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Forecast on route on drizzle is pouring inveterate anti-picnicker rucksack picturesque to all impressions

Английский язык

(практика устной и письменной речи)







Методическое пособие по дисциплине «Английский язык (практика устной и письменной речи)» для студентов 3 курса очного отделения специальности 032301.65 «Регионоведение»/ Сост. преподаватель кафедры иностранного языка Е.Л. Морозова – Ставрополь, 2010.


Методическое пособие состоит из данных разделов: «Leisure (Hiking, Weather And Landscapes, Travelling)», «Man And The Movies», «Art», «Emotions And Feelings», «Bringing up children», «Teachers».


Данное методическое пособие предназначено для студентов третьего курса специальности 032301.65 «Регионоведение».


Задачи дисциплины «Английский язык (практика устной и письменной речи)»:

- расширить словарный запас студентов;

- совершенствовать умения чтения и перевода текстов разной тематики.




Fill in the gaps.

1) I want to go ___ a hike.

2) He usually travels ___ foot.

3) When you are going to hike, firstly you should choose a ________.

4) Hanna is packing her ______________ now.

5) He is always at home; he is a real ___________ ___________________.

6) This landscape ___ quite ___________________.

7) He travels a lot and he is open ___ _____ ______________________.

8) It is beginning to __________________.

9) I’m so wet. It is ________________.

10) The weather __________ is bad for today.


Forecast on route on drizzle is pouring inveterate anti-picnicker rucksack picturesque to all impressions

  1. Match the description and the notion.

1)It’s a special book where you can find all information about the country, city and travelling. 2)This man prefers to relax at home. He never goes to hike. 3)It’s a place. It’s not a city or town. 4)The hot and stuffy day. 5)Very nice weather and the bright day.  
a) Countryside b) An inveterate anti-picnicker c) Guide-book d) A day to tempt anyone out. e) There is hardly a breath of air.



  1. Translate the given phrases.

1) To pack clothes into a rucksack

2) Meditative silence of the morning

3) To forecast the weather

4) The wind drives the clouds away

5) Unbearable heat

6) It’s 30 degrees above zero

7) to be wet through

8) the heat is stifling

9) it’s hot, stuffy day

Describe the weather and landscapes on the given pictures.




  1. Answer the questions about yourselves.

1) Are you an inveterate anti-picnicker?

2) Do you prefer to hike or to travel by bus?

3) Have you ever travelled abroad?

4) What do you like more: picturesque countryside or huge city with skyscrapers?

5) What kind of weather is your favourite one?

6) Do you like drizzling or stifling days?

7) What weather is unbearable for you?

8) What day is tempting for you to go out?

9) Do you like windy days?

10) What will you put in your rucksack if you go to Spain?

Theme: Weather and landscapes

Cards for training. Match the photo and the appropriate words.

    Drops Cloudy Hilly countryside Level countryside Vegetation Winding The wind drives the clouds away Not a leaf is stirring 25 degrees above zero Picturesque scenery Meditative silence in the morning  








Translate the sentences into Russian.

A hiking tour has a lot of advantages.

For example, it helps you to be in fit.

It’s very useful for the health.

Then people can feel the real beauty of nature during the hiking.

People can estimate the nature only during walking tour.

Moreover one can learn how to play the day, timetable.

Spending some time in the open air is really health-giving.

Overnight hiking is also very interesting.

You can spend more time with your friends and have a good fun.

Hiking tour needs some preparations.

You should take some warm clothes but not so many.

Then it’s obvious that you need food.

The food should be made fast, for example tinned food or fruits.

Before hiking you must take weather forecast into account.

And of course you must be ready for making a fire or sleeping out.


Translate the sentences into English.

Походы имеют и свои недостатки.

К примеру, человек, не подготовленный физически, не сможет осилить сложный и долгий маршрут.

Кроме того, пешеходный туризм требует определенных навыков: разбить палатку, приготовить завтрак, обед и ужин самостоятельно.

Перед походом необходимо провести сложные приготовления: изучить прогноз погоды и в соответствии с этим собрать необходимые вещи.





Cinema – кинотеатр

Open-air theatre – летний театр, театр на открытом воздухе

Cinema with continuous performance – кинотеатры без перерыва

Drive-in-theatre – кинотеатр под открытым небом, кинотеатр для автомобилистов

Film – фильм, пленка, киноискусство

Movie – фильм

Motion picture – фильм

To go to the cinema – идти в кинотеатр

To go to a movie – идти в кинотеатр

To go to the movies – идти в кинотеатр

To go to the pictures – идти в кинотеатр

Normal screen – стандартный экран

Wide screen – широкий экран

Large screen – большой, широкий экран

Broad screen – широкий экран

The first showing – первый показ, премьера

The second showing – второй показ

Entrance – вход

Exit – выход

Showing – показ, впечатление

Performance ends at – показ заканчивается в …

Programme begins at – показ начинается в …

Colour poster – цветной плакат

The box office – касса

To book tickets – резервировать билеты


Documentary – документальный фильм

Educational – образовательный, обучающий фильм

Popular scientific film – научно-популярный фильм

Feature film – художественный фильм

Science fiction film – научно-фантастический фильм

Animated cartoon – мультипликация

Adventure film – приключенческий фильм

Musical – мюзикл

Puppet film – кукольный фильм

Thriller – триллер

Comedy – комедия

Horror film – фильм ужасов

Crime film – боевик

Western – вестерн

Children’s film – фильм для детей

Theatrical film – театральный фильм

Wide – screen – широкоэкранный

Colour – цветной

Black-and-white – черно-белый

Mute – немой

Sound – озвученный

Dubbed – дублированный

Full-length – полнометражный

Short-length – короткометражный

Two part film – фильм из двух частей

Wartime epic – военная эпическая поэма

Newsreel – хроника

Serial – сериал

“X” film – фильм для взрослых

Star-studded film – фильм со звездным составом

The screen version – экранная версия

Adaptation of the novel – экранизация романа


Scene – сцена

Outdoor scene – сцена на открытом воздухе

Indoor – в помещении

The opening theme – начальная сцена

The final scene – финальная сцена

Crowd scene – массовка

An episode – эпизод

Still – кадр

Shot – кадр

Long shot – кадр, снятый дальним планом

Close-up – крупный план

Caption – титр

Subtitle – субтитр

Flash-back – возвращение к более ранней сцене

Answer the questions.

1) What are the parts of the film?

2) What scene is more remembering: opening or final?

3) Is it right that long shot can’t display human feeling like close up?

4) When is long shot necessary?

5) Have you ever watched the film you remember only by one episode? Name it. Retell this episode.

6) What is more impressive: outdoor or opening scene? Explain why.



To shoot – снимать

To produce a film – ставить фильм

To make a screen version – снимать экранизацию

To screen a novel – экранизировать роман

To adapt a novel for the screen – экранизировать роман

To film a novel – снимать роман

To play on the screen – играть на экране

To act – исполнять роль

To release a picture – выпустить фильм

To come out – появляться в продаже

To go into production – выходить

To remark a film – комментировать фильм

To reissue a film – выпускать фильм повторно

To be dubbed in Russian – быть дублированным на русском языке

To present a film in Russian – показывать фильм на русском языке

Co-production – сопроизводство

Directed by – режиссер

Scenery and costumes by – декорации и костюмы …

The songs set to music by - слова положены на музыку …



Producer – продюсер

Film director – режиссер фильма

Art director – художник-постановщик

Camera-man – оператор

Script writer – сценарист

Animator – художник-мультипликатор

Costume designer – художник по костюмам


Discuss these statements.

1) The names of producers and directors are well-known. But the art-director’s, costume-designer’s names are not so known to the public. It means that they work less or their job is not so important.

2) The film begins with the script writer.

3) The animator is not as significant as film director.

4) What factor is priority for you when you choose a film for watching? Isn’t it a world-famous director?

5) The work of costume designer is quite easy, because the choice of the costumes can’t be defined as complicated task.






To feel good – чувствовать себя хорошо

To feel fine – чувствовать себя прекрасно

To feel great – чувствовать себя замечательно

To feel pride and joy – чувствовать гордость и радость

To be bright and happy – быть радостным и счастливым

To be in a good mood – быть в хорошем настроении

To feel bad – чувствовать себя плохо

To feel uneasy – чувствовать себя скованно

To feel anxious – ощущать обеспокоенность

To feel lonely – чувствовать себя одиноким

To feel scared – чувствовать страх

To feel miserable – чувствовать себя несчастным

To feel guilty – чувствовать вину

To feel put upon – чувствовать себя обманутым

To be upset – быть расстроенным

To be tense and jumpy – быть напряженным и нервным

To be furious – быть взбешенным

To be in a bad temper – быть в плохом настроении

Anger is normal. Or is it?

In terms of frequency of expression, anger is normal. It exists everywhere and is in all of us. But most teachers and parents find it difficult to accept anger as normal and inevitable. The real issue for the teacher and parent becomes the question of how to deal with anger in oneself.

The pressures on us to control or hide our anger are very powerful. Teachers ask, “Will this be held against me as a sign of incompetence or immaturity? ” Other concerns are: “What will the kids tell their parents? ” and “Will this get back to the principal? ” Teachers, in addition, have real concern for their children: “Will a child become frightened? Will it damage him in some way? ” or, even more upsetting, “Will the child get angry at me, become rebellious, and no longer like me as a teacher? ”

These concerns are so real that most teachers try to hide their anger. The results of this are quite predictable: at best the teacher who is straining to keep in anger is tense, irritable, and impatient; at worst the anger slips out in sarcasm or explodes in a rage of accumulated fury.

Some teachers report that they never get angry in the classroom. In further discussions with teachers regarding situations or behavior which typically arouses anger some teachers recognize all the signs of anger, but actually did not feel anger in the classroom. But usually an observer or the children in the classroom recognize the signs of anger. Certain teachers are more successful at hiding anger, but unless anger is in a mild form, it will be out one day or another.

How do children react to anger? All of us, as we recall our own childhood experiences in school, can remember instances of teachers expressing anger in the classroom. Through children frequently face anger from adults, they do not always adjust to it in ways that foster their own growth and learning. Teachers report that children often react with confusion; they’re bothered, or their faces appear troubled. Some children are especially sensitive and hurt at the teacher’s anger, and a few children are even frightened. Sarcasm or biting remarks that touch areas of special concern for children can be remembered with special misery for many years.



The Sanguine temperament personality is fairly extroverted. People of a sanguine temperament tend to enjoy social gatherings and making new friends. They tend to be creative and often day dream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean very sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when pursuing a new hobby, interest is lost quickly-when it ceases to be engaging or fun.




A person who is choleric is a do-er. They have a lot of ambition, energy, and passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were cholerics.


A person who is a thoughtful ponderer has a melancholic disposition. Often very kind and considerate, melancholics can be highly creative – as in poetry and art - and can become occupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. A melancholic is also often a perfectionist. They are often self-reliant and independent.


Phlegmatics tend to be self-content and kind. They can be very accepting and affectionate. They may be very receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are very consistent, relaxed, rational, curious, and observant, making them good administrators and diplomats. Unlike the Sanguine personality, they may be more dependable.



Simple emoticons of the four temperaments (clockwise from top right: Choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic).



4 humours in respective order: choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine


Broad – minded – с широкими взглядами

Witty – остроумный

Intelligent – умный

Dignified – обладающий чувством собственного достоинства

Capable – способный

Benevolent – благожелательный

Philanthropic – благотворительный

Scrupulous – скрупулезный

Consistent – последовательный

Easy-going – с легким характером

Affectionate – любящий

Devoted – преданный

Loyal – верный

Courageous – бесстрашный

Persevering – настойчивый

Industrious – прилежный

Hard-working – трудолюбивый

Sweet – милосердный

Gentle – благородный

Proud – гордый




To bring up children – воспитывать детей

To avoid pitfalls – избегать ошибок

The formative years – годы формирования личности

To progress in one’s development – делать успехи в развитии

To regress – регрессировать

Stunted development – задержка в развитии

Physical and mental development – физическое и умственное развитие

To encourage a child – поощрять ребенка

To let children grow naturally – позволить детям расти естественно

To treat children like – обращаться с ребенком как с …

To develop more quickly than previous generations – развиваться быстрее предыдущих поколений

To gain independence from parents – получить независимость от родителей

To grow up – расти

To be mature – быть зрелым

An effective approach – эффективный подход

A peaceful and relaxed manner – спокойное и расслабленное поведение



Love – любовь

Security – безопасность надежность уверенность

Care – забота

Affection – привязанность

Respect – уважение

Patience – терпение

Reassurance – утешение

Happy home backgrounds – хорошая обстановка в семье

Responsible adults – ответственные взрослые

Not to feel neglected – не чувствовать себя пренебрегаемым

To be sensitive to one’s feelings – остро реагировать на чьи-либо чувства

To be too wise to argue – быть слишком мудрым чтобы спорить

To speak firmly – говорить решительно

To be consistent – быть последовательным

To be fair – быть справедливым

To have no favourites – не иметь любимчиков

To show much patience – быть очень терпеливым


My inspiration.

Graham Lawrence, 29, science author and TV presenter went to Overton Comprehensive, 1981-89.

I haven’t seen Mr Jenkins since I left school but he was my inspiration. I wasn’t very good at most school subjects. I suppose I was a bit lazy and now I wish I’d done a bit more work, especially in languages. But when I went into Mr Jenkin’s science class to prepare for my GCSEs, I really became interested in a subject for the first time.

Mr Jenkins was full of enthusiasm and made everything interesting – I wish my French teachers had been the same! He used to demonstrate things with lots of practical examples. One day he took us outside and we built a rocket. It was great fun.

I wasn’t a particalary willing and cooperative student at school. I know I shouldn’t have been so rebellious, but it was probably because I lacked confidence. Mr Jenkns made me feel that I could do things. I was interested in astronomy and he asked me to give a lesson to the class. That was really the first time I ever tried to explain science to an audience. Now, when I’m preparing a programme, I think about how Mr Jenkins would have done it. Sometimes, I wish I could phone him and ask for his opinion!


My pupil.

Brian Jenkins, science teacher at Overton Comprehensive.

When Graham came into my class he was a bit “difficult”. But when he got interested, it all changed. He was extremely bright and he should have done much better in all of his other subjects. I’ve read a couple of his books and seen him on TV. I say to my wife, “Oh look, I used to teach him! ” I certainly wish I was as successful with all my pupils as with Graham. It’s difficult teaching nowadays. There are discipline problems and not enough money. The government should give more money for science education. I also wish the classes were smaller – it’s difficult doing lessons in laboratories with big groups. My wife often wishes I had chosen a less stressful career.

But I love teaching. It’s a great feeling when you know you’ve taught something well. It also makes me proud when I see my pupils doing well, like Graham. I feel that I’ve achieved something.


Английский язык

(практика устной и письменной речи)







Методическое пособие по дисциплине «Английский язык (практика устной и письменной речи)» для студентов 3 курса очного отделения специальности 032301.65 «Регионоведение»/ Сост. преподаватель кафедры иностранного языка Е.Л. Морозова – Ставрополь, 2010.


Методическое пособие состоит из данных разделов: «Leisure (Hiking, Weather And Landscapes, Travelling)», «Man And The Movies», «Art», «Emotions And Feelings», «Bringing up children», «Teachers».


Данное методическое пособие предназначено для студентов третьего курса специальности 032301.65 «Регионоведение».


Задачи дисциплины «Английский язык (практика устной и письменной речи)»:

- расширить словарный запас студентов;

- совершенствовать умения чтения и перевода текстов разной тематики.




Fill in the gaps.

1) I want to go ___ a hike.

2) He usually travels ___ foot.

3) When you are going to hike, firstly you should choose a ________.

4) Hanna is packing her ______________ now.

5) He is always at home; he is a real ___________ ___________________.

6) This landscape ___ quite ___________________.

7) He travels a lot and he is open ___ _____ ______________________.

8) It is beginning to __________________.

9) I’m so wet. It is ________________.

10) The weather __________ is bad for today.


Forecast on route on drizzle is pouring inveterate anti-picnicker rucksack picturesque to all impressions

  1. Match the description and the notion.

1)It’s a special book where you can find all information about the country, city and travelling. 2)This man prefers to relax at home. He never goes to hike. 3)It’s a place. It’s not a city or town. 4)The hot and stuffy day. 5)Very nice weather and the bright day.  
a) Countryside b) An inveterate anti-picnicker c) Guide-book d) A day to tempt anyone out. e) There is hardly a breath of air.



  1. Translate the given phrases.

1) To pack clothes into a rucksack

2) Meditative silence of the morning

3) To forecast the weather

4) The wind drives the clouds away

5) Unbearable heat

6) It’s 30 degrees above zero

7) to be wet through

8) the heat is stifling

9) it’s hot, stuffy day


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