Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


1. If I were as young as you are, I would/should have a walking holiday. 2. Perhaps, she wouldn't look so bad if she hadn't put on so much weight. 3. He walked slowly as though it ached to move. 4. It would be natural for him to go to sleep. 5. It seemed as if all the bare trees, the bushes, the cut brush and all the grass and the bare ground were varnished with ice. 6. Daddy, if you had been dressed in checked ginghams all your life, you would understand how I feel. 7. I would like to go hunting there, but I'm afraid I should never be able to bear the cold. 8. He looked like an officer. Anyone would have been proud to be seen off by him. 9. He repaid me the half-crown as though it had been borrowed yesterday. 10. The girls wouldn't have thought so much of him if they had seen him then. 11. The young lady was evidently American and he was evidently English: otherwise I would have guessed from his impressive air that he was her father. 12. If England swept away her hedges and put in their place fences, the saving of land would be enormous. 13. Welch said it coldly as if he were asking to make some concession. 14. " I should/would be ashamed of myself, Clara, " returned Miss Murdstone, " if I couldn't understand the boyoranyboy." 15* If I might suggest, I should/would say thatit would be better to put off the trip. 16. What might have happened or would have happened if Dora and I had never known each other? 17. My companion stumbled, the branch he had been holding snapped and he would have fallen if his hand had not caught another branch.

Ex. 73, p. 476

1. Even if the doctor were here, he couldn't help you. 2. If it were summer we would/should have a walking holiday. 3. If only he avoided/had avoided complications! 4. If only I could keep from thinking about my troubles! 5. If you hadn't walked bareheaded, you wouldn't have caught cold. 6. But for you I should/would never have found a way out then. 7. If I could forget everything! 8. If you weren't cold, you wouldn't be shivering from head to foot. 9. If this medicine had not brought down the fever, we would/should have had to send for a doctor. 10. If Anne had passed her exams in spring, she would feel/ would be feeling a second-year student. 11. If he had followed all the doctor's instructions, he would have avoided pneumonia. 12. If the boy had known about the Centigrade thermometer, he would not have thought of death. 13. If it ached him to move, he wouldn't be walking himself. 14. If he had heard your words, he would have got offended.

Ex. 74, p. 477

1.1 wish I hadn't left/forgotten the book at home. (If only I hadn't left/forgotten the book at home! ) I should read this fragment to you. 2. I wish it hadn't happened. (I'm sorry it happened.) If you had been there, you might have prevented it.

3. I wish I could swim as well as you. 4. " I wish I hadn't left Capetown, " Lanny thought. 5. We wished we had gone to the theatre with them. 6.1 wish we had been told what to do in such cases. (If only we had been told what to do in such cases! ) 8.1 w'sh someone would call on us/drop in tonight. 9.1 wish it hadn't been so cold and we had been able to walk longer. 10. Suddenly she felt so lonely that she wished she hadn't come there alone. 11.1 wish you had followed/listened to the doctor's advice. You would be feeling/would feel much better now. 11. I wish you were interested in art. We could/might go to the exhibition together. 12.1 wish you had turned on the radio in time. You would have enjoyed listening to this programme.

Ex. 75, p. 477

1. I wish you hadn't been so careless. It wouldn't have happened, if you had followed your friends' advice. 2. But for the moon it would be completely dark now. 3. He looked tired as if he hadn't had a rest for a long time. 4. I wish you knew his address, then we would be able to go and see him today. 5.1 feel as though you had never left. 6. If I were you, I would have behaved more resolutely in such a situation. 7. It could/ might have been done yesterday, but it is no use doing it (there is no point/use in doing it now). 8. I wish I had been with you when it happened. 9. " I wish my portrait could grow old and I could always remain young and handsome, " said Dorian. 10. In your place anyone would have done the same thing. 11. He answered that his friend had not got the tickets though he might have if he had come to the box-office an hour earlier. 12. If there were no oxygen in the air, we couldn't breathe. 13. But for you/If it hadn't been for you, young man, I might/could have drowned. You saved my life. 14. If I were you, I would have these poems published/I would publish these poems. 15.1 am sure that he will behave as though he didn't feel any pain.

Ex. 77, p. 478

1. Tell me what you would do/would have done if you were/ had been in my place? 2. But for you I would have left long ago. 3. She speaks slowly as if she were translating from a foreign language. 4.1 wish I had never met him. 5. People were standing around as if they expected something to happen. 6. I wish you would be like me for two minutes. 7. If Bob had gone out before, we would have noticed him. 8. But for the underground the traffic in Moscow would be very heavy. 9. She is looking at me as if she did not know me. 10. That would have interested me some four years ago. 11. If I had known what it all meant, I wouldn't have come. 12. It seems to me that what she refused then she would be glad to get now. 13. My dear Algy, you talk exactly as if you were a dentist. 14. But for her words my life would have taken a different course. 15. At that moment she almost wished she had not sent for him. 16. She wrote with her own hand the letters which under normal circumstances she would have dictated to her secretary.

Ex. 78, p. 478

1. Why didn't you follow the doctor's advice? If you had taken the medicine he had prescribed, you would feel/would be feeling much better now. 2.1 wish I had asked the doctor when I should take the pills/when to take the pills. 3. But for/If it weren't for this medicine, I would have awful headaches. 4. Even if you had no temperature, you had better stay in bed today. 5. He looks as if he has/had a cold (as if he had caught cold). 6.1 would be (very) much obliged to you if you bought me nasal drops and something for my cough. 7.1 wish the gym were in our building. We have to waste a lot of time getting there. 8. If you had used visual aids during the lesson, it would have been much more interesting and instructive. 9. He went on telling about his trip as though it bored him to death. 10. I wish I were an expert in this subject and could help you. 11. Even if he were/had been nervous before the performance, he wouldn't show/wouldn't have shown it. Astonishing self-control! 12. But for/If it hadn't been for the prompter, the actors would have felt less confident during the first night. 13. " Would you like to have a bite/a snack before going? " — " I would love a cup of coffee and a roll." 14. She behaved calmly as though everything were all right/as though all were well and nothing had happened. 15. The old man was speaking slowly as if he were at a loss for words. 16.1 would prefer to have/I would rather have a holiday in winter. 17.1 wish it had happened when you were here. You would have been able to prevent it. 18. If I had more time, I would go to exhibitions and museums regularly. 10.1 do wish you had had time to look about the new districts of our city.

Ex. 79, p. 479


1. Might serves to express a supposition implying uncertainty. 2. Couldn't expesses impossibility due to circumstances, and must denotes an obligation that seems important to the speaker. 3. Had to denotes obligation imposed by external circumstances, and was to denotes obligation due to a previous arrangement. 4. Are to serves to express an order. 5. Must expresses a supposition bordering on certainty. 6. Couldn't expresses impossibility due to circumstances, and wouldn't expresses refusal to perform the action. 7. Shouldn't is used to express a supposition based on logical probability. 8. Needn't + a Perfect Infinitive shows that the action performed was unnecessary. 9. Are to is used to show that the action is planned. 10. May is used to ask for permission. 11. Must is used to express a supposition implying very strong probability. 12. Can't serves to show that the speaker believes it highly unlikely that the action actually took place. 13. Should is used to give advice. 14. Ought to is used to express advice. 15. Couldn't serves to express inability to perform the action, have to serves to express necessity, and should is used for emotional colouring. 16. May is used to express a supposition implying-uncertainty, and have to serves to express necessity. 17. Can't is used to express prohibition, and mustn't is used to show an obligation the speaker feels very strongly about. 18. Can is used to express physical ability. 19. Л re to is used to show that the action will take place in accordance with a plan or arrangement.


1. Если вы хотите познакомиться с большим количеством англичан, вам, возможно, захочется поехать в туристический лагерь. 2. Одно плохо — я не мог сдавать экзамены весной и должен делать это теперь. 3. Моим родителям пришлось уехать в экспедицию — они, как вы знаете, геологи — а меня оставили вести хозяйство. Л. Вы должны принимать по столовой ложке этой микстуры три раза в день. 5. В этой суматохе я, должно быть, забыла сахарницу на полке в кухне. 6. Он не мог оплатить гостиничный счет, а кредита ему больше не давали. 7. Полагаю, этот заплыв займет у вас не намного более часа с четвертью. 8. Я зря торопился: он еще был не готов. 9. Сейчас у нас будет/должна быть лекция. 10. Можно, я посмотрю на фотографии? 11. Здесь, должно быть, какая-то ошибка.

12. «Он сказал, что из всех девушек, которые там были, ты самая хорошенькая». — «Не может быть, чтобы он говорил это серьезно»./«Ни за что не поверю, что он действительно так думает». 13. Если вы интересуетесь церквами и историческими достопримечательностями, вам стоит осмотреть Вестминстерское аббатство, парламент, собор Св. Павла и Тауэр. 14. Мне сказали, что стоило бы сходить в Британский музей. 15. Я и представить себе не мог, что, читая английскую газету, я буду вынужден искать главные статьи не на первых полосах, а в середине. 16. Если вы не будете беречься, у вас может произойти нервный срыв и вам придется лечь в больницу. 17. Тебе нельзя входить. Я #е хочу, -чтобы ты от меня заразился. 18. Микробы, вызывающие грипп, могут существовать только в кислой среде. 19. Я слышал, завтра будут отбирать игроков для всесоюзного матча.

Ex. 80, р. 480

1. One can never know what may happen. 2. You might have sent us a note at least! We waited for you the whole day. 3. Do you think you could/can command an army? 4. Well, your wives might/may not like the lady I'm going to marry. 5. Last winter he could/might be seen in the club any night. 6. What can/could Anne be doing all this time in the kitchen? 7. Whatever the reason may be, the fact remains. 8. She may/might/could have lost her ring herself, it couldn't have been stolen. 9. Who can/could have said such a thing? 10. Somebody may/might/could have given her my address. 11. Such difficulties can be easily put up with. 12. If only I could make him understand me properly. 13.1 could have helped him, but I didn't receive his letter.

Ex. 81, p. 480

1. I should have been preparing for my coming exam yesterday, but I had to look after my sick sister. 2. He doesn't have to get up early. He begins working at 9.30. 3. " I shouldn't have said those wounding words, " he reproached himself. 4. It isn't the sort of thing one should discuss with unknown people. 5. You needn't worry about money. I've got enough for both of us. 6. You needn't have walked all the way to the station. You could/might have taken a bus round the corner. 7. Sooner or later one has to choose. 8. Mother had to get up and down a good bit during the meal, fetching things back and forward. 9.1 managed to get there at half past twelve. But I needn't have hurried. They had already left. 10. Breakfast is often a quick meal, because the father of the family has to get away to his work, children have to go to school, and the mother has her housework to do. 11. If you are interested in historic places, you should go to Westminster Abbey. 12. She drew a chair near his — he wondered if he should help her with the chair — and sat down beside him. 13. They had to knock twice before the door was opened. 14. She shouldn't have given money to her boy. Then it wouldn't have happened. 15. She had to conceal her real feelings lest anyone should notice how unhappy she was. 16. You needn't come yourself. You may send somebody else.

Ex. 82, p. 481

1. He has bad/poor eyesight and has to wear glasses all the time. 2. You needn't ring (at the door). I've got a key. 3. The door can't have been open. I've locked it myself. 4. He may have already got the tickets and we may be able to go and see the first night on Sunday. 5. Can/Could you have forgotten about our meeting? 6. He should have/ought to have been more careful when (he was) doing/conducting the experiment. 7. What can he be doing there so long? He must have just fallen asleep. You know that he can fall asleep anywhere and at any time. 8. One should never judge by/from the first impression. It may (turn out to) be wrong. 9. You should read/ought to read this book. You ought to/should like it. 10. You shall certainly be informed should the need arise/if necessary. 11. Oh, how heartily you will wish you hadn't uttered/ said those words! 12. He looks very happy: his work must have been approved. 13. Really, you might have warned me. Then I wouldn't have had to waste so much time. You should have pretended/ought to have pretended that you didn't see her limp/ see that she was lame. 15. It must be very nice to travel in the south. 16. You may/might/could have just as well done it yourself. 17. He can't have sent the telegram. He didn't go out. He must have forgotten. 18. You needn't have informed them about it today. You might/could have waited till tomorrow.

Ex. 83, p. 481

1. He has insulted our family and he must suffer for it! 2. You should not have gone out without an umbrella in such rainy weather. 3. I'm afraid I may/might have sounded a bit unfriendly over the phone. 4. " I ought to have told Soames, " he thought, " that I think him comic." 5. We might live to their age, perhaps. 6. Here she would sit, sewing and knitting, while he worked at the table.

1. Why should you be different from other people? 8. " Good morning, " said the girl. " I believe you must be Toby. Have I guessed right? " 9. If you can read without spectacles, and I believe you can, be so good as to read this letter for me. 10. Captain Steerforth, may/might/could I speak to you for a moment? 11. Anne felt she could not stand much more of this discussion. She said she must go on with her work and began to rise. 12. Why should one make trouble for oneself when one is old? 13. Could/ Would you do me a favour and meet her at the station? 14. He was not old, he could not/cannot have been more than forty. 15. The day we were to start it rained worse than ever. 16. You needn't hurry. There is plenty of time. 17. Mother has fallen ill, so I had to change my plans. 18. We didn't know what to do; the key would not turn and we could not get into the room. 19.1 ought not to have left Cape Town last night. I wish I had not. 20. " Could/ Might /May I speak to Mr. Pitt, please? " — " I'm afraid he's out at the moment, could you ring back later? "

Ex. 84, p. 483

1. His name is Foster. You may/might have heard his name. 2. The face of the woman in a blue suit standing by the door seems familiar. I must have met her somewhere. 3.1 can'tfind this record anywhere. Can/Could it have been broken? 4.1 shouldn 't/oughtn't to have said it to him. He may have taken offence. 5. Everything will be okay! Your daughter will surely recover! (Everything shall be okay. Your daughter shall recover.) 6. Yesterday you came back late. You should/ought to go to bed earlier today. 7. You shouldn't/ oughtn't to have spoken to her like this. She doesn't deserve it.

1. It is necessary that every student should take part in this competition. 9. You can't harp on the same thing all the time! 10. Thechairman suggested/proposed that all those present should air/give/voice their opinions on the matter. 11. You won't have to make anything up. You will be told what to do. 12. Have you never heard of him? Well, you shall! 13. Jane couldn't forget the day which was to have been/was to be her wedding day and which had ended so tragically. 14.1 don't have to get up early now: school starts in the afternoon. 15.1 can't have missed him. I was standing next to the door all the time. 16. He needn't have worked so late.

Some of the work might/could have been put off till today.17. Can I offer you a cup of tea, doctor? 18. One/You shouldn't be so impatient. One/You should always consider other people's habits. 19. You must behave as though nothing had happened. 20. Do you often have to consult a doctor? 21. Would you be so kind as to help me open the suitcase? There's something wrong with the lock, it won't open. 22. He was to have come at five, we've been waiting for him for an hour and a half, but he still isn't here. Where could he be? 23. Why should we help him? He just won't work. 24. He sent her presents, but she wouldn't accept them.


BE non-finite forms of the verb 4

(TO UNITS SEVEN — NINE) The Infinitive

Ex. 85, p. 483

1. The Perfect Active Infinitive is used in the second sentence. The perfect form is used because the action of the infinitive precedes that of the predicate verb in the first sentence. 2. The Continuous Active Infinitive is used to emphasize the idea of the duration of the action simultaneous with the predicate verb. 3. The infinitive is used in its simple form because it expresses an action following the predicate verb. The passive form is chosen because the action is directed not from but to the subject of the sentence. 4. The action of the infinitive is prior to that of the predicate verb which though not mentioned can be easily guessed at: I am glad... Hence the use of the Perfect Infinitive. 5. The Continuous Infinitive serves merely to make the statement more expressive. One might just as well have used the Simple Infinitive in this sentence. 6. Priority of action: the action of the infinitive is prior to that of the predicate verb, therefore the Perfect Infinitive is used. It is passive because its action is directed not from but towards the subject of the sentence. 7. The action of the finite verb (are) and the infinitive (to be taken) are simultaneous, so the Simple Infinitive is used. It is passive because the action is directed not from but towards the subject. 8. The perfect continuous form of the infinitive is used to show the priority and to express the duration of the action. 9. The Simple Active Infinitive (to take off) is used because its action follows that of the finite verb (told) and the other infinitive used in the sentence (be heard) is in the simple form because it is used in a subordinate clause of purpose. The passive form shows that the subject (footsteps) was the object of the action and not its doer. 10. The action of the infinitive is prior to that of the finite verb, hence the use the Perfect Infinitive. 11. The action of the infinitive follows that of the finite verb, so the Simple Infinitive is used. The infinitive is part of a Complex Object. 12. The Perfect Continuous Active Infinitive is used to show that its action began in the past and instill in progress at the moment of speaking.

1. The Continuous Active Infinitive is used to show that the action, expressed by it, is going on at the moment of speaking.

2. The Perfect Active Infinitives are used to express prior actions. The finite verb can be found in the wider context from which the sentence has been taken. 15. The infinitives are used in the simple fosm because their action is simultaneous with that of the finite verb. The first infinitive (to be done) is passive because its action is directed to its subject. The second infinitive is active because its action is directed from the subject of the whole sentence which though not mentioned in it can be found in the wider context from which the sentence is taken.

Ex. 86, p. 483

to have been done — to do, to be doing, to have done, to have

been doing, to be done to be spoken to — to speak to, to be speaking to, to have spoken

to, to have been speaking to, to have been spoken to to curl — to be curling, to have curled, to have been curling,

to be curled, to have been curled to be breaking — to break, to have broken, to have been

breaking, to be broken, to have been broken to have nodded — to nod, to be nodding, to have nodded, to

have been nodding to drive — to be driving, to have driven, to have been driving,

to be driven, to have been driven = to be ruined — to ruin, to be ruining, to have ruined, to have z been ruining, to have been ruined

- to be rubbing — to rub, to have rubbed, to have been rubbing, to be rubbed, to have been rubbed

to land — to be landing, to have landed, to have been landing,

to be landed, to have been landed to turn — to be turning, to have turned, to have been turning,

to be turned, to have been turned to have been sleeping — to sleep, to be sleeping, to have


to be got — to get, to be getting, to have got, to have been

getting, to have been got to be running — to run, to have run, to have been running to have been read — to read, to be reading, to have been

reading, to be read to be said — to say, to be saying, to have said, to have been

saying, to have been said to arrive — to be arriving, to have arrived, to have been


to be telling — to tell, to have told, to have been telling, to be told, to have been told

Ex. 87, p. 483

1. I'm so dreadfully sorry to have bothered/to be bothering you in this stupid way. 2. He kept late hours last night, he may still be sleeping. 3. " She must have been very beautiful years ago, " Maren thought. 4. It's a secret, and no one else must be told. 5. Goodbye. So pleased to have met you. 6. He's a talented engineer. He's supposed to be working at a new invention. 7. Oh, my Margaret, my daughter. You should never have gone. It was all your father's fault. 8. She seems to have been working at her project since spring and says she has still a lot to do. 9. I've just seen him passing the entrance door, so he can't be working at the laboratory as you say. 10. The next morning he seemed to have forgotten it all. 11. It ought to have been done long ago; at least before their leaving Blackstable. 12. She seemed at times to be seized with an uncontrolled irritation and would say sharp and wounding things. 13. You probably think that I must have lived a very gay life in France, but it wasn't so. 14. No words can describe it: it must be seen.

Ex. 88, p. 484

1. Maggie was sorry not to have warned her parents that she would be delayed. 2. I was glad to have seen another play by Ostrovsky. 3. The children were happy to have been taken to the circus. 4. This waltz made him remember his youth. 5. I would like this text to be recorded once more. 6. He can't be still sitting in the reading hall. He must have already left. 7. She must be still staying at her friends' country house. 8. Can/Could she have got angry with you? 9. I am very glad to have seen them to the station. 10. I was so lucky/How lucky I was to see this performance! 11. Your next task is to carry out/to do this experiment in our laboratory. 12. Look at him! He must be trying to solve some important problem. 13. They couldn't have memorized my address. They have dropped in with my brother only once and purely by chance. 14. This sad event shouldn't/ oughtn't to be mentioned in her presence. 15. They seem to be waiting for the instructions necessary to perform this task.

Ex. 89, p. 484

1. The teacher made me repeat it all over again. 2. You needn't ask for permission, I let you take my books whenever you like. 3. Will you help me (to) move the table? 4. He is expected to arrive in a few days. 5. You seem to know these places very well. 6. You had better make a note of it. 7. I heard the door open and saw a shadow move across the floor. 8. He told me to try to do it once again. 9. I'd rather walk a little before going to bed. 10. There is nothing to do but (to) wait till somebody comes to let us out. 11. You ought not to show your feelings. 12. Why not wait a little longer? 13.1 felt her shiver with cold. 14. We should love you to stay with us. 15. You are not to mention this to anyone. 16. We got Mother to cut up some sandwiches. 17. Rose wanted them to stop laughing, wanted the curtain to come down. 18. I'll have to go there. 19. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you. 20. She helped me(to) get over my fear. 21. Look here, Jane, why be so cross? 22. He was seen to make a note of it. 23. What made you deceive me? 24. He was not able to explain anything.

Ex. 90, p. 485

1. Он не хотел смеяться тогда, да и теперь не имел такого желания. 2. Вы не обязаны ничего говорить, если не хотите. 3. Майкл много знал, во всяком случае так казалось. 4. «Давай-ка все это забудем, ладно? » — «Я рад все забыть, спасибо, о 5. Всякий раз, когда ей говорили помалкивать, она так и делала. 6. Это моя вина. Простите, я не хотел этого делать, это вышло нечаянно. 7. Я знаю, что мне надо было прийти к тебе и рассказать об этом, но я боялся. 8. «Я буду рад тебя видеть.


172 Grammar Exercises

3.1 am so glad to be able to help you. 4. We are so awfully sorry not to have warned you that we might not be able to come to your party. 5. The doctor advised the patient to go on a diet of fruit, vegetables and dairy products. 6. The child is afraid to speak English in your presence because he is afraid of making mistakes.

1. I've clean forgotten to buy a Christmas present for my mother-in-law. 8. Everybody promised not to miss classes again, but very few kept their promises. 9. Would you like to have a glass of Bloody Mary or do you prefer plain Scotch and soda? 10. Who has allowed you to let the cat in? 11. Aunt Polly instructed Jim to take her straight to his mistress.


a. The infinitive as attribute:

1. He was always the first to wake up in the morning. 2. We have nothing to do with all this. 3. This is a chance to take revenge on your old enemy/to get hold of the most gorgeous guy in town. 4. Benny has no friends to play with, poor boy. 5. He is not a man to be trusted. 6. She made an attempt to make it up with her boyfriend but failed. 7. Is there anybody to shut the bloody door?

1. He always finds something to do. 9. This is the information to convince my boss that I was right to refuse that offer. 10. He spoke of his wish to become as great a magician as David Copperfield and maybe even greater.

a. The infinitive as adverbial modifier of purpose:

1. He came immediately to stand/go bail for his son. 2. We'll stay after the lecture to ask the professor some questions. 3. They stopped to rest their horses. 4. Write down this rule so as not to forget it. 5. I've opened the door to let the dog in. 6. He stepped aside politely to let her pass. 7. To achieve success you must work hard. 10. The boy ran out to meet his grandmother.

a. The infinitive as adverbial modifier of result:

1. She was too frightened to tell the truth. 2. The article is too difficult to translate. 3. The fence is high enough to keep intruders out. 4. The baby is too restless to take him out for a walk. 5. The weather is warm enough to wear a hug-me-tight and sandals. 6. We are too busy to take another order. 7. She was grown-up enough to look after her little sister. 8. The night was too dark to make out the outlines of the ships riding at anchor in the harbour.

Приходи в любое время». — «Дорогой, ты же знаешь, как сильно мне этого хочется. Но я не могу». 9. «Вы не должны отсылать это письмо». — «Я непременно пошлю его авиапочтой из Порт-Саида». 10. Я не мог сделать то, что хотел..



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