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Здоровье и космос (ООН, 1986)

В своем нынешнем сообщении я хотел бы привлечь ваше внимание к вопросу о том, чему учит практика космических по­летов, особенно длительных полетов, с точки зрения углубления и расширения медицинских знаний о человеке.

Природа не только вокруг нас, но и внутри нас. Мы сами — часть природы, о которой необходимо думать и которую необ­ходимо защищать так же тщательно, как и окружающую среду.

В общих чертах, так сказать абстрактно, это понимают все. Беда, да, именно беда, состоит в том, что далеко не все из нас ассоциируют это с состоянием своего собственного здоровья, своим образом жизни.

Предупреждение болезней, сохранение здоровья, активное долголетие издавна сформулированы как главная цель медици­ны. В этом направлении достигнуты впечатляющие результаты.

Достаточно вспомнить об успешном искоренении многих опас­ных инфекционных заболеваний.

Ныне стало ясным, что космическая медицина заметно внесла крупный вклад в сокровищницу медицинских знаний.

Наши «пациенты» космонавты — здоровые люди, которых мы наблюдаем в течение довольно длительных периодов их жиз­ни. Это и периоды отбора и подготовки, это и сложнейшие на­грузки во время космических полетов и при возвращении к зем­ной гравитации, это и подготовка к новым стартам и опять по­лет. На всех этапах космонавты проходят самое тщательное ре­гулярное медицинское обследование, находятся под пристальным вниманием медиков.

Более полными стали наши знания о механизмах регуляции сердечно-сосудистой системы, мышечного тонуса, координации движений, водно-электролитного обмена. Обогатились и пред­ставления о структуре и функции костной ткани и функциони­ровании вестибулярного аппарата.

Хорошо известно, что ныне в структуре заболеваний людей одно из ведущих мест принадлежит заболеваниям сердечно-со­судистой системы. Среди них, в первую очередь, ишемическая болезнь сердца и гипертоническая болезнь с ее осложнениями, в основном, с нарушениями мозгового кровообращения, явля­ются главными причинами смерти и инвалидизации жителей многих стран. Патологию сердечно-сосудистой системы с пол­ным основанием можно назвать болезнью XX века.

Именно поэтому мне кажется, что в деле улучшения диагно­стики и профилактики сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний весь­ма полезен для земной практики может быть опыт, накоплен­ный космической медициной.

Как известно, в космических полетах основные изменения отмечаются со стороны сердечно-сосудистой системы. Это, в основном, связано с уменьшением двигательной активности, повышенной нервно-эмоциональной нагрузкой, перераспреде­лением крови в верхнюю половину тела вследствие отсутствия гравитационного фактора кровообращения и рядом других ме­нее существенных причин. Поэтому при контроле за состояни­ем здоровья космонавтов ведущую роль продолжают играть ме­тоды кардиологических исследований.

Ясно, что такие заболевания, как ишемическая болезнь сердца, гипертоническая болезнь и ряд других болезней систе­мы кровообращения не возникают внезапно. Они развиваются постепенно под влиянием неблагоприятных условий, так назы­ваемых «факторов риска». Результаты широких эпидемиологи­ческих исследований свидетельствуют о том, что основными

«факторами риска» сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний являются недостаточная физическая активность, нервно-эмоциональное напряжение, нарушения питания (избыточный вес тела), неко­торые нарушения липидного обмена, курение и др.

Что касается индивидуальных факторов риска, то они вклю­чают три неконтролируемых, а именно: пол, возраст и наследст­венность. При этом, как известно, частота заболеваемости уве­личивается с возрастом, мужчины болеют вдвое чаще, чем жен­щины, и вероятность заболевания выше у лиц, родители кото­рых имели сердечные приступы в возрасте до 50 лет.

Важнейшими из этих факторов являются:

— конституционные (генетические) особенности;

- возраст;

- наличие сердечно-сосудистых расстройств в анамнезе;


— отсутствие физических нагрузок;

— неправильное питание (тучность);

— стресс (нервно-эмоциональные перенапряжения).

Другим важным фактором риска, сопутствующим развитию сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, является нерациональное питание.

Наша человеческая природа древняя, но она отнюдь не памят­ник старины. Охрана ее состоит вовсе не в том, чтобы защищать организм от физических или информационных нагрузок, создать ему некие тепличные или рафинированные условия существования.

Отнюдь нет, напротив. Только интенсивная, всесторонне

гармоничная и полезная деятельность сможет защитить наше здоровье и сделать нашу жизнь интересной и продуктивной.

Опыт работы с космонавтами отчетливо демонстрирует ту простую истину, что регулярные наблюдения за состоянием здо­ровья, выполнение разумных профилактических процедур спо­собны многие годы поддерживать отличную физическую форму, хорошее здоровье и высокую работоспособность.

Космическая медицина, будучи по своему характеру медици­ной предупредительной и профилактической, является моделью медицины будущего.

Ее методы и подходы по стабилизации здоровья космонав­тов, объединенные с опытом и достижениями клинической ме­дицины, уже сейчас могут внести ощутимый вклад в повышение.•ровня здоровья всех людей Земли.

Most of these medical terms require no-nonsense translation. In some sense technical translation is the easiest kind, because the interpreter's choices are so limited. On the other hand, this does require a precise know­ledge of the technical terms used in the specific field. Here advance preparation is a must.

In my report/presentation/talk today 1 would like to draw your attention to the question of what space flights can teach us — and in particular lengthy flights — on deepening and broadening/expanding our medical knowledge about human beings.

Nature is not only around us, but also within us. We ourselves are a part of nature, to which we need to give thought, and which needs to be as carefully protected as the environment.

In general terms, abstractly speaking, everyone understands this. The problem — and it is a real one — is/lies in that fact/that few of us/by no means all of us/only some of us/associate this with our own health, with our own life style.

Prevention of illness, the maintenance of (good) health, and an active and long life/an active old age/an active life-style and longevity/ have long been regarded/posited/as the major/fundamental/basic goal of medicine. And here/in this area/impressive/outstanding/results have been achieved. Suffice it to/we need only/recall the successful eradication/elimination of many dangerous infectious diseases.

It has now become clear that space medicine has made/Space medicine has/clearly made a significant/very valuable contribution/ contributed greatly/done much for the expansion of medical knowledge.

Our (so-called) " patients, " astronauts, are healthy people/ individuals/whom we observe/follow/track/monitor for rather long periods of their lives. These include the period of selection and training, the very difficult/hard/heavy duties during space flights and during the return to earth's gravitational pull/the earth's/terrestrial/ gravity, preparations for new launches/flights, and then the actual flight itself. At/during all these stages the astronauts are given thorough physical examinations and are under rigorous/close/ constant/intensive medical observation.

Our knowledge of the mechanisms governing/regulating the cardiovascular system, muscle tone, movement coordination, and fluid-electrolyte metabolism has been considerably/greatly expanded. We also know a great deal/much/more about the structure and functioning of bone tissue and of the vestibular/inner ear mechanism.

It is well known/it is common knowledge that among types of illnesses various pathologies/diseases/of the cardiovascular system are


among the most significant/ widespread/ important/play a very important role. Among these, first and foremost, coronary heart disease and hypertension with complications, primarily involving disorders in cerebral circulation are the major causes of/are primarily responsible for/death and disability/mortality and morbidity of people in many countries. The pathology of the cardiovascular system can rightfully/with good reason be called/termed/ labeled an illness of the 20th century.

This, it seems to me, is precisely (the reason)/This explains/why for the diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular disease the experience of space medicine can be extremely useful.

It is known that in space flights fundamental/basic/the most significant/changes occur in the cardiovascular system. These are primarily attributed/linked to a drop/decrease/decline in motor activity, greater/increased nervous-emotional strain, and a shift in blood flow towards the upper part of the body due to the loss of gravity/as a result/due to/zero gravity in blood circulation, and a number of/some other/less important factors/reasons. This is why/ therefore/medical monitoring/monitoring of the health of astronauts/ continues to stress/attach great importance to/allocate a leading role to cardiovascular examinations.

It is clear that such illnesses as coronary heart disease, hypertension and a number of other circulatory ailments/illnesses/ diseases do not emerge all of a sudden/out of the blue/out of nowhere/without warning. They develop gradually under the influence of/subject to/as a result of negative conditions, so-called/ known as/" risk factors." The results of large-scale/extensive epidemiological studies have shown/demonstrated that the basic risk factors of cardiovascular disease are a lack of/insufficient/physical activity/a sedentary life style, nervous-emotional stress/tension, poor nutrition (obesity), disorders of the lipid metabolism, smoking, etc.

(As for) individual risk factors, (these) include three non-controllable ones: age, sex, and heredity. Moreover, it is known that the frequency/ incidence of cardiovascular diseases increases with age, that the incidence among men is twice as high as among women, and that the probability of such illness is higher among individuals/ people/whose parents had heart attacks/below the age of 50/when they were under 50. The most important of these factors are: constitutional (genetic) traits; age; a family history of cardiovascular disorders; sedentary life style; poor nutrition (obesity); and stress (neuro-emotional strain).

Another important risk factor accompanying the development of cardiovascular disease is poor diet.

Our human nature is ancient, but it is by no means antiquated/an ancient relic. It should be preserved not by protecting the organism from physical or information overload, or by creating for it some kind of hothouse or artificial/antiseptic living conditions.

Certainly not/no way: Quite the contrary/opposite/The opposite is true. Only intense, varied/all-round, harmonious and useful activity

can protect our health and make our lives interesting and productive.

The experience of work with astronauts clearly demonstrates/proves /shows a simple truth: regular monitoring of health/regular physical examinations and the use of rational preventive procedures can/ maintain proper physical form/help stay in shape/maintain good health, and/an enhanced capacity for work/help people remain able-bodied.

Space medicine, since it is by definition/by nature/preventive and prophylactic, is a model for the medicine of the future.

Its methods and means of stabilizing the health of the astronauts, together with the experience and achievements of clinical medicine, can here and now/already/make a real/significant/tangible contribution to the better quality of health/improving the health of people/ everywhere/throughout the world.


1) сообщение — tor a speech or report at a conference, do not overlook
" presentation" as a possible translation.

2) беда, да, именно беда — It would be very risky to translate this as
" misfortune, " without knowing what is to come later in the sentence.
" Problem" is neutral enough to leave the interpreter room for
maneuvering, while suggesting something negative.

3) долголетие — While the term longevity can be used, the idea is that
of living to an " active old age."

4) в этом направлении — a simple " here" is shorter and more to the point
that " in this area."

5) впечатляющие результаты — there is nothing wrong with
" impressive, " but " outstanding, " " superb, " " excellent" or any superlative
will do, as the speaker is obviously praising the results of these

6) вклад... в сокровищницу медицинских знаний — сокровищница сап
perfectly well be skipped, and " treasure house" is very awkward; or the
interpreter can speak of a " very valuable contribution to medical

7) космонавты — the English word is usually " astronauts, " but,
particularly when speaking of the Russian space program, " cosmonauts"
is acceptable.

8) земная гравитация — just " gravity" will do, but " gravitational pull"
stresses the point. The term for невесомость is " weightlessness".

9) медицинское обследование — a medical exam/examination, rather
than research or study.


10) памятник старины — " an ancient monument" would be too literal.
The idea is that human nature can adapt and is flexible, " is far from

11) рафинированные — this should not be translated as " refined, " which
can have a positive connotation; rather, the idea is of something artificial.

12) отнюдь нет, напротив — " certainly not" is a literal, though correct
translation. " No way" is very colloquial, and in a statement of this type
would be inappropriate, but in other contexts is a possibility, and is
therefore given here as an option. " Quite the opposite" would be a
sufficient translation of both отнюдь нет and напротив.

13) всесторонняя деятельность — " comprehensive" is a poor choice
here. The idea is one of different types of activities which complement
each other; " varied" will do nicely.


14) регулярное наблюдение — monitoring, examination.

15) ощутимый вклад — this is often best rendered as " a real contribution"
rather than " tangible."

Health and Space (UN, 1986)

(Читается с американским акцентом)

In my presentation today I would like to draw your attention to the question of what space nights can teach us — and in particular lengthy flights — on deepening and expanding our medical knowledge about human beings.

Nature is not only around us, but also within us. We ourselves are a part of nature, to which we need to give thought, and which needs to be as carefully protected as the environment.

In general terms, abstractly speaking, everyone understands this. The problem — and it is a real one — lies in that fact that few of us associate this with our own health, with our own life-style.

Prevention of illness, the maintenance of good health, and an active and long life have long been regarded as the major goal of medicine. And here impressive results have been achieved. We need only recall the successful elimination of many dangerous infectious diseases.

It has now become clear that space medicine has made a valuable contribution to the expansion of medical knowledge.

Our (so-called) " patients, " astronauts, are healthy individuals whom we monitor for rather long periods of their lives. These include

the period of selection and training, the very difficult duties during space flights and during the return to earth's gravitational pull, preparations for new launches and then the actual flight itself. During all these stages the astronauts are given thorough physical examinations and are under close medical observation.

Our knowledge of the mechanisms governing the cardiovascular system, muscle tone, movement coordination, and fluid-electrolyte metabolism has been considerably expanded. We also know a great deal more about the structure and functioning of bone tissue and of the inner ear mechanism.

It is common knowledge that among types of illnesses various diseases of the cardiovascular system play a very important role. Among these, first and foremost, coronary heart disease and hypertension with complications, primarily involving disorders in cerebral circulation, are responsible for mortality and morbidity of people in many countries. The pathology of the cardiovascular system can with good reason be called an illness of the 20th century.

This, it seems to me, is precisely why for the diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular disease the experience of space medicine can be extremely useful.

It is known that in space flights the most significant changes occur in the cardiovascular system. These are primarily attributed to a decline in motor activity, increased nervous-emotional strain, and a shift in blood flow towards the upper part of the body due to zero gravity in blood circulation, and some other less important factors. This is why medical monitoring of the health of astronauts continues to attach great importance to a leading role for cardiovascular examinations.

It is clear that such illnesses as coronary heart disease, hypertension and a number of other circulatory diseases do not emerge without warning. They develop gradually as a result of negative conditions, so-called " risk factors." The results of large-scale epidemiological studies have demonstrated that the basic risk factors of cardiovascular disease are a sedentary life style, nervous-emotional stress, poor nutrition (obesity), disorders of the lipid metabolism, smoking, etc.

Individual risk factors include three non-controllable ones: age, sex, and heredity. Moreover, it is known that the frequency of cardiovascular diseases increases with age, that the incidence among men is twice as high as among women, and that the probability of such illness is higher among individuals whose parents had heart attacks when they were under 50.

The most important of these factors are: genetic traits; age; a family history of cardiovascular disorders; sedentary life style; poor nutrition, and stress.

Another important risk factor accompanying the development of cardiovascular disease is poor diet.

Our human nature is ancient, but it is by no means antiquated. It should not be preserved by protecting the organism from physical or information overload, or by creating for it some kind of hothouse living conditions.

The opposite is true. Only intense, varied, harmonious and useful activity can protect our health and make our lives interesting and productive.

The experience of work with astronauts clearly shows a simple truth: regular physical examinations and the use of rational preventive procedures can maintain good health, and an enhanced capacity for work.

Space medicine, since it is by definition preventive and prophylactic, is a model for the medicine of the future.

Its methods and means of stabilizing the health of the astronauts, together with the experience and achievements of clinical medicine, already can make a significant contribution to improving the health of people throughout the world.



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