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She's afraid of me. Does it please you to think she's afraid of⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 21 из 21
you? No, but... she goes crazy. What exactly do you mean by crazy? She makes me miserable. I'm sorry to hear you're miserable.
Psychiatrists (and teachers) say that this technique helps people to talk about themselves, and that talking about themselves helps them.
I. Try this technique with some fellow students. A is consulting В. В does not give any opinion, but simply listens sympathetically. Make a list of 'problems' for A to speak about. It's a good way of keeping a conversation going. Eliza simply operates a clever program and cannot be described as artificial intelligence. The program can be fooled:
However it may not be very long before truly intelligent computers are created. What will happen? Two eminent scientists at MIT have expressed views on this: Professor Edward Fredken (МГГ) Professor Fredken thinks that the artificial intelligences of the future will be concerned with weighty problems that humans cannot understand. He thinks that they may condescend to talk to us occasionally, to amuse us and to play games that we enjoy. In some sense they might, he suggests, keep us as pets. Professor Joseph Weizenbaum (МГГ) Professor Weizenbaum expanded on the idea of computers keeping us as pets and quoted Arthur C. Clarkc (the author of 2001) as saying it would serve us right. Weizenbaum queries the use of the word 'us'. He points out that the thousand or so people working on the high-level computers are doing so without having asked the rest of 'us' our opinion/permission. We will all be affected, however, if they produce the monstrosities that are being forecast. He concludes that this situation says a great deal about the issue of responsibility in science.
II. Answer the following questions: 1. Do you believe in the computer intelligence? 2. If you had a chance to choose either to be tested by a computer or by a 3. Do you think the program Eliza is a good one? Why? Identify its merits and 4. What other computer programs do you know? 5. Have you ever tried to develop a program? What must a programmer know 6. Would you like to be a citizen of a computer land and be ruled and controlled 7. What films devoted to the problem of artificial intelligence have you seen?
III. Be ready to talk on the following topics: 1. Home computers have become powerful tools of knowledge. 2. Internet is a source of information and a means of communication. 3. The possibilities of advanced technology. Will it bring people together or 4. Artificial Intelligence, its role and influence on homo sapience. 5. You are a computer designer. What computer are you going to develop? 6. Computers in 50 years. Their role in everyday life and their possibilities. IV. Compose dialogues on the following situations. 1. Discuss with your friends the possibilities of intelligent computers. 2. Discuss the problems the artificial intelligence of the future will be 3. Discuss the interrelations between a computer and a man. J u s t f o r f u n
I. This is an extract from a novel, Satan by Jeremy Leven, in which Lupa meets a truly intelligent computer.
Lupa laughed. She liked the voice that had been selected for the computer. It wasn't the typical low mechanical voice that sounded like a record being played at too slow a speed. It sounded natural. It had charm to it. " Do you have a name? " Lupa asked. " Not yet, " the computer answered. " They're running a contest. The kids are supposed to name me. I'm dreading the whole thing, believe me." Now Lupa thought this was clever, the way they had programmed the computer. She wondered it there was some way to screw up the program. She had once heard that even a sophisticated analog computer couldn't pick up certain subtleties in the English language, no matter how good the programming, so she decided to give it a try. " My paws give me pause, " she said. The computer was silent. " My paws give me pause, " Lupa repeated. " It's a clause without claws." Lupa waited in silence for a response. " You know something, " the computer said. " I thought you'd be different. Just once today I was hoping I'd get someone who wouldn't try to beat the program”. Lupa smiled. This was marvelous, she thought to herself. They'd thought of everything. " Sorry, " she said. " My displace". " Ah, you speak Italian", the computer said with some sarcasm. " Oui, d'accord, " Lupa answered. " C'est vrai." " And French, too. Your French is better than your Italian. Though neither one is great. Now, if you excuse me, I have to shut down. It's closing time." Lupa stood up and walked around the room. It was evident to her that somewhere in the building, listening through an intercom, was someone with a microphone. She thought about how to test for this. " You wouldn't happen to know what day of the week September the fourteenth, 1321, fell on, would you? " Lupa asked. " It was a Sunday, " the computer answered, " but how do you know whether I'm right? Thank you for visiting the computer exhibit."
II. Design a computer for your home. Write a description of it and its functions. K E Y S
Unit 3
Unit 4 Answers: tea; ice-cream; rice; butter; salt; sugar; meat; eggs.
Unit 6
Unit 7 Answers: 1. radioactivity; 2. explanation; 3. proper; 4. among; 5. radium; 6. example; 7. split; 8. property; 9. powerful; 10. add; 11. space; 12. contain; 13. rays; 14. simple; 15. travel; 16. sciences; 17. obtain. Unit 8 Answers:
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