Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


There are more than 100 nationalities and ethnic groups in Russia. All of them have their own language, culture, national traditions influenced by natural, historical and socio-economic factors. Characteristic feature of material culture of every nationality is their eating habits, cooking traditions, diets structures and methods of cooking different dishes.

Long ethnic and cultural history of nationalities is reflected in various sets of foodstuff, methods of their processing, types of dishes and recipes, in traditions of food preference or, on the contrary, in food restrictions and interdictions, in forms of meals organization and in many other aspects of material and spiritual culture, connected to food. Studying of these phenomena represents certain historical and cultural interest. Nowadays during an epoch of more or less unified universal urbanistic culture, the ethnic originality of nationalities in morals and manners becomes less vivid. However, ethnographic specificity in the field of food is more stable than in other spheres of material culture. The national diets correspond to conditions of life and consequently their change is possible only on the basis of deep and detailed studying of national traditions. Conditions of social life, development of techniques change and improve national cuisines.

Small nationalities of the Far North appeared to be in the most difficult situation. There are many small nationalities. The most numerous of them are the Evenks who live in the Yenisei North, Nentsy, and are smallest – Kets. They had completely especial traditions and diet, influenced by severe climate and an original mode of life, which became habitual, corresponded to environment and acquired features of physiological expedience.

At the end of 18 and 19 centuries, the russification of the territory began. The action caused the transformation of “diet system” which represents the set of the basic product and various types of dishes, characteristic additional components such as seasonings and spices, methods of processing and cooking dishes, food restrictions and preferences.

It appeared to be more comfortable to use European diet and imported food products that were mainly not traditional for aboriginals of the North. These processes were natural. However rash intervention in life and culture of small nationalities have become the reason for tragic consequences, threatened not only saving of original traditions, but also aboriginals existence.

Scientific Notes

Unit IV

Menu. How to Lay a Cover

Language Focus: Compound and Complex Sentences

Translate the following sentences. State the types of the adverbial subordinate clauses.

Adverbial Clauses of Reason, Purpose and Result


1. He could not come to the lecture because he was ill.

2. I shall give you this book so that you may read it at home.

3. I’d like to know what new books are being published so that I can ask for them at the public library.

4. Strand (one of the streets in London) was named so because it followed the northern bank (or strand) of the Thames.

5. Because London has grown so large, the government has decided that it must spread no farther.

6. When a Member of Parliament ends his speech in the House of Commons other members stand up and face the speaker. They try to catch his eye for the order of speakers is not arranged in advance.

7. He walked slowly for he was not in a hurry.

8. As there were no more questions the chairman thanked the reporter for his interesting report.


1. The fact was that no one was interested.

2. The question is whether they will be able to come in time.

3. This town is the place where I was born.

4. When we arrived, the meeting was over.

5. A person who makes wise decision will always be successful.

6. They thought that the bell had rung.

7. Since you have finished the work you may go home.

8. I gave him a dictionary so that he might translate the text.

9. It was such bad weather that we decided to stay at home.

Translate the following sentences. State the types of adverbial clauses.

Adverbial Clauses of Manner, Concession

1. Mike acted as though nothing had happened.

2. Whoever he was he has no right to speak in such a way.

3. They won’t let you leave even if you wanted to.

4. They continued their way in that cave even though he warned them it was dangerous.

5. I wouldn’t say even if I knew.

6. Whatever happens, don’t worry.

7. Whatever people say, I think he is right.

8. I will meet her whenever she likes.

9. Whenever I see him, he is always in a hurry.

10. The new model of a TV set was so expensive that we decided not to buy it.

11. Money serves as a measure of value of all other commodities.

12. Music halls are not so popular now as they used to be.

13. In spite of his warnings they did not take care over the safety rules.

14. Although Glasgow is Scotland’s biggest city, it is not its capital.

3. Rewrite these sentences with who or which. There are two possible answers for each sentence, depending on which sentence you think contains the extra information.

1. Champagne is one of the most expensive drinks in the world. It comes from France.

2. The Brazilians export the most coffee in the world. They produce a million tonnes a year.

3. Dr John Pemberton invented Coca Cola. He lived in Atlanta, USA.

4. The avocado pear contains the most calories of any fruit. It has more protein than milk.

5. The Incas discovered popcorn. They lived in South America in the fifteenth century.

6. The durian fruit has a disgusting taste and smell. It is considered by some people to be a delicacy.

Join each pair of sentences using a relative pronoun.


We signed an agreement. It will give us exclusive rights to several products. The agreement which we signed will give us exclusive rights to several products.

1. A woman introduced me to Mr. Ross. She was Australian.

The woman ………………………………………………..

2. I left a report on your desk last night. Have you read it?

Have you ………………………………………………….?

3. We interviewed some people. They were very highly qualified.

The people …………………………………………………

4. You borrowed a man’s car. What’s his name?

What’s the name …………………………………………..

5. We use videos for training purposes. This is one of them.

This is one of ……………………………………………...

From which of your sentences could the relative pronoun be omitted?

Translate the following sentences. State the principal and subordinate clauses.

Complex Sentence with Two or More Subordinate Clauses

1. Foreign trade, which includes trading operations conducted between one country and another, is principally wholesale.

2. There is, however, not always a clear-cut line between wholesalers and retailers in home trade, because there are wholesalers who have also retail establishments.

3. It is important that you should do some English-reading, listening or speaking-regularly, if you wish to make continued progress.

4. It is important that students of English should realize that there is still much to be learnt after they have reached a certain stage of language competence.

Change the subordinate clauses into constructions with gerunds or participles according to the example given below. Use the words “after”, “before”, “because”, “since”, “until” as conjunctions or prepositions.

Example: The manager usually examines the plan before he approves it. Before approving the plan the manager examines it carefully.

1. The teacher went home after he had checked up the tests.

2. The director couldn’t receive us because he was busy.

3. We have great achievements in science and technology because great scientific and research work is being carried out in our country.

4. Because we were afraid to disturb them we didn’t go in.

5. The head of the delegation assured us that his firm has no worries regarding the new contract with our company since there was an agreement between the firm and our company about partnership.

6. The young scientist can’t support his thesis until he publishes his article.



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