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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Describe the weather and landscapes on the given pictures.




  1. Answer the questions about yourselves.

1) Are you an inveterate anti-picnicker?

2) Do you prefer to hike or to travel by bus?

3) Have you ever travelled abroad?

4) What do you like more: picturesque countryside or huge city with skyscrapers?

5) What kind of weather is your favourite one?

6) Do you like drizzling or stifling days?

7) What weather is unbearable for you?

8) What day is tempting for you to go out?

9) Do you like windy days?

10) What will you put in your rucksack if you go to Spain?

Theme: Weather and landscapes

Cards for training. Match the photo and the appropriate words.

    Drops Cloudy Hilly countryside Level countryside Vegetation Winding The wind drives the clouds away Not a leaf is stirring 25 degrees above zero Picturesque scenery Meditative silence in the morning  








Translate the sentences into Russian.

A hiking tour has a lot of advantages.

For example, it helps you to be in fit.

It’s very useful for the health.

Then people can feel the real beauty of nature during the hiking.

People can estimate the nature only during walking tour.

Moreover one can learn how to play the day, timetable.

Spending some time in the open air is really health-giving.

Overnight hiking is also very interesting.

You can spend more time with your friends and have a good fun.

Hiking tour needs some preparations.

You should take some warm clothes but not so many.

Then it’s obvious that you need food.

The food should be made fast, for example tinned food or fruits.

Before hiking you must take weather forecast into account.

And of course you must be ready for making a fire or sleeping out.


Translate the sentences into English.

Походы имеют и свои недостатки.

К примеру, человек, не подготовленный физически, не сможет осилить сложный и долгий маршрут.

Кроме того, пешеходный туризм требует определенных навыков: разбить палатку, приготовить завтрак, обед и ужин самостоятельно.

Перед походом необходимо провести сложные приготовления: изучить прогноз погоды и в соответствии с этим собрать необходимые вещи.



Classify the following words and phrases according to the given themes.

Weather Meals Boating Choosing a route Sleep

Landscape, slope, to dive, to discuss plans, to camp out, to row up the river, to plan a trip, countryside, cooking utensils, mist, heavy luggage, it is pouring, to spill, gas-burner, guide-book, to make a fire, motor-boat, to raft, sleeping-bag, to pack clothes.


There are also some odd words. Write them down and choose the best theme for them.



  1. Add a suitable word.

Drizzle – rain –

Rucksack – knapsack –

Wet – soaked –

Pot – kettle –

Rowing boat – motor-boat –

Walker – hiker –

Hot – stifling –

Sleeping – bag – tent –


  1. Translate the following words and phrases.

To wander __________________________

To roam ____________________________


Level countryside__________________________________________


Constant ______________________________

Nourishing breakfast ________________________________

To smash __________________________________

Odds and ends __________________________________

  1. Imagine that you are going on a hike. Put down the list of ten most useful things for you.











  1. Try to give advice to your friend.

I want to go on a hike. What should I do first of all?



I’d like to cook quickly. What should I do?



I am an inveterate anti-picnicker, but all my friends are fond of picnics and hiking. Advice me what to do.



I desire to relax after hard working day. What’s your advice?





Cinema – кинотеатр

Open-air theatre – летний театр, театр на открытом воздухе

Cinema with continuous performance – кинотеатры без перерыва

Drive-in-theatre – кинотеатр под открытым небом, кинотеатр для автомобилистов

Film – фильм, пленка, киноискусство

Movie – фильм

Motion picture – фильм

To go to the cinema – идти в кинотеатр

To go to a movie – идти в кинотеатр

To go to the movies – идти в кинотеатр

To go to the pictures – идти в кинотеатр

Normal screen – стандартный экран

Wide screen – широкий экран

Large screen – большой, широкий экран

Broad screen – широкий экран

The first showing – первый показ, премьера

The second showing – второй показ

Entrance – вход

Exit – выход

Showing – показ, впечатление

Performance ends at – показ заканчивается в …

Programme begins at – показ начинается в …

Colour poster – цветной плакат

The box office – касса

To book tickets – резервировать билеты



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