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Compoundings on the Delicious sour cream (in kg on 1000 kg of a product without losses)
Table 11.3
Cream normalizes on fat so that the mass fraction of fat in the normalized cream corresponded to the required fat content according to a compounding. If initial cream has more high fat content, than it is required for development of sour cream, normalizes them by addition of whole or skim milk, and also fresh buttermilk. If initial cream has smaller fat content, than it is required, then carries out normalization more heavy cream. The number of the stabilizer, isolate of soy protein, starch and potassium of limonnokisly three-replaced calculated and weighed on a compounding mix with skim milk in a porcelain mortar in the ratio 1: 20 at a temperature (18±5) °C, intensively pound a pestle and leave for dissolution and swelling for 20-30 minutes. Then mix heat at continuous hashing to temperature (45±5) °C before full dissolution of particles of the stabilizer. Dissolution is considered finished if the prepared solution is uniform and on the surface of liquid there are no particles of a dry product. The received suspension is brought in the bulk of the normalized mix. The part of skim milk which has remained on a compounding is warmed up up to the temperature of 40-60 °C, bring cream, solution of the stabilizer, soy protein, starch and potassium of limonnokisly three-replaced mix before receiving uniform suspension. Vegetable fat heat (65±5) °C to temperature and bring in the dairy and vegetable mix which is warmed up up to the temperature of 60-70 °C at continuous hashing. Process of pasteurization of mix carry out at a temperature (86±2) °C with endurance within (6±2) minutes or at a temperature (94±2) °C within (20±5) seconds. Further the pasteurized mix is homogenized at a pasteurization temperature. It is allowed to carry out homogenization of mix at a temperature (65±5) °C to her pasteurization. Homogenization of mix is carried out двухступенчато: pressure at the first step - (14, 0±2, 0) MPas, at the second step - (2, 5±1, 0) MPas. In vitro process of homogenization of mix is carried out when using the household mixer. Dairy and vegetable mix is cooled up to the temperature of zakvashivaniye of 30-32 °C and bring the calculated amount of ferment for sour cream (KMTS-sukh., KMS-sukh.). Mix is carefully mixed within 15-20 minutes. Souring is carried out at a temperature of 30-32 °C to formation of a clot and increase of acidity to (70±10) °Т. Duration of process of souring shouldn't exceed 16 hours. On reaching the required acidity sour cream is mixed within 3-15 minutes before receiving a uniform consistence. Cooling and maturing of a product carry out in the refrigerator at a temperature (4±2) °C no more than 12 hours. The period of storage of sour cream makes 15 days at a temperature (4±2) °C from the moment of the end of technological process. House sour cream The House sour cream is developed from the pasteurized normalized cream, powdered whole milk or the isolated soy protein by souring by the ferment prepared on true cultures of a mesophilic lactic streptococcus. The House sour cream is developed on the compoundings presented in table 11.4. Compoundings on the House sour cream Table 11.4
Cream normalizes on fat so that the mass fraction of fat in the normalized cream corresponded to the required fat content according to a compounding. If initial cream has more high fat content, than it is required for development of sour cream, normalizes them by addition of whole or skim milk, and also fresh buttermilk. If initial cream has smaller fat content, than it is required, then carries out normalization more heavy cream. The soy protein isolated is brought in the cream normalized on a mass fraction of fat temperature (20±2) °C in the ratio 1: 15 and slowly, within 20-40 minutes heated to temperature of 60-65 °C at continuous hashing before receiving uniform suspension. Then mix in other part of cream. Powdered whole milk is dissolved in the cream with the temperature of 40-60 °C normalized on a mass fraction of fat in the ratio 1: 15, left for swelling of proteins for 30-40 minutes and after that add the amount of cream which has remained on a compounding. The normalized mix made on a compounding will pasteurize at a temperature (86±2) °C with endurance of 2-10 minutes. At a temperature of pasteurization carry out homogenization of mix (pressure of 8-12 MPas). Homogenization process is replaced in vitro with processing of mix in the mixer. After cooling of mix up to the temperature of souring (28±2) °C bring the ferment prepared on mesophilic lactic streptococci. Souring of cream is carried out to formation of a clot and achievement of acidity 60-70 °Т. Duration of process of souring shouldn't exceed 10-12 hours. Cooling of sour cream carry out in the refrigerator at a temperature (4±2) °C no more than 12 hours. The period of storage of sour cream makes 7 days at a temperature (4±2) °C. In ready-made products it is necessary to define physical and chemical (titrable acidity, a mass fraction of fat, phosphatase availability) and organoleptic indicators. Registration of results of work By results of the performed work it is necessary to make the report, having included in it the obtained data on a research of physical and chemical and organoleptic indicators of initial raw materials and the developed products, the short description of technologies, methods of a research and technological schemes of production of the Delicious and House sour creams. To draw a conclusion on quality of the developed products on the studied indicators, and also to estimate their compliance to the standard data provided in tables 11.1, 11.2. To present results of work in table 11.5 form.
Results of researches Table 11.5
Control questions 1. List types of the additives applied by production of sour cream. 2. Call the range the enterprises of the dairy industry of sour cream and the sour cream products developed now. 3. Explain how it is possible to receive low-fat sour cream with a dense and dense consistence. 4. Prove the modes of thermal treatment and souring of cream by production of sour cream. 5. What bacterial ferments are used by production of different types of sour cream? 6. Characterize essence of process and the modes of physical maturing of sour cream with fillers. Laboratory work №12 Studying of technological features of production of cottage cheese Work purpose: To examine technological process of production of cottage cheese. To study influence of various factors on intensity of office of serum. Task 1.To study influence of technology factors (abomasal enzyme, chloride calcium and viscous properties of bacterial ferment) on intensity of office of serum from a clot by production of cottage cheese. Task 2.To get acquainted with methods of assessment of physical and chemical indicators of cottage cheese. Short theoretical data Cottage cheese – the proteinaceous fermented milk product developed from the normalized or skim milk by means of performance of the following technological operations. • Acceptance and preparation (cleaning, cooling, reservation) of whole milk. • Heating up to the temperature of 35-400C and separation or normalization of whole milk. • Pasteurization of the normalized mix (temperature 76-800C, endurance 10-20 c) or skim milk (temperature 76-800C, endurance 10-20 c) and cream (temperature 86-900C, endurance 15-20 c). • Cooling of the normalized mix or skim milk up to the temperature of 28-320C. • Zakvashivaniye of the normalized mix or skim milk ferment on the basis of true cultures of mesophilic lactic bacteria (introduction of symbiotic ferment on the basis of cultures of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria is possible) in number of 3-5% of the mass of dairy raw materials with the subsequent introduction of solution of chloride of calcium and medicine of molokosvertyvayushchy enzyme or without introduction of chloride of calcium and abomasal enzyme. • Souring of dairy raw materials with formation of a clot and mechanical or thermomechanical processing of a cottage cheese clot for the purpose of his dehydration and standardization of a ready-made product on a mass fraction of moisture, formation of a consistence of cottage cheese. • Cooling of cottage cheese up to the temperature of 8-120C; at production of cottage cheese from skim milk – normalization of cottage cheese on fat by means of dispensing of the cream (which is previously cooled to 6-100C) or introduction of fillers. • Fasovaniye of cottage cheese in flags, briquettes, polymeric glasses and storage at a temperature not higher than 60C no more than 36 watch from the moment of the end of technological process. Technological ways of production of cottage cheese classify by the following signs. - on a way of normalization: production of cottage cheese from the normalized mix and a separate way; - on a way of folding of milk: acid and abomasal and acid ways; - on a way of dehydration of a clot: dehydration by means of a clot fasovaniye in sacks from the filtering fabric with the subsequent self-pressing, dehydration by means of the punched bathtubs inserts, dehydration on mekhanizirovanno-product lines (Ya9-wholesale line). Considerable content in cottage cheese of full-fledged proteins, and also fat (in separate types of a product) causes its high nutrition and biological value. |
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