book a seat in advance and go through other different formalities.

If you got your foreign passport or have just applies for it, it’s time to think about buying airplane tickets. You can buy tickets at ticket offices or book flights online.


I. Read and translate the dialogues.


A: I want to fly to Chicago on Thursday, the 1st.

B: Let me see what’s available.

A: I want to go coach and I’d prefer a morning flight.

B: United’s Flight 102 leaves at 9: 20.

A: That’s fine. What time do I have to be at the airport?

B: Check-in is 8: 45.



A: I’d like to make a reservation to Los Angeles for next Monday.

B: Just a second and I’ll check the schedule.

A: I’ll need an economy ticket with an open return.

B: TWA has a flight leaving at 9: 25.

A: I guess that’s OK. What time should I check in?

B: You have to be there half an hour before departure time.



A: What flights do you have from New York to London tomorrow?

B: One moment, please, and I’ll find out what’s available.

A: I’d like to travel first-class.

B: OK. We have a nonstop flight leaving Kennedy at 9: 25.

A: When should I get to the airport?

B: Please be there at by 8: 45 the latest.



A: Do you fly to Dallas on Sunday?

B: Just a minute and I’ll see if there are any flights.

A: By the way, I don’t want a night flight.

B: There’s a DC-10 out of LaGuardia Airport at 9: 15 A.M.

A: When am I supposed to check in?

B: Try to be there by 8: 15 – the airport will be crowded.


Here some words to help you check your understanding of the dialogues.

1. available- имеется в наличии

2. coach- второй класс пассажирских авиаперевозок

3. schedule- расписание

4. an open return – обратный билет с открытой датой

5. departure time – время отправления

6. a nonstop flight – беспосадочный полет


II. Act out the dialogues.

III. Fill in the gaps using the following words: boarding, empty, throw, sharp, delayed, trolley, queue, security, information board, unpack, scales, excess weight, charge, check in, on time.

The first thing you should do at the airport is to …

If you have a heavy bag, take a …

You should put your baggage on the … and if you have … …, they have to … you.

There is usually a huge … at the … check because a lot of passengers are not ready for it.

You have to … your pockets and … away all … objects.

Besides, you should … your laptop if you have any.

Your flight may be …

You can get any information on the … …

You must have a … pass.

You must come to the boarding … …


IV. Keep in mind the signs at the airport.

Основные указатели По-английски
Терминал Terminal
Зона (зал) прилета Arrivals (Arrivals Hall)
Зона (зал) вылета Departures (Departures Hall)
Регистрация Check-in
Паспортный контроль Passport control
Таможенный контроль Customs
Ворота (ко всем воротам) Gates (All gates)
Выход Exit (Way out)
Транзит, Транзитная зона Transfer (Connecting flights), Transit Centre
Внутренние рейсы Domestic flights
Международные рейсы International flights
Выдача багажа Baggage claim
Розыск багажа Lost and found
Прочие указатели По-английски
Информационная стойка Information desk (Info)
Авиабилеты Tickets (Ticketing)
Стойки авиакомпаний Airlines Desks (Airlines representatives)
Информационное табло Flight Info
Эскалатор Escalator
Лифт Elevator, Lift
Туалет WC (Toilets)
Аварийный выход Emergency Exit
Обмен валюты Money Exchange (Currency Exchange, Foreign Exchange)
Банкомат ATM (Cash Mashine)
Банк Bank
Зеленый канал (Таможня) Green Channel, Nothing to declare
Красный канал (Таможня) Red Channel, Goods to declare
Комната матери и ребенка Nursery
Игровая комната Children’s playroom, Children
Информация для туристов Tourist information
Кафе Café
Ресторан Restaurant
Питьевая вода Drinking water
Экспресс-кафе Food court
Еда и напитки Food and Beverage
Магазины, Сувенирные магазины Shops, Gift shops
Первая медицинская помощь First Aid
Зона для курения Smoking
Полиция Police
Почта Post Office
Камера хранения Left luggage (Left baggage)
Зал ожидания Transit lounge
Зал ожидания для пассажиров первого (бизнесс-класса) First class lounge (Business class lounge)
Молитвенная комната Prayer Rooms
Возврат такс-фри Tax-free Refund (V.A.T. Deduction, Tax Refund, Cash Refund, GST Refund)
Гостиница при аэропорте Airoport Hotel
Автобусы, Шаттл-Бас Bus, Shuttle Bus, Airport Shuttle
Поезда, Пригородные поезда Trains, Local Trains (Suburbain Trains)
Железнодорожная станция Railway (Railroad Station)
Автобусная станция Bus Station (Coach Station)
Транспорт в город To city
Прокат машин Car Rent (Car hire)
Парковка Car Park (Car Parking, Parking Lot)
Такси Taxi (Taxi Station, Taxi Meter)
Метро Metro (Subway)

Unit V



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