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Write a letter to a science museum applying for a part-time job (100-140 words). Using Adrian's CV as a model, write your own CV. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6
1. Write all the necessary personal information at the top. 2. Write the name of your secondary school and any examination results. 3. Write any responsibilities you have now or had in the past at school. 4. List any work experience you may have had and when you did it. 5. Think of any interests you have outside school. 6. Write the name of at least one referee. It can be one of your teachers, or someone who knows you well. Use these notes to help you. · I am writing in connection with the job advertisement/information concerning…; I’m writing in reply to/in response to/with regard to… · I would like to express my interest in…; I would like to apply for the position/post of… · My reason for applying is…; I’d like to apply because… · As far as my qualifications are concerned, …; As for my experience, … · I would be happy to attend an interview at your earliest convenience/at any time that is convenient for you. · I enclose my CV/references from my previous employers. P.S. Характерные черты официального письма
■ Cтруктура 1. Обращение: начните с Dear Sir or Madam (если вы не знаете, кто адресат - мужчина или женщина) или Dear Professor Smith, Dear Ms.Brown. 2. Вводнаячасть: дайте причину, по которой вы шипите это письмо, и коротко представьтесь. 3. Конец письма: перед подписью всегда ставится фраза (формула вежливости) Yours faithfully (если в обращении не стоит имя) или Yours sincerely (если письмо адресовано конкретному человеку). Перед этой фразой напишите одно из следующих предложений: Thank you for... или We/I look forward to hearing from you. ■ Абзацы: каждый абзац следует посвятить одной теме или одной определенной информации. ■ Язык и стиль: используйте лексику и структуры, характерные для письменной речи официального характера (financial assistance in establishing...; particularly concerned with). а) цели (purpose) in order to, so as to, so that б) следствия (consequence) as a result, in consequence, consequently в) противопоставления (contrast) on the other hand, while, whereas, however г) добавления(addition)
Unit 2. Interview Discuss the questions with your partner. 1. Have you ever been interviewed? 2. What type of questions and tasks were you given? 3. How did you feel during the interview? 4. Why do you think you were (weren’t) given that job?
Read the text and questions below. Job interviews Many people have unsuccessful interviews because they aren't fully prepared. This may be because they haven't done their research properly and can't answer questions about the company they are hoping to join. Or it may be because they are nervous and don't perform well. Going for a job interview is never easy whether it's for a full-time career, or a part-time job during the holidays. However, it is possible to learn how to do well in an interview simply by following a few basic rules. Firstly, find out as much as you can about the company or the organisation. Write notes about the job you are trying to get and make a list of questions you can ask. Then make sure you know exactly when and where the interview is. Look up the location on a map. Find out about bus and train timetables if necessary and try to predict exactly how long the journey will take. If you are really worried, make the journey a few days before your interview so you can find out. Another important rule is to plan what you are going to wear well in advance. Make sure it's clean, it fits and it's comfortable! Clean your shoes and sort out what you are taking in your bag or briefcase. All you should do the night before is have a quick look at your notes. Go to bed early so you can get up in good time and calmly get yourself ready. When you walk into the interview room look directly at your interviewers and shake their hands. Finally, be calm and relaxed, and speak clearly. Scan the text and mark the correct letter А, В, С or D for each question. 1. What is the writer's main aim in writing the text? В to give advice on having a successful interview С to talk about a particular interview D to complain about how difficult interviews are 2. Which of the following does the text suggest you should do if you want to be successful in an interview? A avoid answering questions В avoid being nervous С not research the company D not prepare for the interview 3. Why does the writer suggest visiting the interview site before the interview? В to find out how good the public transport is С to find out the length of the journey D to practise using a map 4. What does the writer advise doing the night before? В make a few more notes С organise what you are going to take D read through what you have written previously 5. Which would be most appropriate as another heading for this article?
Listen to the first part of an interview with Rob Yeung, a business psychologist, talking about how to succeed at job interviews. Answer the questions. 1. How have job interviewers changed recently, according to Rob? 2. What does he say is the purpose of each of the following interview questions, and how should you answer them? a Could you tell me what sort of animal you'd like to be? b Do you know how many cars there are in Australia? с Would you mind if I recorded this interview?
Listen to the second part of the interview. Answer the questions. 1. What three interview assessment tasks does Rob Yeung mention? 2. What skills is the in-tray exercise designed to test? 3. What three piles does Rob Yeung recommend applicants separate the in-tray 4. Which job applicants might be given these tests: 5. b a memory test? 6. What questions can an applicant be asked to test memory? 7. What does Rob Yeung think is the most important piece of advice to give
Work in pairs. If you were recruiting someone for your own job (or a job that you know well) what interview questions and tests or tasks would you set? What would be the ideal answers? Work in groups of three or four. You have applied for a job as a representative for a premium Spanish olive oil company, selling the product to restaurants and hotels in your country. The company has asked you to come for an interview. For each question in the interview, there are three possible answers. In your group, discuss which answer you think is the best and circle the letter A, B, or C. When you have discussed all the questions, calculate your score. The interview questionnaire 1. Good morning. Could I start by asking a few questions about your experience in the sector? A Of course. What would you like to know? В Well, I've been working in the food sector for the last ten years. С What sector do you mean exactly? 2. And I imagine you have dealt with a lot of different clients in your work. Is that the case? A Yes, a lot of clients. What kind of clients does your company deal with? В Yes, all kinds, really. С Yes, quite a wide variety, although most were large hotels and restaurants. 3. I see. And what kind of products have you worked with? A Mostly with specialist sauces. В I've worked mostly with specialist sauces. Does your company make them? С I've worked mostly with specialist sauces, such as aioli, tartar sauce, etc. 4. So what kind of difficulties do you think we might have selling our product? С It's difficult for me to answer that because I don't know your clients or product very well. 5. So what do you think you would do to convince them to buy our product? A I would perhaps focus on the higher quality compared to the competition. В I'm sure you know the answer to that much better than I do. С Maybe give them a discount? 6. And why do you think you would be good at this job? A Because I know how to handle clients and analyse the competition. В Because I have experience in sales and food products. С Because I have worked in the food sector for ten years. 7. Finally, do you have any questions? A Not really, I think we've covered everything. В Is there the possibility of a company car? С Is the company planning to launch any new products in the near future? Scoring
Or more Congratulations, your interview was a success! The company felt that you were interested, had the right experience and skills, and had prepared for the interview well. Best of luck with your new job! 8-14 Sorry, the company thought that you didn't have the right skills to be a representative. Remember to find out as much as you can about the company, and then tell them about your relevant skills for the job. Better luck next time! Or fewer Sorry, the company has decided that you didn't seem interested in the job. Remember that stock responses are usually not enough to impress a potential employer. Look at your answers again and see if you can improve your score. Better luck next time! ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА 1. Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current English AS Hornby. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992 2. Hill, G. Science single and double Award / G. Hill. - London: Letts Educational Ltd, 2000. – 370 p. 3. Kelly, K. Macmillan Vocabulary Practice Series with key / K. Kelly. - Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2008. – 255 p. 4. Kozharskaya, E. Macmillan Guide to Science. Student’s Book / E. Kozharskaya. - Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2008. – 127 p. 5. Vince, M. Macmillan English Grammar in Context. Intermediate with key / M. Vince. - Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2007. – 232 p. |
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