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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Find key sentences in each paragraph.

Match the title with the passage.

Discovery of penicillin  
General features of fungi  
Importance of fungi for biological research  
Name and classification  
Worldwide distribution  



Pair work. Ask and answer 6 questions to Text 1.

Read the texts using your dictionary.

Retell one of the texts.

Text 2


Yeasts are any of certain economically important single-celled fungi, most of which are in the class Ascomycetes, only a few being Basidiomycetes. Yeasts are found worldwide in soils and on plant surfaces and are especially abundant in sugary mediums such as flower nectar and fruits. There are hundreds of varieties of ascomycetan yeasts; the types commonly used in the production of bread, beer, and wine are selected strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Yeasts reproduce asexually by budding: a small bump protrudes from a parent cell, enlarges, matures, and detaches. A few yeasts reproduce by fission, the parent cell dividing into two equal cells. Some yeasts are dangerous pathogens of humans and other animals (e.g. Candida albicans, Histoplasma, Blastomyces).

In food manufacture, yeast is used to cause fermentation and leavening. The fungi feed on sugars, producing alcohol (ethanol) and carbon dioxide; in beer and wine manufacture the former is the desired product, in baking, the latter. In sparkling wines and beer some of the carbon dioxide is retained in the finished beverage. The alcohol produced in bread making is driven off when the dough is baked. The fermentation of wine is initiated by naturally occurring yeasts present in the vineyards.

Yeast is 50 percent protein and is a rich source of vitamins B1, B2, niacin, and folic acid. Brewer's yeast is sometimes eaten as a vitamin supplement.

In commercial production, selected strains of yeast are fed a solution of molasses, mineral salts, and ammonia. When growth ceases, the yeast is separated from the nutrient solution, washed, and packaged. Yeast for baking is sold in compressed cakes containing starch or in a dry granular form mixed with cornmeal.


Text 3

Bat death mystery solved

Bats are getting moldy and dying, and scientists have identified the culprit in the deadly mystery.

The killer is a member of a group of fungi called Geomyces. This white, powdery-looking fungus coats the muzzles, ears and wings of bats and has meant death for more than 100, 000 of the night flyers in the northeastern United States.

Bats covered with the fungus, a sickness now called white-nose syndrome, were first spotted in Howes Cave near Albany, N.Y., during the winter of 2006. At that time, field biologists reported caves that were typically covered with hibernating bats had loads of vacancies, which the scientists assume is because the bats either died or were flitting around in search of food. In one case, a cave floor was littered with dead bats.

Since then, scientists have estimated drastic declines in populations of cave-hibernating bats in Connecticut, Maine, New York and Vermont. In some caves, more than 75 percent of the bats have perished.

Fungi in general do best in moist environments, and so it's no surprise that the researchers found more infected bats in the most humid caves. In addition, this particular fungus can survive at temperatures between 2 degrees to 15 degrees Celsius, which are typical in caves.

The bats also lower their core body temperatures to match that of the caves, making their bodies perfect hideouts for the fungi. But bats have done this for millions of years. They have hibernated in these same caves using the same physiological mechanism, dropping their heart rates down, not eating, dropping their core body temperature down, and they didn't use to get moldy.

Why now? The bats may have ingested some environmental contaminant that is causing them to starve, or pesticides may have wiped out their food source, keeping the bats from fattening up before entering caves for hibernation. Their emaciated bodies would then be susceptible to invasion by the fungus.


The text for translation into English.

Text 4

Питательные свойства грибов

Ценность грибов как пищевого продукта связана со своеобразием их химического состава. В частности, основная часть углеводов содержится в них в форме гликогена - животного крахмала, подобного тому, который откладывается в печени животных. Данные химического состава грибов показывают, что они содержат все необходимые организму человека вещества (белки, жиры, углеводы, минеральные соли, витамины), имеют низкую калорийность, однако даже в небольшом количестве вызывают чувство сытости. В состав грибов входят азотистые вещества, в том числе белковые соединения. Азотистых веществ в них больше, чем в мясе, яйцах, горохе, ржи. Одни виды грибов богаче белками, другие несколько беднее. Белковые вещества в грибах распределены неравномерно. В шляпках их больше, чем в ножках.

Грибы являются настоящей кладовой полезных веществ, поэтому вегетарианские рецепты блюд с грибами заслуживают особого внимания. Количество белков в свежих грибах достигает 2–5%, а в сушеных – 16–25%. По содержанию белка и составу аминокислот грибы ближе к ценным овощам, чем к мясу. В телах грибов обнаружено 18 аминокислот, восемь из которых являются незаменимыми, так как не могут образовываться в человеческом организме и поступают только с пищей. Ценные вкусовые и питательные свойства съедобных грибов объясняются составом их плодовых тел. В грибных клетках и тканях содержится много воды - 80-90%. Сухое же вещество представлено преимущественно белками. Этим-то и оправдывается распространенное название грибов " лесное мясо". Это ставит грибы в ряд особенно важных продуктов питания. Опорной частью грибных тканей является грибная клетчатка, которая содержит сложный белок фунгин, или мицетин, - вещество, идентичное хитину, из которого состоят надкрылья жуков, панцирь ракообразных.


Speaking and writing

15.Make a report about any fungus you find interesting and unusual. Write a plan first and do not forget to mention the fungus`s



feeding habits

way of reproduction.


Choose any of the following ideas (or propose your own), find information and write an essay (150-250 words).

Fungi: Humans` best friends.

Fungi: Our enemy.

Mushrooms as a part of our menu.

Extraordinary features of fungi.




Unit 11

Тема урока: Ideas about evolution текст 1Ideas about evolution текст 2Erasmus Darwin текст 3 Alfred Russel Wallace текст 4Чарльз Дарвин



1. put forward phr v. to suggest a plan, proposal etc, for other people to consider or discuss, to propose
2. arrange v. put things in a neat, attractive, or required order
3. according to   prep. in a way that agrees with a system or plan, or obeys a set of rules
4. increase   v. to become or make greater in size, amount, or degree
5. origin   n. the point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived
6. propose v. to suggest something as a plan or course of action
7. point out phr. v. to tell someone where something is or to stress something important
8. suggest v. to tell someone about someone or something that is suitable for a particular job or activity, to think
9. habitat   n. the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism
10. acquire v. to obtain or get something or being given it
11. crust   n. the outermost layer of rock of which a planet consists, especially the part of the earth above the mantle
12. wipe out phr. v. to destroy, remove, or get rid of something completely
13. breed   v. to keep animals or plants in order to produce babies or new plants, especially ones with particular qualities
14. assume v. to think that something is true, although you do not have definite proof
15. clinch v. to finally agree on something or get something after trying very hard
16. emerge v. to move out of or away from something and become visible
17. complexity n. the state of being complicated
18. due to prep. because of something
19. pronounced adj. very great or noticeable


Working with words

Word building.

noun verb adjective
  to believe  
  to shape  



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