Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Which words collocate with the following vocabulary items?

a) officials, standards, policies;

b) majoritarian, inclusive, diverse;

c) male, female.

5.Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Основной предмет специализации; гуманитарные науки; перекос; интернатура; установка; предубеждение; преимущество; пугать, угрожать; придать более привлекательный облик; снижать планку; привлекать; бросать учебу; зарегистрированный; склоняться; разрыв между мужчинами и женщинами; слишком (чрезмерно); территория университета; статистические показатели; одновременное действие; скромного достатка; принимать вызов, мериться силами.

6. Confirm or refute the following statements:

1.Dominance of women in all the academic spheres of the US higher education system raises concerns.

2.The gendergap can be easily bridged, and, in fact, it’s getting smaller and smaller.

3.Men are genetically more intent on going on to higher education but women are more intelligent, brighter, which accounts for the existent gender imbalance.

4.Men are psychologically different from women: they are overly concerned about financial matters, without thinking of how higher education may contribute to their income.

5.African-Americans demonstrate worse academicperformance than whites for the reasonof their genetic peculiarities.

6.The men-women ratio should be 50-50 at any higher education institution for the latter to function properly.

7.The behaviour of higher-performing women incolleges depends on the level of men’s scholastic achievement, which is natural.

8.To entice male and female applicants the same means of recruiting won’t work at all.

9.The male advantage at Harvard, Yale and Princeton is tremendous.

10.Men adapt easily to a majoritarian female environment. In fact a man fears other men more than women.

11.Women’s institutions are lesser institutions.

12.The decrease in dating possibilities that results from gender imbalance at colleges and grad schools is a surmountable obstacle for women.

8. Answer the questions:

1.Is the student body split evenly between men and women? Can we find under-representation of men in colleges in our country?

2.Why do you think girls do better at school?

3.Is there any income gap between high school graduates and those with advanced degrees? Is it widening?

4.Does under-representation of men pose a challenge for our college admissions officials?

5.Can we find in our colleges easier admissions standards for boys than for girls? Which are those colleges?

6.Can our highest-performing women leave a college when unsatisfied with the gender gap? Where can they go?


Do you know any effective ways to get gender balance?

JK Role play

Advertise our Department of Foreign Languages so as to entice more male applicants.


4 Do the following exercises

Vocabulary self-check

I. Choose the right answer.

1. New students must _____ for classes before term begins.

a) enrol b) enter c) join d) admit

2. This course _____ no previous knowledge of the subject.

a) assembles b) assigns c) assumes d) assures

3. What are you going to do when you _____ school?

a) drop out b) accomplish c) end d) leave

4. Have you _____ for any evening classes next term?

a) engaged b) enrolled c) inscribed d) signed

5. Viola took her _____ at Cambridge University.

a) degree b) grade c) qualification d) standard

6. Your progress will be _____ in three months’ time.

a) counted b) enumerated c) evaluated d) priced

7. The new experimental system of enrolment didn’t ____ our expectations.

a) climb up to b) come up to c) reach d) rise to

8. This school has the highest ____standards in our town.

a) academic b) intelligence c) learning d) study

9. Before joining a course of study you must fill in a long ____ form.

a) enrolment b) induction c) inscription d) personal

10.The Examination Board has recently changed the ___ for the Diploma in History.

a) brochure b) compendium c) programme d) syllabus

11. During their first teacher-training year, the students often visit local schools to ____ lessons.

a) examine b) inspect c) investigate d) observe

12. Mr Wellbred went to a school which ___ good manners and self-discipline.

a) blossomed b) cultivated c) sought d) asserted

13. There was a(n) ___ against the College’s new syllabuses.

a) bang b) outcry c) scream d) whistle

14. The tutorial system at Oxford and Cambridge is the ___ of many universities.

a) envy b) jealousy c) regret d) sorrow

15. Miss Undecided was not sure which profession to enter, but finally ____ for medicine.

a) accepted b) chose c) opted d) selected

16. Comprehensive schools ___ for all levels of ability.

a) cater b) cope c) look d) watch

17. Secondary schools offer a wide ___ of subjects,

a) field b) list c) range d) type

18. If you want to attend a course, you should study the college ___ for full particulars of enrolment.

a) programme b) prospects c) prospectus d) syllabus

19. During a lecture I always try to ___ down the main points that are made.

a) doodle b) jot c) set d) sketch

20. That’s precisely what J mean. You’ve hit the ___ on the head.

a) idea b) nail c) pin d) point

21. A few jokes always ___ up a lecture.

a) inspire b) liven c) loosen d) raise

22. Miss Duffer looked as if she hadn’t a ___ what Prof. Sophisticated was talking about.

a) clue b) guess c) point d) thought

23. The lecturer spoke so fast that I found it hard to take ___ what he was saying.

a) away b) in c) over d) up

24. Prof. Silvertongue was a most effective speaker and his audience seemed to ___ on his every word.

a) catch b) cling c) hang d) hold

25. The teacher ____ out the words he had written on the blackboard.

a) cleaned b) dusted c) rubbed d) scraped

26. The example you have just referred to has no ___ on the matter under discussion.

a) bearing b) connection c) dependence

d) relation

27. I’m afraid my speech may have ___ you as tomy true aims.

a) miscalculated b) misled c) mistaken

d) misinterpreted

28. Billy is a most ___ young man; he can do a lot of different jobs well.

a) responsive b) cunning c) industrious

d) laborious

29. The new student found the informality at school ___ at first.

a) misbehaving b) exacting c) mysterious

d) off-putting

30. We can’t teach him anything because he already knows his subject ___

a) from cover to cover b) from top to toe c) inside out d) upside-down

31. What’s done is done. It’s ___ wondering what would have happened if you had passed the exam.

a) futile b) helpless c) inefficient d) selfless

32. My sister is a most ___ student, never failing to turn up to lectures.

a) insolent b) careful c) conscientious

d) benevolent

33. Some people have the mistaken idea that all students are ___

a) idle b) motionless c) stagnant d) still

34. After the serious talk with his tutor, Hilary ___ himself more conscientiously to his studies.

a) applied b) converted c) engaged d) exerted

35. The class teacher told off disobedient pupils ___

a) hardly b) severely c) stiffly d) strongly

36. The most important ___ that Dr Projector was responsible for was the use of video in teaching.

a) innovation b) introduction c) novelty d) reformation

37. My English teacher ___ me into trying for a place in the English Department at Yale University.

a) cajoled b) encouraged c) insisted

d) proposed

38. Mr Violin has been teaching music for years, even though he hasn’t got any ____

a) examinations b) experience c) experiment d) qualifications

39. Mr Unemployed went to Algeria hoping to find a teaching ___ without too much difficulty.

a) employment b) job c) occupation d) work

40. Dr Scholar uses student volunteers as ___ for his experiments.

a) agents b) cases c) models d) subjects

41. ___ your hand if you want to ask a question in class.

a) Arise b) Lift c) Raise d) Rise

42. Our math teacher applied for a year’s ___ leave to write his Ph. D. dissertation.

a) sabbatical b) recess c) superfluous

d) suspended

43. Remember that exams never start late; they always start ___.

a) ahead of time b) at the last moment c) in time d) on time

44. I’m going to ___ for tomorrow’s exam.

a) go through b) cram c) review d) revise

45. You must tell me the result now. I can’t bear the ___

a) suspenders b) suspending c) suspense

d) suspension

46. As my exam is next month, I’ll take advantage of the week off to ___ on some reading.

a) catch up b) hurry up c) make up d) pick up

47. Eve was happy as she ___ to finish the exam in time.

a) achieved b) managed c) realized d) succeeded

48. I hate ___ formal examinations. I find it difficult to organize my thoughts in a limited space of time.

a) making b) passing c) sitting d) writing

49. Your answers to the examination questions must ___ exactly the instructions given below.

a) accompany b) conform c) follow d) keep

50. Well done! You’ve done an excellent ___

a) job b) task c) trade d) work

51. The examiners often ___ extremely difficult questions for the written exams.

a) create b) make c) set d) write

52.I expect all of you to be here ten minutes before the examination begins, without ___.

a) fail b) failure c) fault d) miss

53.The purpose of this examination was to ___ the students’ knowledge of the subject.

a) inspect b) prove c) test d) try

54. During the test it is always better to make an educated ___ than to leave a blank.

a) attempt b) chance c) endeavour d) guess

55. This kind of question can sometimes be answered only by a process of ___

a) abolition b) elimination c) exception d) subtraction

56. A person who ___ the examination is supposed to see that nobody tries to cheat.

a) dominates b) governs c) leads d) supervises

57. Greg has just taken an exam ___ history.

a) about b) for c) in d) on

58. Miss Intelligent was the ____ student in her class and passed all her exams with high grades.

a) brightest b) shrewdest c) fastest d) highest

59. The school has ___ a system of monthly tests in place of an annual exam.

a) adopted b) agreed c) collected d) taken

60.Failing the final exam was a big ___ to my hopes.

a) bang b) blow c) hit d) kick

61.You shouldn’t talk about him failing. You’ll ___ his confidence.

a) underestimate b) undergo c) undermine

d) assert

62. I’m feeling rather ___ because of the exam I’m doing next week.

a) anxious b) excited c) impartial d) unruly

63. The result of this exam will ___ his future.

a) control b) determine c) govern d) rule

64. No one is so ___ as the person who has no wish to learn.

a) ignorant b) sensible c) considerate d) callous

65. In a multiple-choice exercise it’s sometimes easier to ___ the wrong answers before choosing the right one.

a) eliminate b) exclude c) give d) omit

66. Waiting outside the examination room, I trembled with ___.

a) apprehension b) comprehension c) expectation d) tension

67. His test results are not very ___. He does well one month and badly the next.

a) consequent b) consistent c) continuous

d) invariable

68. I was completely ___ by most of the exam questions, so I must have failed.

a) baffled b) harassed c) bullied d) stupefied

69. Having already graduated from another university, hewas ___ from the entrance examination.

a) deferred b) excluded c) exempted

d) prohibited

70. This exam is supposed to be ____ because the marking is not affected by individual preferences.

a) concrete b) impersonal c) objective d) open-minded

71. Any candidate caught ___ in the examination will be disqualified.

a) cheating b) deceiving c) swindling d) tricking

72. Franek thought that the other students would think he was English, but his accent gave him ___.

a) away b) in c) out d) up

73. Some language students reach a high ___ of competence in communication.

a) degree b) grade c) level d) mark

74. At the language school, each student is assigned to his or her own ___.

a) director b) professor c) staff d) tutor

75. A(n) ___ error which many students make is to leave out the definite article.

a) common b) mere c) ordinary d) plain

76. Mario has now ___ to the point where his English is almost fluent.

a) advanced b) approached c) arrived d) reached

77. Cyril’s understanding of the language is growing ___.

a) by hook or by crook b) by leaps and bounds c) from time to time d) slow but sure

78. It’s fifteen years since Timothy worked in Holland and his Dutch is pretty ___ now.

a) rusty b) scratchy c) sloppy d) stale

79. The Examination Syndicate was most impressed by the overseas student whose English was ___.

a) impeccable b) infallible c) irreproachable d) spotless

80. It is ___ that students will have doubled their vocabulary in three months.

a) anticipated b) foreseen c) hope d) worry

81. Dr Inventive received a ___ from the university in order to continue his research.

a) credit b) grant c) prize d) reward

82. His father paid him ___ while he was at university.

a) alimony b) an allowance c) a pension d) the rates

83. The headmaster had been trying to ____ money for a new science block.

a) ask b) deal c) increase d) raise

84. Prospective students must show that they have sufficient money to cover their course fee and ___.

a) boarding b) maintenance c) supplies d) support

85. If you find it difficult to make ends meet, you can ___ to the university for an additional grant.

a) apply b) ask c) propose d) submit

86. Many teachers are protesting about the Government ____ in education.

a) contractions b) cuts c) drops d) reductions

87. Students sometimes support themselves by ____ of evening jobs.

a) efforts b) means c) methods d) ways

88. The ___ for the course are $150 a term.

a) charges b) costs c) fees d) payments

89. The government will be increasing student ___ to give them more money.

a) aids b) benefits c) grants d) rewards

90. Despite the excellent results in his A level exam he has not won a (n) ___ to the university.

a) aid b) money c) pension d) scholarship


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