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An example how to lay a cover for dinner with dessert cutlery.

An example of a cover with no dessert cutlery.


An example how to lay a round table for 6 persons



1. Large fork Used as main fork or serving fork   1.Большая вилка Используется в качестве главной вилки или для накладывания еды.
2. Large knife Used as main knife 2. Большой нож(столовый) используется в качестве главного ножа.
3.Small fork(dessert fork) used as • Entreé fork • Salad fork • Dessert (or pudding) fork • Fruit fork   3.Маленькая вилка(де­сертная вилка) использует­ся для • закусок, • салатов, • десертов (или пудингов), фруктов.
4. Small knifeused as Side knife (for buttering bread or spreading pate) • Entreé knife •- Cheese knife • Fruit knife   4.Маленький ножиспользуется в качестве • дополнительного ножа (для намазывания хлеба маслом или паштетом), • ножа для закусок, • сырного ножа, • фруктового ножа.  
5. Steak knifewith serrat­ed edge 5.Нож для мясас зазуб­ренным краем.  
6.Fish knifeused for   • Fish • Serving large items   6.Рыбный ножиспользу­ется для   • рыбы, подачи больших кусков.
7. Fish fork 7. Рыбная вилка
8. Large spoonused for serving   8. Большая ложкаисполь­зуется для подачи блюд.  
9. Medium spoonused for desserts or puddings 9. Средняя ложкаисполь­зуется для десертов или пудингов.
10. Soup spoon 10. Суповая ложка
11. Small spoon(teaspoon) used for, tea and coffee, cocktails (e.g. fruit cocktails), ice creams, sugar spoon 11. Маленькая ложка(чай­ная ложка) используется для чая и кофе, коктейлей (например, фруктовых коктейлей), • мороженого, сахара.  


TABLEWARE Standard set of tableware has: СТОЛОВАЯ ПОСУДА В стандартный набор сто­ловой посуды входят:
1. Large plate(dinner plate) Used for the main course. 1.Большая тарелка(обе­денная тарелка) использует­ся для основного блюда.
2.Middle-sized plate(side plate).Used as a side plate and also for salads, cheese and fruit 2.Средняя тарелкаис­пользуется как сервиро­вочная тарелка, а также для салатов, сыра и фрук­тов.
5.Small plate. Used for bread and rolls, also for cheese, fruit and cake. 3.Маленькая тарелкаис­пользуется для хлеба, бу­лочек, а также для сыра, фруктов и торта.
4. Soup bowl.Used for cream soups. 4.Суповая чашка.В ней подают густые супы.
5. Consomme bowl and saucer. Used for clear soups. 5.Чашка с блюдцем для консомеслужит для пода­чи бульонов.
6. Large soup tureen.[ta’rin] (with lid). 6.Большая супница(с крышкой).
7. Tea or coffee cup and saucer. 7.Чайная или кофейная чашка с блюдцем.
8. Salad bowl. 8.Салат

17. Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false.

1. Sometimes an appetizer stimulates the appetite.

2. Appetizers are usually served with a sauce or garnish.

3. There are no standard recipes for making hors-d’oeuvres.



It is common for a customer to choose a meal consisting of three courses, the first course usually being a soup or appetizer. An appetizer stimulates the appetite. Appetizers need to be tasty and attractive in colour. Portions should be small, as they only stimulate the appetite. Appetizers are usually served with a sauce or garnish. Examples include smoked salmon, seafood cocktail, fruit cocktails, asparagus, avocado and caviar.

Cold hors d’oeuvres, an assortment of foods, which are well seasoned to stimulate the appetite, are served as a first course. The foods used include meat, poultry, fish, game, eggs, vegetables, salads and fruits. There are many standard recipes for making hors-d’oeuvres, but the cook can create new ones.

Hors-d’oeuvres can be served in a number of ways depending on the establishment:

1. A single serve to each guest from a selection of foods such as melons, asparagus, artichokes, cold vegetables, fruit, fish, meats, eggs, pà té s, cocktails, caviar, smoked salmon and oysters. Each is served on a suitable base such as lettuce leaves or rice on attractive serving plates. The customer usually selects only one item.

2. A platter of hors-d’oeuvres for a number of guests.

Foods suitable for hors-d’oeuvres include: vegetables, meat, fish, combined foods.

18. Read the text and comment on the common types of canapé s.

Canapé s

Canapé s are small pre-dinner snacks. They have a base of some kind – a bread or biscuit – topped with sliced foods and a decoration. The base must be thin, and is usually made from white or brown bread, which has been toasted.

The base can be cut into many shapes, either square, rectangle, triangle, diamond, star, round, oval or in fingers. This is spread with a paste, which is then garnished and decorated. Canapé s must be cut small to allow only one to two bites. They should be prepared on the day and served on attractive platters with a suitable centre piece. Bases suitable for canapé s include: bread (white, brown, rye), unsweetened biscuits /crispbreads or rice wafers.

Preparing canapé s

1. Remove the crusts from three sides of a whole loaf of white/brown bread, which is a day old.

2. Slice the bread lengthwise to obtain long slices of bread. Toast each side and butter or shallow fry with butter.

3. When cool, cover with spreads and add foods such as caviar, sardines, oysters, smoked salmon, ham, lobster, cold meats, pates, poultry, shrimps, tomato, asparagus, artichoke or any food combination.

4. Decorate the canapé with an appropriate garnish.

5. Put the canapé s in the refrigerator to cool.

6. Slice the canapé s into the required shapes, according to the decoration or garnish. True or False?

1. Canapé s are small pre-dinner snacks.

2. Canapé s must be cut small to allow only one to two bites.

3. Remove the crusts from five sides of a whole loaf of bread.

4. Decorate the canapé s with chocolate.




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