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Studying of technological features of production of cottage cheese products

Work purpose: To study technological process of production of cottage cheese products and to develop the Creamy and Juicy cottage cheese. To estimate quality of the received products.


1. To study and master technological features of production of cottage cheese products " Creamy" and " Juicy".

2. To carry out assessment of quality of the initial raw materials used for production of cottage cheese products;

3. To carry out assessment of quality of ready-made products on the basis of physical and chemical and organoleptic indicators.

Short theoretical data

Now on the basis of cottage cheese the big range of dairy products is made:

- curds, curd cakes (including glazed);

- the shaken-up cottage cheese desserts;

- cottage cheese products (creams, cakes, pastes), etc.

At development of cottage cheese products producers apply as the main raw materials as classical or soft dietary cottage cheese with various mass fraction of fat, the quark received by means of separators-tvorogootdeliteley and various milk protein concentrates. The product depending on dairy raw materials is subdivided: on from genuine milk; from the normalized milk; the restored milk; the recombined milk; their mixes.

Cottage cheese products are such products which structure and properties can be operated. Introduction to structure of dairy products of various nutritional supplements and biologically active components is directed generally to regulation of amino-acid, lipidic, carbohydrate, mineral, vitamin structures and, besides, promotes expansion of the range and the flavoring range of cottage cheese products. The filler combination to traditional components promotes receiving combinations with a dietary and treatment-and-prophylactic orientation.

Broad application by production of cottage cheese products is found by various fruit, berries, vegetables, vitamin or mineral premixes, fruit jams, chocolate fillers and a chocolate crumb, pieces of mushrooms, ham, a salmon, food dyes, stabilizers and other components. Besides, flavoring and aromatic fillers, such as sugar, honey, cocoa, candied fruits, nuts, raisin, dried apricots, prunes, table salt, pepper, vanillin, and also dairy - cream, sour cream, yogurts and other ingredients are used.

Application in production of dessert cottage cheese products of different types of raw materials allows to reduce considerably prime cost of products, to save the main raw materials, to make the competitive and demanded in the market product. Among the existing range of the products developed on the basis of cottage cheese, special relevance and the importance are gained by low-fat cottage cheese products with addition of different types of fillers or without those.

All cottage cheese products, as well as products cottage cheese and vegetable or vegetable and cottage cheese, have to meet the following requirements for organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators.

Taste and smell have to be pure, sour-milk, with the expressed taste and aroma of the added flavoring and aromatic fillers. Color of cottage cheese products has to be milky-white with a cream shade, uniform on all weight, or have the shade caused in color of the entered ingredients. The consistence has to be uniform, soft, gentle, moderately dense on all weight corresponding to each type of a product, with existence or without existence of the visible and notable particles of the entered additive which are evenly distributed on all volume of a product.

Technological process of production of traditional cottage cheese products aboutproduct, with existence or without existence of the visible and notable particles of the entered additive which are evenly distributed on all volume of a product.

Technological process of production of traditional cottage cheese products is carried out in the given sequence:

- acceptance, assessment of quality and preparation of raw materials;

- preparation of a batch;

- cooling;

- fasovaniye;

- packing and marking;

- a dookhlazhdeniye of the packed product;

- storage.

Equipment, devices and technical means:

the cottage cheese fat-free - 0, 8 kg; cottage cheese 9% - 0, 084 kg; the milk fat-free with a mass fraction of fat of 0, 05% - 0, 1 kg; cream with a mass fraction of fat of 34% - 0, 05 kg; oil cow sweet cream - 0, 1 kg; granulated sugar - 0, 1 kg; the stabilizer - 0, 02 kg; fragrance - 0, 0001 kg; dye - 0, 0002 kg; starch - 0, 0044 kg; raisin - 0, 05 kg; glaze chocolate - 0, 03 kg; vanillin - 0, 4 g; jam, jam, jam fruit and berry - 0, 07 kg; vitamin premix - 0, 0005 kg; prunes - 0, 012 kg; dried apricots - 0, 012 kg; herbs garden - 0, 003 kg; pepper - 0, 003 kg; garlic - 0, 0001 kg.

Prepare the devices, a laboratory glassware, reactants used for definition in milk and dairy products for carrying out work:

- organoleptic indicators of raw materials;

- titrable acidity according to GOST 3624-92;

- a mass fraction of fat according to GOST 5867-90;

- a mass fraction of moisture and solids according to GOST 3626-73;

- availability of phosphatase according to GOST 3623-73;

- organoleptic assessment of products according to standard documentation.

Work performance order

Originally it is necessary to study technological instructions on the developed products and to make recalculation of compoundings. Further assessment of quality of initial raw materials is carried out. In cottage cheese it is necessary to define: mass fraction of fat and moisture, titrable acidity, organoleptic indicators. In cream and the skim milk used for normalization to define: mass fraction of fat, titrable acidity, touch indicators. On the basis of the received results of the analysis to give a quality assessment to raw materials.

Creamy cottage cheese

The Creamy cottage cheese is developed according to the compoundings given in table 13.1.


Compoundings on the Creamy cottage cheese (in kg on 1000 kg of a product without losses) Table 13.1


Name of raw materials Consumption rate of raw materials for cottage cheese product, kg
cottage cheese creamy 10% of fat content cottage cheese creamy vitaminized 10% of fat content
The cottage cheese fat-free 780, 00 779, 25
Cream with a mass fraction of fat of 34% 75, 00 75, 00
Granulated sugar 33, 00 33, 00
Stabilizer 17, 00 17, 00
Jam 100, 00 100, 00
Vitamin premix - 0, 75
Total: 1000, 00 1000, 00


The raw materials provided by compoundings on the Creamy cottage cheese should be prepared for production, to weigh and start preparation of a batch. The cream used at development of a product normalizes previously whole, skim milk or more heavy cream to the required content of fat (34%), applying the known formulas of material balance. Then the normalized cream will pasteurize at a temperature (90±2) °C without endurance and cools up to 8 °C. Before introduction to mix granulated sugar sift through a sieve with grids 0, 9-1, 4 mm for removal of possible foreign inclusions and mix with the stabilizer and vitamin premix (at development of the vitaminized cottage cheese). The amount of skim cheese, necessary on compounding, and cream is transferred to a porcelain mortar and pounded a pestle to a uniform consistence within 3-5 minutes. Further, according to a compounding, bring dry components and carefully knead mix within 10-15 minutes with a cottage cheese basis.

After hashing define рН mixes. Value рН for sweet cottage cheese products - 4, 3. In case of need the required value рН is led up addition of 50% solution of lemon acid. Then carry out heat treatment (termization) of mix at a temperature (65±2) °C without endurance. Process of thermal treatment in vitro should be carried out in the thermostat or a sterilizer. Jam fruit and berry bring in a cottage cheese basis according to a compounding at a temperature (65±2) °C and mix within 3-5 minutes to a uniform consistence. Cooling up to the temperature of storage of a product (4±2) °C is made in the refrigerator within 3-4 hours.

The product expiration date at a temperature (4±2) °C from the moment of the end of technological process makes no more than 30 days.

Juicy cottage cheese

The Juicy cottage cheese is developed according to the compoundings given in table 13.2.


Compoundings on the Juicy cottage cheese (in kg on 1000 kg of a product without lossesTable 13.2

Name of raw materials Consumption rate of raw materials for a cottage cheese product, kg
cottage cheese with greens 5% of fat content cottage cheese with greens and garlic 5% of fat content cottage cheese with greens and pepper 5% of fat content
The cottage cheese fat-free 916, 4 915, 9 915, 9
Butter with a mass fraction of fat of 82, 5% 60, 6 60, 6 60, 6
Stabilizer 8, 0 8, 0 8, 0
Herbs garden 15, 0 15, 0 0, 5
Garlic - 0, 5 -
Pepper - - 15, 0
Total: 1000, 0 1000, 0 1000, 0


The raw materials provided by compoundings on the Juicy cottage cheese need to be prepared for production, to weigh and start preparation of a batch.

The fresh greens used at development of a cottage cheese product are washed out flowing water temperature (20±2) °C and small crushed by means of the cutting tools. Dried greens are previously made water with the temperature of 50-60 °C and left for 10-15 minutes, then wrung out through a gauze or a mylar napkin. Garlic is peeled of a peel and crush the quantity demanded on a compounding by means of the cutting tools on cubes with sizes of sides of 2'2 mm. Amount of skim cheese, necessary on a compounding, butter and the stabilizer transfer to a porcelain mortar and carefully knead within 10-15 minutes to a uniform consistence. Further, according to a compounding, mix the prepared components with a cottage cheese basis.

After introduction of each ingredient mix is carefully pounded a pestle before uniform distribution of particles. Upon termination of hashing define рН mixes. Value рН for cottage cheese products - 4, 4. In case of need the required value рН is led up addition of 50% solution of lemon acid.

Then carry out heat treatment (termization) of mix at a temperature (65±2) °C without endurance. Process of thermal treatment in vitro should be carried out in the thermostat or a sterilizer. Cooling up to the temperature of storage of a product (4±2) °C is made in the refrigerator within 3-4 hours. The product expiration date at a temperature (4±2) °C from the moment of the end of technological process makes no more than 15 days.


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